
Unit 6 Festivals(1a)

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Unit 6 Festivals(1a)

teaching main points:
learn to understand:on 31st october,children in britain and the usa dress up as witches.monsters or ghosts.they go from house to house and call out  “trick of treat”
teaching aids:
1 教学卡片
2 教学图片。
3 自制课件。
teaching steps :
step 1 :warm up
1 let’s say a chant with gesture:when’s toby’s birthday?
 step 2:presentation:
1introduce the topic:festivals.
t:can you say some festivals you’ ve known?
2introduce the festivals :hallowe’en
t:in oct.31st ,children in britain and the usa are very happy.why?
t:oh ,it’s hallowe’en.it is one of most favourite festivals in britain and usa.
t:on that day,children dress up as witches,monsters,or ghosts.(教师戴上各种面具,让学生理解dress up 的含义)教读dress up
t:    and then they go  from house to house  (draw some houses on the bb,拿一张几个小人的木偶,移动图片,让学生理解go from house to house的含义)and ring the doorbell.(gesture)
t:when the door opens(开门的动作),they call out(gesture): “trick or treat”教读call out
t:the owner of the house asks:who’s there?( 小纸木偶 )it’s us!(children木偶)and she opens the door,and give the children a eat:chocolate,candy,or …they will be happy.
t:if the owner of the house doesn’t give them a treat.they will play a trick.they will ring the doorbell again and run away
step 3:practice:
1 teach the new words:witch,monster and ghost
t:listen to the tape,answer,what are the missing words:
  onoctober____,children in_______ and the usa dress up as ____,____,____.they go from house to house and ring the doorbell.when the door opens,they call out “_____ or _______”
2 let the ss choose the words on the bb.and teach the missing words.
3 教读新单词数遍。
4read the text by yourselves.
step 4 homework.
unit 6 festivals(1a)
on_31st_ october,children in__britain_ and the usa dress up as witches ,monsters and ghosts    .they go from house to house and ring the doorbell.when the door opens,they call out trick or treat

