
PEP5 Unit 4 What can you do?

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PEP5 Unit 4 What can you do?(精选3篇)

PEP5 Unit 4 What can you do? 篇1



  本节课主要学习5个有关家务劳动的词组及有关家务劳动的表达“i’m helpful.i can...”. 教材在let's learn部分设计了sarah can do housework的故事情景。在故事情境中自然地呈现了cook the meals,  water the flowers, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom,empty the trash五个动词短语。通过sarah的话直观的引出了本课时的重点句型i can….教学内容与学生日常生活联系密切,因此在教学中要注意学以致用,鼓励学生能简单介绍自己能做哪些家务劳动。



  1).掌握四会动词词组cook the meals,  water the flowers, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom.

  2)掌握三会动词词组empty the trash和句子“i’m helpful.i can...”.


  2.教学重点:能说5个短语以及能拼写其中4个短语cook the meals,  water the flowers, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom.,能运用 i can….进行表述。

  教学难点:正确拼写及能书写cook the meals,  water the flowers, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom.







  (1).greetings:good morning!how are you? what day is it today?what’s the weather like today?....

  (2).let’s do.(四年级上册)

  open the door/clean the window/sweep the floor/put up the picture/water the flowers


  (3)t:look,look look!what can you see?(课件呈现一个跳舞的小丸子)

  ss:i can see….

  t:yes!xiaowanzi can dance.look at me!i can dance,too.(边说边做)can you?

  what can you do?

  (4).才艺表演—what can you do?

  ss:i can….(边说边演)

  (通过才艺表演操练句子:i can….)


  (1).t:look!i can draw.(边说边画flowers和浇花壶)

  引出water the flowers以及i can water the flowers.i’m helpful.

  出示卡片,操练读音及拼写(个人,二人,四人,小组等方式操练),要求边说边做动作,其他同学能表扬他wow!you’re helpful.短语板书。

  (2)课件:w__t_ _ the fl__ __e__s.(学生进一步巩固)


  t:where are the flowers?do you know?guess!

  ss:…..(in the bedroom)

  t:the flowers are in the bedroom.(课件呈现一幅乱七八糟的bedroom) look!the bedroom is a mess/untidy.but i’m helpful.i can clean the bedroom.

  (4).引出短语clean the bedroom,同上新授clean the bedroom

  (5).课件cl__ __n the bedroom

  ss: ea



  课件出现___ ___ ___ls



  利用meals引出cook the meals,同上新授短语cook the meals.

  (6).课件c__ __k the m__ __ls

  cook the meals→have meals→after meals

  look!the floor is dirty.(课件出现a dirty floor)

  (7).引出短语sweep the floor,同上新授.

  (8).sw__ __p the fl__ __ __.

  课件再次出现几张sweep the floor图片,边说边引出trash,然后过渡到i’m helpful.i can empty the trash.这是三会短语,省去拼写步骤。

  (empty the trash 有点难读,增加趣味操练,提高他们的积极性。)

  (9).课件呈现sarah 在emoty the trash的图片

  sarah i’m helpful.i can….

  t:today is sunday!sarah is at homeshe is helpful.呈现课文图片.

  3).let’s learn

  open the books,listen to the tape and repeat.

  4).let’s play

  (1) 四人小组,一人说短语,三人做动作.(互相合作)

  (2).每小组选一人, ,面朝大家,其余同学看大幕说,让他们表演出动作.(锻炼听和认读的能力).

  5)let’s make a chant

  cook,cook,cook the meals,i can cook the meals.


  clean,____,_____the bedroom,i can _________________.


  sweep,_____,_______the floor,i _____________________.


  water,________,___ ____the flowers, ____________________.


  empty,empty,empty the trash,i can empty the trash.

  yeah!i’m helpful!helpful,helpful,helpful!

  6)what can they do?(拓展人称变化的练习)






  unit4 what can you do?

  a let’s learn & let’s play

  water the flowers.

  clean the bedroom.

  i’m helpful.i can   cook the meals.

  sweep the floor.

  empty the trash.



  创设各种情景,鼓励学生大胆地使用英语,对他们在学习过程中的失误和错误采取宽容的态度。为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我发展的一个空间。本课的几个短语和句型i can….以前都出现过,对学生来说认读的难度可能不大,因此我注重短语的四会教学。本次课总结如下几点:



  1) t:/w   :/      ss:wa

  t: /t   /        ss:ter

  t: /w   :t    /   ss:water



  c__ __k the m__ __ls        w__ t__ __ the fl__ __ ers



  重点句型:i’m helpful.i can….首先从“才艺表演”入手,让学生自然引出句子i can…,为了刺激更多的人来参与,我设置小奖品,效果还行。如学生说:i can dance/sing/fly/run/walk/do housework等。

