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food 篇1

  Lesson 1   (两个课时)

  活动目标:1、学习单词 chocolate , ice cream, eggs ,pizza , milk , vegetable , bread, dumpling , shrimp , peanut butter , potato chip. (选择性)


  活动准备: 食物图片(由学生现场画)。 录音机一台,磁带一盒。

  活动过程 :1、请幼儿把自己最喜欢吃的食物画出来,画得又快又好的同学作品展出,并导入  课题。


  (1)           出示学生画的食物的图片,教师示范读音,幼儿跟读。

  (2)           教师出示图片,幼儿认读。教师纠音。

  (3)           教师读出单词,幼儿找出图片。



  Lesson 1  

  活动目标:1、学习单词 chocolate ,vegetable , bread, hot-dog, noodles.

  2、初步理解“Do you like……”的含义,会做出肯定或否定回答。


  活动准备: 食物图片 。 录音机一台,磁带一盒。

  活动过程 :1、谈话导入  。请幼儿说说自己喜欢吃什么食物。



  (1)           教师讲解句型,示范读音,幼儿跟读。

  (2)           播放录音磁带,幼儿模仿跟读。


  4、游戏:yes or no.

  把学生分成三组,根据教师出示的食物图片,一组幼儿问:Do you like……  喜欢吃的幼儿站到yes 的那一边,大声说: yes , I do. 不喜欢吃的幼儿站到 No 的那一组,并大声说:No , I don’t.

  Lesson 1   (两个课时)

  活动目标:1、学习单词 chocolate , ice cream, eggs ,pizza , milk , vegetable , bread, dumpling , shrimp , peanut butter , potato chip. (选择性)


  活动准备: 食物图片(由学生现场画)。 录音机一台,磁带一盒。

  活动过程 :1、请幼儿把自己最喜欢吃的食物画出来,画得又快又好的同学作品展出,并导入  课题。


  (1)           出示学生画的食物的图片,教师示范读音,幼儿跟读。

  (2)           教师出示图片,幼儿认读。教师纠音。

  (3)           教师读出单词,幼儿找出图片。




  大班  Lesson 1  

  活动目标:1、学习单词 chocolate ,vegetable , bread, hot-dog, noodles.

  2、初步理解“Do you like……”的含义,会做出肯定或否定回答。


  活动准备: 食物图片 。 录音机一台,磁带一盒。

  活动过程 :1、谈话导入  。请幼儿说说自己喜欢吃什么食物。



  (1)           教师讲解句型,示范读音,幼儿跟读。

  (2)           播放录音磁带,幼儿模仿跟读。


  4、游戏:yes or no.

  把学生分成三组,根据教师出示的食物图片,一组幼儿问:Do you like……  喜欢吃的幼儿站到yes 的那一边,大声说: yes , I do. 不喜欢吃的幼儿站到 No 的那一组,并大声说:No , I don’t.

food 篇2

  一、Teaching aims and demands:

  1、能听说认读cake, hamburger, hot dog, chicken, French fries, bread等6个有关食品的单词,并能在日常生活中运用。

  2、能运用What do you like? I like…谈论自己喜欢的食物。


  二、Key points:


  2、  运用What do you like? I like…谈论自己喜欢的食物。

  三、Difficult points:

  1、单词hamburger, bread, French fries发音学生较难把握,需要反复练习。


  Eat the…  Show me the… Cut the… Smell the…

  四、Teaching tools:

  教师准备:Flashcards  a hamburger/hot dog/cake 

  some bread/chicken/French fries  a plate  a knife and a fork


  五、Teaching procedure:

  Step 1   Warming Up

  1.  Class begins. Greetings.

  Introduce myself to the Ss: Hi, boys and girls. My English name is Sally. You can call me Sally, OK?

  What’s your name, please? Hello, …! Nice to meet you! Let’s be friends, OK?

  (可以互相击掌以示友好)Good! I have one friend/two friends…

  2.  T: Wow, I have so many friends today. I am very happy. Are you happy? Let’s do, OK?

  Listen! I say: Touch your nose. You do it like this. OK? Are you ready?

  T: Touch your nose/face/eye. Clap your hands. Stamp your foot. Shake your body.

  Act like a cat/dog/duck/Monkey. Walk like an elephant. Jump like a rabbit. Fly like a bird.

  Step 2   Presentation

  1. Present:

  T: Boys and girls! Oh, it’s 10 o’clock now. I’m very hungry. Are you hungry?(Ss: Me too.) Look! I have so much here. (出示所带的食物)Today we’ll learn to say the names of the .

  2. Teach the word chicken like this:

  (1)T shows the word chicken and asks: What’s this?

  (2) Practise the word chicken one by one.

  (3) T: Look at the chicken. I like chicken. Do you like chicken? Get the Ss to say: I like chicken.

  (smell the chicken) Chicken, chicken, chicken, smell the chicken.

  3. Teach:  French fries

  (1) 做一个游戏以巩固发音较难的单词French fries

  T: Hi, boys and girls! Let’s play a game! Listen! Sally将请一位学生上前来背对其他学生。




  (2)Show me/Smell/Eat the French fries. (让学生尝一尝,并教学单词yummy.)  Is it yummy? Yes, it’s yummy. I like French fries.

  4. Using the same method to teach:

  (1)hamburger—Show me/Smell the hamburger  I like hamburger.

  (2)bread---Cut the bread  T: I like bread. Let’s eat the bread. Look! I have a knife. Let’s cut the bread. Here you are. Eat the bread.

  (3)hot dog—Eat the hot dog  I like hot dog.

  (4)cake—Show me/ Smell/Eat the cake.   I like cake.

  5. Read the 6 words : First together and then ask some students to read the words.

  6. Play a guessing game. What’s missing? (每次偷偷拿一张在手心里,然后多叫些学生猜,公布答案之后奖励猜对的学生)

  7. Let’s do:  Show me the…  Smell the…  Cut the…  Eat the…

  Step 3   Let’s learn

  1. Books open! T: What can you see in the picture?

  2. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and read.

  3. Ask some students to read them out.

  Step 5   Let’s talk

  1. Get the Ss to say the they like.

  (1)T: Look at the here. Listen! I like cakes. It’s yummy. I like cakes.

  What do you like? Get some students to answer: I like…

  Chant: What, what, what do you like? Chicken, chicken, I like chicken…

  2. Play a chain game.

  3. Get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs: What do you like?

  4.出示下表,并问个别学生: What do you like? 然后填下表。






  hog dog




  French fries




  Step 6  Let’s sing and do

  1. T: Wow! You are super! I am very happy. Let’s sing the song---If you are happy!

  If you are happy, clap your hands/stamp your feet/shout hooray. OK?

  2. Then the teacher sing the song and do some actions. Get the Ss to following the teacher’s actions.


  1. P51 Listen and read 6 times. Act Let’s do.

  2. Teach your parents the word about and drink.

  七、board work plan:


  What do you like?


  I  like  bread(图)

  French fries(图)


  hot dogs(图)


  本节课的内容来自PEP第一册第五单元的第二课时,主要学习六个单词chicken/hamburger/hot dog/ bread/cake/French fries及句型What do you like? I like…  在备课的时候,通过分析了学生的实际情况,我对教材进行了处理,将Let’s do 的内容进行了取舍,如Make the cake/Pass me the French fries 学生较难理解,这两个TPR动作就被删除了。在日常教学中,创造性的使用教材对于教师来说也是很有必要的。教师应该不受教材的限制,要让教材为我所用,要根据学生的实际情况确定教学内容。

  小学英语课程教学基本要求指出:根据小学生学习的特点,小学英语教学要创建活动课为主的教学模式,教师要充分利用教学资源,采用听、做、说、唱、玩、演的方式,鼓励学生积极参与,大胆表达。我在备课过程中充分考虑到了这一理念,设计了一系列的活动巩固所学的内容。在热身环节我运用TPR教学,让学生在听听做做的活动中复习以前学过的内容,激发学生的学习热情。在单词教学中,为了创设较为真实的情境,并且吸引学生的注意力,让学生在一开始就对本节课的学习感兴趣,我首先出示了一部分食物。然后在教学的过程中,我采用单词教学和TPR及游戏结合的方法,从而加深学生对这些词的印象,让学生在说说做做、玩玩乐乐中学习语言。bread, French fries, hamburger是单词教学的难点,为了突破这一难点,我设计了一个找单词图片的游戏,我的学生是非常喜欢这个游戏的,在平时教学中遇到较难掌握的单词时通常都要玩这个游戏,可以说这个游戏既能帮我们突破难点,又可以培养学生的兴趣。由于农村孩子比较腼腆,羞于开口表达,我运用多种手段激发他们的表达欲望,如食物奖励,语言激励,等等,学生由刚开始的不想说到后来的争着抢着说,在语言表达方面,他们已经迈出了可喜的第一步。我想在以后的学习中,要是教师难善于保护他们的积极性,多为他们创造表现的机会,他们的进步会更快。

  我们都知道,单词教学应该与句型教学结合,所以我增加了学习句型What do you like? I like…谈论学生喜欢的食物。在教学中,我通过自编绕口令让学生在轻松明快的节奏中巩固所学语言,这比枯燥的跟读更能激发学生的学习欲望。然后进行开火车、两人问答操练。结合此内容我还设计了一个采访表,让学生在完成采访任务的过程中巩固所学语言,体验到了学习语言的乐趣,突出了培养学生用英语做事情和用英语进行交流的能力,体现了交际语言教学的思想。总之,教师在教学中要让学生感受到“Learning English is fun!

food 篇3

  一、 教学重点

  1.       准确理解Read and write中对话的意思。

  2.掌握句子What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes,tofu and fish.的书写。


  理解句子That sounds good.的含义。


  1.       教师自己设计的一张School Menu。

  2.  教师准备教学过程 中所需要的Read and Write部分图片、声音、课件,以及相关媒体的播放设备,如录音机、投影仪、幻灯片等。

  3.  为每个学生准备以下表格复印纸





  1.       Warm –up  (热身)

  Let’s sing

  (1) 教师播放Let’s sing部分录音,让学生欣赏歌曲。

  (2) 让学生说说听到的内容,教师适当补充解释。

  (3) 学生跟录音唱歌曲,复习巩固A部分内容。


  教师提问:(1)What do you like for lunch/breakfast/dinner?  (巩固A部分单词和句型)

  (2)  What day is today?

  (3)       I like Sunday and Saturday.  What about you?  (复习星期名称单词)

  (4)  What do we have on …? (复习on加星期名称单词的介词词组)

  2.       Presentation  (新课呈现)


  (1) 教师提问:What do you have for lunch on Mondays?引导学生理解意思后用I have…或We have …回答。

  (2) 变化星期名称提问:What do you have for lunch on...?学生回答。

  (3) 进一步扩展范围:What do you have for… on…?引导学生在理解的基础上回答。

  Read and write

  (1) 播放Read and write的动画或录像,学生观看,整体理解对话内容。

  (2) 教师指画面提问:(可根据学生理解能力适时重复播放句子)

  Ø         This is Amy. What does Amy have for lunch on Mondays? (学生只要说出tomatoes, tofu and fish就可以了。)

  Ø         What would she like for dinner?(学生回答:potatoes and green beans)

  Ø         (指桌上的纸)What is this? (单词menu在新知呈现中已学过,再次强调它的发音和意思。)

  Ø         Is she hungry? Is Mew Mew hungry,too?

  (3) 教师说: Here is the school menu. That sounds good.学生重复句子。

  (4) 学生独立阅读对话,然后完成Finish the sentences部分,教师巡视,做一些有针对性的辅导。

  (5) 学生跟录音朗读对话。



  (1) 教师出示自制菜谱,如下: MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayBreakfastHamburgerHot dogMilk and eggSandwichBreadlunchTomatoes and beef

  Chicken and green beans

  Mutton and carrots

  Eggplant and porkFish and cabbagedinner

  Potatoes and cucumbersnoodles

  Beef and onions

  Tomatoes and eggs


  (2) 教师说:Here is our school menu. That sounds good.  教单词:menu 。 借助手势和表情让学生理解That sounds good.的意思,并重复句子。

  (3) 提问:What do you have for… on…?先帮学生在表格中找答案,再引导他们用We have …回答问题。

  (4) 学生分组看表格进行问答:

  A:What do you have for…on…?

