Unit 4 Halloween(精选3篇)
Unit 4 Halloween 篇1
学校五星中心小学班级五(1)学科英语课题unit 4 halloween教时1日期2007.10一、教学目标:
1.通过看图让学生能听得懂、会说、会读单词有关万圣节的词汇: halloween, pumpkin, mask, lantern, pig vase, family, thing, tomorrow. 2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型do you like..? 及回答yes, i do. / no, i don't. i like...及 what do we need? we need …能够用所学内容表述万圣节所看到的事物、需要的东西,并与同伴交流自己的爱好、愿望等。3.通过看图片、简介等形式让学生感受节日氛围,初步感知国外儿童在万圣节开展的活动,了解西方人过万圣节的一些风俗习惯,激发学生对异国文化的兴趣,了解文化差异,增强文化意识。4.通过开展小组活动培养学生合作学习精神,在活动中培养学生的听、说能力,体验英语学习的快乐。二、制定依据:1.教材分析本课内容是《牛津小学英语》5a中的unit 4 halloween。本单元的核心内容是万圣节晚会的准备工作,根据我对万圣节的了解,我觉得仅靠教材上的内容,学生并不能对西方的万圣节有真正的了解,所以对教材内容还需要进行适当的补充和拓展。让学生有感性的认识,补充了一些与万圣节密切相关的词汇,希望通过这节课的学习,使学生对万圣节有更多的了解,并能用英语交流相关信息。重点学习do you like ……? yes , i do . / no , i don’t . i like ……what do we need? we need …等句子。在3b中已经出现do you like swimming ? yes , i do . / no , i don’t . what do you like ? 句型。4a中也要求学生初步感知do you like puppets? yes , i do . / no , i don’t . what do you like ? 句型。本单元关于万圣节的词句都是第一次出现,如halloween, pumpkin, what do we need? we need…等。 2.学生分析本班学生除个别学生在课外学习英语,大部分学生的英语学习依靠学校英语课。2-3位学生在英语学习方面有畏难情绪。本课是学生初次在教材上接触到有关节日的话题,关于西方国家的节日学生们可能平时也会看到、听到一些相关的信息,但只了解一些零碎的知识。在课前我先了解了学生们的需求,他们希望通过英语课的学习,自己也能用英语说一些有关万圣节的知识。考虑到万圣节的文化背景很复杂,用英语解释恐怕学生们也难以理解,所以我在课前引导学生看书或上网了解了万圣节的一些知识,在此基础上再到英语课上学习、交流相关内容。学生在3b中已经会口头表达do you like swimming ? yes , i do . / no , i don’t . what do you like ? 句型。4a中也初步感知do you like puppets/ that puppet? yes , i do . / no , i don’t . what do you like ? 句型。已学过的一些小动物,如:tiger, cat, dog, zebra, panda等。其实对本课的新词pig学生也已有耳闻。 本单元关于万圣节的词句对于学生都很陌生,如halloween, pumpkin, what do we need? we need…等。教 学 过 程时间教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计意图 5 step1.pre-task preparation
1. ask the students to sing a song.2. talk freely with the students and be an organizer. 1. sing a song : we can sing and dance.2. talk about: when can we sing and dance?learn the new word: halloween.通过一首歌曲, 在上课一开始就吸引学生的注意力,调动他们的兴趣,这样便容易开展下面的内容。师生交流,既复习旧知,又很好地拉近了师生间的距离,并引入话题halloween 20 step 2. presentation
1. show some pictures about halloween.
2. show the pumpkin lantern and the origin of the pumpkin lantern. 3.show the animal masks. ask the students:do you like masks/ pumpkin lanterns…? 4. show a chant.5.suggestion: let’s buy things for a halloween party. 6. ask: what do we need for halloween? 1. say something about halloween in chinese. eg: the origin, the game and the food of halloween.2. learn the new words:pumpkin & lantern.look at the picture and listen to the origin of the pumpkin lantern.3. learn the new words: mask, piglearn the drill: do you like …? yes, i do. /no, i can’t.practice in pairs.4. learn the chant. 5. learn the phrase: buy things for… 6. learn the drill: what do we need for halloween?we need…learn: vasediscuss in pairs. 在教课的“呈现”阶段,就向学生们介绍了“万圣节”的习俗,点明了主题,所有的单词、句型教学围绕这个主题情景展开。让学生看图学词并运用新句型自主问答,调动他们的知识储备,扩展他们的知识面。 15 step 3. consolidation1. make a model with the students to discuss the preparation for halloween.2. show the picture of part a and ask some questions about the picture. 3. ask the students to listen to the tape. 4. show a short dialogue.ask the students to fill in the blanks. 1. talk sth. about halloween. 