
上海版牛津英语1A教案 Unit 7 My family

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上海版牛津英语1A教案 Unit 7 My family

unit 7 my family1、  teaching aims: ss can use imperatives to give simple instructionse.g. point to your mother.using possessive adjectives to express possession e.g your.2、  teaching period: 1 [1]teacher’s activityss’ activityremarks               students listen and look at the photo..   ss take out the photo.individual ss point to their father and repeat it.         ss point and say ‘my mother’, ‘my brother’, ‘my sister’.  通过卡片,直观的,形象的了解所要学习的内容。          从听,看入手,逐步过度到跟读,说,做,循序渐进。符合认知规律。           teacher’s activityss’ activityremarks while-task1.      draw sam’s head on the board. pretend that you are sam and say ‘hello,i am sam. it’s me. me, sam’.2.      ask students to draw their own heads and hold up the picture to say ‘look,i am…it’s me. me,…3.      put up an enlarged photocopy of student’s book page32. play the cassette tape for ‘point to your father’. ask a student to act as sam. have him/her come up to point to the right person in the picture and say ‘my father’.4.      repeat step 3 with ‘point to your mother’, ‘point to your brother’and ‘point to your sister’.5.      divide the class into pairs with one student giving commands and the other pointing to the relevant person in his/her family photo. then let them change roles.6.      select pairs to act to the class. post-taskextend the task by having the same pairs practice giving and acting the commands, substituting family members with body parts,e.g.s1: point to your nose.(s2 does the action.)s2: point to your mouth.(s1 does the action.)           ss draw their own heads and say ‘look, i am…   ss listen to the tape.    individual ss act as sam and point the right person in the picture.      ss repeat it.. ….      individual ss give commands and others point the family photo. ss change their roles.  ss act.     ss practice and act the commands.   ss work in pairs and practise. ss act. 通过画图等形式,使学生比较直观。符合低年级学生的特点。                请个别学生上来表演,引起学生的兴趣,达到个别操练和整体操练相结合。      通过反复的读录音,锻炼听读能力,帮助其记忆。   通过小组操练的形式,培养学生的团队精神,接近生活化。            给学生自由发挥的空间。    学生间发号施令,帮助其巩固所学的知识。