  B:We have …

  3.Let’s play  (趣味操练)

  Group work

  (1) 将准备好的表格发给学生,要求每个学生采访三名同学周六和周日的午餐,并在表格中记录:What do you have for lunch on Saturdays/Sundays?




  Ø         have what do on Mondays you for lunch

  Ø         tofu have and we tomatoes fish

  Ø         would like what you dinner for

  Ø         like I’d and beef patatoes




  (1)完成活动手册P19 的练习。



  What do you have for lunch on Mondays?

  We have tomatoes,tofu and fish.


  Read and write部分要求学生在理解对话的基础上,掌握句子What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes,tofu and fish.的书写。教师可以先通过歌曲和口语问答复习A部分重点句型以及有关星期名称的单词,再引导学生联系实际充分操练句型What do you have for … on …? We/I have …,并在Group work的活动中进一步巩固。处理Read and write的对话时,应先帮助学生理解对话内容,再完成Finish the sentences,最后教师可设计一些活动让学生巩固重点句子的书写。






  活动过程 :

  1、 请学生进一步阅读P26谜语,引导学生说说谜语中为谜底提供了那几方面的资料(味道、颜色、种类、第一个字母)。启发学生在编谜语时,还可以从食物的形状、大小,谁喜欢吃等角度来表达。

  2、 学生分组来编谜语,教师巡视,及时解决学生在单词拼写或语句表达方面的问题。

  3、 小组交换猜谜,看哪个小组能正确完成谜底的拼写。

food 篇4

  Lesson 75教学设计示例(一)



  2.句型:How may… can you see?







  T:What can you see in the picture? (规定站起来的学生只说出一样东西。)

  S:I can see some…

  T:How many… can you see? (教师解释生词。)

  S:I can see…

  学生两人一组,依照上述方法进行问答练习。请几组同学表演自己的答案。教师穿插问几个图上没有的问题,例如:How many bags can you see(bikes, cars etc.)?指导学生答出:I can't see any.





  1.How many…?

  由 How many…开头的特殊疑问句,后面要加上相应名词的复数形式。例如:

  1) How many cakes can you see? 你能看到多少块蛋糕?

  2) How many bananas are there on the table? 桌子上有多少香蕉?


  How many glasses of water can you see on the table? 在桌子上你能看到多少杯水?



  1) I'd like some apples, please. 我想要些苹果。

  2) A:Can you see any pears on the table? 在桌子上你能看到梨吗?

  B:No, I can't see any. 不,看不到。


  Would you like some oranges? 你想要点桔子吗?


  Lesson 75

  How may… can you see?


  No, I can't see any.

  Lesson 75教学设计示例(二)

  ● 教学目标 :

  1.复习和进一步使用上节课所学的句型 What would he / she like for supper?  Would he like …? What about him / her ?。


  3.学会使用“How many的句型”,询问数量。

  ● 教学用具:


  ● 教学步骤 :

  Step 1  Revision

  1.Duty Report

  2.同学们向值日生提问。What would you like for breakfast / lunch / supper? What did you have for breakfast this morning? What did you have for lunch / supper yesterday? What will you have for lunch / supper today?



  Step 2  Presentation

  设计两人对话。两人互相询问一天三顿饭主要吃些什么。主要句型:What would you like for breakfast / lunch / supper?  Would you like fruit after lunch / supper? How many bottles do you drink a day? 等等。填好表格。由两人小组中的一个向全班叙述你partner的饮食习惯。并根据他的饮食习惯给他一些建议。如:你的partner如果太胖,你可建议他多吃水果, 少吃肉、鱼,多锻炼身体等。如你的partner总喜欢吃肉,你要建议他多吃蔬菜。可练习句型:You should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat and fish. You’d better take more exercise every day. Why not run every day?

  Step 3  Look, ask and answer

  看图2提问。练习句型 How many …. Can you see in the picture?I can see….. How many … are there in the picture? There are / is….

  Step 4  practice


  Step 5  Exercises



  A: Can I 1)______ you?

  B: I want some bottles of orange 2)_______.

  A: 3)______ many 4)________ do you want?

  B: Two.

  A: What about something to 5)______?

  B: I’d like some 6)______ of bread.    

  A: OK. Here you are.


  A: What would you like 1)________ supper?

  B: Rice and fish.

  A: What would you like to 2)_______ after supper?

  B: Tea.

  A: How many 3)________ of tea do you drink?

  S: Three cups. 


  A: 1) Help 2) juice 3) How 4) bottles 5) eat 6) pieces

  B: 1) for 2) drink 3) cups

  Blackboard Handwriting

  Lesson 75

  What would you like for breakfast / lunch / supper? I would like bread and eggs.

  How many bottles of milk can you see in picture? I can see…

  How many cups of tea are there in the picture? There are ….

  Lesson 75教学设计示例(三)

  ● Teaching aims:


  peach, pear, piece, a piece of


  How many bananas ( pieces of bread) can you see in the picture?

  I can see three. (I can’t see any. )

  How many glasses of milk are there in the picture?

  There is/are… (There aren’t any. )

  3.复习巩固Would like的用法。

  ● Key points:



  ● Difficult points:

  How many +可数名词复数+ can you see in the picture及其答句。

  How man +可数名词复数+ are there in the picture?及其答句。

  ● Teaching methods:

  1.本课的第一部分是继续学习和巩固上一课的句型,可以通过学生之间的问答完成图表。更换对话搭档,引出句子:What would your friend like for supper?


  ● Teaching aids:


  也可利用挂图或展示动画《How Many .swf》。

  ● Teaching procedures:

  Step 1  Revision

  1.检查上一课的口头作业 ,学生自由组合,表演对话。



  (1) What would you like for breakfast?

  I’d like a glass of milk and an egg.

  (2) Would you like something to drink.

  Yes, I d like a bottle of orange juice.

  Step 2 Practice

  1.让学生首先两人一组练习句型What would you like for breakfast/lunch/supper?

  2.然后更换搭档,A问C:What would your friend like for breakfast/lunch/supper?


  Step3 Presentation

  1.教师拿出实物分别摆放在讲桌上,或者展示动画《How Many .swf》。要让学生看清楚实物类别和数量。教师和一学生表演对话。

  T: What can you see on the table?

  S: I can see some bread.

  T: How many bread can you see?

  S: Let me see. Oh, I can see six pieces of bread.


  T: How many books can you see?

  S: We can’t see any.


  T: How many glasses of water are there?

  S: There are three.

  T: How many birds are there?

  S: There aren’t any.

  Step 4 Practice


  T: How many bottles of apple juice can you see?

  S1: I can see four. How many apples can you see?

  S2: I can see Five. How many fish are there?

  S3: There are four. How many…?

  2.就讲桌上没有的物品对学生进行提问,注意用否定形式回答:I can’t see any./ There aren’t any.

  Step 5 Game

  1.自制投影片或卡片:用笔画出篮子和苹果,杯子和茶,玻璃杯和水,橡皮,文具盒等来练习How many…句型。



  T: How many baskets of apples can you see?

  S1: I can see two.

  T: Right! Please stand!

  Step 6  Consolidation


  1. How many _____________(玻璃杯水)can you see?

  2. How many _____________(箱子书) are there?

  3. How many _____________ (梨) are there in the picture?

  4. How many _____________(瓶牛奶)can you see?

  Answers: 1. glasses of water 2. boxes of books 3. pears 4. bottles of milk

  Step 7 Exercises


  1. He’d like some coffee. (一般疑问句)

  ______ he like ______ coffee?

  2. They want some flowers. (同义句)

  They ______ ______ some flowers.

  3. I would like English. (用Chinese 改为选择问句)

  ______ you like _______ ______ ______?

  4.There are five cups of tea. (对画线部分提问)

  ______ ______ ______ of tea ______ ______ ?

  5. We would like some porridge. (对画线部分提问)

  ______ ______ ______like?

  Answers: 1. Would, some 2. would like 3. Would, English or Chinese 4. How many cups, are there 5. What would you

  Step 8 Summary


  I can see… / There are… /There is…

  I can t see any. / There aren’t any.

  Step 9  Homework

  1.由学生用自己身边的物品自编对话,练习how may句型。


  Writing on blackboard

  Lesson 75

  I can see … / I can’t see any. / There are / is …/ There aren’t any.

food 篇5

  unit 4 the international food festival

  一. 本周教学内容:

  module 3 unit 4 the international food festival



  cucumber 黄瓜   dough  生面团         england 英国     homeless 无家可归的

  hope 希望       mustard 芥末           naan 印度飞饼    neighbour 邻居

  newspaper 报纸   pleasure  愉快;乐事   pour 倒;注      raisin 葡萄干

  samosas 五香三角菜饺                   scone 烤饼   tray (浅)盘

  well 健康的      get ready for 为……做准备     self-raising 自行发酵的


  1. take care of homeless animals 照顾无家可归的动物

  2. raise money for 为……筹钱

  3. have an international food festival 举办一个国际食品节

  4. different kinds of food 不同种类的食品

  5. around the world 全世界

  6. be fun 有意思

  7. get ready for 为……作准备

  8. make different kinds of food 作不同种类的食品

  9. hot dogs 热狗

  10. apple pie 苹果派

  11. egg sushi (tuna/cucumber/carrot) 鸡蛋寿司

  12. scones with butter 带黄油的烤饼

  13. tea with milk 带牛奶的茶

  14. ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事

  15. how to make scones 怎么做烤饼

  16. sift flour 筛面

  17. mix in the butter 混入黄油

  18. add the sugar 加入糖

  19. pour in the sugar 倒入糖中

  20. make it into…… 把它制成……

  21. sprinkle the shapes with flour 用面洒成各种形状

  22. buy some food 买些食品


  1. what are they going to do? 他们打算做什么?

  2. why /where /when/how/are they going to do it?


  3. who is going to help them? 谁打算帮他们?

  4. to make scones you will need 50g of butter.做烤饼你将需要50克的黄油。

  5. would you like to buy some food?你想要买一些食品吗?

  6. what kind of food are you selling?你正出售哪种食品?

  7. how much do they cost?他们值多少钱?

  10. may i have a hot dog?我能来个热狗吗?

  11. a hot dog costs eight yuan.一个热狗8块钱。

  12. we raised  ¥2,000 for the spca 我们为spca筹集了XX元钱。



  when 表示时间    what 问内容     where 问地点

  how 问情况如何   why 问原因      who 问人


  1. ________are they going to do?

  they are going to have an intenational food festival.

  2. ______are they going to do it?

  it’s because they want to raise money for the spca.

  3. ______are they going to do it?

  they’re going to do it at school.

  4. _____are they going to do it?

  they’re going to do it on saturday 1 march.

  5. ____are they going go do it ?

  they’re going to make different kinds of food.

  6. ____is going to help them?

  peter’s father is going to help them.

  (2)一般将来时  be going to 表示打算

  陈述句 主+be +going to +动词原形

  否定 主+be +not+going to +动词原形

  提问 特殊疑问句+be+主+going to +动原+其它

  i’m going to have a hot dog .

  i’m not going to have a hot dog.

  are you going to have a hot dog ?


  1. sift the flour and the salt

  2. add the sugar

  3. use your hands to make it in to a dough


  1. homeless 无家可归的


  2. that will give us two weeks to get ready for it.那将给我们两周时间去准备它。

  ▲     ready与prepare辨析


  (1)be/get ready for sth.准备好做某事

  we are all ready for the test.我们都为考试做好了准备。

  (2)get sth.ready把……准备好

  we are going to have our lunch.get everything ready,please.



  (1)prepare for sth.为某事做准备(间接的事)

  we are all preparing for the meeting.我们正为开会做准备。

  (2)prepare sth.准备某东西(直接对象)

  ann,could you help me prepare supper?安,你能帮我准备晚餐吗?

  3. my father is a good cook.我父亲是一个很好的厨师。


  (1)his wife is a good cook.他的妻子很善于做饭菜。

  (2)she has an electric cooker.她有电炊具(电饭锅)。

  (3)i cooked some potatoes for him.我给他煮了一些土豆。

  4. tea with milk奶茶 scones with butter黄油烤饼

  ▲     在英语中,当谈论食物、饮料时,常使用with结构,表示“含有……”“带有……”。如:i like the mooncakes with nuts.我喜欢带核桃仁的月饼。


  a. with表示“和……一起”

  (1)“where’s your mother?”“she’s with grandma at home.”


