
《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计

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《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计(精选15篇)

《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计 篇1

  《牛津小学英语》5a unit 9 shapes 教学设计

  丹阳市蒋墅中心小学   张亚琴


  1、知识目标:能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词shape, shapes, a circle, a square, a diamond, a rectangle, a triangle, a star及其相应复数形式。能听得懂,会说,会读和会写句型what shape is the…?it’s a …




  教学内容:5a unit 9 shapes

  教学重难点:能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词shape, shapes, a circle, a square, a diamond, a rectangle, a triangle, a star及其相应复数形式。能听得懂,会说,会读和会写句型what shape is the…?it’s a …


  1、warm up ---- free talk

  t: boys and girls, i like drawing pictures. do you like drawing?



  (1)引出课题 t:i have some cards. do you have a card?(教师呈现自己做的贺卡) s: ……(教师选一张圆形,长方形的贺卡贴在黑板上)

  t: there are two cards on the blackboard. let’s have a look. what’s in the card? s:……

  t: there are some shapes.

  teach: a shape  shapes

  (2) t:(指着黑板) this is a circle card.

  teach:  a circle

  t: the football is a circle. can you see something like “the …is a circle.”(组织小组竞赛造句,表现优秀的小组贴上图形)

  t:(指着黑板)what shape is it?  it’s a rectangle. it’s a rectangle card.

  teach: a rectangle .

  t: the book is a rectangle. can you see something like “the …is a rectangle.”(组织小组竞赛造句,表现优秀的小组贴上图形)

  t: i have a rectangle paper. look at me. is it a rectangle? (将长方形纸折成正方形) s: no.

  t: it’s a square.

  teach : a square

  can you see something like “the …is a square.”(组织小组竞赛造句,表现优秀的小组贴上图形)

  t: (正方形纸折成三角形)what shape is it? is it a square?

  s: no. t: it’s a triangle.

  teach: a triangle

  (3) teach: what shape is the …? it’s a …

  t: we are talking about shapes.( cai ) what shape is the …?

  s:it’s a ..(课件展示两幅图片)

  t:can you ask me ?

  teach: what shape is the …? it’s a …

  s—t: what shape is the …?it’s a …(组织小组竞赛对话,表现优秀的小组贴上图形)

  s—s:what shape is the …?it’s a …

  (4) say a rhyme: (拍手)

  card, card, i like cards.

  circle, circle, it’s a circle football.

  rectangle, rectangle, it’s a rectangle door.

  square, square, it’s a square clock.

  triangle, trangle, it’s a triangle kite.

  (5)t: look at my card. there’s a tree in the card. what’s in the tree? s:…  t: some stars.

  teach: a star

  ( cai ) guess: what shape is it? is it a star?(遮住)

  teach: a diamond


  (1) ( cai ) t: do you know them?( look and say)

  (2) guess game: (露一小半图)t: what shape is it?

  (3)look and say:( cai ) how many …are there? there are ….

  (4)公布竞赛结果:用句型 how many … are there? 汇总。

  (5) exercise:

  t:look, i can make a picture.  there’s a triangle ,

  a rectangle and two squares. can you say?


  unit 9 shapes

  (贺卡1)   what shape is the …? 

  it’s a ….             (小组竞赛贴图)


《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计 篇2

  小学生好动,注意力集中时间短,好胜心强,一般来说比较喜欢猜谜等游戏。在教学过程中,如果我们能够结合学生的年龄特点和心理特点,巧妙并且适时地使用 guessinggame,就能把枯燥的单词或句子操练变成学生乐于接受的学习形式,可以激发学生的学习动机和兴趣,取得良好的教学效果。

  最近,笔者听了一节课,上课内容是《牛津小学英语》1aunit 6“on a farm”第一教时,主要学习句型“it’s a…/what’sthis?”以及相关的词汇“a cat,adog,a duck'’等,本文主要结合这节课中的几个片段和大家一起探讨猜谜游戏在小学英语教学中的作用。



  t:do you like games?s:yes!t:shall we play a guessing game?s:aⅱright.running race动画展示三种动物赛跑场景,请学生们分别选择喜爱的动物,在赛跑过程中大声朗读该动物的名称,为其“加油”。





  [片段2]单词学生掌握了,可单词不能离开句子啊?怎么办呢?t:do you want to guess again?s:yes!hide and seek课件展示农场全景以及躲藏着的小动物。

  t:what’s this?(引导学生用

  it’s a…作答)

  [浅析】教师在猜谜游戏之后适时地进行句型的练习,让学生体验到“用学会的语言做事情”的快乐,充分调动了学生的各种智能,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生在不断的“探究”中不知不觉地进入了模拟情境——on the farm,优化了学习效果。






  ……(表演)t:what’s t}fis?s:a cat.t:cat,cat,it’s a cat..(引导学


  [浅析]教师根据学生的好动的特点,及时安排学生进行act and guess的游戏,把课堂气氛再次推向了高潮,爱动的学生在表演过程中再次巩固了所学的内容,真正实现了“玩中学”的最高境界。学生通过自身的表演与参与,变被动的学习为主动的探究,正如苏霍姆林斯基所说:“在儿童的内心深处都有一种根深蒂固的需要,那就是希望自己是一个发现者、研究者、探索者。”学生通过对小动物的理解,再用肢体语言表达出来,加深了记忆。同时猜的过程不仅能让学生更好地复习巩固,同时也增加了学生的自信心与成就感。

  [片段4]通过以上的练习,大多数同学都掌握了所学的内容,教师又安排了一个listen and guess的环节来进行巩固和生成的练习。

  t:(课件播放动物的声音)s:a cat.,a cat,it’s a cat.s:a dog,adog,it’s adog.s:a duck,a duck,it’s a duck.

