
上海牛津1A Unit1 Period3教案

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上海牛津1A Unit1 Period3教案(通用4篇)

上海牛津1A Unit1 Period3教案 篇1

  period 3teaching aids: cassette player, cassette, pictures, a clock face, a paper tieprocedurecontentmethodpurposepre-task

  preparation1. warming-upa rhyme:hello, hi. hello, hi.good morning.good morning.hello, hi. hello, hi.how are you?how are you?hello, hi. hello, hi. 出示一个钟面,并将指针定在7:00。将钟面放于黑板左方, 表示早晨。同时老师说:“look, it’s seven o’clock in the morning.”然后带领学生念儿歌,复习上一节课学习的内容。2. finger play-good morning.-good morning.-how are you?-fine, thank you.手指游戏:用两个手指来扮演两个人物进行对话。while-task

  procedure1.intioduction:  i’m great. just so-so. very wellt: it’s morning now. what should you say to me?p: good morning.t: good morning.p: how are you?t: i’m great. / just so-so. /very well.通过早晨老师与学生互相打招呼,自然引出i’m great. just so-so. very well.2. imitation1. ask pupil to say: i’m great. / just so-so./ very well.让小朋友通过动作和表情来学说:i’m great.等。比一比,谁是表演小明星。2. (work in pairs)ask pupils to greet each other.p1: how are you?p2: i’m…两人用夸张的脸部表情互相问答,这样既能让学生理解句意,印象又十分深刻。1.introduction: bookt: o.k. let’s begin our lessons. let me take out my book. show the book and say: ”book, a book.”用实物引出单词。2. imitationask pupils to change their voices to say ”book”.将纸制的领结放在不同的位置(头上、颈前、嘴巴上方),让学生分别模仿小孩子、中年人,老年人的声音读单词,使枯燥的机械操练变得有趣味性。3. learn phrasest: let me open my bag.oh, so many books. show pupils the book one by one and say: ”a chinese book, a maths book, an english book.”结合实际,拓展教材内容。4. quick responset: look at the book then say what book it is. (show the book slowly first, then fast.)让学生快速反应老师出示不同的书,这样容易集中学生的注意力。由于他们急于要说出知道的单词,这样有利于提高学习效率。5.a rhyme p: learn to say a rhyme book, book, a chinese book.book, book, open your book.通过儿歌形式让学生习得和欣赏语言。同时引出新的单词open。1. introduction: open, closet: use the book and open and close it. “see, open. now close.”利用“书”打开和合上的动作,让学生明白open和close意思,然后听并模仿做动作。2.imitationask pupils to read after teacher, and do some actions.3. a rhymeopen, close. open, close.open, open. open.open, close. open, close.close, close, close.利用儿歌强化单词发音,通过变化节奏或改变声调的方法激发学生学习兴趣。4. quick responset: open your book.close your book.open your chinese book.close your english book. 通过听和做动作,让学生掌握新授内容book, open, close.post-task

  activitieslisten and act(group work)form a group of four. one pupil gives command, the others do the actions. open your book.close your book.open your maths book.close your chinese book.i’m great. (翘起大拇指)组成四人小组,一学生说指令,另外三个学生作出相应的反应。然后轮流让每个人都有听和说的机会。assignment 1.  greet your family.2.  ask your parents to do the actions.让小朋友回到家用所学英语与父母交流,让他们感受到英语与日常生活是紧密联系的。【教案设计说明】本节课是将let’s talk和let’s act的内容结合起来进行教学。在复习阶段,我运用了短小的儿歌、手指游戏进行练习。在新授单词的过程中,根据学生的好奇心和模仿力,并考虑到单一、机械的操练单词会让一年级学生觉得枯燥乏味,为此来吸引学生的注意力并进行操练。具体做法就是取一张纸,折成手风琴式的领结。将领结放在嘴巴上方,就如老人的胡须;将领结放于头颈处,就成中年人的领结;将领结放在头上,就像小朋友的蝴蝶结。领结摆放在不同的位子,学生就模仿不同年龄人的声音。同时教师可依据学生当场反应,改变说话的速度。这样的活动有一定的趣味性,可使学生积极地参与其中,克服腼腆羞怯的心理障碍,最大限度地调动了他们学习的主动性和积极性。在开展活动的同时教师根据学生的接受能力对教材的内容做了一定量的拓展,增加了how are you? 的其他几种回答,如i’m great. just so-so. very well等,丰富了学生语言的表达,发展了他们的思维。