  (2)let’s dance with the teacher.让我们和老师一起跳舞。

  (3)come with me. this way ,please.跟我来,请走这边。


  (1)take your little brother with you.把你的小弟弟带去吧。

  (2)please take a coat with you.请带上一件外套。


  (1)the girl with long hair is my sister.那位留着长发的女孩是我的姐姐。

  (2)the glass with tea is for you.有茶的玻璃杯是你的。

  5. it will be a pleasure.那将是一件快乐的事。


  i get a lot of pleasure from listening to music.听音乐使我得到许多乐趣。


  (1)it’s been a great pleasure to talk to you .和你交谈真是一大乐事。

  (2)“thank you for doing that!”“it’s a pleasure.”“多谢你做了那件事!”“不客气。”

  注with pleasure与it’s a pleasure辨析

  with pleasure与it’s a pleasure的意思不同,因而,使用的场合也不同。前者表示“答应对方的请求”或“接受对方的建议”,意思是“很愿意(这么做)”、“很乐意”。而it’s a pleasure是回答对方感谢的用语,意思是“不客气”、“不用谢”。

  (1)“will you come for a walk?”“yes,with pleasure.”


  (2)“thank you for helping me.”“it’s a pleasure.”


  6. add the sugar. 加糖。

  ▲     这是表示请求或命令的句子,称为祈使句。祈使句的特点是:谓语动词无时态和数的变化,与动词原形同形。祈使句有两种类型:含有第二人称和带有第一、三人称主语的祈使句。每种类型又有肯定形式和否定形式。用don’t否定时,只能用其缩略式。


  be sure to come on time.请务必按时来。

  don’t ever do that again.请不要再做那事了。


  let’s have a rest.咱们休息一会儿。

  let the children not make much noise.让孩子不要发出太大噪声。

  7. would you like 与would rather

  ▲would you like 想要=do you want

  后加to do 形式或名词

  would you like a cup of tea?

  would you like to have a cup of tea?

  ▲would rather 宁愿    后面加动词原形

  i’d rather have a piece of bread.

  8. may i have some hot dogs?

  may 为情态动词,这里表示请求。

  some不变any ,因为此句希望得到肯定回答。

  9. how much do they cost?

  ▲     cost 花费

  ▲     it做主语/it costs ¥10.

  ▲spend 花费 用法 人+spend+on +物

  人+spend+(in)+doing sth.

  10. we hope this money helps the spca.


  用法(1)hope to do sth


  但(×)hope sb to do sth 无此用法

  11. arrive at 与arrive in 到

  arrive at 表示到达小地点  get表示到达要加to /get to

  arrive in 表示到达大地点

food 篇6

  一、 教学重点





  1、教师准备教学过程 中所需要的图片、声音、课件,以及本课时的六张单词卡。



  4、Let’s chant和Let’s learn部分课件。


  1、Warm up  ( 热身)

  Sing together

  教师播放Let’s sing部分录音,学生跟唱歌曲,适当强调歌词中的语句Something salty?Something sweet?的意思。



  (1) It’s yummy to eat. It is made of bread and ham. Its name begins with the letter as “ha”. What is it?

  当学生说出hamburger时,教师说:Yes. Hamburgers are salty. Hot dogs are salty. Sandwiches are salty. 让学生感悟salty的意思.

  (2) They are a kind of fruit. They are round and small. Some of them are purple, some of them are green. What are they?

  当学生回答出:They are grapes.时,教师说:Yes,they are grapes. Some grapes are sweet. Some are sour. Peaches are sweet, they are not sour.  Lemons are sour, they are not sweet.让学生充分理解单词sweet和sour的意思。

  2、Presentation  (新课呈现)

  Let’s learn

  (1)  教师出示一袋白糖,说:Here’s some sugar. 再用舌头添一下,以适当的语气说:It’s sweet. 然后让学生边品尝边认读单词sweet,提示单词中的字母组合ee发[i:]。

  (2)   教师拿出一袋盐,说:Look,they are not sugar. They are salt.品尝一点后表现出形象的表情,说:Very salty. 引导学生学习单词salty,提示字母组合al在salty中的发音,一边学生记忆单词的拼写。

  (3)   教师出示一小瓶醋:This is vinegar. It’s very sour. 让学生用鼻子闻味,学习并认读单词sour。

  (4)   教师出示一根新鲜的黄瓜,问:What’s this? 学生回答:It’s a cucumber.

  继续问:Is it salty? Is it sour? Is it sweet?并分别引导学生做出相应回答。

  教师说:It’s a fresh cucumber.引导学生学习单词fresh. 让学生说说现在季节中有的新鲜的蔬菜和水果:…are fresh.

  (5) 教师出示一个西红柿,问:Is the tomato salty?Is it sweet? Is it sour?Is it fresh?学生回答后,教师说:Tomatoes are healthy, too. Tofu is healthy. Mutton is healthy. Onions are healthy. 引导学生理解单词healthy的意思,带读单词,强调healthy中ea和th的发音,帮助学生准确掌握单词的读音。让学生说出一些对健康有益的食品:…is/are healthy.

  (6)  教师将西红柿切好放入空盘中,拌入白糖,自己先尝一口:It’s tasty. It’s my favourite.然后让学生在品尝中学习单词tasty。然后教师说:Tomatoes are my favourite.学生初步了解favourite的意思,并练习发音。

  (7)  教师播放let’s learn部分录音,学生跟度单词和句子。

  (8) 教师范写四会单词,让学生跟写1、2遍。

  3、Let’s play  ( 趣味操练 )


  (1)  教师拿出盐、糖、醋的三杯溶液,请一名学生品尝其中的一杯液体,并根据其味道呈现出不同的表情,让其他同学猜单词。

  (2)  该游戏进行几组后,变换要求,让品尝的学生有意不表现出正确的表情,其他小组猜是何味道。

  Let’s chant

  (1) 教师播放Let’s chant部分录音,学生听声音、看文字。

  (2)  学唱本课时歌谣。

  (3) 根据儿歌的韵律和歌词中的句子结构创新更多描述食物的语句,并进行汇报表演。

  4、Consolidation and extension  (巩固与扩展)

  Story time

  (1) 教师说:Oh!I’m hungry now.  I have fish for lunch today.  But my fish is salty. Let’s go to a restaurant.

  (2)  教师播放Story time部分课件,学生观看。

  (3) 让学生自己阅读故事。



  Ø   教师播放听力材料,学生看图连线。

  Ø   教师讲解,学生互查完成情况,进行反馈。

  (2) 完成活动手册P20—2

  Ø    学生2-4人一组合作完成句子,所选单词要符合实际。

  Ø     说唱儿歌。

  Ø     汇报表演。

  5、 板书


  句子:It’s my favorite.



food 篇7

  Lesson 76教学设计示例(一)









  2.教师出示[i:], [e]等音标卡片,学生认读。放课文第一部分录音,学生跟读两遍。让学生自己小结元音字母e及字母组合ee,ea的发音,并让学生举出其他例词,之后做习题1。



  5.学生两人一组,做本课第4部分“Find the food and drink words”游戏。数分钟后,请一些同学公布找出的词汇。

  6.体本课第6部分Read and write,要求学生根据在这篇短文中获取的信息,填写下面的表格,数分钟后,在班上核对。









  在英语中,有一部分表示物质或抽象意义的名词,叫做不可数名词。它们没有复数形式。例如:milk, water, tea等。在句中以单数形式出现。但我们可以借助含有量词的短语来表示物质名词的量。

  Lesson 76教学设计示例(二)

  ● 教学目标 :

  1.复习和进一步使用前几节课所学的句型(Would you like...?  What would you like?  I like a glass of apple juice/some meat, please.  What about something to eat/drink? How many…?。



  ● 教学用具:


  ● 教学步骤 :

  Step 1  Revision



  Step 2  Presentation


  Step 3  Look, ask and answer




  Step 5  Read and Write

  1. 先阅读学生自己阅读这段课文,老师适当提些问题帮助学生理解课文。

  如:What does the writer like? What does the writer have for breakfast? Is the lunch in the school good or bad? What food does the writer have for lunch? Does he have supper at home?

  2. 完成第六部分的表格。

  3. 叙述Mike 的饮食习惯。


  Step 5  Exercises


  (   )1. A. see B. bread       C. green D. jeep

  (   )2. A. we B. she C. these D. leg

  (   )3. A. me B. leg C. mend D. yellow

  (   )4. A. same B. grade C. carry D. table

  Keys: 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C


  I am American. I like China. I like Chinese food, too. I have breakfast at home. I eat an egg, some bread and porridge. I don’t like milk. I have no time to go home for lunch. I have it at school. I have supper at home with my parents. Sometimes I go out to eat with my friends.


  He is American. He likes China. He likes Chinese food, too. He has breakfast at home. He eats bread and porridge. He doesn’t like milk. He has no time to go home for lunch. He has it at school. He has supper at home with his parents. Sometimes he goes out to eat with his friends. 

  Blackboard Handwriting

  Lesson 76

  I’d like a hamburger. I have no time to go home.

  What about something to eat / drink? go out to eat with my friends

  Do you have any ice cream? The lunch in school is good.

  Don’t forget ice cream?

  Lesson 76教学设计示例(三)

  Teaching aims:



  Key points:


  Difficult points:


  Teaching methods:



  Teaching aids:


  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Revision




  What would you like? Would you like. . .?

  (3)用实物(文教用品)、挂图练习句型How many + 可数名词复数(不可数名词的量词的复数)+ can you see (are there)?

  Step 2  Spelling and pronunciation



  Step 3 Sentence stress

  1.展示动画《How Many .swf》听声音,注意句子的重音和语调。



  Step 4  Listen and answer



  Step 5  find the food and drink words


  Step 6  Read and act





  Step 7  Read and write







  an egg, bread and porridge

  at home


  rice, meat and vegetables, noodles and dumpling

  at school


  fish, meat vegetables and fruit

  at home

  Step 8  Consolidation

  1.语法:由学生总结本单元的重要语法项目some,a/ an的用法,How many句型的使用及其答语。


  1) How many _________(glass) of water can you see?

  2) We would like some _________. ( pear)

  3) I can see two _________ (bottle) of milk on the table.

  4) How many _________(box) of_________ (egg) can you see?

  5) Can I _________ (help) you?

  Answers: 1. glasses 2. pears 3. bottles 4. boxes, eggs 5. help

  Step 10 Workbook

  1.Do Ex.1  让学生齐读单词并找出元音字母 e及字母组合 ee,ea的发音。

  2.Do Ex.2  听录音后,完成练习。

  3.Do Ex.3  Do it in Class.

  Answers: 1. five pieces of bread 2. two bottles of milk 3. six boxes of eggs. 4. eleven cups of tea 5. twenty baskets of apples 6. ten bottles of water 7. two hundred and fifty bags of rice or 250 bags of rice

  4. Ex.4  Do it in class.

  Answers: 1. some, a 2. some, a 3. a, an 4. some, a 5. some, a 6. an, some

  5. Ex. 5  Do it in class.

  Answers: 1. Would you like something to drink? 2. What would you like? 3. Would you like something to eat? 4. What about you? 5. How many would you like? 6. Anything else?

  Step 11  Summary


  Step 12 Homework



  Writing on blackboard

  Lesson 76

  1. some: some cakes, some bread

  a/ an: a cup of tea, an orange

  2. How many…?


  活动 (一)



  语言技能:listening, speaking and writing

  使用功能句:What would you usually like for breakfast / lunch / supper?

  Do you like to eat vegetables and fruit? What drink do you like best?



  1. 和你的同桌谈谈饮食习惯。根据他/她的习惯帮他安排一天的饮食。可列出一张食谱供他/她参考。

  2. 对你的同桌进行调查, 假如你是A,你的同桌是B,以下对话供参考。

  A: What would you like for breakfast?

  B: I don’t often have any breakfast, because I sometimes get up late and I don’t feel very hungry.

  A: That’s a very bad habit. You must get rid of it. Well, what about lunch and supper?

  B: I like pork best. I have it for every meal. I don’t like fruit and never eat vegetables.

  A: Terrible. No wonder you are so fat, you eat too much meat.

