《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no(精选17篇)
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇1
一、 教学内容
本课是《牛津小学英语》3b第二单元第二课时的教学内容。本课的重点是学习有关things in a room的单词以及日常交际用语is this a …? is that a …?
二、 教学目标
㈠知识教学:使学生能听懂、会说日常用品类单词:a clock,a computer,a camera ,a radio,a watch,a key 以及句型:is this a …? is that a …?
三、 教学重点难点
单词:a clock,a computer,a camera ,a radio,a watch,a key的教学。
日常交际用语:is this a …? is that a …?
熟练灵活地在情境中运用日常交际用语:is this a …?is that a …?
四、 教学对象分析
《牛津小学英语》3a中学生已经接触过一些有关things in a room.的单词,而本课的教学内容和学生的实际生活息息相关,因而本课时的教学内容对学生来说不难理解,关键是综合运用能力的进一步巩固强化。所以在教学时我充分运用多媒体教学手段创设真实、生动、有趣的学习情景,来调动学生的积极性,提高学生的学习兴趣。
五、 课前准备
六、 主要授课思路及方法
七、 教学过程
step 1.warming up
师生欣赏英语歌“is that a car ?”
step2.free talk
t:who’s on duty today?
s:i am.
t:come here,please.you’re a little teacher now.
s1:is this a box?(s1拿起s2的物品。)
s2:no,it isn’t.it’s a walkman.
s1:what a nice walkman!can i have a look?
s2:sure,here you are.
s1:thank you.
step 3.learn the new words
1.t:now,let’s look and guess.(显示图片1)
what’s this?
s:it’s a tv/a desk/a book/a box ….
t:go on guessing.what’s this? (显示图片2) (图片1) (图片2)
is this a clock?is this a …?(学生猜)
t:oh,this is a watch.(显示图片3) (图片3)
ss:no,it isn’t.(多媒体显示图片及句子this is a watch.同时播放读音。)
2.领读a watch,学生跟读,先齐读,再叫个别学生读。
t:is this a watch?
s:yes,it is./no,it’s a ….
4.同法学习单词a clock,a computer,a key(因a camera,a radio第一课时已初步教过,故此处不用此法教学)。
step 4.practice .
play a game.
t:it’s a magic box.what’s on it?(让学生看魔盒的六面,齐说单词。)
ss:it’s a computer/camera/radio/watch/clock/key.
t:now,let’s play a game.
教师指出魔盒一面问一学生:is this a radio?然后将盒子扔向该同学,如朝上一面是radio,该生回答:yes,it is.如不是,则回答:no,it’s a ….然后扔给其他同学。
step 5.consolidation.
1. 多媒体演示若干图片(如图4)
ask a student(sa) to the front and face to the students.
ss:what’s that?
sa(背对屏幕):is that a radio/computer/…?
如图4 如图5
2. 让一些学生亲自操作,选择图片。
3. 教师独自算一组,参与竞赛。
step 6.discuss.
1. 每组学生拿出事先设计好的房间图。
2. 分组练习:说单词、指图片、编简单对话。
3. 小组推选代表向全班同学表演。
step 7.homework.
1. listen to the tape and read the words.
2. 要求学生给家居用品贴上英文名称。
unit 2 yes or no 反思
在单词上口较快,一些学生通过预习已能较好地认读,三个四会单词多数人在课堂上就能记住并拼写。因此,虽是起始年级,但安排相应的课前预习作业还是很有必要的。 、学生对于一般疑问句is this/that…?的说法表现出较大的困难,很容易说成this is/that’s…这是自己课前没有意识到的。在课上便及时进行调整加以区别,告诉他们从两个方面去区分:一.从句意上“是……吗?”为一般疑问句,用is this/that…?二. this is/that’s…是告诉别人这或那是……,而is this/that…?是问别人。这样一来,基本上能够解决这个问题了。事后想来,一些基本的语法知识讲解必不可少,有时直接讲解还是比反复说句子去感觉更有效果,更能节省时间资本。
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇2
教学内容:a. listen, read and say(第一、二部分)
1、能听懂、会说、会读并会拼写单词penfriend, also。
2、能听懂、会说、会读i want to write a letter. who do you want to write to?
step 1 warm up
③教师现场说一物品,两位学生合作,如:writing paper,请学生快速按照c部分句型编对话。
for example:
a: can i have some writing paper? b: what for?
a: i want to write a letter. b: sure. here you are.
step 2 presentation
1、因为对话较长,再将a部分分为三部分教学:第一部分为引言部分,第二部分为liu tao向妈妈要一些写信材料,准备写信,第三部分为liu tao向妈妈介绍peter的主要情况,并和妈妈讨论回信内容。
2、listen to the tape.
3、teach: a penfriend.
①教师出示自己收到的一封信,告诉学生look! here’s a letter from my penfriend,引出单词a penfriend.
③学生齐读a penfriend。 ④开火车拼读penfriend。
a. pen, pen, p-e-n, pen, pen.
b. friend, friend, f-r-i-e-n-d, friend, friend.
c. penfriend, penfriend, p-e-n-f-r-i-e-n-d, penfriend, penfriend.
4、 teach: also b. friend, friend,
①教师出示教学挂图,告诉学生liu tao also wants a penfriend。
②出示单词卡片also,解释词义。 ③学生分组读also。
④集体拼读also, also, a-l-s-o, also, also。
5、教师用语音直接导入yesterday afternoon, liu tao read about an english boy, peter, in the newspaper. what does liu tao want to do? let’s listen.教师组织学生听引言部分录音。
question: ①who did liu tao read about yesterday afternoon?
②what did peter want in china? ③what would liu tao like to do?
for example:
( ) thank you.
( ) i want to write a letter.
( ) sure. here you are.
( ) what for, dear?