上海牛津1A Unit1 Period3教案 篇2

  period 7teaching aids: cassette player. real object (paper, pencil, ruler, rubber, pen, book)procedurecontentmethodpurposepre-task

  preparation1. warming-uplet pupils do “roll, roll, roll” game.(first)t: what?p: a pencil.t: here you are.p: thank you.(then)p1-p2/p1.p2-p3.p4p1.p2.p3.p4-p5.p6.p7.p8“滚雪球”游戏是在老师给出一个model之后,让学生将这段内容一传二,二传四地传播开来。这种形式的操练可让学生在最短的时间内,有充分的语言交流机会,使全体学生都处于语言操练的气氛之中。2. daily talktalk about the objects in the classroom.t: what can you see in the pencil-box?p: i can see…t: what can you see in the classroom?p: i can see bag/book/…用看得见模得着的实物来复习单词,操练句型,体现语言的交际性。同时可自然地引出下面的学习内容。3. an activityask pupils to answer questionsif the pupils’ answers are right, awards to them.t: what can you see on the desk?p: i can see a …(book e.g.)t: yes. a star for you.p: i can see a …t: yes. a star for you.一年级的新生对粘纸会有兴趣,因此当学生答对后用五星粘纸当奖品,会激发学生的学习兴趣。由于教师的话语,学生可在自然的状态下了解…for you 的意思。while-task

  procedure1. learn: one for…1.t: look! so many stars.one for you, one for me.one for you and one for me.follow me to say, please.(body language)p: one for you, one for me.(body language)2. t: now if you have got a box of chocolates and you want to share with us. you can say…p: one for you, one for me.通过教师的形体语言,学生容易理解for you /for me 的意思。学生经过机械模仿,可熟悉新单词和句型。2. situational dialogueif there are two desks here, what can you say to your deskmate?p1: one for you, one for me.p2: a desk, a desk for you and me.t: excellent.创设一些情景,让学生感受for you/for me的实际运用。 3. a gameshow pupils a sentence or write a sentence on the blackboard.(pair work)p1 (face to the blackboard)say the sentence to p2p2 (back to the blackboard)listen and repeat the sentence.sentence 1: i can see a pencil.sentence 2: i can see a ruler.sentence 3: paper, a pencil for you and me.这个游戏是通过看、听、说环节初步培养学生的阅读、听力和表达的能力。4. a rhymeask pupils to follow the tape to read the rhyme. post-task

  activitiesmake a new rhyme(pair work)ask pupils make a new rhyme according to the rhyme just learned with the objects in the classroom.让学生尝试根据教室里或书包里的实物,编出新的儿歌。assignmentwork book p4circle the words that you learnt today. 【教案设计说明】刚入学的学生在接触牛津英语教材时,会被其中的图片所吸引,产生浓厚的学习兴趣。牛津英语的特点之一就是插图形象生动,趣味性强,图文并茂;牛津英语的特点之二就是教学内容具有很浓的生活气息,这为我们进行情境教学创造了有利的条件。作为老师,我们的任务就是利用课本,灵活多变地创设情境,活化教材,让学生学习英语,运用英语,激发学习英语的兴趣。本课的引入部分及操练部分都体现了这些特点。在daily talk中,老师安排了一个与实际环境相结合的情景,让学生通过观察教室,运用已学的词汇回答what can you see in the classroom?这样一问就使学生自然地要去观察教室。在新授后的操练中,老师创设了一个与生活实际相结合的情景。在学了…for you and me之后,老师设计了一个情景,你有一包巧克力想与人分享,你该怎么说?这是活化教材的进一步体现。通过创设一个与生活实际相结合的情景,学生在操练for you/for me 的同时,也体会着与人分享的快乐。课堂教学要体现的交际化和情境化,应该是英语教师不断钻研和尝试的目标。