2. try to say sth. about the picture. learn the new word: family.3. listen and answer: what do they need? what does ron want to buy? does ben like masks?what else do they want to buy? 4. fill in the blanks according to part a. 1.为了使学生能将新的知识学以致用,请他们模仿对话内容,组织情景表演,让学生在情景中学习英语,感受英语。2. 引导学生看图回答问题,听导言和第一部分对话内容,然后让学生根据录音,回答问题。锻炼学生的听、说技能。3. 引导学生自读对话内容,完成练习纸上的内容,锻炼学生的读、写技能。课后反思:1.本课的教学内容是五年级第四单元的第一课时,本单元的课题是halloween,但教材上实际涉及到的情景和内容却很有限,不能让学生对halloween这个西方国家的节日有真正的了解,所以根据我对halloween的了解,让学生们通过这节课的学习,对halloween有整体的感知和了解,因为学习英语离不开对英语国家的文化的了解。当然,通过上网、阅读课外书等途径,学生们对英语国家的文化习俗等也能有所了解,如何突出英语课的特点,这是我在课前花了很长时间思考的问题。我觉得通过这节课的学习,不仅要让学生对halloween有较为全面的了解,更要让学生融入一种氛围中,有参与、体验的学习活动,让语言学习和文化学习并行。2.文化课要搞清楚文化与语言的关系。英语课中的文化课要体现出语言与文化的结合点,更多关注语言,不能百分百地关注文化或语言。这节课呈现的新词很多,积极词汇和消极词汇要区分,哪些是只要了解的,哪些是要掌握的,要有明确要求。3.如何教文化知识,是不是因为是文化课,就只能学生听老师说,学生被老师牵着走?这节课学生的思维不活跃,就是因为老师的问题没有开放,有的开放了,但只是一种形式,并没有让学生自主思考与表达。4.自主学习体现在哪儿,不是小组学习都是合作学习,让学生教单词这种形式并不好,因为有的单词请上去教的学生自己也不会。总的来说,我感觉这节课在情景创设方面能利用多媒体为教学服务,但因此教学也受到牵制,学生自主学习的机会不是很多,但自己也感觉找不到更好的方法,所以希望通过专家的指点能让自己的思路更开阔些。
Unit 4 Halloween 篇2
unit 4 halloween
一、 教学内容:
《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书 牛津小学英语》5a
unit 4 halloween (活动课)
二、 教学目标:
1、 让学生通过收集资料和本课活动,了解万圣节的有关情况。
2、 通过介绍风俗,学习单词pumpkin lantern,candle,mask,pig,if,能听懂、会读、会说这些单词。
三、 教学重点:
四、 教学难点:
能听、说、读单词pumpkin lantern,candle,mask,pig,if。
五、 课前准备:
1、 教学准备:让学生课前收集万圣节的资料,每人做一个面 具。
2、 教具准备:录音机、磁带、准备几个面具(、老虎、狗)
3、 板书准备:在黑板上预先写好课题halloween
六、 教学过程:
step 1 free talk
1. t:let’s sing a song. we can sing and dance ”together.
ss:sing the song
2. t:(greeting)class begins. good morning, boys and girls.
3. t:do you know what day is april 1st?(fool’s day)
what day is june 1st?(children’s day)
what about october 31st?(halloween)
(teach “halloween”)
step 2 presentation
1.t:halloween falls on the night of oct. 31st and it gives us a perfect opportunity to have great fun!
do you know the origin of halloween?
t:(总结)so it celebrates autumn harvest and it’s also a ceremony of the dead.
2.t:now, let’s enjoy a performance. welcome!
ss:(give a performance)
t:oh, it’s wonderful.
(ask one student)excuse me. what’s this in english?
s:it’s a pumpkin lantern.
t:(show a picture)look, it’s a pumpkin.
(teach “pumpkin”)
what’s in the pumpkin? there’s a candle.
(teach “candle”)
we can use them to make a pumpkin lantern.
(teach “lantern”)
ss:(repeat “jack-o-lantern” several times)
t:(ask one student)can you tell me what’s this in english?
s:it’s a mask.
t:look, here are some masks.(teach “mask”)
(show the masks)it’s a dog /tiger mask.
it’s a pig mask.
3.t:if tomorrow we’ll have a halloween party. what do you need? please discuss in groups.
step 3 say a rhyme
t: please listen to a rhyme.
t:(teach “if”)
this time, follow the tape please.
ss:(read after the tape)
(read by themselves)
(read together)
t:(divide the ss into two groups and then read.)
now, let’s try to recite it.
(ask some ss to recite,use the masks try to act, and t gives sweets)
ss:read together again.
step 4 play a game.
t:see, i put the apple in the water, you only can use your mouth to get the apple. if you can, it’s yours. i give you only one minute.
step 5 introduce other informations about halloween.
(1) if you were born on halloween you’ll enjoy lifelong protection agains, t evil spirits.
