
1A Unit 4 Let's learn 教学设计

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1A Unit 4 Let's learn 教学设计

一、 教学说明:
1. 经过一个多月的学习,小朋友们逐步喜欢上了英语这门学科,但低年级学生活泼、好动、有意注意持续的时间短,因此教学中要注意教学方法的多样化和有效性,寓教于乐。
2. 本课的教学内容学生看得见、摸得着、非常贴近生活,相信他们会乐于接受,也易于接受。
二、 教学内容:
 1. 认知内容:
  a.复习单词eye, ear, nose, mouth, face,学会 hair, head, hand, arm, leg, foot/ feet来表述人体部位。
b. 改编歌曲。
2. 能力要求:
3. 情感态度:
三、 教学步骤:
procedures contents methods purpose
pre-task preparation 1.say hello to your friends.
2. sing a song.
3. answer questions.
4.play a game:
‘what is missing?’ 1. draw eyes, ears, nose, mouth on the board.
2. ask students to find out the missing parts. 利用简笔画引出眼睛鼻子嘴巴等脸部单词再利用游戏激趣,引出新单词,为后面的学习打埋伏。
while-task procedure 1. new word:  hair 1. show and say something about hair. discuss the colours of their hair to elicit the phrases:
e.g.: black hair/ blue hair / red hair …… 观察不同国种人物和动物头发颜色的差别,了解异国文化,扩大知识面。
 2. match the words 2) show the pictures  and words. students match: check up , read.
  3) say a rhyme:
 see see see with eyes
hear hear hear with ears…… 通过琅琅上口的儿歌,在操练的同时使see hear ,smell等动词的用法得以灵活运用,寓教于乐,边做边说边记忆。
 2. new word: head 1) read and introduce own head. 根据简笔画引出新词,帮助理解记忆。
 3. learn “arm” “leg” 1) listen a rhyme.
2) say the new word: arm, leg. 通过儿歌引出新单词。
  3) say the rhyme<head arm leg> 为动物找他们正确的合适的耳朵,在游戏中联系实际,拓宽思路。
 4. learn “hand” “foot/feet” 1) questions: what do you draw with? what do you jump with?
 2)elicit the new words: ‘ hand ,foot/feet’ 从歌曲中引出新词。
 5. try to change the song and sing together. 3) encourage students to sing the song together while pointing to the different features. 在歌曲中巩固单词。
 read and match the words: hair ,head, arm, leg, hand, foot/feet. 1) read.
2) match.
3) put them in order.
4) listen and show.
5) 抢答。
6) add the words: face ear ,eye, mouth, nose 用各种形式来由易到难,由听到说来操练这些单词,巩固记忆
post-task activity play a game. guess the riddles.
e.g.: this is my long ear.this is my red eye.  this is my body. this is my white and clean hair.  oh,this is my small mouth. this is my short tail. i like to eat carrots and leaves. i can run fast.  do you know who i am? 运用猜谜游戏,激发学生求知欲,巧妙达到巩固新知的目的。

