
Lesson 7 What class are you in?

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Lesson 7 What class are you in?(精选2篇)

Lesson 7 What class are you in? 篇1

  lesson 7 what class are you in



  1.能够熟练掌握字母, yy, zz的读音以及大小写的书写形式.

  2.能够听说,认读单词: taxi, fly, zoo, class, in, afternoon, one, two, three.

  3.能熟练掌握询问班级的对话,并会自如使用该句型: what class are you in i'm in class one/two/three.

  4.能听懂,会说补充句子:what grade are you in i'm in grade…/i'm in class…,grade…

  5.能理解和掌握班级的正确表达方式:class two, grade three; class one, grade four.


  1.教师准备, yy, zz三组字母的大小写卡片,以及taxi, fly, zoo的教学图片.



  教师准备一个布袋子,里面装有一些名片,内容包括:name:______; class____, grade_____; school:________.


  1.热身(warming up)


  字母, yy, zz以动画形式跳出画面,并逐一进行自我介绍,以为例,hello! my name is , and is for a taxi.一只卡通的小出租汽车从一个方向驶出来,停在旁边;字母yy(一只小鸟边飞边嘴里读出单词fly), zz(动物园的大门里头站了好多小动物,门上方有个大大的单词zoo),教学方法同上.

  2. 新课展示(new presentation)

  1. 教师通过课前准备好的人物头饰,字母卡片以及相关单词的图片或者实物来讲解句型和词汇:

  1)教师出示字母卡片进行讲解各个字母的读音及书写细则,给学生看书写体和印刷体的卡片,帮助学生区分两者之间的不同.大写x占上两格,上不顶格,两笔写成;小写x占中间一格,两笔写成.大写字母y占上两格,上不顶格,两笔写成;小写字母y占下两格,一笔写成.大写字母z占上两格,上不顶格,一笔写成;小写字母z占中间一格,一笔写成.在此要强调这个字母含有三个音/e/ /k/ /s/,要将三个音紧连着读出,不可加其他元音.字母yy含有元音字母ii的读音,两者归为一类字母zz含有短音/e/与ff, ll, mm, nn, ss, 归入一类.


  taxi: / /, 字母x在词中发/ks/的音,在这里教师要给学生强调不要加音,重音在第一个音节上,可以通过击掌的轻重来让学生感知重音.

  fly: /flai/为动词,在此教师可以边做动作边重复该单词,帮助学生理解.其中y发/ai/的音,发音时由/a/滑动到/i/,滑动距离大,是宽元音.

  zoo: /zu:/,其中字母z发/z/的音,浊辅音/z/发音时舌端接近上齿龈,气流从舌端和上齿龈间形成的缝隙中通过,发生摩擦,发音时震动声带.

  3,作业:能熟练掌握x, y , z的大小书写•



  1,能够熟练掌握字母, yy, zz的读音以及大小写的书写形式.

  2,能够听说,认读单词: taxi, fly, zoo, class, in, afternoon, one, two, three.

  3,能熟练掌握询问班级的对话,并会自如使用该句型: what class are you in i'm in class one/two/three.

  4,能听懂,会说补充句子:what grade are you in i'm in grade…/i'm in class…,grade…

  5,能理解和掌握班级的正确表达方式:class two, grade three; class one, grade four.




  tom:good afternoon, jerry! let's go home together!

  jerry: great! oh, tom, what class are you in

  tom: i'm in class two. what class are you in

  jerry: i'm in class one.

  讲解人a和b讲解本课的重点句型what class are you in i'm in class…以及对所学知识good afternoon!的简单复习.

  a: hello! good afternoon, b!

  b: good afternoon! how are you today

  a:i'm fine. and you

  b: i'm fine, too.

  a: oh, b, what class are you in

  b:what class are you in what's the meaning

  a:oh, class是班级的意思,我是问你,你在哪个班呢

  b: oh, i see.那要怎么回答呢

  a: you can use "i'm in…" .

  b: i'm in two class.

  a: hahaha…you should say "i'm in class two",英语的表达方式和我们汉语是不同的,要记住喽!

  b: oh, haha…i'm in class two.