( ) mum, can i have some writing paper, an envelope and some stamps, please?
step 3 consolidation
1、听录音,跟读引言和对话部分。 2、师生齐读引言和对话一遍。
3、分角色朗读。 4、小组内表演对话。
step 4 homework
1、听a部分录音半小时,跟读两遍。 2、抄写a penfriend, also各五遍。
1、课题:unit 7 a letter to a pen rend 2、单词:a penfriend, also
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇3
教学内容:a部分 listen, read and say.
1. 能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组jog, do well in, need help with ,do more exercise。
2. 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语that’s true. well done. mike runs as fast as ben.
3. 当堂掌握四会单词strong,四会句型ben runs faster than me.
4. 能正确朗读课文,读懂课文。
教具准备:幻灯片、录音机、小星星(well done评价)、红线、小蛋糕图片(用于玩游戏)。
step1 warm up
1. sing after the tape‘i wish i was taller’.
2. play a game:bingo 游戏、猜单词。
s t r o n g , l a t e, s l o w , h i g h
3. choose one word and make a sentence.选择其中一词造句。
step2 presentation
1. 学习do well in, jog, do more exercise.
①free talk:are you good at english? do you like english? are you good at pe? do you do exercise after school? what do you usually do?(引出jog to school并板书)。
i do well in pe(板书do well in)。
i hope you do more exercise. you’ll get stronger.(板书do more exercise)。
②what do they mean? ( jog, do well in , do more exercise ).
③read after the teacher.
2. judge:判断句子中哪些句子是谈论有关运动或体育课上的话题(幻灯片出示)。
①he is good at chinese.
②she has an english book.
③a pe teacher is showing their students how to jump, run and pass balls.
④she likes having sports, so she does well in pe, too.
⑤the old man likes fishing very much, but he is not good at sports.
⑥all the students in our school have sports at half past four every afternoon.
⑦ben runs faster than me in a pe lesson.
⑧he goes home later than me.
⑨she gets up earlier than her mother.
⑩mike runs as fast as ben.
在判断的过程中强调be good at 和do(does) well in 的用法及四会句型ben runs faster than me.
3. 学习mike runs as fast as be n.渗透jim is not as strong as the other boys.
①由上一题的第10句引出mike runs as fast as ben.这一三会句型。
②what does it mean?(it指 mike runs as fast as ben.)
③who can make a sentence like this?
④who can read it?
⑤talking:mike runs as fast as ben. so mike runs fast. ben runs fast, too. can you run fast? can i run fast? yes, i can run fast. because i’m strong(教师做有力量、很强壮的动作)。
i’m strong. are you strong? you are (not) as strong as me.(板书as strong as)
⑥saying.学生以as strong as 为话题谈论本班同学们的身体状况。
引出××is not as strong as the other boys.
⑦拓展:the other boys/ childen/ students/ …
4. listening exercise.
①listen to the tape.注意关键词(key words)。
②what have you heard?(汇报所听到的句子,能说多少说多少)
③read the sentences then listen again(浏览课后的判断题,带着问题再听对话录音)。
④group work.小组合作完成判断。
⑤group work.小组内合作朗读课文,找出不懂的句子和词语。
5. learning:need help with. that’s true.
补充学习:a good football /… player
step3 consolidation.
1. reporting:what have you learnt?
2. play a game:help jerry get the cakes.《帮杰瑞取蛋糕》
①教师在盒子里放上很多语言卡片(内容为课文中的主要句型,比如:jim is good at english and maths. jim is not as strong as the other boys.句子多少自定)。周边放上警戒线(比如染成红色的线)。
3. read the text together
step4 布置作业
1. group work. 小组合作,制作纸袋偶,并分角色表演课文。(具体要求见第四课时),下一节课检查并表演。
2. writing work.你知道这些短语的意思吗?
a. get stronger b. after school c. be good at
d. do well in e. the other children f. a good football player
g. play ball games
g. some of the boys h. jog to school i. do more exercise
词组:jog to school, do well in, do more exercise
句子:mike runs as fast as ben. jim is not as strong as the other boys.
ben runs faster than me.
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇4
the first period一、teaching contentsi. words:housework, ring, morning, home, help, maths, at home, sweep the floor, clean the windows, do housework, do homework, come and help…with…,ii. sentences what are you doing? i’m… what is he/she doing? he/she is…is that…? can you come and help..with…?二、teaching steps step1: greetings t: ok! it’s time for class. today i’m your english teacher. i’m miss feng. hello! boys and girls! ss: hello, miss feng! t: nice to meet you. ss: nice to meet you, too.step2: free talk (1) t: you know, i’m new here. so i want to know something about you. excuse me, may i have your name? s: i’m / my name is … t: nice to meet you. s: nice to meet you, too. t: oh, i am writing down your name.(教师记下该学生的名字,并且给他看)(2)t: excuse me, may i have your name?s: i’m /my name is… t: what is your telephone number? s:… t: i am writing down your telephone number.(3) t: excuse me, may i have your name? s: my name is… t: do you like english? s: yes, i do./ no, i don’t. t: do you like maths?s: yes, i do./ no, i don’t.t: look! this is a maths book. (教师出示一本数学书,拿出单词卡片maths,学生跟读单词) do you like maths? how about you? (复习已学句型)step3: presentation(1) t: now, i know something about you. do you want to know something zbout me? it can help you.(课件出现两个“风车”,风叶上写有关于教师的一些个人信息,学生根据这个向老师提问)s: what is your telephone number? what animals do you like? … what can you so?t: i can dance. look! i am dancing now. (教师一边做动作,一边说)(2) 学习新句型what are you doing? i’m…t: i can play baketball. (教师打篮球)can you play basketball? s: yes. t: can you show me ? ( 学生打篮球) s: oh, you are playing basketball.