1A Unit 6 Period(精选9篇)
1A Unit 6 Period 篇1
teaching contents:
words: cow, duck, pig.
moo, quack, oink.
teaching aims:
a. to understand and say the three words: cow, duck, pig.
pay attention to the pronuncitation.
b. try to imitate the sound of the three animals: moo, qucak, oink.
c. enable ss to make a rhyme about the three words "cow, duck, pig" with the help of teacher, then say it skillfully.
d. raise ss interest of learning english.
key points and difficulty:
teaching aims a, b.
teaching aids:
animal pictures (cow, duck, pig), word card, head (cow, duck, pig), recorder, tape, teaching picture(part a)
teaching procedure:
step 1. warm up
1. greetings
2. free talk
3. say a rhyme: mango.
step 2. presetation
1. lead
show the teaching picture (part a)
q: who are they? -- miss li, helen, su hai, mike.
where are they? -- on a farm.
teach the subject: unit 6 on a farm.
unit /'ju:nit/ six /siks/
on a farm
/ɔn/ /ə/ /fɑ:m/
how many animals can you see? -- cow, pig, duck, cat, dog.
2. teach the new words.
a. show the picture of "cow" and the word card: cow.
cow /kau/ 奶牛
b. cow, cow是奶牛. (pair work)
c. put on the head: cow.
奶牛cow. moo, moo. (group work)
moo /mu:/
d. teach the other two words in the same way.
duck /dʌk/, quack /kwæk/.
pig /pig/, oink /ɔink/.
step 3. consolidation
1. say a rhyme.
奶牛cow, moo, moo.
鸭子duck, quack, quack, quack.
小猪pig, oink, oink, oink.
2. imitate and say
3. read the phrase and words after tape.
step 4. end
say "goodbye".
step 5. homework
say the phrase: on a farm.
say the words: cow, duck, pig to your parents.
1A Unit 6 Period 篇2
teaching contents:
pattern: touch your …
teaching aims:
a. to understand the imperative sentence: touch your …
and can make correct actions according to the imperative sentence listened.
b. ss can use the imperative sentence: touch your … to indicate others to finish the specific actions pay attention to the pornunciation and the intonation.
c. raise ss interest of learning english.
key points and difficulty:
teaching aims a, b.
teaching aids:
pictures (eye, ear, nose, mouth)
teaching picture (part a)
word cards (eye, ear, nose, mouth, a, an, your, my, touch, follow me)
recorder, tape
teaching procedure:
step 1. warm up
1. greetings
2. free talk.
hello/hi, .
hello/hi, i'm .
good morning/afternoon, .
is this a …?
what's this? (review the words learnt last lesson)
step 2. presentation
1. teach the new sentence: follow me.
a. t: do you like p.e. ?
ss: yes.
t: what do you do in p.e. lesson?
ss: …
t: you will follow the p.e. teacher.
today, we will learn unit 7. follow me.
b. teach the pronunciation
follow /'fɔləu/ me /mi:/
c. drills: group work -- drive trains -- pair work
d. clap: follow me, 跟我做!
e. t: now, follow me, please. stand up.
ss stand up.
t: follow me, sit down.
ss sit down.
f. ss act as p.e. teacher to say orders
ss: follow me. sit down/stand up/…
2. teach the new sentence pattern: touch your …
a. t show the teaching picture (part a).
t: great! now, su hai and mike are having a p.e. lesson.
what are they doing? please listen!
recorder play: touch your nose.
touch your eye.
t: what are they doing? what do they mean?
b. teach the pronunciation.
touch /tʌtʃ/ your /jɔ:/ my /mai/
c. drills: group work touch / your / my
drive trains touch / your / touch my/your nose
pair work touch my nose (say and do)
touch your nose (one say, one do)
step 3. consolidation
1. follow me (say and do)
follow me, touch my eye/ear/nose/mouth.
2. listen and respond
a. t: touch your eye/ear/nose/mouth
ss make the corresponding actions and say: touch my …
b. one student act as p.e. teacher: touch your …
other students make the corresponding actions and say: touch my …
c. group work.
t show the picture.
one group say the orders: touch your …
other groups make the corresponding actions and say: touch my …
3. listen and repeat
open english books, turn to page 30, listen to the tape and repeat.
step 4. end
say "goodbye".
step 5. homework
listen to the tape and read the text and the words 3 times to your parents.