  [浅析]通过这个环节有效地巩固了所学内容,也让学生从动态的课堂气氛中逐渐安静下来,因为“听”的过程就是一个安静下来并获取信息的过程。《英语课程标准》明确指出:小学英语教学的主要目标是培养学生的良好语音、语调和良好的听、说、读、写的习惯,为今后的发展打下坚实的基础。而这个listen and~uess环节的设计有效地培养了学生“听”的习惯。执教教师的这个环节真可谓是“独具匠心”。同时,guess的过程还会有效调动学生的潜能。


  以上是一节精彩的课,针对一年级学生来说,guessinggame游戏带给他们的是快乐的学习,那么中高年级的guessing game是否同样有效呢?以下是笔者根据自己的教学实践所得的几点体会。

  一、将guessing game应用于复习已学的单词,引出新的单词

  在教授新的单词之前,我先准备了一个magic bag,放人一物品并且指出该物品的类别,让学生猜一猜,学生猜的过程就是一个很好的学习过程。

  在教ball这个单词时,我在黑板上画了一个圆,然后问学生:“what am i drawing now?'’学生的回答是各种各样的——“anapple?an orange?a head?…”,最后引出ball这个单词。通过做(~uessing game,学生很好地复习了已学过的知识,还对新的知识产生了非常深刻的印象。

  二、将guessing galtle应用于区别单词,强化记忆

  在教授完he与she时,虽然经过教师再三讲解,学生对其用法已经很明白,但在实际应用过程中仍有一部分学生犯错。这时我就适时的穿插了 guessing game,邀请一位同学到讲台前背对着大家,再请下面的一位同学用变声的方法说话让讲台上的同学猜,最后请讲台上的同学用“he is/she is,’来指认该同学。如果猜对,同学们会爆以热烈的掌声,如果猜错或是搞错了同学的性别则会引起哄堂大笑。通过游戏学生区分了单词,强化了记忆。

  三、将guessing game应用于句子的操练

  把guessing game应用于句子的操练也能收到很好的效果。在教“is that a(an)…?”及其回答“yes,it is./no,it isn’t.”时,我带领同学们做了一个guessing game的游戏,我先选定教室里的一样东西,然后把这样物品的单词写在一位同学的手心上,请其他的同学用“isthat a(an)…?”向该同学提问,并请这位同学用“yes,it is./no,it isn’t.”来作出肯定或否定的回答,同学们各个踊跃参加。



《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计 篇3

   指导教师:胡澄宜   开课时间:2003/10/25执    教:金   蓉听课对象:全国部分英语教研员及英语教师教学内容:《牛津小学英语》unit 7 of 3a教学目标:1. 复习关于服装的词汇:jacket, coat, blouse, dress, sweater, t-shirt, skirt, shirt, smart, pretty2. 复习句型:look at my/his/her coat.   it’s smart/pretty/cool/nice. thank you.3. 复习字母aa---nn4. 复习字母缩略词:kfc, cd, cba, bbc, cctv, 5. 学习字母oo及字母缩略词wto6. 学习开音节单词的拼读。7. 通过学习,提高学生听、说、读的综合运用能力, 逐步了解中英文化的差异。8. 通过有规律地学习,使学生掌握有效的学习方法,逐步掌握英语单词的              拼读规则。9. 通过说说、唱唱、演演、做做、读读等活动,使学生快乐地学习英语。10.研究英语儿歌在小学英语教学中的作用。教学重点:1. 复习关于服装的词汇。2. 复习句型:look at my/his/her coat.   it’s smart/pretty/cool/nice. thank you.3. 学习字母oo及字母缩略词wto4. 学习开音节单词的拼读。教学难点:   1. 能正确熟练地运用句型look at my/his/her coat.   it’s smart/pretty/cool/nice. thank you.进行交际,并逐步了解中英文化的差异。2. 学习开音节单词的拼读。 教学准备:教师:  1. 制作多媒体课件         2. 带数样漂亮的玩具、文具等物品。3. 录音机、磁带4. 准备字母卡片    学生:  1. 带数样漂亮的玩具、文具、服装等物品。2. 穿平时最漂亮的衣服。teaching steps:step 1.  free talk.1.      师生快速连环问答。step 2.  review the drills. look at my/his/her ….   it’s ….   thank you.1.      教师示范:以教师身边的漂亮玩具、文具导入。例:t:  hello, boys and girls. look at my toy dog/new watch/new pencil-box.s:  it’s nice/pretty/lovely.t:  thank you.2.      学生小组练习。3.      配乐时装表演:挑选数名学生当时装模特儿上台表演,其余的学生在座位上自由谈论模特儿的服装,最后请3---5组学生汇报。4.      英语儿歌表演唱: look at his coatlook at his coat.  it’s very smart.look at his shirt.  it’s very nice.look at her blouse.it’s very strange.look at her dress.  it’s very cute. step 3.  review the letters.1.      read the letters.cc  ll  aa  dd  ee  mm  hh  bb  ff  ii  kk  nn  gg  jj2.      read the abbreviations.(图文并茂)kfc  cd  cba  bbc  cctv  step 4.  learn the letter oo.1.  read the abbreviation “wto”.(导入新授字母oo)2.  learn the letter oo.3.      learn the new words. (图文并茂)  bone  home  rose  nose4.      read the chant.oo                 o, o, it’s a bone.                 o, o, it’s a home.                 o, o, it’s a rose.                 o, o, it’s a nose.5.      chant and sing.oo                 o, o, it’s a bone.                 it’s a big bone.                 bone,bone, a big bone.                 the dog likes the bone.6.  make your words.(用字母拼搭单词游戏)7.  read the words.      name          nice         notelake           bike         lodecake           like         codegame          life          tonelate            side         vote step 5.  chant and sing. (letter aa—oo)step 6.  homework.1.       make new dialogues using the pattern drills “look at….  it’s…”.2.       chant and sing letter oo.