(3) t: can you play basketball? s: no, i can’t. t: what can you do?s: i can…s:学生做相应的动作(动作要有持久性) (4) t: what are you doing? s: i am sitting./ i’m having an english leaaon. (教师注意提醒学生动词后要加ing,并纠正读音)(5) t: what are you doing, boys and girls? s: we are having an english lesson. t: but where is my english book? i can’t find it. who can come and help me?(学生帮助老师找书) oh, there are some pictures here. you can choose one picture and do the action. (教师英语书里夹有一些图片,学生抽出一张并做相应的动作)t: what are you doing?s: i’m…(教师与学生示范对话→学生与学生示范→)(6) students use the pictures and make some dialogues with their partners. (7) 学习新句型 what is he/ she doing? he/she is…t: now, let’s have a rest and sing a song ‘what are you doing?’ then tell me what mike is doing? (学生看课件齐唱)(8) t: what is mike doing? what is he doing? (从歌曲中获知信息) s: he is sleeping. t: is he sleeping? (教师指向一个做得不端正的学生) s: no. t: what is he doing? s: he is sitting. t: how about that girl? what is she doing? s: she is… (教师呈现句子卡片what is he/she doing? he/she is…,学生跟读)(9) t: what is she doing? (教师在一个学生耳边说,单词,让该生做动作)s: she is… (学生问学生答)(10) look! it is saturday afternoon. what are my friends doing? what is wang fang doing? what is qianqiang doing? do you know? (让学生猜猜老师的朋友在做什么事,设置一定的悬念) s: no.t: i don't know either. but s1 knows. why? because there is a piece of paper in her hand. the answers are on the paper. let me call her. (教师拿出一个玩具电话,与该生打电话,教师与学生之间的对话为下面学生之间的交流,起到一个很好的示范作用)( 教师呈现打电话用语hello! is that…? yes, this is …speaking.)(11) t: let’s count the numbers and pass the paper. if miss feng says stop. you can call the student who gets the paper. (学生传递着有答案的那张纸,教师喊停,其他学生可以打电话给拿到该纸的学生,这个活动既有效巩固了句型what is he/she doing?又操练了电话用语)(12) t: oh, i know my friends are doing different things. how about su yang and su hai? what is su yang doing? (课件呈现苏扬在做什么的模糊图片) s: she is cleaning the windows. (学习词组clean the windows) t: clean the chair? can you make somne phrases?s: yes. clean the desk/ door…t: can you spell the word’door’? can you read this word?(课件呈现单词floor)同法教授新词组sweep the floort: su yang is cleaning the windows. su hai is sweeping the floor. what are they doing?(13) t: su yang and su hai are doing housework. suddenly, the telephine is ringing.(课件里有电话声音) listen! what are they talking about? let’s look, listen and judge. (14)多媒体呈现课文引言部分,学生跟着老师读(15) what is nancy doing? let’s listen againnames what is she doing?su hai is su yang nancy (16) 多媒体呈现课文左半边对话,学生跟着老师读,教师讲解新句子can you come and help me with my maths? (17) 学生自由读对话→学生表演对话(把全班学生分成两大组,分别扮演两个角色,背对背表演)step4: consolidationstep5: homework
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇5
教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 6补充习题
1. 熟练掌握本单元所学内容。
2. 掌握《补充习题》内容。
step 1 warm up
1. greetings
2. free talk
step 2 presentation and consolidation
1. listen and choose.
2. listen and tick.
3. read and write.
4. look, think and write.
5. look, read and write.
6. read and answer.
step3 homework.
1. 写补充习题c read and write 和e look, read and write 1 遍。
2. 复习本单元所学内容。
②读unit 6 的书1遍并试着背诵或复述。
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇6
教学内容:《九年义务教育六年制学教科书·牛津小学英语》6bunit8 part b look, read and write, 练习册part e.
1、通过复习,熟练掌握unit 5的四会词汇及句型。
2、熟练掌握unit8 b部分出现的句型。
step 1 warm up
2.say a rhyme “seasons”
step2 revision
play a game.
教师出示四个地名在黑板上,分别为beijing, london,newyork.,sydney, 请一名同学上台背对着黑板,老师标出所要猜的地名,猜的同学用what’s the weather like in summer / winter / autumn / spring there? 向其他同学提问,然后根据问答猜地名。
a: which season do you like best?
b: i like……
a: why?
b: because it is ….. i can……
step 3 look, read and write.
1. talk about the pictures in group.(提醒学生注意秋天里白天变短,夜晚变长)
2. try to write.
3. ask ss to give the answers
4. 小组里朗读比赛。
step 4 look, think and write.
练习册part e
t: bays and girls, do you know the weather in hang zhou? let’s look at the pictures and read the passage.
1.ss talk about the pictures .
2. try to complete.
3. ask some students to read.
4. talk about the weather in hang zhou in group.
5. 指名试着到前面介绍。
step5 homework.
unit 8 review and check.
seasons: spring summer autumn, winter.
weather: warm cool sunny cloudy rainy windy
what’s the weather like ?
it’s …..
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇7
教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 3 asking the way b look, read and learn及c look and say。
1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇turn left / right, post office, get on, get off, along, street。
2. 能正确地听、说、读词汇shopping, centre, middle school, primary school, train station, history museum crossing。
3. 能正确地听、说、读、写句子can you tell me the way to…, please?
4. 能听懂、会说句型和日常交际用语go along this street,and then turn…at the …crossing.
1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇turn left / right, post office, get on, get off, along, street.
2. 能正确地听、读、写句子can you tell me the way to…, please?
1. 能正确地听、说、读写本单元的四会单词和句型。
2. 能运用c部分的句型进行问路的情景对话。
step 1 warm up
1. sing a song:do some exercise with me.