1a unit 7 period 2 来自第一范文网。
1A Unit 6 Period 篇3
teaching contents:
a. review the content of this unit.
b. do the exercise.
teaching aims:
a. master the content of this unit.
* ss can ask and confirm some objects to others using the sentence pattern: is this a …? and can answer it with "yes, it is." or "no, it isn't." according to the situation.
* ss can say the four fruit words: banana, peach, pear, mango.
b. to finish the exercises well. ss can understand what they have heard.
c. raise ss interest of learning english.
key points and diffculty:
teaching aims a, b.
teaching aids:
teaching pictures, recorder, tape.
teaching procedure:
step 1. warm up
1. greetings
2. free talk
hello/hi, .
good morning/afternoon, .
hello/hi, i'm .
is this a book/bag/pencil/pencilbox?
step 2. revision
1. review the words. (fruit, stationery)
a. show and respond.
b. row work. (drive train)
c. group work. (competition)
2. review the sentence pattern: is this a …?
yes, it is.
no, it isn't.
a. show and respond.
b. pair work. (one ask, one answer)
c. group work. (competition)
3. review the text
a. listen to the tape.
b. competition: who say the best?
who imitate the most similarly.
step 3. relax
say a rhyme "mango".
step 4. exercise
part a. listen and circle
there are four tapics with three picture in every topics in this part.
ss circle the right picture t mention according to the listening content.
part b. listen and number
there is a room with some fruits and articles for study laied here and there. two students are playing the game: touch and guess.
ss number the fruits and articles for study according to the order mentioned in the listening content.
step 5. consolidation
ss read the texts and words(unit 1 ~ unit 5) at the leading of "little teachers".
step 6. end
say "goodbye".
step 7. homework
try to resite the text and words of unit 5.
1A Unit 6 Period 篇4
teaching contents:
a. rhyme: i am a cow.
b. make and play.
teaching aims:
a. to say the rhyme: "i am a cow." skillfully.
b. to master the sentence patterns: "what's this?" by playing games.
"it's a …"
c. to understand and say the phrases "i'm = i am".
d. raise ss interest of learning english.
key points and difficulty:
teaching aims a, b, c.
teaching aids:
animal pictures (cow, duck, pig, cat, dog)
dolls (duck, pig, cat, dog, cow)
heads (cow, duck, pig, cat, dog)
word cards (i am, i'm, i'm = i am)
(moo, quack, oink, miaow, woof)
recorder, tape what's this? it's a ….
yes, it is. no, it isn't.
teaching procedure:
step 1. warm up
1. greetings.
2. free talk.
3. show and respond.
(review the words of this unit)
step 2. revision
play a game: touch and guess.
a. i have many animal dolls in the bag.
look! this is a ….
now, let's play a game. ok?
b. translate the rules.
i will put one doll in the bag.
ask one student come here, touch and guess.
t show the doll, other students judge.
c. play games.
what's this?
it's a ….
yes, it is.
no, it isn't.
step 3. say a rhyme.
1. clap and say
奶牛cow, moo, moo, …
2. do exercise - match
cow duck pig dog cat (animal pictures)
moo quack oink woof miaow (animal sounds)
3. teach the rhyme
a. put on the head: cow
greet: hello, i'm a cow.
i am a cow. moo, moo!
b. teach: i'm /aim/, i am /ai æm/. (drive trains)
i am a cow. (drive trains)
i am a cow, moo, moo! (group work)
c. the same way to teach the other sentences.
i am a duck, quack, quack!
i am a pig, oink, oink!
i am a cat, miaow, miaow!
i am a dog, woof, woof!
d. listen to the tape and repeat.
e. show and say (stand up)
step 4. make and play
a. t: would you like to make an animal head like this?
let's do it by ourselves, ok?
b. open the books, turn to page 29, t translate the method how to make the animal head.
c. draw an animal on the paper.
step 5. end
say "goodbye".
step 6. homework
a. read the rhyme of part c to your parents.
b. make an animal head.
1A Unit 6 Period 篇5
teaching contents:
a. review the content of this unit.
b. do the exercise.
teaching aims:
a. master the content of this unit.