  I suggest you eat more vegetables and bean curd for every meal. If you cook them well, they will be very delicious. I can teach you how to cook them. (做法略)

  B: Let me try.

  A: I believe you will like them. And what drink do you like best?

  B: Coke.

  A: You should drink more boiled water, because it’s the best drink.

  B: OK.


  March 1st, Mon. 

  Staple food

  Non-staple food



  porridge and steamed bread

  salted vegetables 



  Meatball soup and stir-fried bean

  an apple



  bean-curd soup

  a pear

  活动 (二)









  并鼓励同学们练习用英语叙述一种菜的做法。可以做为一种家庭作业 由两人共同完成。



  Chinese Food

  smoked fish (熏鱼) crisp chicken (香酥鸡) Beijing roast duck (北京烤鸭) sweet and sour fish (糖醋鱼) steamed fish (清蒸鱼) instant boiled mutton (涮羊肉) pork steamed with rice flour (米粉肉) home-style bean-curd (家常豆腐) Chinese cabbage with dried shrimps (海米白菜) braised bamboo shots and mushrooms (烧两冬) stir-fried green beans (干煸四季豆) bean-curd soup (豆腐汤) meatball soup (汆丸子)

  Western Food

  pork / lamp chop (猪/羊排骨) beef steak (牛排) roast beef (烤牛肉) fried fish (煎鱼) pickled cucumber (酸黄瓜) sardine (沙丁鱼) ham salad (火腿色拉) vegetable salad (蔬菜色拉) hamburger (汉堡) sandwiches (三明治) pudding (布丁) apple pie (苹果派) cream cake (奶油蛋糕) fruit jelly (果冻)

  鼓励学生用英语叙述一种菜的做法, 整理成文字交给老师。

  Instant boiled mutton

  First, cut the mutton into pieces. Then put them into boiling water. Take them out within half a minute. The cooked (ready) pieces of mutton are dipped into condiments to eat with cabbage and vermicelli made from bean starch.

  活动 (三)



  语言技能: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  材料: 白纸、字典

  活动形式:1)一班分四组2)一班分两组 3)六人小组



  1. 老师布置任务,要求每位同学以第一人称的形式介绍自己。并以文段的形式写在一张白纸上。内容要求:国籍,年龄,性别,外表,喜欢穿什么衣服,最喜欢吃什么零食。如:锅巴 (rice chips)、薯条 (potato chips)、花生 (peanut)、豆 (bean)、瓜子(seeds)、栗子 (chestnut)等。喜欢喝什么,如:可乐、雪碧、果汁等。还有座位、学号等。也可写早饭、中饭和晚饭他都喜欢吃什么,在不在学校用餐等。


  2. 老师把同学们写的自我介绍收上来。

  3. 老师从四个组中个抽取一份自我介绍,再从四个组各找一位同学,将这四份自我介绍随意发给他们每人一份,请他们每位同学在本组用第三人称转述用第一人称写的自我介绍,然后请组里同学猜:Who is she / he? 可做3—4人次。


  5. 注意抓住自己突出的特点写几条,不要面面俱到。把自己最突出的特点放在最后,不要让大家听了第一句就猜到了,如果是这样,这个游戏就没意思了。



  活动 (四)

  任务: 深入学习某些常用词的用法、练习总结词汇和学习查字典。

  语言技能: writing

  材    料: 字典




  水是最常见的饮料,任何饮料都离不开水。人在没有食品的情况下,只要有水,可存活一周。但没有水,只能维持一天。但世界上可饮用的淡水不足水总量的3%。鲁迅说过:世界上的最后一滴水将是人们的眼泪。节约用水是公民们的基本素质。Water一词学生最熟悉不过了,它是不可数名词,不能加复数。但真的是这样吗?练习查一查字典,总结其用法。以小组或个人为单位完成一份书面作业 。


  供老师们在探究活动中参考, 每小组可有不同的答案,但至少要涉及water一词的三种用法。

  Everything can’t live without water. 水是生命之源,是万物之本。

  我们目前所学过的范围,water 是不可数名词,不加s。其实不然。

  1.waters 可指矿泉水,江水,海水,洪水,水体等。


  table waters 矿泉水 (主要指餐桌上饮用的)

  water of the lake 湖中的水

  Japanese waters 日本海域

  The upper waters of the Yangtze 长江上游


  be under water 淹在水中

  by water 走水路

  an artist of the purest water 第一流的艺术家


  Water the young trees. 给小树浇水。

  Water the milk. 往奶中掺水。


  a cup of cold water 施舍

  bring the water to one’s mouth 使人垂涎

  go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火

  in deep water 陷入困境

food 篇8


  一. 教学内容:  unit 2 things around us lesson 3~4  1、课标词汇  2、可数名词与不可数名词  3、表示数量的结构  4、用英语询问价格  5、祈使句的用法 二、知识总结与归纳1、课标词汇    food,  drink,  bread,  butter,  jam,  sugar,  water,  milk,  coffee,  flour,  juice   supermarket,  packet,  cake,  ice-cream,  bottle,  how much,   have,  have got,  some,  please, special,  big,  small,2、可数名词与不可数名词(1) 不可数名词前不能直接加数词或a/an(2) 不可数名词无单复数变化,谓语动词一般用单数形式3、表示数量的结构用“基数词+单位名词+of+名词”表示数量    a piece of paper        two pieces of bread    three glasses of milk    four boxes of books   a small pocket of sugar   a big pocket of sweets4、用英语询问价格how much is a cake?   it’s 4 yuan.how much is a big cake?  it’s 8 yuan.how much are these ice-creams?  they are 25 yuan.how much are a packet of sweets and two bottles of water?   they are 10 yuan.5、祈使句的用法smell it.  taste it.     用以表示请求、命令、劝告、建议的句子叫做祈使句。    主语:常为第二人称    肯定句:open the window, please.    be quiet.    否定句:don’t open the window.    don’t close the door.    以let开头的祈使句表示叫某人做某事。如:    let’s begin our class.6、have/have got    i got some bread. = i have got some bread.    you have some juice. = you have got some juice.    have 与have got表示“拥有”    一般疑问句:have you got bread?    have you got juice?    特殊疑问句:what have you got?7、some与any    i’ve got some apples. (some用于肯定句)    have you got any apples? (any用于否定句) 

food 篇9



  2.句型:It's time to do sth.






  2.放课文第一段录音,教师先提一个问题:What's the time? 放一遍录音,学生回答教师的问题。再放录音,学生跟读两遍。

  教师解释对话中 It's time to… 这一句话,并板书以下时间和动词短语:

  7∶30 go to school 8∶00 go to the classroom

  4∶00 play games 5∶00 go home 10∶00 go to bed


  S1:It's 7∶30 now.

  S2:Oh, it's time to go to school.

  S1:OK, let's go!

  S2:Yes, let's.


  3.利用准备好的图片(如果没有,可利用课本中插图),教本课词汇。在学生基本会读以后,教师解释rice,tea等不可数名词在使用中的注意事项,并借助事先准备好的茶杯等实物,引导出 cups of tea等短语,借助图片,引导出 some rice等,以增加直观效果。




  Ss:Some rice


  Ss:three cups of tea (four, five etc.)






  a cup of tea 一杯茶

  tea, milk, orange, water等词是不可数名词,本身没有复数形式。要表示它的量的多少,可借助 a cup/bottle/glass of等短语。如果是两杯茶,三瓶牛奶,可将cup, bottle等词变为复数形式。例如:

  two cups of tea 两杯茶

  five bottles of milk 五瓶牛奶


  Unit 19 Food and drink

  Lesson 73

  It's time to…

  food: rice bread meat cake

  drink: tea milk juice water

  tea,three cups of tea

  rice, some rice

  Lesson 73教学设计示例 (二)

  ● 教学目标 :

  1.复习时间的提问及应答。主要三个句型:What time is it? It’s…




  ● 教学用具:


  ● 教学步骤 :

  Step 1  Revision

  许多老师每节课都安排了Duty Report,但如果长期不对内容和形式进行辅导和调整, 容易流于形式,起不到良好的效果。正确的方法是通过Duty Report对本节课的教学过程 起到一个呈上启下的作用。

  本节课的Duty Report,可让值日生汇报一些锻炼口语的内容。然后,让同学们自由提问,或值日生向全班同学提问。提问的内容应围绕着本节课所涉及到的内容和上节课的一些重点。例如,可围绕着时间的表达和表示愿意这两个话题进行提问:Would you like to answer my questions? What time is it? It’s 8. Is it time for class? 等。

  Step 2  Presentation



  二、注意单词的分类。可按食品和饮料分类,也可按中西餐食品分类。在教学时,可运用发音规律教单词。开闭音节词和带有常见字母组合的词让学生自己读。如:rice, cake, bread, meat, tea等。有些词可进行迁移:eat——meat,class——glass。另外,可参考《教师教学用书》P21 第二条容器联想法来进行教学。

  Step 3  practice

  教句子 What would you like? 并解释其意思和使用的场合以及答语。I want some rice or bread. 老师可在课前先编一个自问自答的小对话,或先让口语好一些的学生做问答练习,让其他同学注意听。

  A: I’m hungry.

  B: What would you like?

  A: I want some rice, please.  

  B: OK. Here you are.



  A: What’s the time?

  B: It’s 6:00.

  A: Oh, it’s time for lunch. I’m hungry.

  B: What would you like?

  A: I want some rice and meat, please.  

  B: OK. Here you are.

  A: Thanks very much.


  Step 4  Read and Say


  Step 5  Discussion


  Step 6  Consolidation


  1. What do you have for breakfast? I have some br_ _d and milk.

  2. I want some water because I’m th_ _sty.

  3. If you are h_ _gry, help yourself to some cakes.


  4. A: What ______ is it?

  B: It’s seven.

  A. time B. the time

  5. It’s time______ supper.

  A: to B. for

  6. A: 我想要一瓶水。

  B: 给你。

  I want _______ _______ ________ water.

  Here ______ _______.

  Keys: 1. bread 2. thirsty 3. hungry 4. A 5. B 6. a bottle of, you are

  Step 7 Homework

  Do the exercises in workbook.

  Blackboard Handwriting

  Unit 19 Food and drink

  Lesson 73

  New Words What would you like?

  We eat these things I want some rice or bread.


  room --- food  third --- thirsty  head --- bread 

  tea --- meat  class --- glass


  rice  noodle  cake  chip


  potato  dumplings  hamburger 

  We drink these things

  a cup of tea  a bag of milk  a glass of water  a bottle of juice

  Lesson 73教学设计示例 (三)

  ● Teaching aims:


  food, drink, hungry, thirsty, water, eat, rice, bread, meat, tea, milk, glass, a glass of


  I’m not very hungry, but I’m thirsty. What’s your favourite food/drink?

  ● Key points:



  ● Difficult points:


  ● Teaching methods:

  利用课前准备好的可乐、苹果汁、橘子汁进行词汇教学。不易携带的食物和饮料,可以利用图片教学,如:rice, bread, meat, cake, a cup of tea, a bag of milk, a glass of water, potato chips, coffee.


  ● Teaching aids:


  ● Teaching procedures:

  Step l  Revision

  1.Duty report. 根据值日生报告,让学生互相问答,训练听力和口语。

  2.Free talk.根据上个单元的内容以及所学的口语,进行1分钟自由对话,选出几组同学给全班演示。

  3.出示一幅画有各种食物和饮料的挂图(演示所提供的动画《Food and drinks》中的Food和Drink的情境),教师问:What can you see in the picture ?引导学生回答:I can see some food and drink. OK, today we’ll learn some new words about food and drink.以此引出新课并板书。

  Step 2  Presentation


  2.利用动画《Food and drinks》中Play的场景来对此对话进行教学活动。

  Step 3 Listen, read and act

  1.Listen to the play, the first time, just listen, and the second time, have the students repeat.

  2.Give the students two minutes and read the dialogue in pairs.

  3.Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue without looking at the text.

  Step 4  Presentation

  1.展示动画《Food and drinks》Food和Drink的情境,向学生说明We often eat these foods: rice, bread, meat, cake....We often drink these beverages: tea, milk, water, juice. . . .教授新单词:rice,bread,meat,milk,hamburger,noodle,dumpling, potato chips,coke,coffee, water.