热身运动,师生跟音乐边唱边跳,同时复习turn left和turn right,为后面的教学做好铺垫。
2. listen and do.
show me your right hand / touch your left ear / stand up / turn left / turn right…
step2 presentation and practice
1. 师生对话引入本课话题。
t:liu jing is new here. she comes from fu jian. she wants to buy some books. but she doesn’t know the way to the bookshop. can you help her?
t:good. look at the map of the city.(出示本地区的地图)where’s the bookshop?(教师指着地图,引导学生找到书店的位置并导入新授知识)。
2. 利用地图,师生交流学习句型。
a:excuse me,can you tell me the way to the bookshop?
b:let me see. er,…go along this street, and then turn left at the second crossing. the bookshop is there.
②对板书中出现的生词along, street, turn right / left等进行拼读教学,并让学生理解。
③chant:where’s the bookshop?
bookshop, bookshop, where’s the bookshop?
can you tell me the way to the bookshop?
go, go, go, go along this street, then turn left.
you can see the bookshop at the second crossing.
3. 创设情景,用c部分的句型逐一引出b部分单词。
t:andy is yang ling’s friend. he wants to visit some places. this is his timetable. where will he go? let’s try to tell him how to get there. ok?
time(时间)places(地点)pictures(图片示意)mondayhistory museum配相应的图片(下同)tuesdaypost officewednesdayno.1 primary school thursdayno.4 middle school fridaypost office saturdayshopping centre sundaytrain station
④利用look and say的方法引导学生复习b部分的词汇。教师可快速闪动单词图片,让学生用英语说出人物所做的动作或所看到的不同场景。
⑤游戏“开汽车去某处”,在玩的过程中强化记忆get on / get off.
step3 consolidation
1. 教师出示c部分的图片创设情景引出句型的操练。
t:先介绍图片,the park is on your left. 让学生模仿说出其他的地点。
t:can you tell me the way to…, please?
这样学生就很容易回答了,用同样的方法操练其他的地点(shopping centre, bus station, wc…)。
2. 利用情景图,师生示范对话,让学生模仿练习。
3. 让掌握较好的学生做示范,然后同桌问答。
4. 教师板书四会句型,由学生集体朗读。
5. 书写指导。
6. chant:where’s the bookshop?
step4 homework
1. 朗读并抄写要求四会掌握的单词和句子。
2. c部分自选两幅图编对话。
3. 用英语介绍自己所在地区的一处景点(或场所),描述其具体方位。
板书内容:unit3 asking the way
①词汇:turn left / right, post office, get on / off, along, street, shopping centre, middle school, primary school, train station, history museum, crossing。
②句型:can you tell me the way to…, please? go along this street,and then turn left / right at the … crossing. the …is on your… that’s all right.
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇8
一、教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 6复习课
1、知识目标:熟练运用be going to表达计划或打算。
三、教学重难点:be going to 的灵活运用和综合运用。
step1: introduction
(1) 引入本课话题。
t: today we are going to review unit6, what’s the title of this unit?
ss: planning for the weekend.
t: right. in unit6,we learned “be going to” 这个句型来表达自己的计划或打算,比如plan for the weekend(板书单词weekend)或plan for tomorrow(板书tomorrow)
教师引导学生说出“plan for next week/month/year…等,并板书学生所说的短语)
(2) 学生根据下图提示,每人写一句话。
t: i’m going to have a birthday party this weekend. what are you going to do? please write one sentence about your plan.
be going to
step2: group activities:
(1) 师生一起探讨如何完善这份计划
t: …is going to have a picnic this weekend. who is going to have a picnic this weekend,too?
s1: i’m going to have a picnic this weekend,too.
t:oh,really? you two come here, please. you are going to have a picnic this weekend. what time are you going to meet?(板书问句:what time are you going to meet?)
s1: we are going to meet at eight in the morning.
t:(向其他学生) do you have any questions about their plan? please write them down.
(2) 各组派代表提问讲台前的两位学生。
step3: more practice
(1) 为了帮助学生复习,巩固和正确运用一般现在时和一般过去时,教师与学生进行如下对话:
t: i’m going to go fishing this weekend. i like fishing. do you like fishing?
s1: no, i don’t like fish.
t: ( to s2) does s1 like fishing?
s2: no, she doesn’t.
t: do you like fishing?
s2: yes,i do.i like fishing.
t: did you go fishing last weekend?
s2: yes, i did. i went fishing last weekend.
t: ( to s3)did s2 go swimming last weekend?
s3: no,he didn’t .
t: what did he do last weekend?
s3: he went fishing.
t: what did you do last weekend?
s3: i visited my grandparents.
t: how do you usually spend your weekend?
s3: i usually watch tv or play computer games at weekends.
[设计意图]:一句“do you like fishing?”将课堂教学由复习一般将来时巧妙地转入下个环节,通过师生之间的对话帮助学生复习所学时态,把对语言形式的训练变成了自然、有意义的交际活动,摆脱了机械、枯燥的语法训练模式。此外,连续提问的方式,以提醒学生认真倾听别人的发言,将看似个别训练的活动自然地变成对全体学生的训练。
(2) 用课件将一般现在时,一般将来时,一般过去时和现在进行时作对比,帮助学生梳理知识网络。
(3) 读故事并填空
a running race
rabbit: hello, i’m a lovely rabbit.last time, the tortoise and i
(have) a running race. he (run) faster than me . i
(be) still not happy. now i’m (call)him.
rabbit: hi, is that mr. tortoise?
tortoise: yes, this is mr. tortoise (speak)
rabbit: are you free tomorrow?
tortoise: yes. what are you going to do?
rabbit: i (have)a running race with you tomorrow. would you like to come?
tortoise: sure. where are we going to (meet)
rabbit: in front of miss cat’s house.
tortoise: when?
rabbit: at nine o’clock.
tortoise: ok. see you tomorrow.
rabbit: see you.
step4: listening practice
step5: consolidation and practice
good news!