* ss can ask and confirm objects to others with the sentence pattern: what's this? and can answer it with the pattern: it's a … according to the situation.
* ss can say the five animal words: "cow, duck, pig, cat, dog" and can imitate the sounds of the five animals: moo, quack, oink, miaow, woof.
b. to finish the exercises well, ss can understand what they have heard and respond correctly.
c. raise ss interest of learning english.
key points and difficulty:
teaching aims a, b.
teaching aids:
animal pictures (cow, duck, pig, cat, dog)
word cards (cow, duck, pig, cat, dog,
moo, quack, oink, miaow, woof,
what's this? it's a ….)
recorder, tape.
teaching procedure:
step 1. warm up
1. greetings
2. free talk
hello/hi, .
good morning/afternoon, .
is this a …?
what's this?
step 2. revision
1. review the words.
a. show and respond.
t show pictures, word cards, ss respond the words.
(ss -- group -- individual)
b. game: find friends
picture -- word -- sound
ask ss to sort the corresponding cards into a section, then read them together. for example: 牛奶(picture) cow(word), moo~(sound).
2. review the sentence pattern:
a. ask and answer.
t show pictures(animal), ask: what's this?
ss answer: it's a ….
b. do pair work.
open english books, turn to page 27, look at the picture, ask and answer.
check: pairs by pairs.
step 3. exercise
turn to page 17 at the back of the book, let's do exercise.
part b. listen and respond.
listen to the tape and respond the answers together. (look at the four pictures in this part carefully before listening).
part a. listen and number.
there is a farm with some animals in it.
listen to the tape and number the animals it order according to the listening content.
part c. match and say.
there are ten pictures of animal's upper parts and lower parts in this part.
look at the pictures carefully and match the relational pictures to form a complete animal.
step 4. relax
a. say a rhyme "i am a cow".
b. group work: put on the animal head and say "i am a …".
step 5. end
say "goodbye"
step 6. homework
read the text, words and rhyme to your parents.
1a unit 6 period 4 来自第一范文网。
1A Unit 6 Period 篇6
teaching contents:
words: an eye, an ear, a nose, a mouth
rhyme: i have a pair of big eyes
teaching aims:
a. to understand and say the four words: an eye, an ear, a nose, a mouth. pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
b. to understand the difference between "a" and "an".
c. to say the rhyme: i have a pair of big eyes.
d. raise ss interest of learning english.
key points and difficulty:
teaching aims a, b.
teaching aids:
pictures (eye, ear, nose, mouth)
word cards (eye, ear, nose, mouth, a, an)
recorder, tape.
teaching procedure:
step 1. warm up
1. greetings
2. free talk
hello/hi, .
good morning/afternoon, .
hello/hi, i'm .
is this a …?
what's this?
step 2. presentation
1. teach the new word: an eye.
a. t show the picture(eye) and ask: what's this?
ss: it's an …(in chinese)
t show the word card and say: eye
b. teach the pronunciation.
eye /ai/
c. drills: group work -- drive trains -- pair work
d. chant: 我有一双大眼睛,eye,eye是眼睛。
e. t: look at the picture. how many eyes?
ss: one.
t: an eye.
t show the word card and say: an
f. teach the pronunciation.
an /æn/
g. drills: an, an eye (drive trains)
h. chant: eye,eye是眼睛,an eye一只眼睛。
(do pair work and check)
2. the same way to teach the new word: an ear/iə/
3. teaching the new word: a nose.
a. t show the picture(nose) and ask: what's this?
ss: it's a …(in chinese)
t show the word card and say: nose
b. teach the pronunciation
nose /nəuz/
c. drills: group work -- drive trains -- pair work
d. chant: 我有一个小鼻子,nose,nose是鼻子。
e. follow me: nose,nose是鼻子,a nose一个鼻子。
f. do pair work and check.
4. the same way to teach the new word: a mouth/mauθ/
step 3. say a rhyme
follow me: 我有一双大眼睛,eye,eye是眼睛。
an eye一只眼睛。
an ear一只耳朵。
a nose一个鼻子。
a mouth一张嘴巴。
step 4. listen, repeat and do
listen the tape(part b), repeat the words and point at the relevant position on the face.
step 5. end
say "goodbye"
step 6. homework
read the words(part b) to your parents.