  3.掌握单词后,教师展示动画《Food and drinks》Words的情境,讲解可数名词、不可数名词,以及量的表达:

  饮料类名词都是不可数名词,经常要把这类名词和容器类名词连用,也就是不可数名词的“量的表达”,因此出现了这样的短语:a cup of tea, a bag of milk, a glass of water, a bottle of juice.


  Step 5  Drill



  Step 6  Ask and answer

  1.随意问某一个学生:What’s your favourite food?学生可根据自己的真实情况回答。


  Step 7  Consolidation


  (l)一个苹果___________  (2)一些香蕉___________

  (3)三袋大米___________ (4)七玻璃杯水___________

  (5)八箱橘子___________ (6)一些面包___________

  Answers: (l)an apple (2)some bananas (3)three bags of rice (4)seven glasses of water (5) eight boxes of oranges (6) some bread

  Step 8 Workbook

  1.Do Ex.2  给学生两分钟的时间写出答案,再让几个学生分别说出答案,然后由教师订正。

  Answers: some bread; some meat; some food; some water; some milk; some bananas; some eggs; some apples; some bottles of juice; some glasses of coke; some cups of coffee; some bags of rice

  2.Do Ex.3  让学生利用方格里的单词进行问答练习。

  Step 9 Summary


  Step 10 Exercises


  (    )1. The man under the tree look young.

  A B C D

  (    )2. Are one of the photos Jim’s?

  A B C D

  (     )3. He mother is a teacher.

  A B C D

  (     )4. What’s colour is your blouse?

  A B C D

  (    )5. Some pictures are in the wall.

  A B C D

  Answers: 1. C 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.D

  Step 11 Homework



  Writing on blackboard

  Unit 19 Food and drink

  Lesson 73

  food: rice bread meat cake

  drink: tea—a cup of tea—two cups of tea

  milk—a bag of milk—three bags of milk

  juice—a bottle of juice—five bottles of juice

  Food and drink-Lesson 73

food 篇10

  Lesson 74教学设计示例(一)



  2.句型:1) What would you/he/she like? 2)Would you like…? 3)I/He/She'd like… 4)What about…?







  2.教师手持食物和饮料的图片,问某个同学:Would you like some bread? 让学生猜这句话意思。如猜不出,教师可加以解释,并板书这个句子。如果这个同学答:Yes,则请他(或她)站在前面,手持画有几个面包的图片,面向大家。


  T:What would… like?


  …would like some bread… would like some apples, etc.


  T:…, what would you like?

  S1:I'd like some bread.




  What would they like?








  1.Can I help you? 您要点什么?

  这是一句服务用语,类似的句子还有:What can I do for you? 例如:

  A:What can I do for you? 您要点什么?

  B:I'd like some cakes, please. 我要些蛋糕。

  2.What would you like? 你喜欢要点什么?



  Would you like some bananas? 你吃点香蕉吗?

  当表示自己想要什么东西时,可以用 I would like…这个句子来表达。例如:

  I would like a cup of tea, and four cakes, please. 我想要一杯茶,四块蛋糕。

  在口语中,I would like通常缩略为:I'd like…

  3.What about something to eat? 来点吃的东西怎么样?

  在这个短语中,动词不定式to eat放在something之后,起定语作用。可以理解为吃的东西。而something to drink就是喝的饮料了。


  That's something very old. 这东西太旧了。

  五、 板书

  Lesson 74

  1. — What would you like?

  — I'd like some bread.

  2. What would they like?

  3. Can I help you?

  4. What about something to eat?

  Lesson 74教学设计示例(二)

  ● 教学目标 




  ● 教学用具


  ● 教学步骤 

  Step 1  Revision

  复习上节课学过的单词。可采用连锁提问的方式。方法如下:老师让一个同学说一种食品,下一个同学必须说一种饮料。如:第一个同学说rice, a bowl of rice, 下一个同学可说water, a glass of water, 看谁答不上来,老师可以小小的惩罚他一下,等别人说完了让他重复。


  Step 2  Presentation

  设计一个两人对话。老师可参照第74课准备一些图片,并贴在黑板上。假定这是一个食品店。两人是顾客,他们走进了食品店,在商量买什么东西。使用以下句型: What would you like for breakfast? I’d like …. and …  Would you like …? What about you? I don’t think so. I’d like some cakes and bread. 可将这些句型都写在黑板上,供学生们随时查看使用。可反复练习几组,直至绝大部分同学都掌握了这些句型。

  Step 3  Ask and Answer


  Step 4  practice

  设计一个三人对话。图片同上。也可尽量多一些。如有条件可事先布置学生收集一些方便面口袋,可乐瓶,易拉罐等,都贴在黑板上或放在讲台上,供对话使用。假定这是一个食品店。两人是顾客,他们走进了食品店,在商量买什么东西,店里有一位服务员。除了使用以上句型外,适当增加一些: Can I help you? I don’t know. What about something to eat / drink? Here you are.


  Step 5  Read and Act


  Step 6  Consolidation




  porridge, soya-bean milk, steamed-bread, bread and milk,


  Staple food: rice, steamed stuffed bun, and noodles

  Non-staple food: steamed fish, meatball soup, stir-fried bean

  Fruit: apple and banana


  Staple food: rice and noodles with fried bean sauce

  Non-staple food: smoked fish, bean-curd soup

  Fruit: pear and peach


  March 1st, Mon.

  Staple food

  Non-staple food





  Step 7 Exercises


  1. The first meal a day is br_ _kf_ st.

  2. I’m thirty. I want s_m_ th_ng to drink.

  3. Han Mei is ill. Mum asks her to have p_ rr_dge.

  4. A: How much is a b_ g of milk?

  B: Two yuan.


  5. 你午饭喜欢吃什么?


  — _______ ________ ________ like for lunch?

  — Rice and meat.

  6. 我要一些面包,你呢?

  I want some bread. ________ _______ you?


  _______ _______ _______, please.

  Keys: 1. breakfast 2. something 3. porridge 4. bag 5. What would you 6. What about 7. Have some water

  Step 8 Homework

  Do exercises in workbook.

  Blackboard Handwriting

  Lesson 74

  New Words

  something  porridge  fish  dumpling  fruit  piece 

  a piece of

  some cakes  some bread

  Useful expressions

  What would you like for breakfast? I’d like …. and …  Would you like …? What about you? 

  I don’t think so.

  Can I help you? I don’t know. What about something to eat / drink? Here you are.

  Lesson 74教学设计示例(三)

  ● Teaching aims



  (1) Would you like...?

  (2) What would you like?

  (3) I like a glass of apple juice/some meat, please.

  (4) What about something to eat/drink?

  ● Key points



  ● Difficult points

  1.句子What would you like for breakfast?中介词for的用法。

  2.I would like的缩写形式为I’d like.

  ● Teaching methods:



  ● Teaching aids


  ● Teaching methods

  Step 1 Revision


  2.用What’s your favourite food/drink?句型熟悉食物和饮料的名词。

  A: What’s your favourite food? ( 头转向B)

  B: Rice. What’s your favourite drink? (头转向C)

  C: Orange juice. What’s your favourite food? (头转向D)

  D: Meat. . . .

  3.迅速反应练习:教师说tea,并出一个指头,让学生迅速说出a cup of tea.

  T: Milk. (3)

  S1: Three bags of milk.

  T: Water. (5)

  S2: Five glasses of water.

  T: Juice.(6)

  S3: Six bottles of juice....

  Step 2  Presentation



  T: Would you like some cakes for lunch?

  S1: Yes, I’d like some cakes.

  T: What would you like for lunch? (问第二名学生)

  S2: I’d like some rice.

  3.would like表示“想要”,Would you like…?表示客气地征求对方是否想要点什么。回答用I like…如:I'd like some meat, please.(展示动画《what would you like.swf》中的常用语的场景)根据学生的情况,有选择地播放动画中的情境一和情境二,以巩固学生对相关交际用语的掌握。

  Step 3 Listen, read and practice




  Step 4 Presentation

  1.看动画《what would you like.swf》中的情境三,边看边听对话,播放两遍,让学生基本了解对话的情景和内容。



  (1 ) Would you like something to drink?

  (2) What about something to eat?

  Step 5 Read and act



  3.看动画《what would you like.swf》情境三,同学们一起扮演A,由计算机扮演B,或反之。可反复练习几遍。


  Step 6  Drill and act



  Step 7  Consolidation


  A:________ would you like? (什么)

  B: I’d like_________ _________.(一些饺子)

  A: _________ ________ something_________ _________? (来点喝的怎么样?)

  B: Yes. I’d like________ ________ ________ _______ ________. (一瓶苹果汁)

  Answers: What; some dumplings ;What about, to drink; a bottle of apple juice

  Step8  Workbook

  1.Do Ex.l给两分钟的时间让学生自读对话内容,然后完成习题,叫一名学生说出答案,集体订正。

  Answers: 1.B  2.C  3.A   4.B   5.C

  2.Ex.2  学生自读对话后,叫几对学生朗读。根据对话,自编一个对话表演。

  Step 9  Summary


  What would you like for lunch?

  Would you like something to drink?

  What about something to eat?

  Step 10 Exercises



  ______ ______ to have a ______.


  _______ you ______ ______ drink? _______ _______ ______ to drink?


  _______ _______ water, please. The water ______ ______ you.


  ______ _______ ______ of bread_______ _______in the box? There_______ _______.


  ______ would you like _____ breakfast? I’d like ______ _____ of milk and ______ egg.


  Please help me ______ the girl ______ ______ ______.

  Answers: 1. It’s time, rest 2. Would, like some. What about something 3. Have some, is for 4.How many pieces, are there, aren’t any 5.What,for,two glasses, an 6.find,in blue dress

  Step 11 Homework




  Writing on blackboard

  Lesson 74

  1. — What would you like?

  — I’d like a glass of milk.

  2. Would you like something to drink?

  3. What about something to eat?

food 篇11

  Lesson 76教学设计示例

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise the names of foods and drinks. Practise using eat and drink. Say For breakfast I drink 2 glasses of milk. For lunch I eat a bowl of rice and for supper I eat some meat. Ask: What do you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Write the question on the Bb. In pairs have the students answer this question.

  2 Revise What would you like? Would you like some bread? etc.

  3 Revise How many apples can you see? etc.

  4 Check Homework.

  Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

  SB Page 14, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 76 (Phonic Reading Work). Books closed. Follow the same steps as in Lesson 68, Steps 2-3, in the TB. Use flashcards rather than going straight to the book.

  Note: When pronouncing the words fourteen and forty it is important to make sure the students pronounce the /n/ at the end of fourteen and the /i/ at the end of forty. Also, for many English speakers, especially Americans, the /t/ in forty is pronounced as a /d/ such as /fordi/. This is the same for all the numbers ending with -ty except for the number twenty.

  Step 3 Practice

  Practise the difference between -teen and -ty. Write two columns on the Bb as follows:

  Ⅰ Ⅱ

  13 30

  14 40

  15 50

  16 60

  17 70

  18 80

  19 90

  Say a number (e.g. 16). The students should hold up one finger (because 16 is in column one). Repeat with other numbers, then get the students to work in pairs.

  Step 4 Sentence stress

  SB Page 14, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 76. Books closed. Tell the students to listen for the stresses. Play the tape. Then play it again and get students to repeat, showing the stress with a gesture. Practise as much as necessary. Point that only key words are stressed. (See Appendix in TB 1 A, Page 159.)

  Step 5 Listening

  SB Page 14, Part 3, Listening Cassette Lesson 76. Wb Lesson 76 Ex: 2. Have the students read the questions before you play the tape. Check the answers orally.

  Listening Text


  TIM: Oh, hello, Li Shan. Glad to see you.

  LI SHAN: Hello, Tim. Glad to see you, too!

  TIM: Please come in and have a seat. Would you like something to eat? I have some nice apples and pears here.

  LI SHAN: Thank you very much! I'd like an apple, please.

  TIM: Here you are. Would you like some bread, too?

  LI SHAN: Yes, please.

  TIM: Good! Here are some pieces of bread.

  LI SHAN: Thank you. Two pieces, please.

  TIM: What about something to drink?

  LI SHAN: A glass of water, please.

  TIM: OK. Here you are.

  LI SHAN: Thanks.

  The answers are: 1 C; 2 C; 3 B; 4 C.