go to huangshanhu park this children’s dayby bus.
meet at 8:30, in front of our primary school.
go fishing in the morning.
have a picnic at 10:45 on the grass.
have a singing contest in the afternoon.
go back home at 4:10 by bus.
last sunday was mother’s day. i for my mother. she was very happy. i was happy, too.
children’s day is coming…
where are you going this children’s day?
how are you going to get there?
what are you going to do in the morning in the park?how about the afternoon?
are you going to have lunch at home?
what time are you going to get back home?
sunny and warm wednesday, may 15th
children’s day plan
last sunday was mother’s day. i for my mother. she was very happy. i was happy too.
children’s day is coming. i’m going to huangshanhu park with my classmates by .
we’re going to meet 8:30
our primary school.
we’re going to in the morning.
we’re going to .
we’re going to at 4:10.
huangshanhu park is very beautiful. i’m sure we’re going to have a good time there.
step6: summary and homework:
《牛津小学英语》6b unit 6教学设计 来自第一范文网。
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇9
1. 以训练学生基本语言技能为目标,培养学生大胆用英语表达的勇气,养成用英语思维的习惯。
2. 以听说读写的形式,综合训练学生对本课单词、句型的理解应用。
3. 鼓励学生合作学习,共同发展。
step1 group work:what have you learnt?
1. 小组内交流本单元所学内容。(分单词、句型两大块,每块再分重点及次重点)。
2. 记到笔记本上,互相读一读,问一问。
3. 全班交流。
step2 listening exercise 听力练习。
1. listen and judge.(完成练习册a部分)
①look at the pictures.
②what can you see?
③listen to the tape and judge.
④check the answers
2.look, listen and choose.
①look at the sentences.
②listen to the tape and choose the correct answer.
③check the answers.
step3 oral exercise 口语练习
1. group work. 小组内进行。
2. english show. 选出优秀选手,全班展示。
step4 reading work. 完成练习册f部分。
1. read and put the sentences in the right order.自由读短文,完成排序。
2. 指名读。
3. 核对答案。
4. 齐读短文。
step5 writing work. 写话练习
练习形式:每组发一张纸,以i’m not happy开头,每人接一句,一直接下去,5分钟之内完成合作。
step6 布置作业
1. 完成练习册14、15、16、页。
2. 你能发现多少单词:aslowalkwellateanimalowatchavexercise
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇10
1、能听懂,会说,会读和拼写单词a chicken,a duck,a horse,a pig。
2、能听懂,会说句型do you like…?yes, ido./no,i don’t.ilike ….
教学内容:《牛津小学英语》5a unit4 halloween第一课时。
教学重点:通过信息技术的展示使学生掌握四会单词a chicken, a duck, a horse, a pig以及句型 do you like...? yes, i do. / no, i don't. i like...
step 1. greeting
1. s:hello,boys and girls.how are you?
t:fine,thank you,.and you?
s:i’m fine,too.
t:can you sing the song《boys and girls》?
s:yes ,we can.
t:le’s sing it together.(课件中播放歌曲音乐和图片)
2.学说歌谣: halloween。本歌谣是本单元的新内容,课前学习既可以营造学习英语的氛围,又可以为新知识的学习作铺垫。
t:today we will learn 《unit 4 halloween》
[设计思路]:儿童心理学特征告诉我们,教唱英语歌是一种很好的教学手段。课前一首歌,是组织进行教学的好方法,它能使学生以饱满的精神、激昂的情绪,为上好一堂课作前奏. 将歌曲放在课堂开始,加上英语歌谣的朗诵,一来可以活跃课堂气氛,是学生渐渐进入学习英语的环境,二来又可以为新知识的学习作铺垫,从而揭示新授课题。
3. listen to a story: about halloween. (课件中播放万圣节的画面和故事)
在西方国家,每年的十月三十一日有个halloween万圣节,即传说中的鬼节。节日的那天,许多公共场所乃至居家院落, 都会布置上诸如鬼怪呀、南瓜灯呀还有黑猫以及巫婆的扫帚之类,以祭祀鬼神。南瓜面具是万圣节必不可少的。届时孩子们穿上每年不一样的万圣节服装,戴上各种鬼怪面具或装扮成各式各样的人物、动物,手里拎着南瓜灯去挨家挨户地讨糖,嘴里大声叫着“trick or treak”(不招待就捣乱),邻居们就会让孩子们拿着糖果高兴地离开。 万圣节流传到今天已经完全没有了宗教迷信色彩,它成了一个孩子们的节日,也是年轻人化装舞会的节日。有很多人将此看作秋的结束以及冬的到来。万圣节一过,人们就开始期盼感恩节、圣诞节乃至新年了。
step 2. presentation1
1. introduce the new word“animal mask” (课件中partb)
2.show the names of animals: call the names of animals
t:what’s this?
s:it’s a pig.
3.同法教授单词“a duck, a horse, a chicken”
4.t:do you like animal masks ?
s:yes , we do.
t:i will show you a place. look! what is it?
s:it’s a zoo.
t: shall we go to the zoo?
4.show some pictures of animals in the zoo.
t:what can you see in the zoo?
s:i can see a panda and a tiger.
5.play a game : listen and guess “which animal is this?”
t:listen,what’s this ?(猫叫的声音)继而根据声音分别猜出猪,马,鸭,鸡等的叫声
[设计思路]:一个英语教师要在教学中有意识地培养学生对英语的持久兴趣,激励学生不断处于较佳的学习状态之中,使他们对英语乐学、善学、会学,学而忘我,乐此不疲,爱上 english。因此,课堂教学手段必须不断更新,我在运用多媒体课件的过程中充分运用到了声音,动画相结合的方法,并借助信息技术中声音素材的导入,让学生听音辨别动物的游戏牢牢地吸引了学生的注意力,培养了他们学习的兴趣。此外,经常性的成功体验,可使人的需要不断地满足,心情舒畅愉快而求索不止,这对英语教学有着不可估量的促进作用。以学生为主体,以趣味活动为主线,以学生心智发展为重点,让学生经常获得学习成功的喜悦,从而培养学生的浓厚的学习兴趣。我。
step 2. presentation 2(课件中partc)
1.show some pictures of the new words.
t:what can you see in the picture?
s:i can see some chickens. (介绍名词复数的词形和读音的变化,学生齐读单词复数形式)
t:do you like chickens?
s:yes, i do./no, i don’t. i like horses.