1a unit 7 period 1 来自第一范文网。
1A Unit 6 Period 篇7
1.能听懂,会说,会读单词:a watch, a wallet, a teapot, a calculator, a skateboard, a comb, a mirror, a hairdryer
2. 能听懂会说:this … is from…. who are they from?
3. 了解东西方接受礼物的不同反应,培养学生良好的文明礼仪。
1. 本课时的教学重点是有关日常用品的8个单词和讨论谁送的礼物的有关语言,其中skateboard, calculator, hairdryer单词较长,发音也有一定难度,教师应重点指导。
2. 本课时的难点是:this …is from….who are they from? 这组句型,建议教师充分利用课文信息,让学生通过静听,在完成匹配题后逐步理解并达到输出。在操练时,教师可准备一些礼物,通过真实的送礼物的活动,让学生在情境中理解并掌握。
2. 学生准备:每人一张纸条和一份礼物。
step 1 words of dailythings
1) 学生观看录像,初步体会课文内容。
2)教师根据录像内容提问: what are the presents? 学生指着图片将文章中涉及的物品找出来: a …/…
3)根据学生找出的图片,教师进行单词教学:a watch, a teapot, a wallet, a calculator, a skateboard, a comb, a mirror, a hairdryer.
4) 教师示范朗读,学生跟读单词。重点指导calculator, skateboard,hairdryer的发音。在教学skateboard, teapot, hairdryer时,教师可借助单个单词和在一起的做法,帮助学生了解复合词,提高记忆的效率。
5) 单词巩固游戏:what is it?
t: i have a present. it’s no big nor small. man puts money and cards in it. what is it?
s1: it’s a wallet.
t: can you spell it? s1: yes, w-a-l-l-e-t, wallet.
step 2 drills: who is it/are they from? it’s /they are from….
1) t: jim’s family have got so many presents. who are they from?
2) 出示句型,教师带领学生朗读三遍。
3)t:who are they from? let’s listen to the tape then match.
4) 学生听课文录音,完成匹配题: grandfather grandmother father mother jim a watch wallet teapot hairdryer skateboard
5) 交流答案:
t:who is the watch from? ss: it’s from grandpa and grandma.
t:who is the wallet from? ss: it’s from grandma.
t:who is the teapot from? ss: it’s from grandpa.
t:who is the hairdryer from? ss: it’s from grandpa and grandma.
t:who is the skateboard from? ss: it’s from jim’s mum and dad.
t: who is the calculator from? ss: it’s from jim’s mum and dad, too.
6) ss齐读匹配结果:the watch is from jim’s grandpa and grandma./….
step 3 consolidation 1.
t: christmas is coming. everyone has a present for his friends. who are you going to send your present? let’s write a card.
2. 教师指导学生写卡片:dear … merry christmas and happy new year! from: ….
3. 学生写完后贴在自己准备的礼物上,然后将礼物集中在老师的礼物袋里,让一位学生扮演圣诞老人,给学生送礼物:hey! hey! merry christmas and happy new year! here’s a present for ….
t: who is this present from? santa clause: look! ss: it’s from ….
这两个同学都上台,接受礼物的同学拆开礼物,教师在一边提示说:oh, it’s a …how beautiful! i like it very much.像这样演示5组,逐渐由老师带着学生表达过渡到学生自己表达。 2. 圣诞老人将礼物分派给5个学生,由这5个学生给大家送礼物:who is this present from? it’s from … open it. oh, it’s a … it’s ….。
3. 礼物送完后,大家齐唱:we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.
4. 做书上d部分练习。
1. 朗读记忆本课的有关日常用品的单词。
2. 根据课堂情景,用学过的语言写一篇短文:it’s christmas day. santa clause comes to our class. he gives us a lot of nice presents. …
1A Unit 6 Period 篇8
teaching contents:
a. rhyme: mango
b. game: fruit
c. watch short movies
teaching aims:
a. to say the rhyme: mango skillfully.
b. to master the sentence patterns: is this a …? yes, it is.
no, it isn't skillfully by playing games.
c. to increase english knowledge outside class by watching short movies.
d. raise ss interest of learning english.
key points and difficulty:
teaching aims a, b.
teaching aids:
multimedia, word cards
teaching procedure:
step 1. warm up
1. greetings.
