牛津小学英语4A Unit 9 What’s the matter?(通用3篇)
牛津小学英语4A Unit 9 What’s the matter? 篇1
1.warming up
and girls.
ss:hello,miss cao.
t:look at the picture.what’s the time in the
ss:it’s 8:45.
t:shall we do the puzzle/watchtv,now?
ss:no.it’s time to go to bed.
t:yes.it’s 8:45 in the evening.let’s go tobed.ok?
t:(做出趴在桌上睡觉的姿势,并以此引导学生跟着“睡觉”)now let’s sleep on the desk.
3.t:(启动闹钟响:“起床啦!起床啦!”)0h,i’m sorry.boys and girls.it’s time to get up.get upboys and girls.
ss:all right.
t:(多媒体出示早晨6:30太阳升起时的图片)what’s the time in the morning?
si:it’s 6:30 in the morning.i’m hungry.1want to have breakfast.
who can help me?(出示hungry单词图片)
s1:(在老师引导下做出相应回答)here’s a
cake/hamburger/sandwich…for you.
t:thank you.
ss:not at a11.
t:now,who can read this word?(手举“hungry”单词卡片)
t—s do action(手摸肚子,并做揉状)and say:i’m hungry.
t:excuse me.i’m hungry.are you hungry?
si:yes,i’m hungry.
t:here’s a…for you.
s1:thank you.
(引导学生问老师)si:are you hungry?
t:n0,i’m not hungry.i’m thirsty.(出示“thirsty”单词图片,并用手摸喉咙,咳嗽几声表示口渴)
s:here’s…for you.
t:excuse me.i’in thirsty.are you thirsty?
si:yes,i’m thirsty.
t:here’s a…for you.
s1:thank you.
t—s(2组) s—t(2组)
t:excuse me,i’m hungry.are you hungry?
s:no.i’m not hungry.
t:what’s the matter?(出示“what’s the mat—ter?”的中英文卡片)
(在老师引导下做出回答)ss:i’m thirsty.
t:ok.here’s a…for you.
s:thank you.
教学该句型:matter,matter.what’s the mat‘
ss read one by one.
[设计理念】对本课的重点句型“what’s the
教句型“what’s the matter?”。这种循序渐进的教
t:excuse me,s1.what’s the matter?
si:i’m hungry/thirsty.
t:here’s a…for you.
s1:thank you.
s1:what’s the matter,miss cao?
t:i’m hungry.
s1:here’s a…for you.
t:thank you.
s2:what’s the matter?
t:i’m thirsty.
s2:here’s a…for you.
t:no.1 want to drink some water.
t:thank you.
t:(喝水)oh,it’s too cold.(出示“cold”单词
学生跟前,将同样的水递给学生喝)t:drink the
s1:thank you.
(在生喝完水后)t:what’s the matter?
s2:(跟着做,学着说)it’s cold.
t:oh.i see.
ss say and d0 actions after t:边说“c-o_l—d。。ld”边用力搓手,一直到手发热。
t:oh,my hands are hot now.i’m hot.are youhot?(出示“hot”单词卡片)
(在老师引导下做出回答)s1:yes,i’m hot.
t:thank you.
4.t:n0w,please say and do after me.(利用多媒体出示)
matter。matter,what’s the matter?
hungry,hungry,i’m hungry.
thirsty,thirsty,i’m thirsty.
cold。cold,i’m cold.
hot,hot,i’m hot.
5.t:exeuse me,what’s the matter?
si:i’m thirsty/hungry/cold/hot.
t:here’s a cup of tea/hamburger/coat/fan
for you.
s1:thank you.
t:now,let’s say a chant.
t:oh.stop.please.i’m very tired now.what’sthe matter?
(在老师引导下做出回答)s1:i’m tired.
t:now.we are all very tired.let’s have arest.ok?(示意学生坐在位置上休息片刻,并走到一学生面前)excese me,how are you now?
sl:i’m fine.
t:(出示一小男孩脱掉衣服后“ill”的图片)look。he is xiao hai.is he fine,too?
(在老师引导下做出回答)ss:no,he is i11.
t:excuse me,are you ill?
s1:yes。i’m i11./no,i’m not i11.
t—s(2组) s—t(2组)
6.t:now.1et’s say the new chant.
ill,ill,go to bed.
7.t:now.1et’s play two guessing games.