上海牛津1A Unit1 Period3教案 篇3

  unit1 my classroomobjective:1.    vocabulary: book, ruler, pencil, rubber, pen, bag2.    structure: stand up/ sit down, please. open/close your book.

  how are you? fine, thank you. good morning.3.    function: giving simple instructions.

  responding to simple instructions.

  identifying and describing classroom objects.

  greeting people and responding to greetings. period 1teaching aids: cassette player, cassette, real objects procedurecontentmethodpurposepre-taskpreparation1.warming-up1. introduce yourself to the class, and say, “hello, i am…”这是学生学习英语的第一堂课,教师用英语向学生作自我介绍,让学生感受英语的氛围。 2. ask pupils to introduce themselves. encourage them to greet the whole class.

  “hello, i am…”鼓励孩子模仿老师的样子,向全班作自我介绍。3. ask pupils to form a circle, then throw a balloon to a classmate and say: “hi, …”学生自我介绍后,围圈坐, 用扔气球的方式相互打招呼,做互相认识游戏。 while-task


  stand up, please.

  sit down, please.1. t: use postures and body language, and say: “sit down, please.” 游戏结束,让学生回到座位上。教师利用动作和肢体语言让学生明白英语指令,反复几次,让学生感知语音、语调,并让他们模仿跟读。2. use postures and body language, and say: “stand up, please.”3. repeat several times, let pupils know the meaning then read the sentence after teacher. 2.a game1. game: simon says让学生通过游戏,调动身体各部位同时活动,激发兴趣。2. let pupils understand the meaning “boys, girls, the whole class.”通过迅速做出相应动作,让学生理解这些常用语的意思,同时进一步巩固所学指令。3.quick responsesay, “boys, stand up. girls stand up. the whole class, sit down, please.” and let pupils do some actions after that.4. learn:

  good morningt: “good morning.” ask pupils to say after teacher.模仿跟说后, 让学生走出座位,和朋友打招呼。5. free talkask pupils to say “good morning” to their friends.6. a songsing a song: good morning to you.

  good morning to you.good morning, my friendsgood morning to you.通过唱歌既巩固了句型,又提高了学生的兴趣。post-task

  activities1.listen and followask pupils to follow the tape and point to the relevant pictures.让学生听录音、模仿,感知纯正的语音、语调,掌握正确的发音。 2. make a dialoguet: suppose you and your friend are sitting on a bus, an old man is getting on.what should you do?p1: stand up.p2: stand up and say to the old man: “sit down, please.”让学生不仅在模拟的情景中学会语言的运用,同时接受思想品德教育,从小学会尊敬老人。assignmentplay games with your friends 因为这是第一堂英语课,教师可以布置一些口头操练的作业,让学生初步感知学英语是为了与人交流,并让他们觉得学习英语有很多乐趣。【教案设计说明】小学教育是基础教育的起点,是培养和造就人才的关键阶段,为了顺利地通过这一阶段应该从儿童兴趣入手,实施“兴趣教育”,在此基础上全方位地提高学生的思想素质、科学文化素质、身体与心理素质。英语“兴趣教学”是培养和训练学生听说能力的重要手段,是促进学生学习英语和形成良好习惯的重要五环节,是巩固学生英语学习质量的有效保证。本课是学生学习英语的第一堂课,如何利用各种方法和手段调动孩子的学习积极性,激发他们的兴趣是这堂课的关键所在。根据这堂课的教学内容“stand up/sit down, please. good morning.”以及学生的年龄特点,这堂课以听听、学学、说说、做做等活动为主。心理学研究表明:通过多种感觉器官的同时活动,可以增强记忆,有效提高学习效率。因此,教师在教学过程中应该尽可能把学生的眼(看)、耳(听)、口(说)、手(写)、脑(想)积极地动员起来,让多种感觉器官和思维过程一起参与学习。从教师发布指令到学生相互合作发布指令,练习的坡度逐渐递进,学生在初次合作中学会了指令的实际操作。此外对初学者而言,让他们静听并模仿录音是必要的,这有助于他们感知纯正的语音语调,掌握正确的发音。最后设计了在公交车上为老人让座这一情景,这不仅让学生学会了如何在生活中运用语言,同时也让他们接受一次思想品德教育。