  Step 6 Find the food and drink words

  SB Page 14, Part 4. Assign this as Homework. Answers: (across) 1 tea; meat; 2 bread; 3 orange; pear; 4 cake; 6 milk; water; 7 apple. (down) 1 rice; 17 banana.

  Step 7 Read and act

  1 SB Lesson 76, Part 5*. Teach the phrase order food. Ask and write this question on the Bb. What do Lucy and Lily order to eat? Say Please listen. Play the tape. Check for the correct answer (a hamburger, potato chips and ice cream). Read the dialogue aloud together after the recording.

  2 Divide the class into groups of four and have the students practise and act out the dialogue. Instruct the students that the “man” is the waiter in a restaurant.

  Step 8 Read and write

  Note: Skimming is a reading strategy that you use to read over something quickly to get the main idea about what the passage, story or book is about. When skimming a short passage, the students should only read the first couple of sentences, a sentence in the middle of the passage and the last sentence. When reading the sentence, they don't need to read all the words, just the words that carry the meaning.

  1 SB Lesson 76, Part 6 *. This first step is a silent reading activity, that will help your students with the reading. strategy of skimming. Have the students use this passage to practise skimming. First explain skimming in Chinese. Tell the students that skimming will help them to read faster. When they read, they are to only look for the main idea, and are not to read every word. They should skip over “little” words such as a, and, the, etc. because these words do not carry the main idea of the text. Say Let's skim this passage. Start to read when I say “Go. ” Stop reading when I say “Stop. ” OK, go. Give the students one minute to skim. Ask What is the passage about? (Mike, and what he eats in China. - Answers may vary, but as long as the students get the main idea, the answer is OK.)

  2 In pairs, have the students fill out the form. Walk around the room and give help when needed. Check the answers, write them on the Bb.

  3 Read the passage aloud together as a class.

  Step 9 Checkpoint 19

  Go through Checkpoint 19. Make sure the students understand countable and uncountable nouns. Refer to SB1B Pages 174 -175 , for the notes on Nouns.

  Step 10 Workbook

  SB Page 86, Wb Lesson 76, E. 1 and 3-6. Ex. 1 should be done as a class for pronunciation practise. E. 4-6 can be done in pairs. For each of the exercises, have the students work together to fill in the blanks and then pratcise the dialogues. Be sure to wander around the room and give help as needed. For each exercise you may choose several pairs to give their dialogue for the class. E. 7 and 8 are optional.

  Step 11 Test

  Write the following dialogue on the board. Have the students copy it down and fill in the blanks with an appropriate answer. Instruct them that they may not use the same answer twice. Answers will vary, but as long as they are appropriate, mark them correct.

  A: I'm hungry, what's for supper?

  B: I am cooking ________,________ and ________.

  A: Mm, it looks good! What about something to drink?

  B: What do you want? A: I would like ________.

  B: I'm sorry, we don't have any.

  A: That's OK, then I would like a_________ of _________.

  B: We have that. Would you like something else for supper?

  A: Do we have any ________?

  B: Yes, I would like that too!


  Finish up the Workbook exercises.

  Revise the dialogues in the Wb exercises.

  Some ideas for extra practice or enrichment

  1 To practice skimming, bring in extra pieces of literature, maybe fairy tales, or articles from magazines. Make 5 or 6 copies of the material. Divide the students into small groups of 5-6 students and give each student in each group the same material. Tell them that they will practise skimming. Review how to skim (see note in lesson 76, Step 8). Then give the class one or two minutes to skim the material (time may vary according to the length of the article). Then have each group discuss what they skimmed. Students will probably have slightly different ideas concerning what the material is about. However, by doing this exercise in a group, the whole group should be able to come up with the main idea.

  2 Music is always good to use to “spice up” your lessons. Students are very interested in music in English, and there are many tapes and CDs in China that have songs in English from popular singers. If the song is simple, you can teach it, or part of it to your students. If the song is more complex, play it for your students and have them use it for extra listening practice, writing down the words they hear. Or you may make a list of several of the words in the song on the Bb and have the students listen for them in the song. For this unit, the song, “Scarborough Fair” by Simon and Garfunkel works nicely because it discusses herbs that are used when preparing food. You can buy this tape in a music shop here in China

food 篇12

  unit 4 how is food made?  1/5i.  language focus:1.    using ‘going to’ to describe events that will occur quite soon2.    using the simple present tense to express thoughts3.    asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out specific information about a food itemii.   language skills:listeningl        identify main ideas of a new topicl        recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions and statements, and respond appropriatelyl        use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expressionspeakingl        open an interaction by eliciting a response by asking questions or providing information on a topicl        maintain an interaction by asking and responding to other’s opinionsreadingl        use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expressionl        recognize recurrent patterns in language structurel        recognize format and language features in narrative and non-narrative textsiii.  materials:l        sb p20l        cassette 7b

  procedurei.   warming-up

  1. free talk: l        a chant: a perfect score                            ii.      pre-task preparation:l        where is food made?  factoriesl        have you ever been to a food factory?l        do a project on how a certain kind of food is made:which food are you going to investigate in your project?i am going to investigate bread.my project is going to be about food in cans.l        read: 1) listen and followl        look, ask and answer: review the food vocabulalry: frozen vegetables, orange juice, cheese, biscuits and crispsl        pair work: ask and answer about a food project              iii.      consolidation1. oral:        1) listen and read 5 times                     2) pair work: ask and answer about the project2. written:   1) copy work: new words and phrases                      2) supplementary exercises                             iv.        notesunit 4 how is food made?  2/5i.  language focus:1.    using ‘going to’ to describe events that will occur quite soon2.    using connectives to show a result.3.    asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out specific information about a food itemii.   language skills:listeningl        recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions and statements, and respond appropriatelyl        understand the connection between ideas by recognizing linking words and phrasesspeakingl        open an interaction by eliciting a response by asking questions or providing information on a topicl        maintain an interaction by asking and responding to other’s opinionsreadingl        scan a text to locate specific informationl        recognize recurrent patterns in language structurel        understand the connection between ideas by identifying linking words and phrasesiii.  materials:l        sb p21l        cassette 7b l        wb p13l        pp p15

  procedurei.   warming-up

  1. free talk: l        a chant: a perfect score                            ii.      pre-task preparation:l        food production: food         food factoryyoghurt      dairyfrozen fish    frozen fish factorynoodles       noodles factory        add more to the columnsl        individual work: what is your project going to be about?my project is going to be about canned food.who do you need to interview for your project?i need to interview someone at a canning factory.l        more oral practice:i’m investigating how food is put into cans, so i need to talk to (interview) someone at a canning factoryl        look and read:                        1) read by yourselves                                                                     2)listen and follow                                                                        3)role-play using the target languagel        group work:  pp p15: fill in the table and organize the information into a short report              iii.      consolidation1. oral:        1) listen and read 5 times                     2) pair work: ask and answer about the project2. written:   1) copy work: new words and phrases                      2) wb p13                     3) gb p15                            iv.        notesunit 4 how is food made?  3/5i.  language focus:1.    asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out specific information about a place2.    asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out specific information about something3.    asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out specific information about a reason4.    asking ‘how’ questions to find out specific information about a methodii.   language skills:listeningl        recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions and statements, and respond appropriatelyl        listen for specific informationspeakingl        open an interaction by eliciting a response by asking questions or providing information on a topicreadingl        recognize format and language features in narrative and non-narrative textsiii.  materials:l        sb p22l        cassette 7b l        wb p15l        pp p16,17

  procedurei.   warming-up

  1. free talk: l        a chant: a perfect score                            ii.      pre-task preparation:l        review the use of interrogatives: what is your project about?why did you choose to investigate yoghurt?where are you going to visit?who do you need to interview?how are you going to visit the person?l        look and read: 1)      read by yourselves2)      listen and follow3)      pair work: practice the dialogue between danny and the man at the frozen factory.4)      act outl        comprehension questions:where do the people at the frozen fish factory get the fish from?what do they do to the fish before the freeze it?why do they freeze the fish?how do they get the frozen fish to the shops?l        individual work: pp p16: complete eddie’s notes about his visit to the frozen fish factory                        1) do it by yourselves first                                                                     2) read and correct                            iii. while-task procedure:l        pair work: pp p17: make an interview              iii.      consolidation1. oral:        1) listen and read 5 times                     2) pair work: ask questions about your project2. written:   1) copy work: new words and phrases                      2) wb p15                     3) gb p16                            iv.        notesunit 4 how is food made?  4/5i.  language focus:1.    asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out specific information about a day2.    using formulaic expressions to begin a formal letter3.    using formulaic expressions to end a formal letter4.    using modals to indicate preferencesii.   language skills:readingl        scan a text to locate specific informationl        recognize the presentation of ideas through headings, paragraphing, spacing, italics, bold print and punctuationl        understand intention, attitude and feelings stated in a text by recognizing features such as the choice and use of languageiii.  materials:l        sb p23, 24l        cassette 7b

  procedurei.   warming-up

  1. free talk: l        a chant: a perfect score                            ii.      pre-task preparation:l        review the format the a letter: formal letters: dear sir/madam… yours sincerelyinformal letters: dear danny… lovel        read: 1)      read danny’s letter by yourselves2)      is it a formal letter or an informal one?3)      when is it appropriate to use a formal letter?4)      listen and follow              iii.      consolidation1. oral:        1) listen and read 5 times                     2) pair work: ask questions about your project2. written:   1) copy work: new words and phrases                      2) wb p14                     3) gb p17                     4) complete the letter on p24 of your sb                            iv.        notesunit 4 how is food made?  5/5i.  language focus:1.    using the simple present tense to express needs2.    asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out specific information about something3.    using adverbs to express time sequence4.    using imperatives to give instructionsii.   language skills:listeningl        recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions and statements, and respond appropriatelyl        listen for specific informationl        identify main ideas of a new topicreadingl        recognize format and language features in narrative and non-narrative textsl        scan a text to locate specific informationl        use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expressionl        predict the likely development of a topic by recognizing key words and making use of context and knowledge of the worldiii.  materials:l        sb p25l        cassette 7b l        wb p16l        pp p18,82

  procedurei.   warming-up

  1. free talk: l        a chant: a perfect score                            ii.      pre-task preparation:l        name the ingredients and cooking utensils needed to make yoghurt: milk, powdered milk, yoghurt, a saucepan, a stove, a spoon, a flask, a bowl or a platewhat do you need to make yoghurt?you need four cups of milk, two spoons of powdered milk and two spoons of yoghurt.you also need a saucepan, a spoon and a flask.l        look and read: 1)      look and the pictures and the captions2)      try to answer: l        what do you do first?l        what do you do secondly?l        what do you do next?l        what do you do then?l        what do you do after that?l        what do you do finally?→l        first, you mix the milk and the powdered milk in the saucepan. heat the milk on the stove.l        secondly, take the saucepan off the stove. let the milk cool.l        next, add the yoghurt. stir the mixture with a spoon.l        then pout the mixture into the flask. close the lid. leave for six hours. do not move the flask.l        after that, open the flask after six hours. the mixture is now yoghurt. pour into a bowl. put the bowl in the fridge to make the yoghurt cold.l        finally, when the yoghurt is cold, add some fruit. then eat it! it’s delicious!3) listen and follow                            iii.      while-task procedure:l        pair work: pp p18: ask and answer questions about how to make more yoghurt with a little yoghurt using the target languagel        now listen: pp p82:listen to the conversation between mr li and kitty, and do the quiz.                            iv.       post-task activities:l        make yoghurt at home: you may follow the recipe in your textbook, or make your own yoghurtl        wb p16              v.        consolidation1. oral:        1) listen and read 5 times2) individual work: describe how to make yoghurt2. written:   1) copy work: new words and phrases                      2) pp p19 to 24                     3) gb p18,21                     4) pa part module 1                          iv.        notes

food 篇13

  PEP  book 5 Unit 3 What’s Your Favourite Food第六课时

  教学内容:B Read and write. Group work  let’s check

  教学目标 与要求:

  1、能听、说、读、写 四会句子What’s your favouritefruit? I like apple. They are sweet. I don’t like grape. They’re sour. 并在实际情景中运用完成填空练习。

  2、能读懂Read and write 的对话,完成填空练习。

  3. 能够理解Pronunciation 中字母组合的发音规则,读出相关的单词。

  4、能够完成Let’s check 部分。


  1.准确理解Read and write对话中的语句,掌握四会句子的书写。





  1.教师准备教学过程 中所需要的图片、课件、以及所学食物的单词卡片、录音机、投影仪、幻灯片等。。

  教学过程 :

  (一) Warm –up  (热身)

  Let’s  chant

  教师播放上节课扩展资料中的歌谣录音:What’s your favourite fruit? …are my favourite fruit.学生拍手说唱歌谣。


  (1) 教师说:I like bananas. Bananas are my favourite fruit. They are tasty. What’s your favourite fruit? 启发学生用…are my favourite fruit.说出自己最喜欢的水果,并用所学形容词简单说明原因。

  (2)小组活动:每个同学用…are my favourite fruit. They are … 告诉同桌同学自己最喜欢的水果及其原因。


  Read and write

  (1)   教师播放Read and write部分的课件,学生观看,初步感知对话内容。

  (2) 教师分别指着课件图像中的Monkey,Rabbit,Zoom,Zip问:

  What’s Monkey’s favourite fruit? What’s Rabbit’s favourite fruit? What’s Zip’s favourite drink? What’s Zoom’s favourite food?