《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计 篇4


  1、b部分单词:a postcard, glue, writing paper, an envelope, write a letter。



  1、能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组a postcard, writing paper, an envelope。

  2、能正确地听、说、读、写单词glue, write a letter。

  3、能正确地听、说、读、写句型can i have…? what for? i want to…


  1、能熟练地听、说、读、写单词glue, write a letter。

  2、能正确地听、说、读、写句型can i have…? what for?  i want to…。

  教学难点:了解glue和writing paper是不可数名词。



  step 1 warm up

  1、 sing a song: will you join me?

  2、 free talk(以将要做什么为谈话主题)


  t: what are you going to do this weekend/this morning/ this eneving/tomorrow afternoon?

  s: i’m going to…

  s: i’m going to…



  what are we going to do this morning/ this weekend/ tomorrow evening…?

  where are we going to do this afternoon/ tomorrow morning?

  step 2 presentation

  1、 teach: a postcard

  ①t: today is my birthday, i received a postcard from my brother. do you know“a postcard”?

  ②教师出示明信片,领读a postcard。

  ③教师出示以前学过的单词a postman和a card,告诉学生a postcard是个合成词。

  ④师生齐读post, post, card, card→postcard。

  ⑤两个学生开火车操练a postcard, a postcard, i have a postcard。

  ⑥教师走到台下,问一位学生: can i have a postcard?引导学生回答sure. here you are。教师接着说i want to write to my brother jim。

  ⑦教师出示几张明信片,示意学生用句型can i have a postcard?提问,教师相机说what for?

  ⑧教师大体介绍what for的意思,告诉学生what for相当于why。


  can i have a postcard?      what for?

  i want to write to my sister/ my father/ john…     sure. here you are.

  2、 teach: writing paper.

  ①t: i have some writing paper.教师告诉学生:writing paper性质等同于以前所学的newspaper,是不可数名词,两张信纸可以说two pieces of paper,一些信纸叫some writing paper。

  ②chant: writing, writing, writing, writing, paper, i have some writing paper.

  ③教师走到台下,与个别学生操练can i have some writing paper?引导学生说what for?

  ④t: i want to write a letter.

  ss: sure. here you are.


  3、 teach: write a letter

  ①t:在三年级学字母时,letter解释为字母,而在这里,letter则解释为信,write a letter解释为写信。

  ②教师范读letter, letter, write a letter。

  ③学生齐读letter, letter, write a letter。

  ④play a game:绕口令

  write, write, write a letter,

  letter, letter, write a letter,

  let’s, let’s, let’s write.

  ⑤拼读letter。letter, letter, l-e-t-t-e-r, letter, letter。

  ⑥拼读write a letter。

  4、 teach: an envelope

  ①t: yesterday evening, i wrote a letter to my teacher. now, i need an envelope.教师边将信塞进信封。

  ②教师范读an envelope, 从不同方位给学生示范,采用分音节教学法,enve-lope→envelope。

  ③男、女生分角色读an envelope, an envelope, i have an envelope。

  ④四人开火车读an envelope, an envelope, i have an envelope。


  for example: an envelope, an envelope, a red/ yellow/ white/ nice envelope, an orange/ old envelope。

  5、teach: glue

  ①教师拿起刚才塞进信封的那封信,发现封口还没有贴好,相机说:look, it’s open, can i have some glue?顺势引导学生说sure. here you are。



  /u:/   /u:/   glue

  glue, glue, glue, some some glue


  ⑤开火车拼读:glue, glue, g-l-u-e→glue, glue.

  step 3 look and say

  1、出示c部分第一幅图,让学生仔细看图,理解图意,运用句型can i have a/ an/ some…? what for? i want to… sure…here you are.对话。



  4、这部分为四会内容,教师有必要范写一幅图,其余三幅图请学生参照板书,当堂完成。其中要向学生特别强调i want to+动词原形。


  step 4 consolidation

  1、listen to the tape, then repeat.


  2、listen and point.


  3、a guessing game.

  可将本部分词汇设计为谜语,如:liu tao’s mother is now in guangzhou, liu tao is in naijing. he wants to speak to mother. i can help them. what am i?

  step 5 homework


  2、抄写glue, write a letter各五遍。


  4、继续完成编谜语的作业,下节课在free talk中与大家交流。


  1、课题:unit 7 a letter to a penfriend

  2、单词:write a letter, some glue.

  3、句型:can i have…?  what for?

  i want to…     sure, here you are.