  2, 在此教师要给学生说明当我们在询问别人年级的时候就可以使用句型what class/grade are you in 回答可以使用句型:i'm in class…/grade…;还有就是要给学生强调英语里几年级几班的表达和汉语里有所不同,防止学生说成…class, …grade.


  i can say my a b c

  a b c d e f g

  a b c d e f g

  h i j k l m n

  h i j k l m n

  o p q r s t u

  o p q r s t u

  v w x y z x y z

  v w x y z x y z

  now you see, i can say my abc.



  教师将课前准备好的小球随意抛给a学生,接到球的a学生不站起来,而旁边的(教师统一规定左或右)b同学却要迅速的站起来和老师进行对话,例如教师问道: what class are you in b同学就要回答: i'm in class…这样一来孩子们会很兴奋的去抢球,所有人的神经都会比较紧张而兴奋.

  2) pick and introduce

  教师将课前早已经准备好的布袋子和名片拿出来,让学生将手伸进布袋子中去摸索挑选,然后学生两两进行问答训练,主要练习句型what class are you in what grade are you in i'm in class____, grade____.

  3)make a name card



  三. 听录音学习课文,并跟读:

  (1)listen, look and repeat(ⅰ)(播放该部分的录音)

  x x y y z z

  (2)listen, look and repeat(ⅱ) (播放该部分的录音)

  x x a taxi a taxi

  y y fly fly

  z z a zoo a zoo

  (3)listen, look and say(ⅰ) (播放该部分的录音)

  a: good afternoon! what class are you in

  b: i'm in class two.

  (4)listen, look and say(ⅱ)(播放该部分的录音)

  a: hello! what class are you in

  b: i'm in class one.






Lesson 7 What class are you in? 篇2

  lesson 7 what class are you in?

  (3 periods)

  learning aims:

  1 熟练掌握字母 yy zz的读音和书写。

  2 能听懂会说单词:taxi  fly  zoo  class  in  afternoon  one  two  three

  3 能熟练掌握询问班级的对话:

  what class are you in?

  i’m in class one/two/three.

  4 能够听懂会说补充句子:

  what’s in picture 1/2…?

  what grade are you in?

  i’m in grade…

  i’m in class…,grade…

  important points:

  1字母 yy zz的读写。

  2 句型what class are you in ?及回答。

  difficult points:

  1 正确认读,将所有字母按语音归类复习。

  2 班级的表达方法:class two, grade three;

  class one, grade three.

  step ⅰ review and introduce

  1 let’s chant: let’s try to be polite.

  2 review letters: aa - ww

  step ⅱ presentation

  1 the letters’ pronunciation and writing.

        yy        zz

  2 listen, look and repeat new words.

  taxi     fly   zoo

  3 dialogue:

  1) – good afternoon!

  what class are you in ?

  - i’m in class two.

  2) – hello! what class are you in?

  - i’m in class one.

  step ⅲ practice

  1  dictation:  capital letters:  x y z

  little letters:  x y z

  2 read and spell new words.

  3 let’s sing: i can say my abc.

  step ⅳhomework

  1 write the letters and new words.

  2 recite the dialogue.

  3 preview lesson 8.

  lesson 8 what’s this? (3 periods)

  learning aims:

  1 能够听说读写单词:book  desk  chair  blackboard  panda  hippo  elephant  monkey。

  2 能够熟练掌握句型:what’s this? it’s a book.

  3 能听懂,会说句子:can you spell it, please?

  can you spell “book”?

  yes, i can.

  4 能就单数物品名称进行自由问答。

  important points:

  单词book desk  chair  blackboard  panda  hippo  elephant monkey和句型what’s this/that? it’s a…

  difficult points:

  1 本课单词的拼写及句型的熟练运用。

  2 a,an的初步认识及this,that的区别。

  step ⅰ review and introduce

  1 let’s sing: i can say my abc

  2 what’s your name?

  what class are you in ?

  3 letters:

  review aa-zz.

  aa  ee  ii  oo  uu

  step ⅱ presentation

  1  listen, look and repeat new words.

  - what’s this ?

  - it’s a book(desk, chair, blackboard, panda, hippo, elephant, monkey).

  2 – what’s that?

  - it’s a panda(a hippo, an elephant, a monkey).

  step ⅲ practice

  1 listen, look and say (ⅰ).

  2 listen, look and say (ⅱ).

  3 let’s practice.

  - what’s this/that?

  - it’s________.

  4 let’s sing: what’s this?

  step ⅳ homework

  1 write the new words.

  2 recite the dialogue.

  3 preview lesson 9.


