
Unit5 My new room

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Unit5 My new room(通用2篇)

Unit5 My new room 篇1

  Part 1: Teaching aims and demands

  Knowledge aims

  a. to enable the Ss to understand and speak “ Where is …….?” “ It’s in/ on/ under……”

  b. to help Ss to learn new prep.

  c. Let Ss finish the list

  Ability aims

  a. to develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking

  b. to foster Ss’ abilities of communication and their innovation

  c. to train Ss’ abilities of working in groups

  Moral aims

  a. to foster Ss’ consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition

  b. to lead Ss to show their loveliness to animals

  Part 2: Teaching key points

  a. to help Ss to ask and answer “ Where is ……?” “It’s in / under……”

  b. to enable Ss to study in co-operate skillfully.

  c. Learn new words

  Part 3: Teaching methods

  a. Communicative Approach in Presentation

  b. Task-based Learning Approach in Consolidation.

  Part 4: Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing

  Step 1: warming-up and revision

  a. free talk between teachers and Ss: what’s this?

  b. sing a song: Where is the mouse?

  c. do some TPR: touch your nose/ put your book on the desk/……

  【In this step it’s important to form a better and relaxing English learning atmosphere by singing and doing some total physical response and at the same time it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.】

  Step 2: presentation

  a. present CAI: put a lovely mouse in different places in the room and ask: where is the mouse?

  b. Let Ss answer it’s in/ on/ under the…….( because they learned these three words before)

  c. show a box and a ball and put the ball in different places of the box. Then present the new prep.: in front of / behind / over / beside / near

  d. let Ss ask and answer “ Where is the ball?” “ It’s ……the box”

  【In this step through the Communicative Approach my purpose is to present the key structures one by one. At the same time from a mouse can arouse the Ss’ interests in English learning. There’s an English saying: Interest is the best teacher of studying. It is the most real and active part in studying motivation. Next CAI can provide a real situation for Ss to understand the dialogue and relationships.】

  Step 3: consolidation

  a. show a very messy room and have a group competition: who can find the right things quickly. And use “ where is the……?” “ it’s……”

  b. have a survey and fill a list according to a picture

  Where is the……?

  bed lamp broom doll clock

  c. tell Ss make the room neatly and don’t put the things messy(moral aim)

  【In this step Task-based Learning Approach is used here to develop Ss’ ability of communication and the proper competition can also arouse the Ss’ interests.】

  Step 4: home work

  【Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as possible. It is necessary for Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.】

Unit5 My new room 篇2


  pep小学英语第五册unit5 my new room parta





  a  掌握下列单词和词语:end  table, closet, curtain ,trash bin, mirror.

  b  能听懂会说课文中的问句:is this your bedroom?

  c  会用简单的句子介绍自己的家:i have a…in my room.

  d 会唱英语歌曲my  small  bedroom


  a  创设多种活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生体验成功。

  b  营造宽松,和谐的课堂气氛,让学生在快乐中学习英语


  a  掌握四会单词:end table , closet,  curtain ,  trash bin,  mirror.

  b  会用“is this your bed room?”“i have…in my room”来和其他同学交流


  a  air-conditioner的读音

  b  四会单词的读写


  step 1 warm-up

  1、free-talk:t:how are you?

  s1:i’m fine.thank you.

  t:what’s your name?

  s2:my name is…

  t:nice to meet you.

  s:nice to meet you,too.


  2..say  a  chant  together : i have a  pencil  me too.

  i  have  a  book.  me too.

  i  have  a  ruler.  me too.

  i  have  a  bag   .me too.

  (chant是学生非常喜欢的形式,用课件呈现一首学生已经学过的chant,学生在富有节奏的音乐中,既活跃了课堂气氛,又巧妙地复习了i  have …..”的句型,为新课的学习做了铺垫.

  step 2 presentation

  1.      t: you  did  good  job!  in  my  eyes, you’re super  students. in  this  class, let’s have a  match. let’s see boys and girls , who can do  better, ok ?


  2show  ss  a  pictures  of  chen jie’s  bedroom.(课件展示chen jie的房间,学生边看边听录音材料.)

  chen jie :look  at  my  new  bedroom . is it nice?  i have  a bed in my room. what else do  i  have?

  s: a  curtain.

  teach  to  read  the  word  “curtain”  together.

  t: can you  spell “curtain”? let’s spell it together c-u-r-t-a-i-n

  practice  to  chant  : curtain ,curtain , i  have  a curtain .

  3.t: what else does she have?

  s: a  mirror

  teach  to  read the  word  “mirror”  together.

  t: can you  spell “mirror”? let’s spell it together m-i-r-r-o-r

  practice  to  chant  : mirror ,mirror , i  have  a mirror .

  4.t: what  else  does  she  have?

  s: a  closet  (read  and  spell  the  word  “closet”  together.)

  practice  to  chant  : closet,closet , i  have  a  closet.

  s: a  trash bin (read  and  spell  the  word  “trash bin”  together.)

  practice  to  chant  : trash bin, trash bin , i  have  a  trash bin .

  s: an  air conditioner  (read the  word  “air conditioner”  together.)

  practice  to  chant  : air conditioner, air conditioner, i have  an air conditioner

  s: two  end  tables (read  and  spell  the  word  “end  table”  together.)

  practice  to  chant  : end  table, end  table ,i have  an  end  table

  5、let’s chant.

  i have a mirror in my room.

  i have a curtain in my room.

  i have a end table in my room.

  i have a closet in my room.


  6.game1: what’s  missing? (课件展示,让学生很快说出房间里少了哪件物品end  table, closet, curtain ,trash bin, mirror..)既活跃了课堂气氛,又巧妙地巩固了本课所学新单词.)


  t:look, miss  song  has  my  bedroom ,too. i have  a  big  closet ,a new air conditioner  and  blue  curtains . which  one  is  my  bedroom? you can ask me: is this your  bedroom?teach  to  say:  is this your  bedroom ?(小学生具有思维活跃\求知欲强\联想丰富\敢于创新的心理特征.因此设计这个猜一猜的游戏能极大地调动学生的思维和想像力.既调动了学生的主观能动性和积极性,又自然地过渡到新句型is  this  your….”的学习)

  step3 consolidation

  1、show ss some pictures, for example: tv, sofa, bed, table, computer and soon. let them make their own chant.

  invite some ss to chant.

  2、show ss a frame.invite some ss to tick and introduce their own room



  end table 



  trash bin






  1.t:ok!this  lesson, you did  good  job! let’s see,boys and girls ,who is the better?  who  is  the  super  student  in  this  class?how about  miss song?


  2.let’s sing  a  song  “my  new  bedroom”(学唱新歌,结束本课,再一次复习巩固了本课新知,在优美动听的音乐中愉快地结束本课的学习)


  在小学英语教学中,实施开放式教学是培养学生运用英语能力的有效途径.本课中,我创设了开放的学习环境,如free talk给了学生愉快进行交际活动的环境,自编chant给了学生发展想像力的环境.同时我设计了开放的教学形式和教学内容,从实际出发,采用分组竞赛, 通过游戏\唱歌\小记者调查等多种教学形式,有效地弘扬了学生个性,给学生充分表现自己的空间.并有效地采用了开放的教学评价,让学生成为评价的主人,从而增强了学生自信心营造了一个和谐的师生互动环境。四会单词的教学一直是学生学习的难点,如何有效地进行单词教学,是还需要进一步研究探讨的问题,在今后的教学中,在培养学生学习能力上多出点子,多动脑筋,才能有效地提高教学质量。


