mathematics有数学,〈诗〉同“ripen”,算学的意思。那你们想知道mathematics的用法 吗?今天小编给大家带来了mathematics的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。
n. 数学,〈诗〉同“ripen”,算学
变形:形容词:mathematical; 副词:mathematically;
mathematics单复数同形,但指作为一个科学分支“数学”或作为一个学科的“数学”时,句中谓语动词要用单数形式; 如果是用来指这门学科中的具体内容或数学实践能力时,如“数学能力”“数学成绩”“数学应用”“计算能力”“运算结果”等,则动词要用复数形式。
Mathematics is her favorite subject.数学是她喜欢的科目。
He has a great faculty for mathematics.他具有很强的学数学的才能。
1、The degree provides a thorough grounding in both mathematics and statistics.
2、One in five young adults was struggling with everyday mathematics.
3、We had a very good mathematics mistress who pulled me up.
mathematics词组 | 习惯用语
fuzzy mathematics 模糊数学
applied mathematics 应用数学
higher mathematics 高等数学
advanced mathematics 高等数学
discrete mathematics 离散数学
department of mathematics 数学系
pure mathematics n. 纯数学
computational mathematics 计算数学
engineering mathematics [计]工程数学
economic mathematics 经济数学
combinatorial mathematics 组合数学
1.That student has an aptitude for mathematics.那个学生有数学方面的天赋。
2.He is hot in mathematics and chemistry.他数学和化学极好。
3.Mathematics is the science of pure quantity.数学是纯粹研究数量的科学。
4.He has a profound knowledge of mathematics.他数学知识渊博。
5.The boy shows remarkable ability at mathematics.这男孩显示出非凡的数学才能。
6.His knowledge of mathematics is superficial and scanty.他的数学知识浅显、贫乏。
7.What phase of mathematics are you studying now?你在学习哪一方面的数学?
8.Unsuccessful in mathematics, the student turned to biology.在数学上一无所成,这个学生转而从事生物学的研究
9.I’ll help you with your mathematics if you’re stuck.你要是在数学方面遇到困难, 我会来帮助你的。
10.Even as a child he showed an unusual aptitude for mathematics.甚至孩童时他就显露出非同一般的数学才能
11.Good mathematics teachers are always at a premium in this country.在这个国家优秀的数学教师总是很缺乏。
12.It’s ironic that the weakest student in mathematics was elected class treasurer.数学最差的学生竟被选为班级财务干事,这真是具有讽刺意味。
13.The Babylonian system of mathematics was sexagesimal, or a base 60 numeral system.巴比伦的数学体系是六十进制,是以60为基础的系统。
14.I conquered my dislike for mathematics.我克服了讨厌数学的毛病。
15.She examined the pupils in mathematics.她考查了学生们的数学知识。
16.He grounded himself thoroughly in mathematics.他在数学方面接受过全面的基础训练。
17.Mathematics and physics are related disciplines.数学和物理是相关学科。
18.She is a natural at mathematics.她有数学天赋
19.In chapter two, how Russell proved his topic of mathematics logicism is introduced in detail.第二章详细介绍了罗素对其数学逻辑主义论题的证明。
20.He flunked mathematics.他数学没有考及格。
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