2. pair work
do you like…? yes, i do./no, i don’t. i like …
[设计思路]:在英语课堂里经常性地开展小组间的各种竞赛,让竞赛促使学生产生成功的体验。我们可以把学生分成若干个小组,每组分别有一个英文名,名字可以就用学生学过的单词。每一次课堂里都会组织一个竞赛,获胜的小组可以累计分数。过段时间再评比一次,看哪一组累计分数做多。学生具有强烈的竞争意识,这也因此激发学生努力争取成功,从而更加扎实的学好英语。我由单词的单数图片过渡到单词的复数图片,为下面的句型do you like…?教学作铺垫,学生通过神气活现的小动物,自然而然便对他们产生情感。这也正发挥了信息技术的情感导向作用。
step 4 consolidation (课件中呈现商店购物的情景)
1.show a picture of the shop.
t:what can you see in the picture?
s:i can see some masks.
t:now ,i’m a shop assistant.
can i help you?
s:yes, i’d like some masks.
t:do you like rabbits?
s:yes, i do.
t:here you are ?
s:thank you. how much is it?
t:ten yuan, please .
2. make a dialogue in the shop
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇11
1、warming up
(1)greeting 用how are you?与学生问好。
look at the card, what’s this/that?
引导学生用this is a…回答,再齐读服饰类单词。
2、presentation and practice
(1)学习look at…句型
由于在前面已经有look at the card的信息刺激,教师附以动作对学生说:look at my sweater, is it nice? 引导学生说出it’s nice.教师则回答 thank you.适当讲解中西文化差异,引起学生兴趣。
同样方法练习,引出it’s smart/pretty.等表示夸赞的句子。
在学习了look at my…it’s smart/pretty/nice.后,教师指一位女生对其余学生说:
look at her(某服饰),引导学生用it’s smart/pretty/nice来回答,女生说thank you.
教师将两件式样相同但新旧不一的夹克衫拿出,指新衣说:it’s new.this is a new jacket.理解new的意思。
教师指一男生,用上面的方法教学look at his…句型。
将look at my…/look at her… /look at his…进行比较,让学生理解my/his/her的意义和使用。
(3)学习look, this is…和look, that’s…句型
look, this is my book. look, that’s my pencil sharpener.并根据教室里的实际和学生的实际再说一些类似的句子,然后让学生试着说一说,使之理解两个句子的意义及空间上的区别。
(1) 分角色表演课文。
5、summary and homework
unit 7 it’s nice!
a:look at my/his/her… b:it’s smart/pretty/nice!
look, this is …
look, that’s… how nice!
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇12
教学内容:b部分 look,read and learn
1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词slow, low, late及be good at。
2. 能听得懂、会说和会读单词far, well。
3. 了解比较级的用法,并能运用,并以well done来评价学生,并渗透do well in, jog。
教学重点:能当堂掌握四会单词slow, low, late, high, fast, early及三会单词far, well。
step1 prepare for the class.
1. sing a song“i wish i was teller”.
2. look, read and write.出示表格,根据表格中提供的信息完成填空。
nancydavidhelenage121313height (cm )148151150weight (kg )495049
①nancy is ________ than david.
②david is _________ than helen.
③helen is _________ than nancy.
④______ is as _______ as ________.
check the answers.
3. free talk.
t:hello, , are you tall?
s1:yes, i am. i’m tall.
t:yes, you are tall. you’re taller than… but you’re shorter than me. who’s taller than ?
s2:… is.
step2 presentation
1. learning be good at, fast, slow及其比较级faster, slower。
继续free talk.
t:are you strong? are you stronger than…? do you do exercise after school?(板书课题unit2 more exercise.) do more exercise. you’ll get stronger.(齐拼读strong)
②学习be good at
a. asking:are you good at pe? (板书be good at善于)
b. reading: be good at(明确be动词三种形式:is, am, are)。
c. saying:please say a sentence according to ‘be good at’.
model:i am good at english.
he is good at maths.
you are good at pe.
③学习fast, slow及其比较级。
a. talking:can you run? can you run fast?
b. running race:who runs faster?找两生上台跑步比赛,其余生喊:fast, fast…
c. saying:s1 runs fast. s2 runs faster. so we can say s2 runs faster than s1.并板书句型。
d. reading the sentence.
ss:runs slow(做动作) s1 runs slower than s2.
并利用识图卡,让学生用fast (faster), slow(slower)说话。
2. learning:low,high,far.
model:s2 runs faster than s1.
s1 runs as fast as s4.
③asking:does s1 runs slower than s3? does s1 jump higher than s2? does s1 jump farther s4?…由问题引入far, low, high及其比较级farther,lower, higher.
④read after the teacher:far (farther) low (lower), high (higher)借助图字卡,明确单词含义。
⑤writing:choose one word and make a sentence, then write it down.
并指名三位学生上台板书句型,分别用far, low, high各写一句话。
3. learning:well(better),early(earlier),late(later)
①talking:i’m good at pe. i do well in ping-pang.(渗透do well in,并板书)。i played ping-pang with my friends yesterday. i was tired. so this morning i got up very late. i got up at 7:30. what about you? what time did you get up this morning?从而引出early, late及其比较级。
②reading:late, later, early, earlier.