  _______ are Monkey’s favourite fruit. They’re _______ .

  ________ are Rabbit’s favourite fruit. They’re _______ .

  ________ is Zip’s favourite.  It’s ______  and  _______ .

  ________ is Zoom’s favourite food.

  (3) 教师检查并了解学生完成情况。

  (4)启发学生理解carrot juice和heavy的意思。


  (6)完成Finish the sentences。

  (三) Pronunciation

  (1)       出示单词:window,yellow,snow,学生朗读并找出ow的发音。以同样的方法教oa \fl\ fr在单词中的读音

  (2) 播放绕口令录音,学生重复句子;朗读绕口令。

  (四) Let’s play 

  Group work


  Ask:What’s your favourite food?

  Answer:...is/are my favourite food.  It’s/They’re…



  (1)   What’s your favourite fruit?

  (2) I like apple.                         (3)       I like fruits.

  (4) I like don’t grapes. They are sour.   (5)       Apples are sweat.

  (五) Consolidation and extension

  (1)完成教材P35  Let’s check部分练习。

  (2)完成活动手册 P24—3

  (3)四人一组自愿结合表演Read and write部分对话。


food 篇14

  Lesson 74教学设计示例



  (1)掌握句型:1) What would you/he/she like? 2) Would you like…? 3) I/He/She'd like… 4)What about…?











  2.教师手持食物和饮料的图片,问某个同学:Would you like some bread? 让学生猜这句话意思。如猜不出,教师可加以解释,并板书这个句子。如果这个同学答:Yes,则请他(或她)站在前面,手持画有几个面包的图片,面向大家。


  T:What would… like?


  …would like some bread… would like some apples, etc.


  T:…, what would you like?

  S1:I'd like some bread.




  What would they like?








  1.Can I help you? 您要点什么?

  这是一句服务用语,类似的句子还有:What can I do for you? 例如:

  A:What can I do for you? 您要点什么?

  B:I'd like some cakes, please. 我要些蛋糕。

  2.What would you like? 你喜欢要点什么?



  Would you like some bananas? 你吃点香蕉吗?

  当表示自己想要什么东西时,可以用 I would like…这个句子来表达。例如:

  I would like a cup of tea, and four cakes, please. 我想要一杯茶,四块蛋糕。

  在口语中,I would like通常缩略为:I'd like…

  3.What about something to eat? 来点吃的东西怎么样?

  在这个短语中,动词不定式to eat放在something之后,起定语作用。可以理解为吃的东西。而something to drink就是喝的饮料了。


  That's something very old. 这东西太旧了。

food 篇15

  游戏,就十分精彩,既复习了句型What do you like? I like ……,又复习了水果类和食品类单词,并引入了新单词juice,达到了事半功倍的效果,并且老师和孩子们一起做游戏,更拉近了师生间的距离。而在单词教学中,针对三个新单词,我设计了三种呈现方式和操练方式,改变了过去一味由教师传授、灌输知识的方式。就说juice的教学吧:我通过击鼓传花的游戏引出juice后,并非单纯地让学生反复跟读,而是拿了两瓶真正的juice在学生手中边传递边说juice、juice, I like juice, 通过看、听、摸、动脑、动口,让学生直接体验、感知饮料;又通过配以chant,旧调换新词,让学生在有节奏的韵句中再次学习新知,层层递进,由浅入深,加深对饮料的感知、理解,逐步达到内化。在教学实施中,师生共同游戏、chant、互动、共振、共同交流、合作,Juice, please为学生下一步能用英语进行简单日常交流做了铺垫。

  二、设计“任务型”活动(Task-based Activities),开放空间,激活学生的思维,培养学生综合运用语言的的能力。

  以学生生活经验和兴趣为出发点,我巧妙的设计了较为真实的模拟语境,让孩子们感受到“生活中学英语”的乐趣。学生们在原有认知水平的基础上,以小组为单位,编演自己所喜欢的小对话如:在商店购物,买自己喜欢的水果、and Drink》教学反思》

food 篇16




  本单元主要让学生练习“吃”和“喝”的话题。结合时间的表达和“饿了”“渴了”的表达引出“想吃什么”,“想喝什么”的话题,练习常用的表达。并介绍两种单词,food words and drink words,所涉及的语法现象为不可数名词量的表达。食品有:bread, rice等,饮料有:tea, milk, water, juice等,引出 a cup of, a bag of, a glass of, a bottle of, a piece of,学生基础较好的班可给出a bowl of, a box of等。与此同时运用所学过的 how many句型,进一步学会不可数名词量的提问和应答。


  74课学习功能句 “想要……吗?”“……怎么样?”的表达。为74课的第二部分 “购买食品”做好铺垫。




  准确、熟练的运用最基本的/i:/, /e/ 和 /i/三个单元音。




  food, drink, hungry, thirsty, water, eat, rice, bread, meat, tea, milk, glass, a glass of,

  would like, I’d like=I would like sth, porridge, fish, dumpling, fruit

  piece, a piece of


  hamburger, needle, potato, chips, coke, coffee, madam, dear, ice, cream, ice cream, USA, different, vegetable, sometimes






  (2)How many + 可数名词复数+ can you see?及回答。

  How man +可数名词复数 + are there?及回答。




  1.记住并能灵活运用可数名词和不可数名词。如:some cakes, some bread, some rice等。

  2.树立不可数名词的概念,如:一般的液体不可数。并学会量(单复数)的表达,如:a bottle of juice, a cup of tea, a glass of milk 等。

  3.学习关于询问“多少”的提问和应答(主要是带有量词的不可数名词)。并注意 some, many, any, a, and an 的用法。

  4. 注意要设计情景,多练习使用以下句型: Would you like …? What would you like…? I’d like…


  本单元的口语训练包括三个项目:(l)人物与想要的东西;(2)在实际情景中(如商店,餐馆,家里)谈论饮食;(3)How many句型的口语练习。




  表示该干什么了:  It’s time for (supper).

  表示“渴了”“饿了”: I’m thirsty. I’m hungry.

  表示多少: How many bottles of water can you see in the picture?I can see three.

  表示早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么: What do you have for breakfast/ lunch/ supper?

  What would you like for supper?

  What does your friend have for breakfast?

  What would your friend like for supper?

  表示想要什么:What would you like? I’d like a bottle of apple juice.

  Would you like something to drink? Oh, yes.

  表示怎么样:  What about something to drink / eat?

  表示提供帮助和建议:Can I help you, madam? Yes, I want some rice.

  Do you have any ice cream?



  另外,76课练习8,写回信也是很好的写作训练。可将学生分成四人的小组。让学生们在小组内部仔细阅读Robert的来信,分析它所提出的问题都包含几方面。回信该如何回答?还可写些什么?四人可适当分工:两人收集课文中的句子,两人起草回信。然后认真阅读课文,从本单元中找出回信可用的句子并整理出来,备用。小组集体完成一份回信,作为作业 交给老师。最后,教师可设一定的奖励。


  Dear Robert,

  I’m glad to receive your letter and I know you want to come to China. You talk about Chinese food in your letter. Do you know Chinese food tastes the most delicious in the world? We cook something in many different ways. We can stir-fry, fry, steam, boil, smoke and so on.

  We have eggs and milk for breakfast, have rice with vegetables, meat and fish for lunch, noodles and dumplings for supper. Chinese food not only tastes good but also has good nutrition. Sometimes we go to McDonald and Kentucky Fried Chicken. But I don’t like them very much.

  For drink, we often drink vegetable and fruit juice, mineral water, and all kinds of milk. Coke and sprite are children’s favourite drink. But I like Chinese tea best.

  We have a lot of traditional food and home cooking dishes here, for example: Beijing roasted duck, instant boiled mutton, sweet and sour fish, home-style bean-curd and so on. Now we like home cooked food better than take-away food. Beijingers like bean curd, very much, too. If you come to China, I’ll show you around the city and you can taste these foods one by one if you aren’t afraid to get fat.

  Best wishes


  Zhang Fan



  Dear Robert,

  Thank you for you  (1) letter. Welcome to China. You want to know something about Chinese food. Let me to (2) tell you. We don't eat rice, vegetables and meats (3) every day. Sometimes we have hamburgers, potato chips and coke, too. In China you can find your favourite food and drink. Tell me when you come. You can come (4) my home and eat noodles. My mother can make nice noodles. We can go out to eat hamburgers and drink coke, too.











  food, drink, rice, eat, something, many, only, a glass of water

  1.something是代词,作“某物;某事”讲,例如:I want something to drink. something一般用在陈述句的肯定句中,在否定句和疑问句中用anything.但如果表示客气的请求时要用something而不用anything.例如:Is there anything wrong with the bike? Would you like something to eat

  2.many作形容词用,意思是“许多的;多的”。它后面跟可数名词的复数形式。如果后面跟不可数名词,则用much。例如:We have many new books. There is much water in the bottle.


  1. It’s time for supper. 是吃晚饭的时间了。

  句型It’s time to do…意思是“做……的时间了”,It’s time to 后面一定要跟动词原形,如果后面是名词就要用It’s time for sth. 句型。It’s time 后跟不定式时,不定式前有时还可用for sb. ,以表示不定式所表示的动作是谁的。这时,不定式短语不能用for介词短语来代替。

  (1) It’s time to have breakfast.

  =It’s time for breakfast. 该吃早饭了。

  (2)It’s time to go and see Mr. Green.该去看望Green先生了。(本句不宜用for短词)

  (3)It’s time for her to know it.是她该知道此事的时候了。

  2. Would you like something to drink? 你想要喝点东西吗?

  1)Would you like…? 这一句型主要用来委婉地向对方提出请求、建议或看法。would like表示“想要”,相当于want,但语气比want更委婉、客气。肯定回答时用Yes, please. 否定回答时用No, thanks. 如:

  -Would you like a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗?

  -Yes, please. /No, thanks.好的。/不用了,谢谢。

  2)课文中的I’d live=I would like,意为“我想要……”。

  3)something to drink意为“喝的东西”。动词不定式to drink位于不定代词something之后用作定语。如:something to eat吃的东西,something to say要说的事情。

  4)have与eat和drink都有“吃;喝”之意,实际应用时略有不同。a)have为吃、喝通用语。与三餐名词连用时,只能用have。如:have supper/ lunch/ breakfast b)eat表吃、喝时多用于美国。如:My mother likes to eat soup我妈妈喜欢喝汤。 c)drink习惯上用于指喝水、茶、牛奶、酒等。

  3. What about some fruit juice? 喝点儿水果汁怎么样?

  句型What about + sb. / sth.? 表示“某人或某物怎么样?”这是打听情况、征求意见的常用口语。如:

  I like English. What about you? 我喜欢英语。你呢(你喜欢英语吗?)