(1)what’s missing?(老师挨个抽掉所贴的单词卡片,然后问学生:“what’s missing?”,生回答。对于回答对的学生,老师会把该生答对的那个单词卡片作为奖品发给他)
(2)where’s“hungry/thirsty”?(和游戏(1)相反,老师问“where’s‘hungry/thirsty’?”,手里有那张对应卡片的学生会说“it’s here”,然后上前把卡片重新贴到黑板上)
8.t:excuse me.what’s the matter?
s1:i’m hungry/thirsty…
t:here’s a…for you.
s1:thank you.
t:that’s all right.
t—s(2组) s—t(2组)
9.t:(出示uunit 9 what’s the matter?课文的part c部分图片)now you can practice the sen-tences with these pictures with your partner.one is
the boy,and the other is the girl.
ss practice&act.
1 0.make a dialogue with your friends.
t:good morning.s1.
s1:good morning,miss cao.
t:it’s sunnv today.let’s go to the cinema,ok?
s1:au right.let’s go.
t:0h.i’m sorry.(手捂着肚子,皱着眉头,慢慢地弯下腰,表示肚子疼。)
s1:what’s the matter?
t:i’m i11.
si:let’s go to the hospital,ok?
t:en.. [设计理念]在课尾,安排一个拓展对话练习时间,是为了操练本课所学的单词和句子。另外,在学生的操练过程中,教师要善于启发学生把新旧内容串起来,在情境发展中适当地应用所学语言,让学生的个性在这里得到充分的张扬。
1 0.homework.
(1)copy the new words.
(2)make a new dialogue with your friends.
牛津小学英语4A Unit 9 What’s the matter? 篇2
牛津小学英语4a unit 9 what’s the matter?
the first period
一 教学内容:
a: read and say 图1-图3,四个单词:tired, hungry, thirsty, ill。
二 教学目标:
1.知识目标: 能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词tired, hungry, thirsty, ill;能听懂,会说,会读和会操练句型what’s the matter? i’m….
2.能力目标:.会读a: read and say 图1-图3;会用贴切的形容词描述自己的感觉。
三 教学重、难点:教学目标1,2,3。
四 教具准备:实物,图片,卡片,录音机,磁带,多媒体课件。
五 教学过程:
step 1: greetings
step 2: free talk
由free talk引出 we are happy today.
step 3: say a rhyme
示多媒体课件:say a rhyme: we are happy today.
(通过free talk,把学生自然地带到英语学习的氛围中,由此也自然地引出小诗we are happy today.一首节奏明快,琅琅上口的小诗激发了学生学习的兴趣,调动了学生学习英语的积极性,既复习了以前的知识,又引出了后面的知识,可谓一举两得。)
step4: presentation and practise
1.teach the word “tired” and the sentence “what’s the matter?”
a.由儿歌引出play a game,师戴小兔子头饰与学生边数数边学小兔子跳,由此引出 i’m tired.问:
t: are you tired?
s: yes.
c.师边做累状边自问自答t: what’s the matter? i’m tired.同时问学生what’s the matter? 让学生做累状并做答,授句型what’s the matter?
d.配上动作同座操练句型what’s the matter? i’m tired.
(游戏学习是学生乐此不疲的学习形式,通过教师戴着小兔子的头饰一起与学生学小兔子跳,学生情绪高涨,经过活动后,确实会感到累,渴……各种感觉都产生了,顺理成章地引出了这些感觉类单词: tired, hungry, thirsty, ill。)
2.teach the word “hungry” “thirsty” “ill”
a. 示课件,师自问自答:what’s the matter with him? oh, he’s hungry.
b. 示课件与卡片hungry,标上音标u-,授单词。
c. 师与生共同做饥饿状,教师顺势问:
t: what’s the matter?
s1: i’m hungry.
d. 生生操练。
e.同法授单词thirsty, ill。
( 教学tired, hungry, thirsty, ill这些抽象的感觉类单词时充分运用手势帮助学生理解,把动耳、动口、动手及动脑结合起来,充分运用多种感官去让学生体验、感受、理解这些抽象的感觉类单词,这个难点在轻松愉快的氛围中突破了。)
3.teach the sentences “here’s…for you.” “have…,please.” “have a break, please.”
a. play a game:师示四张图片:tired, hungry, thirsty, ill.师说tired, 生跳到图片tired旁边, 说i’m tired.
b. 顺着游戏,师问:
t: are you tired?
s1: yes.
t: here’s a glass of water for you.
s1: thank you.
c.示卡片here’s …for you. 授此句型。
d.同法授句型have…,please. 和句型have a break, please.
(将单词tired, hungry, thirsty, ill的复习放在跳格子游戏中,学生个个跃跃欲试,异常兴奋,在这样轻松愉快的氛围中,学生不仅复习了单词和句子,也自然地引出了句型:here’s…for you. have…,please. have a break, please.)
4.practise the words and sentences
a. 师生操练句型,师与生做示范:
t: what’s the matter?
s1: i’m hungry.
t: here’s a cake for you.
s1: thank you.
b. 利用自带的食品同桌互相操练。
step 5. learn unit 9 a: read and say picture1-picture3
1. read after the tape.