注意early比较级变y为i, 再加er。
③learning:well (better).
a. 回到板书:be good at, do well in
t:i’m good at pe. i do well in pe. do you know‘well ’means?
b. t:can you play ping-pang well?can you skate well?
can you dance well?
c. ss:yes. i play ping-pang well. i … well.
t:but i play better than you. i … better than you.
d. read after the teacher:well, better.
step3 read and learn.
1. listen to the tape.
2. 看板书上的单词read the word to each other(小组内互读)。
3. can you write the words?(小组内听写)。
4. 听字母拼单词,快速抢答。e. g. f-a-s-t fast.
step4 play a game
教师描述,学生认真听所描述的动作及状态,做出相应动作e. g. t: you swim.(ss游泳)you swim slow(游慢). you swim slower(更慢). you swim fast(变快).you swim faster(更快).
step5 布置作业
1. 默写b部分单词。
2. 完成补充习题第5页 read, match and write.
3. 预习c部分work in pairs.
1. b部分单词(low—lower, high—higher, slow—slower, fast—faster, late—later, early—earlier, far—farther, well—better)及strong, be good at, do well in
2. 句子 …runs faster than…
…runs as fast as…
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇13
教具准备: 磁带,录音机,投影片。
step 1 warm up
1 greetings
2 sing two songs. “i wish i was taller ” and “excuse me”
3 free talk.
step 2 do the workbook .
1 listen and judge.
(1) try to talk about the pictures in english.
(2)listen and judge.
2 listen choose and write.
(1) read the words, please.
(2)listen and choose.
(4)complete the sentences.
(5)read the sentences together.
3 look, think and write
(1) look at the pictures and read the sentences, then write the words.
(2) check.
(3) read the sentences.
4 look, read and ask.
(1) look at the pictures and choose the questions.
(2)make the dialogues with your partner.
5 look and complete.
(1) look at the pictures carefully
(2) complete the sentences.
(3) read.
6 read and answer.
(1) read three times.
(2) answer the questions.
step3 作业布置:
1 以“asking the way”为题,编一段小对话.
2 预习unit 5 .
unit 4 review and check
who is taller than ...?
can you tell me the way to…,please?
how far is it from here?
.how many stops are there?
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇14
教学内容:c部分 work in pairs
1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型do the boys jump higher than the girls? does jim swim slower than david?及其答语。
教学重点:能当堂掌握四会句型do the boys jump higher than the girls?does jim swim slower than david?
教学难点:区别do 以及does的不同用法,明确助动词后面动词用原形。
教具准备:幻灯片、图字卡、计时器(以便游戏时计时)、小星星(上面写着well done.以激励学生)。
step1 review
1. 把单词补充完整,并说说单词的中文意思。(幻灯片出示)。
l____w ( ) ____ ____rly( ) w____l____( )
l___t___( ) str___n____( ) f___ ____t ( )
2. 游戏“碰地雷”。
3. 合作游戏 (句子接龙)
游戏规则:每组抽一张图字卡、第一个学生说出一个词,第二个学生补充。比如s1:fast s2:run fast s3:ben runs fast s4:ben runs fast than jim。
step2 presentation
1. read, match and write
a. do the dogs swim slower than the ducks?
b. does the bee fly higher than the bird?
c. do the tigers run slower than the pandas?
d. does the rabbit jump farther than the cat?
②find the difference.找不同。
③use the dialogues above as models, then make a sentence.
引导学生分别以do, does开头问两句话,体会do, does的不同用法。
2. check the answers.(上一节课的家庭作业练习册第9页)
3. read the sentences.
4. look, complete and answer.
_______ the boys jump higher than the girls?
________jim swim slower than david?
在回答的过程中,学习答语yes,…do / does. no,… don’t / doesn’t,及其句式he swims faster than david.
5. practise in pairs.
6. 换词练习
do the boys ______ ______ than the girls?
does jim ________ ________ than david?
a. work in groups.
b. check.
step3 work in pairs.
talk with your partner. use the dialogues above as models. the words in the box will help you.
fast slow high low
early late well fat
1. read the words in the box.
2. oral work:talk with your partner.
3. writing work.指导写话
4. play a game:快言快语
游戏规则:小组内每人读板书中的一句话(例句两句、外加八句练习中的,共十句话),并计时,全部读完用时最少的一组获胜,每人将得到一颗写有well done的小星星。
step4 consolidation
1. 完成补充习题第5页,d. look and write
①look and read by yourselves.
②discuss in groups.
③write the answers.
④check the answers.
2. play a game:musical chair 抢椅子
③顺利完成任务的学生、奖励一枚写有well done的小星星。
step5 布置作业
1. 听力练习。listen and tick 完成补充习题第4页
2. 书面作业,仿写句子。(书上第17页)
3. 预习a部分课文。
四会句型do the boys jump higher than the girls? does jim swim slower than david?及其答语。
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇15
利用多种资源 搞活课堂教学---《牛津小学英语》3b unit3案例
一 教学目标
①三会掌握句型:who’s he? he is …
who’s she? she is…
二 教学重难点:掌握并在现实生活中灵活运用句型who’s he/she? he’s/she’s…
三 教具准备:多媒体 照片 图片
四 教学过程:
step1 warming up:
1 greetings and introductions
t: hello,boys and girls . ss:hello.
t: my name is han lili. what’s your name?
s1:hello, miss han. my name is…i’m… (2or3 students)
t: please introduce your friend to me.
2 sing a song
t:let’s sing a song “hello” ,ok?
step2 presentation and practice
1 introduce gogo.
t: today i will introduce a new friend to you. its name is gogo. (拿出玩具gogo) what colour is it?
s:it’s red.
t:do you like it?
s: yes.
t: let’s say hello to gogo. (学gogo的声音)hello, boys and girls.
s: hello, gogo.
t: nice to meet you.
s: nice to meet you, too.
t: i’d like to tell you gogo’s story. now,look!