《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计 篇5

  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 3 asking the way b look, read and learn, d read and talk。


  1. 进一步巩固四会单词:stop, turn left / right, post office, get on, get off, along, street, way。

  2. 熟练运用四会句型:can you tell me the way to… please?掌握句型:how can i get to…及其答语。


  1. 进一步掌握四会单词和句型,并能熟练运用。

  2. 能够听懂d部分的会话,并能灵活运用相关句型进行情景对话。




  step 1 warm up

  1. greetings.

  2. free talk


  t:look at the map, boys and girls. here’s a cinema. what’s near the cinema?

  s:there’s a shopping centre / middle school / history / post office / primary school / train station.

  ②复习词汇:教师快速从地图上拿走几张场所类图片,让学生回答:what’s missing?猜出拿走的卡片,并把要求四会掌握的单词拼出来。

  ③教师拿出一面小红旗贴到地图上,表示自己的位置,说look,i’m here. can you tell me the way to …, please?引导学生运用句型go along… turn left / right…来回答,进一步巩固c部分的对话内容。

  3. chant:where’s the bookshop?

  step2 presentation and practice

  1. 出示一张本城的交通图和学生交流引出how can i get to the…?

  t:tomorrow is my mother’s birthday. i want to buy some presents for her. who can tell me, how can i get to the shopping centre?(板书)

  2. 根据地图和图片,帮助学生试着看图填空完成答语。

  s:it’s on huazhong road.

  it’s about a kilometre away.

  you can take bus no.4 and get off at the second stop.

  3. 再次让学生看图回答。

  4. 小组内操练对话。

  5. 出示d部分挂图,指导学生看图,整体阅读对话,了解大意。

  6. 在学生理解的基础上指导学生读句子。

  7. 小组内表演对话,并利用28页上的图自编对话。

  8. 找几组学生表演对话。

  step3 consolidation.

  1. listen to the song:excuse me


  2. place and say.

  教师在黑板上画一些简单的线路,随机把一些表示场所类的图片贴到不同的地方,让学生利用学过的句型进行有关问路对话。(how can i get to the…?)

  3. 看图编一段问路的对话,并写下来。(可以让同位先交流讨论,再书写。)

  4. look and write.

  例:holsoc school 

  ①iaostnt           ②yrotsih            ③ertcne         

  ④gtrhi            ⑤eettrs              ⑥ngloa         

  step4 homework

  1. 抄写本课四会单词,每个3遍,并会听写。

  2. 画一张从家到学校的路线图,向别人介绍如何找自己的家。

  3. 预习a部分。

  板书内容:unit 3 asking the way

  1. 单词卡、地图。

  2. 句型:can you tell me the way to…, please?

  how can i get to the shopping centre?

  it’s on _________ road.

  it’s about _________ kilometre away.

  you can take bus _________ and get off at the _______stop.


《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计 篇6

  教学内容:b. look, read and learn.    c. work in pairs


  1.能听懂、会说、会读、和会拼写单词tall, young, old, heavy。


  3.能听、说、读句型who’s taller than? is  taller than。



  2.掌握句型“who’s… than…?  whose…is…?”。





  step 1 warm up.

  1. listen to a song: i wish i was taller

  2. greetings

  3. free talk

  可围绕以下句型与不同学生展开:hello. good morning! nice to see you at new term. how old are you now? oh, you’re younger than me. look, he is tall. who’s taller than him? look at my scarf. it’s long. the scarf is longer than this ruler(随着手拿一尺子)…

  step2 presentation

  1. learn long, longer

  ①由free talk引出long, longer.并出示单词指导生朗读,并比较两词区别其间教师不断地出示实物,边比较边发音long-longer.

  ②practice in pairs


  2. learn whose…is…, yours or mine?

  ①教师将围巾与学生围巾放在一起问:whose scarf is longer, yours or mine?并指导生回答。

  ②practice in pairs


  ③ss act.

  3. learn old-older, young-younger


  ②操练句型: who’s…than…?

  师随意问两个同学的年龄后;指着两个学生问其他学生:who’s older/ younger than…?并引导生回答。

  4.出示单词:tall-taller, short-shorter, small-smaller



  5.出示big, fat, thin, heavy




  5.拼读old, young, tall, heavy

  step3 consolidation

  1. listen to the tape and read after the tape.

  2. look and read


  3. work in pairs

  ①picture 1-2,出示挂图,师示范并随机板书句子。

  ②groups work.


  step 4 homework

  1. listen to the tape and repeat.(b部分)

  2. write the words of pant b two times.

  3. make dialogues use the words.


  句子:a: who’s… than…?   b: …is.

  a: whose…is… , yours or mine?   b: …is, i think.




《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计 篇7









  step 1 group work: what have you learnt?




  step 2 listening exercise听力练习

  1.listen and judge(完成练习册第1页)

  1)look at the pictures.

  2)what can you see?

  3)listen to the tape and draw a smiling or crying face.

  4)check the answers.

  2. listen and choose.(完成练习册第2页)

  1)look at the pictures and say the words.

  2)listen to the tape and choose the correct letter.

  3)check the answers.

  step 3 oral exercise口语练习(完成练习册第5页)

  1. check the answers.(上节课布置的作业)

  2. read the dialogues together.