  上海牛津1a unit1 period1教案 来自第一范文网。

上海牛津1A Unit1 Period3教案 篇4

  period 5teaching aids: cassette player, cassette, headdress (pencil, pen), real objects (pencil, pen)procedurecontentmethodpurposepre-taskpreparation1. warming-uprhyme (teacher and pupils read one another)t: stand up, please.p: stand up.t: good morning.p: good morning.t: good afternoon.p: good afternoon.t: good evening.p: good evening.t: how are you?p: i am fine.t: sit down, please.p: sit down.t: open your book.p: open my book.t: close your book.p: close my book. 老师和学生一前一后配合着朗读儿歌。学生边念儿歌边做动作,让他们尽快地投入到英语课的氛围中。while-task

  procedure1. introduction:

  pencil, pent: very good. i am going to give the prize to the best two pupils.a pencil for you.a pen for you.通过表扬,将新授单词作为奖励的物品自然地引出,达到一举两得的功效。2. imitationt: the little train is coming. wu, wu… say the word” pencil/pen” one by one and clap your hands.通过不同的方法进行单词朗读的操练。3. quick responsepoint and sayshow the pictures with words “pencil” or “pen” and ask the pupils to point and say the words quickly.pen, pencil 两个单词音、形、意的区别是本课文的重点,通过快速反应读单词,能够解决这一难点。4. a rhymesee, see, i can seei can, i can, i can see.a pencil, a pen, i can see.a pencil, a pen, i can see.see, see, i can see.利用第四课中的rhyme,替换的本课所学的单词,使学生温故知新。post-task

  activities1. an activityask pupils to match the pictures with the words.通过单词与图片的配对游戏,巩固所学单词。音、形、意。2. a game:london bridgeps: pen or pencil?p1: pen.ps: pen or pencil?p2: pencil.…做“london bridge”游戏。让两位同学分别戴上钢笔和铅笔的头饰,用手搭成桥的形状,其余六七位同学随着音乐钻桥洞。被套到的同学说出想要的文具,然后组成钢笔队和铅笔队进行拔河比赛。assignmentwork book p 2-3  【教案设计说明】本课是以学生为中心,采用多种教学方法和手段,使教学活动生动活泼。如听命令做动作,快速反应,模仿声音,儿歌,游戏,活动等。本课时的教学重点是let’s learn中的pen和pencil。为此老师设计了一个学生既熟悉又喜欢的游戏“london bridge”。我们可把班级学生分成若干组,每组请两位学生分别带上pen 和pencil头饰,用手搭成一座桥,再请几位同学随着音乐钻桥洞。音乐声停,被套到的学生可作选择,pen or pencil?该学生说出自己想要的物品(pen或pencil)作出选择。当所有的学生被套住,全体学生自然分成两队,然后让他们进行拔河比赛。比赛时拉拉队可叫喊助威:come on, pen! come on, pencil! 这一游戏,使得孤立的单词学习,在活动中得到了操练。教学有法,教无定法。教学方法的优劣,对是否能引起学生的学习兴趣关系很大。英语教学的实践性强,因此老师应以灵活多样的方法组织学生进行语言实践活动。针对低年级学生喜说爱动、争强好胜、善模仿、怕羞感少等心理特点,开展各种形式的巩固活动,使他们的大脑皮层终处于兴奋状态,有利于延长学生的学习兴趣。

  上海牛津1a unit1 period5教案 来自第一范文网。