  This bottle is empty. What about a full one? 这个瓶子空了,再来一瓶满的怎么样?

  rice, meat, brad, tea, milk, water, juice, orange juice, coffee, coke.等词为不可数名词。因此它们没有复数形式。但是它们都可以用一定的量来表达。如:a bag of rice(一袋大米),a bowl of rice(一碗米饭),a kilo of meat(一斤肉)a piece of meat (一块肉), a piece of bread (一片面包), a cup of tea (一杯茶) , a box of tea (一盒茶叶), a bottle of milk (一瓶牛奶), a bottle of orange/apple juice (一瓶桔汁/苹果汁), a cup of coffee (一杯咖啡), a bottle of coke (一瓶可乐)等。

  4. Can I help you? 你要买点什么?

  Can I help you? 这句话可用在很多场合,并且在不同的场合及地点可以理解不同的含义。多半为服务性的人员使用,翻译时一定要根据实际情况来理解。与这一句表达相同的说法还有,May I help you? 或What can I do for you? 如:你在商店买东西时听服务说这句话,是问你“你想买点什么?”如在图书室服务员说这句话,是向“你想借什么书”等。如:

  “Can I help you?” “I’d like some bananas.”你要买点什么?我想买点香蕉。

  5. We would like a bottle of apple juice, a glass of orange juice, and four cakes, please. 我们想要一瓶苹果汁,一杯桔子汁和四块蛋糕。


  (1) I like singing and dancing. 我喜欢唱歌、跳舞。

  (2) There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I.   


  6.How many bottles of juice can yon see? 你能看见多少瓶果汁?

  How many是疑问词,是“多少”的意思,后面跟可数名词的复数。如果修饰不可数名词,要用How much…?

  How many people are there in your family? 你家有几口人?

  How much meat do you want? 你要多少肉?

  How much is that map? 那张地图多少钱?(问价格也用How much…)

  7.Me, too. 我也是。


  “I’m thirsty.” “Me, too.”(=I’m thirsty, too.)“我渴了。”“我也是。”

  “I want something to eat.” “Me, too.” “我想吃点东西。”“我也是”。

  8. I want some rice, fish and a glass of apple juice. 我想要些饭,鱼和一杯苹果汁。


  a fish 一条鱼→three fish三条鱼

  two fishes两种鱼

  There’s some fish on the plate. 盘中有鱼。(不可数)

  9. I have no time to go home for lunch, so I have it at school. 我没有时间回家吃午饭,因此我在学校吃午饭。

  (1) 不定式短语to go home for lunch 修饰名词time, 作后置定语。e.g.

  I have no time to talk with you. 我没有时间同你谈。

  It's time to have class. 到上课的时候了。

  Would you like something to drink? 你想喝些什么吗?


  I don't know her, so I don't know her name.我不认识她,因此我不知道她的名字。

  10.Write them down in your exercise books.把他们写在你的练习本上。

  在write down这个短语中down是副词,所以代词必须放在中间。如果是名词则可以放中间也可放在down的后面。例如:Write down these new words in your exercise book.

food 篇17



  本单元主要让学生练习“吃”和“喝”的话题。结合时间的表达和“饿了”“渴了”的表达引出“想吃什么”,“想喝什么”的话题,练习常用的表达。并介绍两种单词,food words and drink words,所涉及的语法现象为不可数名词量的表达。食品有:bread, rice等,饮料有:tea, milk, water, juice等,引出 a cup of, a bag of, a glass of, a bottle of, a piece of,学生基础较好的班可给出a bowl of, a box of等。与此同时运用所学过的 how many句型,进一步学会不可数名词量的提问和应答。


  74课学习功能句 “想要……吗?”“……怎么样?”的表达。为74课的第二部分 “购买食品”做好铺垫。




  准确、熟练的运用最基本的/i:/, /e/ 和 /i/三个单元音。




  food, drink, hungry, thirsty, water, eat, rice, bread, meat, tea, milk, glass, a glass of,

  would like, I’d like=I would like sth, porridge, fish, dumpling, fruit

  piece, a piece of


  hamburger, needle, potato, chips, coke, coffee, madam, dear, ice, cream, ice cream, USA, different, vegetable, sometimes






  (2)How many + 可数名词复数+ can you see?及回答。

  How man +可数名词复数 + are there?及回答。




  1.记住并能灵活运用可数名词和不可数名词。如:some cakes, some bread, some rice等。

  2.树立不可数名词的概念,如:一般的液体不可数。并学会量(单复数)的表达,如:a bottle of juice, a cup of tea, a glass of milk 等。

  3.学习关于询问“多少”的提问和应答(主要是带有量词的不可数名词)。并注意 some, many, any, a, and an 的用法。

  4. 注意要设计情景,多练习使用以下句型: Would you like …? What would you like…? I’d like…


  本单元的口语训练包括三个项目:(l)人物与想要的东西;(2)在实际情景中(如商店,餐馆,家里)谈论饮食;(3)How many句型的口语练习。




  表示该干什么了:  It’s time for (supper).

  表示“渴了”“饿了”: I’m thirsty. I’m hungry.

  表示多少: How many bottles of water can you see in the picture?I can see three.

  表示早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么: What do you have for breakfast/ lunch/ supper?

  What would you like for supper?

  What does your friend have for breakfast?

  What would your friend like for supper?

  表示想要什么:What would you like? I’d like a bottle of apple juice.

  Would you like something to drink? Oh, yes.

  表示怎么样:  What about something to drink / eat?

  表示提供帮助和建议:Can I help you, madam? Yes, I want some rice.

  Do you have any ice cream?



  另外,76课练习8,写回信也是很好的写作训练。可将学生分成四人的小组。让学生们在小组内部仔细阅读Robert的来信,分析它所提出的问题都包含几方面。回信该如何回答?还可写些什么?四人可适当分工:两人收集课文中的句子,两人起草回信。然后认真阅读课文,从本单元中找出回信可用的句子并整理出来,备用。小组集体完成一份回信,作为作业 交给老师。最后,教师可设一定的奖励。


  Dear Robert,

  I’m glad to receive your letter and I know you want to come to China. You talk about Chinese food in your letter. Do you know Chinese food tastes the most delicious in the world? We cook something in many different ways. We can stir-fry, fry, steam, boil, smoke and so on.

  We have eggs and milk for breakfast, have rice with vegetables, meat and fish for lunch, noodles and dumplings for supper. Chinese food not only tastes good but also has good nutrition. Sometimes we go to McDonald and Kentucky Fried Chicken. But I don’t like them very much.

  For drink, we often drink vegetable and fruit juice, mineral water, and all kinds of milk. Coke and sprite are children’s favourite drink. But I like Chinese tea best.

  We have a lot of traditional food and home cooking dishes here, for example: Beijing roasted duck, instant boiled mutton, sweet and sour fish, home-style bean-curd and so on. Now we like home cooked food better than take-away food. Beijingers like bean curd, very much, too. If you come to China, I’ll show you around the city and you can taste these foods one by one if you aren’t afraid to get fat.

  Best wishes


  Zhang Fan



  Dear Robert,

  Thank you for you  (1) letter. Welcome to China. You want to know something about Chinese food. Let me to (2) tell you. We dont eat rice, vegetables and meats (3) every day. Sometimes we have hamburgers, potato chips and coke, too. In China you can find your favourite food and drink. Tell me when you come. You can come (4) my home and eat noodles. My mother can make nice noodles. We can go out to eat hamburgers and drink coke, too.











  food, drink, rice, eat, something, many, only, a glass of water

  1.something是代词,作“某物;某事”讲,例如:I want something to drink. something一般用在陈述句的肯定句中,在否定句和疑问句中用anything.但如果表示客气的请求时要用something而不用anything.例如:Is there anything wrong with the bike? Would you like something to eat

  2.many作形容词用,意思是“许多的;多的”。它后面跟可数名词的复数形式。如果后面跟不可数名词,则用much。例如:We have many new books. There is much water in the bottle.


  1. It’s time for supper. 是吃晚饭的时间了。

  句型It’s time to do…意思是“做……的时间了”,It’s time to 后面一定要跟动词原形,如果后面是名词就要用It’s time for sth. 句型。It’s time 后跟不定式时,不定式前有时还可用for sb. ,以表示不定式所表示的动作是谁的。这时,不定式短语不能用for介词短语来代替。

  (1) It’s time to have breakfast.

  =It’s time for breakfast. 该吃早饭了。

  (2)It’s time to go and see Mr. Green.该去看望Green先生了。(本句不宜用for短词)

  (3)It’s time for her to know it.是她该知道此事的时候了。

  2. Would you like something to drink? 你想要喝点东西吗?

  1)Would you like…? 这一句型主要用来委婉地向对方提出请求、建议或看法。would like表示“想要”,相当于want,但语气比want更委婉、客气。肯定回答时用Yes, please. 否定回答时用No, thanks. 如:

  -Would you like a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗?

  -Yes, please. /No, thanks.好的。/不用了,谢谢。

  2)课文中的I’d live=I would like,意为“我想要……”。

  3)something to drink意为“喝的东西”。动词不定式to drink位于不定代词something之后用作定语。如:something to eat吃的东西,something to say要说的事情。

  4)have与eat和drink都有“吃;喝”之意,实际应用时略有不同。a)have为吃、喝通用语。与三餐名词连用时,只能用have。如:have supper/ lunch/ breakfast b)eat表吃、喝时多用于美国。如:My mother likes to eat soup我妈妈喜欢喝汤。 c)drink习惯上用于指喝水、茶、牛奶、酒等。

  3. What about some fruit juice? 喝点儿水果汁怎么样?

  句型What about + sb. / sth.? 表示“某人或某物怎么样?”这是打听情况、征求意见的常用口语。如:

  I like English. What about you? 我喜欢英语。你呢(你喜欢英语吗?)

  This bottle is empty. What about a full one? 这个瓶子空了,再来一瓶满的怎么样?

  rice, meat, brad, tea, milk, water, juice, orange juice, coffee, coke.等词为不可数名词。因此它们没有复数形式。但是它们都可以用一定的量来表达。如:a bag of rice(一袋大米),a bowl of rice(一碗米饭),a kilo of meat(一斤肉)a piece of meat (一块肉), a piece of bread (一片面包), a cup of tea (一杯茶) , a box of tea (一盒茶叶), a bottle of milk (一瓶牛奶), a bottle of orange/apple juice (一瓶桔汁/苹果汁), a cup of coffee (一杯咖啡), a bottle of coke (一瓶可乐)等。

  4. Can I help you? 你要买点什么?

  Can I help you? 这句话可用在很多场合,并且在不同的场合及地点可以理解不同的含义。多半为服务性的人员使用,翻译时一定要根据实际情况来理解。与这一句表达相同的说法还有,May I help you? 或What can I do for you? 如:你在商店买东西时听服务说这句话,是问你“你想买点什么?”如在图书室服务员说这句话,是向“你想借什么书”等。如:

  “Can I help you?” “I’d like some bananas.”你要买点什么?我想买点香蕉。

  5. We would like a bottle of apple juice, a glass of orange juice, and four cakes, please. 我们想要一瓶苹果汁,一杯桔子汁和四块蛋糕。


  (1) I like singing and dancing. 我喜欢唱歌、跳舞。

  (2) There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I.   


  6.How many bottles of juice can yon see? 你能看见多少瓶果汁?

  How many是疑问词,是“多少”的意思,后面跟可数名词的复数。如果修饰不可数名词,要用How much…?

  How many people are there in your family? 你家有几口人?

  How much meat do you want? 你要多少肉?

  How much is that map? 那张地图多少钱?(问价格也用How much…)

  7.Me, too. 我也是。


  “I’m thirsty.” “Me, too.”(=I’m thirsty, too.)“我渴了。”“我也是。”

  “I want something to eat.” “Me, too.” “我想吃点东西。”“我也是”。

  8. I want some rice, fish and a glass of apple juice. 我想要些饭,鱼和一杯苹果汁。


  a fish 一条鱼→three fish三条鱼

  two fishes两种鱼

  There’s some fish on the plate. 盘中有鱼。(不可数)

  9. I have no time to go home for lunch, so I have it at school. 我没有时间回家吃午饭,因此我在学校吃午饭。

  (1) 不定式短语to go home for lunch 修饰名词time, 作后置定语。e.g.

  I have no time to talk with you. 我没有时间同你谈。

  Its time to have class. 到上课的时候了。

  Would you like something to drink? 你想喝些什么吗?


  I dont know her, so I dont know her name.我不认识她,因此我不知道她的名字。

  10.Write them down in your exercise books.把他们写在你的练习本上。

  在write down这个短语中down是副词,所以代词必须放在中间。如果是名词则可以放中间也可放在down的后面。例如:Write down these new words in your exercise book.