  3. try to act out the dialogues. (group work)

  4. action.

  step 4 reading work读句竞赛


  step 5 writing work写话练习。

  练习形式:每组发一张纸,以 hello/ good morning/ … 开头,每人接一句,一直接下去,5分钟之内完成合作。


  step 6布置作业。











《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计 篇8

  教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 8 part a look, read and say,练习册part a b c。




  教具准备: 录音机、照片。


  step 1 revision

  1. greetings

  2. free talk.

  t: how many people are there in your family?   s there are……

  t: who are they?

  s they’re my father, my mother……

  t: what’s your father’s job?s: he’s a……

  3.  pair work (同桌之间仿照上面的对话进行问答)。

  step 2 presentation

  1. 教师课先录制录音,用英语分别描述班上几位同学或某个老师,学生根据所听人物的特征猜出录音中所描述的人物的名称。

  2. teacher shows the photo of bill’s family. students read the passage and try to remember something. then try to answer the questions.

  a. how many people are there in bill’s family?

  b. what’s bill’s father’s job?

  c. how old is bill?

  d. what are bill’s favourite subjects?

  e. what are bill’s hobbies?

  3. 学生根据所提供的信息及照片,自己试着介绍bill,教师给予评价。

  4. 学生仿照bill的片段,试着口头介绍mary和tom.

  5. 指名上台进行介绍,教师给予评价,鼓励学生进行大胆想像和扩展。

  6. 四人一小组,任选一人,组内介绍。

  step3 practice


  step 4  完成练习同part a、b、c

  1. listen and choose

  a. talk about the pictures.

  b. listen and choose.

  c. check.

  2. listen number and write

  a. talk about the pictures.

  b. listen and number .

  c. listen and write.

  3. read, think and do the cross word.

  a. 朗读句子,根据内容和图意确定填写的单词。

  b. 填写单词,注意大写。

  c. 校对。

  d. 齐读句子。

  step 5 homework.

  将unit8 a部分中第二、三两幅图仿照第一幅图进行书面描述,并进行适当的扩展。


  unit8 review and check.

  bill jones

  age: 12

  family: grandpa . grandma dad ( a doctor ). mum ( a nurse ) sister ( 15, a middle school student )

  school: spring primary school 

  favourite subjects: maths art

  hobbies: swimming, baseball.


《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计 篇9


  本课是《牛津小学英语》book 4a unit7的课文教学。英语教师在教学中有意识地培养学生对英语的持久兴趣,激励学生不断地追求进步,使他们对英语乐学、善学、会学。四年级学生对英语有一定的基础,但都为口语基础,为了更好的与五年级教学连接紧密,本单元教学采用课文教学。对于学生来讲,本单元重、难点较多,学习内容较多,因此教师要灵活运用多种多样的教学方法,组织学生进行广泛的语言实践活动,加强学生的英语阅读理解能力,从而真正达到学习英语的目的。



  a.听、说、读、写单词: seven、 four空

  空 听、说、读单词: have breakfast 、fifteen、thirty-five、 forty

  b.听、说、读、写句型: what’s the time?空 it’s…

  空 听、说、读句型:what time do you…?空 i…at…see you.




  1.能听懂、会说:what’s the time?空 it’s…

  空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空 what time do you…?空 i…at…

  空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空 see you.





  3.have breakfast的读音



  一、warm up

  1. greeting

  t: what is the weather?

  ss: it is…

  what day is it today?

  ss: it is…

  t: let us sing a song: ten little indians

  ss sing a song


  2. free talk

  t: what’s this? / what’s that over there?

  s: it’s a …

  t: is this/that your…?

  s: no, it isn’t.

  t: whose … is this?

  s: it’s …’s.



  1.t: there’re many numbers. can you read?(出示数字1-19)

  ss count the numbers(a. count by themselves空空空 b. count together)


  t: look, is it ten?

  ss: no. it’s twenty

  t: what about this one?(出现30,40,50)

  learn thirty空 forty空 fifty空

  空 ss read these numbers

  (a. read the numbers one by one空空空空空 b. read together)

  t: it’s…(ppt出现35)

  ss: thirty-five.

  t: right. it’s thirty-five.

  ss read

  (ppt出现45,55)ss learn forty-five 、fifty-five


  2.t: look, what’s this?

  ss: it’s a clock.

  t: clock can tell us time. look.(t拨钟,如:11:00、12:00)

  t:what is the time?

  ss: it is eleven o’clock.

  t: oh, i see.

  (t再次拨钟,如:eleven twenty-five, seven thirty-five)

  t:what is the time?

  ss: it is eleven twenty-five.

  t: oh, i see.

  t:what is the time?

  ss: it is seven thirty-five.

  t: oh, i see. like this, work in pairs.

  ss practice and act


  3.t: in different time, we can do different things.空

  now listen to me and repeat.

  i have breakfast at 6:35.

  ss try to repeat: i have breakfast at 6:35.

  learn and read “have breakfast” “at”

  a.read it one by one空空空空空 b. boys/girls read

  c.read it together(t纠正读音)

  t: hello, i have breakfast at 6:35. what about you? what time do you have breakfast?

  ss: i have breakfast at…

  (ppt出示一些图片,如:get up)

  t: what time do you get up/go to school/have lunch/come home/go to the bed?

  s: i …at…

  let ss make a dialog like this in pairs and act.

  (由教师自身说法学习本课句型及一些单词,形象、具体,让学生具有模仿的对象,充分调动学生的积极性,激发学生的模仿能力。在教“have breakfast”时,由于其读音是一大难点,通过“开火车”等形式,既集中学生的注意力,又能很好的帮助学生纠正个别的语音错误。在教学句型时,利用一些漂亮的图片,让学生用不同的词组、时间操练所学句型,激发学生兴趣,并使英语学习变得生活化。)

  4. t: today we will learn unit7.