2. read together.
3. practise in pairs.
4. act it.
step 6. consolidation
1.示课件,出现fang ta park,情景如下:
星期天,你与好朋友到fang ta park,到了fang ta park后,你们会感到thirsty, hungry, tired, ill…,自编一段对话。
2.practise in pairs.
3.perform the dialogues.
4.teacher say something about the dialogues.
(通过设计到fang ta park这一情景,把教学过程搞成近乎实际的交际活动,让学生充分发挥主动性,创造性,学以致用,学生在活动中通过思考,交流,合作等方式,学习和使用语言,提高了学生实际运用语言的能力。)
step 7.homework
1. write the words: tired, hungry, thirsty, ill.
2. read unit 9 a: read and say picture1-picture3
blackboard writing:
unit 9 what’s the matter?
what’s the matter? i’m tired. have a break, please.
hungry. here’s…for you.
thirsty. have…,please.
牛津小学英语4a unit 9 what’s the matter? 来自第一范文网。
牛津小学英语4A Unit 9 What’s the matter? 篇3
牛津小学英语4a unit 9 what’s the matter?(第二课时)
the aims of teaching:
1. review the words: hot、 cold、 ill、 tired、hungry、 thirsty .
2. able to understand, read and write the sentences:
what’s the matter ? i’m…
3. able to understand, read, and say the words and sentences:
words: a glass of water
sentences: are you …? no, i’m not … i’m …
come and have some cakes.
why don’t you go to bed now?
the important points of teaching:
sentences: what’s the matter ? i’m…
the aids of teaching:
1. pictures: hot、 cold、 ill、 tired、hungry、 thirsty .
2. cards: what’s the matter ? i’m… are you …? no, i’m not … i’m … come and have some cakes. why don’t you go to bed now? a glass of water here’s a … for you.
3.toys:a rabbit, a bear, a tiger, a dog
teaching steps:
step 1 warm up
2.say a rhyme: 《a funny goat》
step 2 title
1. a story《gu dong is coming》学习句型what’s the matter? 揭示课题
2. read the title unit 9 what’s the matter?
step 3 revision
a game
a. look and say 师做动作,学生说出相应的单词, 学习句型i’m… .
b.show the pictures and say the words.
c. listen and do 师说单词,学生作出相应的动作。
d.look and say 一生做动作,其他学生说出相应的单词。
step 3 presentat ionⅰ
1. what’s the matter?
i’m …
(1)由上引出 (look and say 一生做动作,其他学生说出相应的单词。)
t: what’s the matter?
s1: i’m …
what’s the matter? what’s the matter? hot, hot, i’m hot.
what’s the matter? what’s the matter? cold, cold, i’m cold.
what’s the matter? what’s the matter? hungry, hungry, i’m hungry.
what’s the matter? what’s the matter? thirsty, thirsty, i’m thirsty.
(3) take a train. s1-s2-s3-…
(4) t-s: what’s the matter? what’s the matter?
s: hot, hot, i’m hot.
t: here’s a fan for you.
(to another)
t-s: what’s the matter? what’s the matter?
s: thirsty, thirsty, i’m thirsty.
t: here’s a glass of water for you.
[read the phase: a glass of water]
(5) pair work
what’s the matter?
i’m …
here’s a …for you.
2.come and have some cakes.
(1)由pair work引入
t-s: what’s the matter?
s: i’m hungry/thirsty.
t: have an egg/ hamburger/ some cakes, please.
drink some juice/ a glass of water, please.
(2)(to another)
t: come and have some cakes, please.
t: i’m hungry/thirsty.
s: (引) come and …
3.are you …?
(1) t-s: what’s the matter? are you hungry?
s: (引) yes, i’m hungry.
t: here’s a … for you.
[read the sentence: are you …?]
(2)s-t: are you …?
t: no, i’m not … i’m …
(4)pair work
what’s the matter? are you …?
yes, i’m …/ no, i’m not … i’m …
here’s a … for you. / come and …
4.why don’t you …?
(1)t-s: are you…?
s: yes, i’m …/ no, i’m not … i’m …
t: why don’t you …?
[read the sentence.]
t: i’m …
s: why don’t you …?
why, why, why don’t you,
why don’t you have some cakes now?
why, why, why don’t you,
why don’t you go to bed now?
step 5 practice
1.look at the pictures and listen to the tape.
2.repeat the dialogues.
3.read in pairs.
unit 9 what’s the matter?
what’s the matter?
are you …?
yes, i’m …
no, i’m not … i’m …
here’s a …for you.
come and have some cakes, please.
why don’t you go to bed now?
上一篇:4A Unit 6 教学方案