
小学牛津英语1B Unit 2 Small animals第一课时教案

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小学牛津英语1B Unit 2 Small animals第一课时教案

课题: small animals
教学内容: let’s learn & let’s talk
教学目标: 1 能听懂、会说、会读有关动物的单词: bird、rabbit、butterfly、frog and bee.
         2 能在实际情景中运用句型 i see a ….
教学重点: new words & new sentence pattern
教学难点: 能在日常生活中运用所学的句子
课时安排: 一课时
教学准备: 单词卡、动物图片、ppt
教学设计思路: 本节课主要是教授有关动物的五个单词和一个句型,为了吸引学生的注意力,提高他们的兴趣,在设计本节课时,我利用小朋友都熟悉的童话故事丑小鸭来贯穿整个教学中,并在教学中充分渗透德育,让学生在轻松的课堂中学习英语.
step 1. warming up
1 say the chant together
 show me one and two;
 show me three and four;
 show me five and six;
 show me seven and eight;
 show me nine and ten.
2 free talk
t : how many pencils/pens/books/….?
s : one/three/ten/…
step 2  presentation
1 to show ducks to the students
t : boys and girls , do you like story?
s : yes.
t : now, today i’ll tell you a story about ducks. please look at the screen , how many ducks ?
s : five.
2 to show two ducks to let students to know beautiful and ugly.
3 to learn new words
t : the ugly duck is sad , so he take his luggage go away . now , what animals he met? (present rabbit)
s : 小白兔
t : it’s rabbit .how many rabbits?
s : one
t : so it’s a rabbit .(use gesture to do it)
4 use the same ways to teach other animals
5 game
1) big and low voice
2) find correct picture
3) act some animals
6 to show a picture of sping , to teach new sentences patterns
 t: how beautiful !  i see a rabbit . what do you see?
 s: i see …
7let students can use “ i see …” to say somethings
step 3 practice
1 listen and point
2 listen and say
3 say and act.
bee       butterfly  rabbit   frog        bird

课后反思: 本节课的教学整个围绕着丑小鸭的故事来展开一切活动,学生对学习的单词很感兴趣,反应非常积极.吸引学生的注意力,多媒体的课件,激发了学生参与课堂活动的兴趣.但在操练句型的环节,应让学生扩展自己的空间来运用所学的句型.