2. free talk.
hello/hi, .
good morning/afternoon, .
hello/hi, i'm .
3. say a rhyme: fruits.
step 2. revision
a. media play part a、b, ss watch.
b. ss read after the recorder sound.
c. competition: who imitate the recorder sound the most similarly.
step 3. presentation
learn to say the rhyme.
a. media play the rhyme, ss watch.
b. teach the new words.
one /wʌn/ 量词一, unit1(第一单元)
for /fɔ:/ 给, for you(给你)
tommy, joe 人名
c. teach the rhyme sentence by sentence.
d. say the rhyme:
unison apart round.
step 4. game
1. look, listen and answer(fruits).
a. translate the rules of the game.
there are six fruits on the screen, banana, apple, pear, mango, peach and watermelon(teach the new words: apple, watermelon).
t paint one fruit arbitrarily, the fruit will enlarge and the system will play words and sounds. at this time, ss answer the question according to the picture.
is this a …?
yes, it is./no, it isn't.
b. ss look at the screen, listen to the sounds and answer the designated questions.
2. look and guess.
a. translate the rules of the game.
there are somepart pictures of fruits. ss look at the part pictures and guess which fruit it is with the sentence parttern: is this a …?
b. ss look at the screen and guess.
step 5. relex
watch short movies.
step 6. end
say "goodbye".
step 7. homework
say the rhyme: mango to your parents.
1a unit 5 period 3 来自第一范文网。
1A Unit 6 Period 篇9
teaching contents:
a. patterns: what's this?
it's ….
b. words: cat, dog.
teaching aims:
a. to understand the particular sentence: what's this?
and can answer it with the pattern: it's …. according to situation.
b. ss can use the particular sentence: what's this? to ask and confirm some objects with others. pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
c. to understand and say the words: cat, dog.
d. raise ss interest of learning english.
key points and difficulty:
teaching aims a, b, c.
teaching aids:
animal picture(cow, duck, pig, cat, dog)
word cards (on a farm, cat, dog, what's this? it's …)
teaching picture (part a)
recorder, tape
teaching procedure:
step 1. warm up
1. greetings.
2. free talk.
3. review the word: cow, duck, pig.(show and respond)
step 2. presetation and consolidation
1. lead:
a. show the teaching picture(part a)
t: where are they? (show the word card: on a farm)
ss: on a farm.
b. guess: what is helen saying?
listen to the tape.
2. teach the new pattern: what's this?
a. t: what did helen say?
ss: what's this?
b. teach: what's /wɔts/ this/ðis/ (drive trains)
what's this? (group work)
what's this? 这是什么? (clap)
c. imitate "helen"
3. teach the pattern: it's a ….
a. guess: what is miss li saying?
listen to the tape.
b. t: what did miss li say?
ss: it's a cow.
c. teach: it's /its/ (drive trains)
it's a cow. (group work)
it's a cow. 它是一头奶牛。 (clap)
d. imitate "miss li"
e. show in roles
helen: what's this?
miss li: it's a cow.
su hai: what's this?
miss li: it's a duck.
mike: what's this?
miss li: it's a pig.
(t set an example -- t vs s -- s vs s -- pair work)
4. teach the new word: cat, dog.
a. ss imitate teacher. (roles exchange)
t point and ask: what's this?
ss: it's a cow/duck/pig.
b. t point at the cat and ask: what's this?
ss: it's a cat.
c. teach: cat /kæt/. (drive trains)
cat, cat是小猫。 (clap)
小猫cat, miaow, miaow, miaow. (gestures)
miaow /mi'au/
it's a cat. (group work)
what's this? it's a cat. (clap)
d. the same way to teach the other word: dog
dog /dog/ woof /wu:f/
step 3. practice
clap: 奶牛cow, moo, moo.
鸭子duck, quack, quack, quack.
小猪pig, oink, oink, oink.
小猫cat, miaow, miaow, miaow.
小狗dog, woof, woof, woof.
step 4. end
say "goodbye"
step 5. homework
read the text and the words of this unit to your parents.
1a unit 6 period 2 来自第一范文网。
上一篇:1B Unit 2 period