(2) your future husband will appear in the mirror on halloween. the children in america also have the colouring picture. you can have a look.(分发图片)
step 6 homework
after class, please design a tabloid about the halloween。(请大家课后四人一组制作一份关于万圣节的专题小报)英语写,中文注释。
七、 板书设计:
pumpkin lantern
(周围点缀一些图片) if
八、 教学后记:
Unit 4 Halloween 篇3
教学要求:1.四会掌握单词horse, pig, duck, chicken, mask, vase, thing, need和日常交际用语what do they need?及句型do you like……s? what do you like?并能根据具体情景作回答。
2.三会掌握单词pumpkin, candle, pumpkin lantern, halloween, tomorrow,并能初步了解a
教学重难点:四会掌握句型do you like……s? what do you like?并能根据具体情景作回答。
step1 organization
t: good morning, boys and girls.ss: good morning, miss gu.
t: glad to see you again. ss: glad to see you to.
t: how are you? ss: fine, thank you. and you?
t: i’m fine, too. thanks.
(训练学生应用日常交际用语,重点复习glad to see you again.)
2.sing: we can sing and dance(播放光盘)
t: now boys and girls, shall we sing a song?ss: yes, let’s sing.
(营造轻松愉快的学习气氛,为下一步骤复习句型作铺垫,同时也复习了日常交际用语shall we …? 和let’s….)
step 2 revision
1.t(承接歌曲):oh, the boys and girls can ……(指向光盘中动画)
ss: sing, dance and play the violin.
t(出示句型): can you sing?(要求学生开火车复习和操练该句型并根据实际回答)
2. 同法复习和操练句型:can you dance? can you play the violin? can you swim?
step 3 presentation
1.教学句型: do you like ……?
①t(承接can you swim?): do you like swimming? (出示该句型)复习like,并要求学生说说本学期已学过的有关like的句子。
②学习do及do you like swimming?并比较can you swim?与do you like swimming?
a. 比较can 与do b. 比较swim与swimming
③复习can you swim?的回答:yes, i can. /no, i can’t. ss: 跟读----开火车读
④引导学生对do you like swimming?作回答:yes, i do. /no, i don’t.并要求学生据实回答。
2.同法操练:can you skating? can you playing basketball?
3.教学句型:what do you like?
①t: oh, you like sports very much. do you like animals? (出示动物图片) ss: yes, i do.
②t: what do you like?
a. 教学what, 在复习what’s this? what are these? 句型后理解what
b.教学what do you like? 并引导学生回答: i like …….
c. 强调用名词的复数形式表示一类事物。
4.看图操练句型:what do you like? i like ……s.(用学过的动物类单词操练该句型)
①t: would you like to know what does miss gu like? ss: yes. what do you like? t: i like -----t: (出示图片,并点击图片,播放录音) ss:跟读----开火车读
②t: i like horses.(强调复数的读音) do you like horses? (要求学生据实回答)
6.同法教学pig, chicken, duck
t: just now, we learned the words very good. now, i’d like to tell you a secret. i have many ----.
(出示图片,并出示单词thing, 点击单词,播放录音) ss:跟读----开火车读----了解复数形式
①t: i have many things. would like to know what are they? ss: yes.
②t: what’s this? (出示一面具,并出示单词mask, 点击单词,播放录音)ss:跟读---开火车读
9.同法教学vase, pumpkin, candle
10. 教学halloween
①t: just now, i show you many ---things. for example:(出示图片)
ss: mask, candle, vase, pumpkin
②t: do you know which holiday do the european and american use these things?
ss: 万圣节
③t: yes. (出示单词halloween, 并点击单词,播放录音)
11. 介绍halloween
①t: do you know some stories about halloween?ss: sorry, i don’t know.
t: ok, let me tell you a story about it.
12. 教学it’s halloween tomorrow.
①t(出示图片): what’s the date? ss: 10月30日
②t: oh, it’s halloween tomorrow.并教学该句
a. 教学tomorrow (出示单词tomorrow, 并点击单词,播放录音)ss: 跟读----开火车读
b.教学it’s halloween tomorrow. (示范读----跟读----开火车读)
13. 教学family
① t(出示图片): who are they? ss: they ben, ben’s parents, ben’s brother
② t: oh, this is ben’s ----family(出示单词family, 并点击单词,播放录音) ss: 跟读----开火车读
14.教学ben and his family are in the sitting-room.
① t(出示图片): where are they?ss: they’re in the sitting-room.
② t: oh, ben and his family are in the sitting-room. (示范读----跟读----开火车读)
15.教学they would like to buy things for a halloween party.
16.教学what do they need?
(出示单词need, 并点击单词,播放录音)ss: 跟读----开火车读
②教学what do they need? (示范读----跟读----开火车读),并引导学生猜测和回答(例:mask)
17.教学what else do they need?
①t: what else do they need? (出示单词else, 并点击单词,播放录音) ss: 跟读----开火车读
②教学what else do they need? (示范读----跟读----开火车读),并引导学生猜测和回答(例:vase)
①t: what do they need in fact? let’s listen to the tape.( 播放课文动画,要求学生听录音并回答)
②教学pumpkin lantern
a.在学生听录音回答问题后出示图片灯笼,并出示单词lantern, 点击单词,播放录音,教学单词
b.教学pumpkin lantern (示范读----跟读----开火车读),并了解how to make a pumpkin lantern
step 4 home works
1.copy the words in b
2.read a and b