  空first,listen to the tape and answer my questions.

  空q1: what is the time now?

  q2: what time does mike go to school?

  q3: what time does mike come home?

  ss listen and answer. a1: at 7:35.

  空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空 a2: at 7:40.

  空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空 a3: at 4:15

  t: “late” what is the meaning ?

  a 早的(地);b 时间正好;c 迟的(地);晚的(地)(ppt)

  ss choose and learn “late”

  t: listen to the tape and read after it.

  ss read ①read it after the tape.

  ② read it by themselves

  ③ read it in groups

  ④read it together

  ss act the dialogue



  make a dialog like the text(课件出示)


  mum: get up, .

   :空 oh, no, what’s the time?

  mum: it’s...

  : it’s late.

  dad : what time do you go to…?

  : i go to … at...

  gm : what time do you come home?

  : at ...

  gm :see you in the afternoon/evening!

  : bye ,grandma!/…



  1.read the text five times


  2.make another dialogue with your friends.


  《牛津小学英语》book 4a unit7 来自第一范文网。

《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计 篇10

  教学内容:d部分 listen and write和h部分say a rhyme.


  1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词fish,能听懂、会说和会读词组animal show, go for a walk.

  2. 会诵读歌谣run,rabbit, run!





  step1 revision

  1. group work. 小组表演上节课布置的任务,分角色表演对话。

  游戏名称:纸袋偶paper—bag puppet


  ①制作纸袋偶,在纸袋上画上五官,并剪出眼睛和嘴巴,并按照人物特征(jim, dad)进行修饰。



  2. complete the sentences.根据课文内容完成填空。

  ①jim is ______ _______ english and maths, but he ______ _______ do well in pe.

  ②do you ______ help_______your homework?

  ③ben ________ ________ than me.

  ④jim is _______ as _______as the other boys.

  ⑤do _________ exercise. you’ll get __________.

  check the answers.

  read the sentences together.

  step2 presentation.学习d部分

  1. 学习单词fish,词组animal show, go for a walk.


  一人背对着表演者发指令,另一人背对指令者做动作。指令参照:this is a monkey. he can jump high. look, he can jump higher. i’m a tiger /… i’m fish. i can swim. i can swim very fast… but now i don’t want to do other things, i just want to go for a walk.

  ②引出新知:fish, go for a walk.

  read after the teacher. 注意:go for a walk 和 take a walk联系起来,新旧知识对比。

  ③do you like this‘animal show’?

  learn:animal show.

  ④all the students show.

  2. look at the picture.

  ①questions:who are they? where are they? what may they talk about?


  ②guess and say. 猜一猜四道题的内容。

  ③listen to the tape twice.


  ⑤check the answers, then read.

  3. question:what should they see?


  step3 say a rhyme‘run, rabbit, run!’

  1. look at the picture and guess.看图片,猜测歌谣内容。

  2. read the rhyme. 认读歌谣中已经学过的单词和句子。

  3. listen to the tape. 要求学生注意语音、语调、语气。

  4. what does the rhyme mean? 进一步猜测歌谣内容。在此过程中学习词组different sport.(不同的运动)和句子 running is great fun! 最后总结:they have a lot of fun.(玩得开心)

  5. read after the tape. 跟读歌谣。

  6. read the rhyme by yourselves.

  step4 consolidation.

  1. listen and write.

  ①there’s an animal show over there. let’s go and watch it.

  ②the monkeys and bears can skate so well.

  ③how about going for a walk around the lake?

  ④the fish swim faster than the ducks.

  ⑤well done, well done!

  2. say and chant.教师带领学生按照节奏边说歌谣边做跳绳动作,每说一个节拍就必须跳一次,活跃课堂气氛。

  step5 布置作业

  1. 读写d部分,看谁写出的句子最多最生动。

  2. 完成 补充习题a部分和e部分。


  fish, animal show, go for a walk.


《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计 篇11

  教学内容:c. work in pairs    d. listen and write


  1.能熟练掌握句型“who’s taller than david? whose schoolbag is heavier, yours or mine?”并能灵活进行替换练习。









  step 1 warm up


  2. sing a song: i wish i was taller

  3. free talk.

  围绕本单元的b部分单词及句型“who’s…than….?  whose…than…?   as…as…”等句型结合学生实际与生进行闲谈。

  step 2 revision

  1. listen and repeat.(a部分内容)

  2. look and read.



  3.look and write.


  4. look and say

  ①出示图片,引导生用“who’s…than…? whose…is…”进行对话.如:who’s taller than david?    gao shan is.  whose schoolbag is heavier, yours or mine?    yours is, i think.


  old, young, long, tall, short, fat…

  step 3 presentation

  1. look and say


  如: how many people are there in the photo?  who are they?   who’s older, the man in black or in blue?   who’s younger, the woman in green or in purple?

  2. listen to the tape.


  3. listen and repeat

  4. listen and complete

  5. listen and check

  6. read the sentences.

  step 4 homework

  1. listen and read part a.



  句型: who’s taller than david? gao shan is.

  whose schoolbag is heavier, yours or mine?

  yours is. i think.




《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计 篇12

  教学内容: partb:rectangle,square,triangle,diamond,circle,star

  partc句型:what shape is it\the…? it’s a….







