Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 2a Unit 3
lesson planschool: cao guangbiao primary school
name: yan xiaolin
book: oxford english (shanghai edition) 2a unit 3
topic: things i like to do
aims: 1. structures: i like to
2. words: play, run
3. function: pronounce words properly.
use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.
language focus: using verbs to identify actions.
using nouns to identify the ball.
using i like to?to express preferences.
aids: pictures, realia, computers, and objects
procedurescontentsmethodspurposei. pre-task preparation1. questions &answerswhat can you see?what can you do in the park? (computer)t: ask pupils to answer the questionspn: answer 1. 借助多媒体课件,显现漂亮的公园场景,吸引学生的注意力,激发他们的学习兴趣。2. 帮助学生回忆已经学过并与本节课相关的单词,通过儿歌形式复习这些单词。2. warming-upt: ask students to say a rhyme.ii. while-task procedurecontent 1: i like to play.1. introduction: (computer)t: introduce the new word 憄lay?by different pictures. 1. 借助多媒体课件,通过不同的动画形式,以边看边听的形式引入本节课的新单词。2. 学生经过机械性的模仿,达到熟练的程度。3. 将单词融入歌曲,让学生在轻松、愉快的情景中巩固单词。2. imitation: play 1) t: ask pupils to follow. t-ps2) t: ask pupils to read the word according to the pace.pa-pb-pn3) t: ask pupils to try to spell the word.4) t: encourage pupils to sing a song ?let抯 play? 3.imitation: i like to play.1) t: ask pupils to follow.t-ps2) t: ask pupils to show their feelings while saying the sentence. pa-pb-pn通过机械性的模仿,熟悉新句型的基本结构和表达方式。 4. game:passing game: (object)pg: the pupils work in groups. 以小组游戏形式让学生在拍打篮球的过程中,巩固句型,体验学习语言的乐趣。 5. imitation: basketball1) t: ask pupils to follow.t-ps2) t: ask pupils to pass the basketball and say the word.
上一篇:Unit8 Clothes(4)