2 watch the media of gogo’s story.(让学生看整个故事)
3 learn the name of the characters: tony and jenny
t: it’s a lovely story, isn’t it? again,ok?(播放剪辑)who is this?
s: gogo . t: and this is jenny. this is tony(把图贴上黑板,并读) t:now,listen carefully and repeat!
4 learn to say: who’s she? she’s my mother.
t: (继续播放剪辑)repeat, please.
s: (repeat)who’s she?
t: a good job! (教学句子who’s she?板书。先领读who’s,学生two by two 同样教she & who’s she?)
t: i will ask you a question(教师手画一个问号形状)who’s she?(手指班级的一女生)
s: χχχ(老师在旁提示she’s)she’sχχχ
t: (板书she’s…读,告诉生she refers to girls画上简笔画,再问两组这个对话,然后指向班级其他四个女生让学生齐答。然后pair work,再指向大屏幕问who’s she?)
s: she’s gogo’s mother.
t: yes or no? let’s see.(继续播放故事,gogo 说:she’s my mother.)(教师领读两遍gogo 的话)
5 learn to say: who’s he? he’s my father.
t: let’s go on.(继续播放多媒体,让学生复述who’s he? 然后教学此句)
t: (指向大屏幕,大屏幕出现名人的画像)who’s he?
s: he’s yao ming…(板书he’s…)
t: (问gogo)who’s he? (老师用gogo 的声音回答)he’s my father. (教师领读两遍此句)
6 pratise “who’s he/she?” " he’s/she’s…”
t:now tell me he refers to boys or girls.
t: (画简笔画)he he he,she she she
now, look at the family tree.(出现helen一家的全家福) who’s she/he?
t: (出现nancy 一家的全家福)who’d like to be a little teacher?
7 read after the media.(对话录音)
8 show 扩展资料。
step 3 production
1talk about family photos
a.t: i have some photos here.
t: hello, χχχ who’s he? s: he’s my father.
t: who’s she? s: she’s my mother.
t: thank you.
b.t: please look at the media.(老师介绍自己的一家人)
t: (指着自己的照片)who’s she?
s:miss han!
t: (指向较年老的男士)who’s he?
s: … t: ask me questions? for example:who’s he/she?
s: (指向照片中的人问)who’s he/she? t: he’s/she’s my…
1 t gives an example
2 act by themselves
3 sing a song with gogo.
t: let’s relax ourselves, ok? sing a song with gogo.
step 4 asign homework
blackboard design
family members
who’s she? she’s…
who’s he? he’s…
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇16
unit 1 who is younger?
本单元的主要话题是两种事物的比较,通过ben, jack和su hai之间的闲聊引出本单元的主要语言项目:形容词比较级。教师可创设情景,用实物或动作将比较级的概念清晰明了地传播给学生,同时注重比较级单词的读法与写法规律。
1.能听懂会说、会读、会写单词tall, young, old, heavy。
2、能听懂会说、会读单词和词组twin, minute, centimeter, child, also, chat。
3、能听懂会说、会读日常交际用语:i’m as tall as you. su yang’s twenty minutes younger than su hai. whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?
4.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型who’s taller then david? gao shan is taller than david。
6.会唱歌曲i wish i was taller。
课时安排:第一课时:b. look read and learn c. work in pairs
第二课时:a. listen, read and say
第三课时:c. work in pairs d. listen and write
第四课时:e. look, read and judge 练习册a部分
第五课时:f. play a game g. listen and repeat 练习册b部分
第六课时:h. sing a song 练习册c.d.e.f部分
2. 注重对语法知识的渗透讲解.学生刚接触比较级对其用法易模糊,特别对于“…than…”和“…as…as…”两句型易混淆,因此教学中教师有必要对学生对此句型进行简单梳理,讲清两句型特点及区别。(详细内容见教参)
3. 注意对“who’s(比较级)than…?”和“whose…is(比较级)?”两句型的区别讲解,在教学中学生对这两句型的构成易混淆,教师要注意在新授时帮助学生理清句式特点及句意。
《牛津小学英语》3B Unit2 Yes or no 篇17
教学目标:part c and e.
能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 which season do you like best? i like… why? because it’s…
能听懂、会说、会读和拼写句型 what’s the weather like…?
教学难点:能听懂、会说、会读和拼写句型 what’s the weather like…?
step 1 pre-task preparation:
1. revision: a dictation.
try to dictate the following words: weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold.
2. say a chant:
spring, summer, autumn and winter,
which season do you like best?
spring, spring, i like spring best.
summer, summer, they like summer best.
autumn, autumn, we like autumn best.
winter, winter, we all like winter.
summer is hot, winter is cold,
autumn is cool and spring is warm
spring is sunny, summer is rainy,
autumn is cloudy and winter is windy..
step 2 while-task procedures:
1.ask and answer:
t: which season do you like best?
s1: i like spring best.
t: why?
s1: because it’s windy. i can fly a kite.
pair work “which season do you like best?”
1.group work “which season do you like best?”
2.books open at page 41 c ask and answer:
t gives ss a model: picture 4:
t: which season do you like best?
s2: i like winter best.
t: why?
s1: because it’s cold. i can make a snowman.
3.check answers: picture 1-4.
step 3 post-task activity:
1.talk about the weather:
t: what’s the weather like in spring?
s1: it’s warm and rainy.
t: what do you usually do?
s2: i usually go rowing and fishing.
2.complete the form:
seasonweatheractivityspringwarm rainygo rowing and fishing
step 4 homework:
1.talk about the weather with your parents.
2.surf the internet about the weather in new york.
which season do you like best? i like… why?
because it’s…
what’s the weather like…?
上一篇:PEP第二册英语 Recycle 2 教案 第一课时