  教学准备:课件,flash歌曲《twinkle,twinkle,little star》,印有相应单词的六种形状纸片,三组三角形,皮筋和各种形状的实物。



  1. greetings

  2. let’s play a game: who thinks fast? for example: i say “make” you can say: “make a puppet”, make—(让学生组词),同样play—, sing—.

  [通过自由交流,营造轻松、快乐的氛围,让学生进入到英语学习的状态中去。让学生组词,使其活跃思维,最后操练单词sing和词组sing a song引出下面的歌曲。]

  3.t: i like singing ,do you like singing ?now,let’s listen to a song.(播放flash歌曲)





  t: the song is 《twinkle,twinkle,little star》.what is the “star”?

  s: 星星.

  t: look, i have a star. (出示星形纸片,操练单词star)

  now, i have a question. (板书)what shape is it? this lesson we’ll learn about shapes. first, let’s read these words. (多媒体出示:tape, grape, cake, table及其字母a的发音,操练单词shape)

  t:(多媒体展示)the star means星星,also can mean 星形。can you answer “what shape is it? ”(教师示范,师生互动操练what shape is it? it’s a star.)


  (将星星贴于黑板上) t: now, where’s my star?

  s: it’s on the blackboard.

  t: what shape is the blackboard? please ask me?

  s: what shape is the blackboard?

  t: it’s a rectangle. (出示长方形纸片,操练单词rectangle及其句型what shape is it? it’s a rectangle.)

  t: can you find some rectangles in our classroom? (让学生在教室里找长方形实物)


  (出示一个盒子) t: what shape is it?

  t: it’s a rectangle.

  (出示另一个盒子) t: is it a rectangle?

  s: no.

  t: it’s a square. (出示正方形纸片,操练单词square及其句型what shape is the box? it’s a square.板书:what shape is the …?)

  work in pairs:多媒体出示钟,毛巾图片,操练句型what shape is the …? it’s a square.


  t: look at my paper. what shape is the paper?

  s: it’s a rectangle.

  (折成正方形)t: what shape is it now?

  s: it’s a square.

  (折成三角形)t: is it a square?

  s: no.

  t: it’s a triangle. (出示三角形纸片,操练单词triangle及其句型what shape is the paper? it’s a triangle.)

  work in pairs:多媒体出示树,三明治图片,操练句型what shape is the …? it’s a triangle.

  5. 教学“diamond”

  t: i have some triangles. i can make some shapes. can you do it?(请学生来用三角形拼图。可以拼成三角形,长方形,正方形和菱形。)

  t: what shape is it? please ask me.

  s: what shape is it?

  t: it’s a diamond. (出示菱形纸片,操练单词diamond及其句型what shape is it? it’s a diamond.)

  work in pairs:多媒体出示风筝,福字图片,操练句型what shape is the …? it’s a diamond.

  6. 教学“circle”

  (多媒体展示)t: the diamond can mean 菱形,also can means 钻石. now let’s listen to the song again. please pay attention to the diamond. (再次播放flash歌曲)

  t: there are lots of stars in the sky. they like diamonds. how nice! there’s the sun and the moon , too. (多媒体展示,朗读the sun, the moon)what shapes are they? they’re circles. (出示圆形纸片,操练单词circle及其句型what shape is it? it’s a circle.)

  work in pairs:多媒体出示足球,太阳图片,操练句型what shape is the …? it’s a circle.


  1.t: we have leaned six shapes. they’re…

  s: star , rectangle,square,triangle,diamond and circle.

  t: let’s make some shapes.(让学生用皮筋框出各种形状)

  2.let’s do another exercise(多媒体展示含有多种形状的一幅图画,让学生完成一份笔头练习:how many …are there? there is\are….集体校对)

  3.there are lots of shapes in our life. can you find them?(让学生在生活当中寻找形状:the … is a ….)


  1.look for the shapes and talk about them.

  2.finish part c on your books.


  unit 9 shapes

  what shape is it\the…?

  it’s a ….

《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计 篇13

  一  教学内容:《义务教育课程标准实验教科书  牛津小学英语》3b第三单元第一课时。

  二  教学目标:

  1 能正确听说运用词汇 grandfather, father, uncle, son, brother,

  grandmother, mother, aunt, daughter, sister。

  2 能较熟练地在情景中运用句型who’s he/she?  he’s/she’s….

  3 能正确区别he和she。

  三  教学重点:

  1 能够正确听说运用家庭成员类单词。

  2 能运用who’s he/she?  he’s/she’s….进行问答交流。

  四  教学难点:


  五  课前准备:

  1 制作与家庭成员类单词及句型有关的课件。

  2 磁带,录音机。

  六  教学过程:

  (一) free talk:

  1 师生之间用交流语进行问候。

  a  good morning/afternoon.

  b  hello! nice to meet you !

  c  how are you?

  d  are you happy today?

  2 电脑出示实物(钟,小刀,故事书,收音机)通过“猜物”游戏与学生做问答练习,复习巩固上一单元内容,同时为新内容做铺垫。

  t:look, what’s this?

  s:is this/that a/an…?(教师点击图片,揭示正确答案。)

  3 听音乐,渗透歌曲教学,以此来激发学生的兴趣。

  listen to the music “family song”.

  (二) presentanition and practice:

  1 oh ,what’s this?(学生猜is this a…?)it’s a family photo.电脑出示全图和短语family photo,理解并领读。

  2 教师以helen的身份出现

  a    i’m helen. this is my family photo.there are many people in my family .guess! who’s he?依次点击照片上的男性,教师引导学习。

  点击父亲图片:who’s he? he’s my father.(学习father)

  点击祖父图片: look at the old man. he’s my father’s father.who’s he?he’s my grandfather.( 学习grandfather)

  点击叔叔图片:  look at the man in the brown coat. he’s my father’s brother.(学习brother) who’s he? he’s my uncle.( 学习uncle)

  点击mike图片look at the boy. he’s my brother. he’s my father’s son.(学习son)

  出示所有男士图片,与学生进行交流问答,领读who’s he?并理解he,用he’s….造句介绍自己身边的同学。

  学生利用自己的照片,对照片上的男士进行对话练习并表演。who’s he?he’s….

  b 同法学习mother,grandfather,aunt,daughter,sister.

  点击母亲图片: who’s she? she’s my mother.(学习mother)

  点击祖母图片: look at the old woman. she’s my father’s mother. who’s she?she’s my grandmother.( 学习grandmother)

  点击阿姨图片: look at the woman in the blue coat. she’s my mother’s sister.(学习sister) who’s she? she’s my aunt.( 学习aunt)

  点击helen图片: look at the girl. she’s mike’s sister. she’s my father’s daughter.(学习daughter)it’s me.

  出示所有女性图片,与学生进行交流问答,领读who’s she?并理解she,用she’s….造句介绍自己身边的同学。

  学生利用自己的照片,对照片上的女士进行对话练习并表演。who’s she?she’s….

  c 教师总结 this is a big family.they are all very friendly. do you want to make friends with them?出示friend,领读并理解。用he’….和she’s….介绍自己的朋友。

  (三)play a game:(通过游戏复习所学单词及短语)


  your uncle’father is….

  your aunt’s mother is….

  your mother’s son is….

  your mother’s sister is….


  (四)work in pairs:(三人一组。模仿家庭人物进行表演。)

  a: who’s he/she?

  b: he’s/she’s….

  c: nice to meet you!




  3 欣赏歌曲“family song”。

《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计 篇14





  教具准备: 投影片,挂图


  step 1  warm up

  1 greetings

  2 sing a song. “excuse me”

  step 2  revision  

  1 出示单词卡,复习第三单元单词。

  2 创设情景,复习巩固问路交际用语。

  (1)投影出示文字介绍及一幅线路图: sally is on holiday in ganyu now. she wants to go to some place ( xinhua bookshop, the post office, hualian supermarket, the bank of china , the cinema ),but she doesn’t know how to get there, and she meets you at hebing park, can you tell her how to get there?


  (3)师生共同操练 how to get to xinhua bookshop,并板书重点句型。

  (4)group work .小组间围绕所给信息进行问答操练。

  (5)act . 指名小组表演对话。

  step 3操练part c look, read and write.

  1 读题,明确题意。

  2 出示第一幅图,教师与一名学生示范,并讲解此种类型题目的方法. 

  3 学生试着完成习题.

  4 交流填写情况.

  5 同桌对话表演,并适当进行改编和扩充.

  6 指名表演对话。

  step 4 作业布置:



  unit 4 review and check

  can you tell me the way to…,please?

  go along this street,and turn… at the …crossing.

  how far is it from here? 

  it’s about…

  .how many stops are there?

《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计 篇15


  教学目标:part a listen, read and say.


  能听懂、会说、会读和拼写单词weather, spring, autumn, winter, hot, cold.

  能听懂、会说、会读和拼写句型 what’s the weather like…?

  教学难点:能听懂、会说、会读单词season, because, countryside, warm, cool, rain, rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, cloudy, rowing, snowball fights.



  step 1 pre-task preparation:

  1.daily report.

  what’s the weather like today?


  revise the following words: season, because, countryside, warm, cool, rain, rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, cloudy, rowing, snowball fights.

  step 2 while-task procedures:

  1.look and say:

  look! this is new york. what’s the weather like there? say something about it.

  2.listen to the tape. pay attention to the following questions:

  who’s going to new york?

  what does su yang want to know?

  who is su yang asking for?

  what’s the weather like in summer in new york?

  what about autumn there?

  does it often rain in spring there?

  is it beautiful in spring?

  listen and imitate sentence by sentence.

  3.fill in the blanks:

  su yang’s dad is going to____ ____ next week. he is going to work there for _____ _____. su yang wants to know about the _______ there. she is

  asking ben some questions about the _________in ______ ______.

  4.some explanations:

  as hot as in nanjing, the best season, in the countryside, sounds great, most of the time, make snowmen, have snowball fights, colder than in nanjing, new york.

  5.listen to the tape again.

  listen to the tape and follow it.

  step 3 post-task activity:

  1.ask and answer:

  what’s the weather like in spring in new york?

  what’s the weather like in summer in nanjing?

  what’s the best season in new york?

  what clothes does dad need?

  2.complete the sentences with the correct words:

  in new york, there’s a lot of rain in _____. the weather in summer is as ________ as in nanjing. autumn is the best ________ in new york. it’s ________ and ________. in winter it’s _________than in nanjing. dad, you need to buy some ________clothes.

  step 4 homework:

  1.listen to the tape.

  2.surf the internet about the weather in new york.


  which season do you like best? i like… why? because it’s…

  what’s the weather like…?