  新授短语放入句子中,通过个人、小组合作、小游戏等方式来操练句子,i’m helpful.i can water the flowers/cook the meals/clean the bedroom/sweep the floor/empty the trash.在操练过程中要求学生边说边做动作增强记忆。因为这几个短语在四年级let’s do 中出现过,所以学生说起来比较容易,学生操练比较顺利,能积极主动去说与做。为了体现语言运用的实际意义,还要创设一定的语境,5个短语中water the flowers,empty the trash,clean the bedroom,sweep the floor对学生来说都能做,而cook the meals对部分学生来说就不行,为了达到语言的运用,我设计guessing game who can cook the meals? chen jie or sarah?同学们在游戏中操练说cook the meals(新短语,以前没有出现过的。)s1:chen jie can cook the meals.

  s2:sarah can cook the meals. key:sarah can cook the meals.之后再让学生表演sarah,说,”i’m sarah,i’m helpful!i can cook the meals.”在创设的情景中让学生自如操练重点句子。


  在新授5个短语时,始终考虑它们之间的过渡教学。从才艺表演t:i can draw.在黑板上画flowers,引出water the flowers,然后从flowers在bedroom,呈现乱七八糟的bedroom,引出clean the bedroom,再从clean中ea组合的发音引出meals,教学cook the meals,接着从cook the meals→have meals→after meals→the floor is dirty→sweep the floor,最后扫地后产生的垃圾引出empty the trash.让学生在不知不觉中进入下一个环节。


  学生能听,说,读,写4个短语是本课的重点,因此所有的巩固性练习都要围绕它们出发。1)看图连线--比较简单,考虑到基础较差的学生,以便来激发他们的兴趣。2)边说边做动作,通过对意思的理解,让他们表演出来,增加乐趣。3)编歌谣--一个长长的歌谣,通过运用今天的短语,把它补充完整,让他们体会到学习的成就感。4)can you spell?呈现今天的重难点。


  教师在教学过程中是一个参与者,只是起到点拨、主持作用,是学生掌握知识的“助产婆”,让学生主宰课堂,由“要我学”转化为“我要学”,使他们愿意学、善于学,让学生在学习中发现自我,创造自我、提高自我。整堂课的设计我始终提醒自己让学生来主导课堂,我来点拨,基本上做到了这一点。导入今天课的主题,先让学生来才艺表演,运用句型i can….学生发挥得非常不错,新授短语时,运用简笔画,肢体语言,幻灯片等形式来指引学生的表达,运用单词字母组合的共同发音引出新单词的发音,让学生自己能发出正确的语音来,对他们来说不但印象深刻,而且体会到学习的成就感,自然而然的提高对英语学习的兴趣。


PEP5 Unit 4 What can you do? 篇2

  教学目标:1.      enable the students to say: are you helpful at home?                         what can you do ?                         you’re helpful!2.      enable the students to ask and answer the others, manage the sentences has learnt.3.      cultivate the ss’ sense of pride and the enthusiasm to do the housework.教学重点与难点:1.master the pattern: what can you do?         ——i can --------2.enable the ss to say “are you helpful at home?” 并能在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。教学准备:cai   step 1. warm-up1.      let’s chant a.       chant together b.      chant again in different roles. 总结:the dog can run. the panda can eat bamboo. make can draw animals. i can wash my clothes. what can you do? 2.have a race    divide the class into 4 groups. then say sentence likes : i can ---    say and do the action , can’t reiteration. find out the winner which group says at most. 3. shows some pictures and say. sarah can …   step 2.presentation and practice1.free talk t: sarah is helpful at home! are you helpful at home? (board) (s: yes./sure.)  t: what can you do? (s: i can -------)  t: great! you’re helpful! ( 奖励) 2        make a survey t: now, you’re a little toastmaster. let’s interview the classmate and ask them: what can you do?  housework namesweep the floorcook the mealsclean the bedroomempty the trashwater the flowerswash the windows…work in group, then report: mary can ------- 3.let’s talk shows the  “thanks giving day” t: ok. now, look !  what day is it? (s: it’s thanks giving day ) t: yes. the fourth thursday in november is thanks giving day. now, what can chenjie do on thanks giving day?  let’s listen to the tape. 1.      just listen and say : what can chen jie do? 2.      listen again and read the dialogue in different roles.      3. .make a dialogue a. t and s make the dialogue, s and s make a dialogue b. practice in two, then act out the dialogue stp 3. consolidation and extension1.i am a toastmaster a.       just listen a music. then shows the picture of dong hao and say: look! who’s coming?  (dong hao.)  师模仿董浩和学生打招呼。 b.      practice in group .“ if you are dong hao. go to interview some children..” c.       act it. 2.. a little poem   <we are good boys and girls>    i am a good boy. i’m helpful at home.    i can sweep the floor.   i can water the flowers.   i am a good girl.   i’m helpful too.   i can cook the meals.   i can clean the bedroom.     we are good boys and girls.   are you helpful at home?  step 4: homework1.      将let’s learn & let’s talk 部分读给家长听。 2.      记录下每一天妈妈、自己做的家务,体验其艰辛。 mon.tue.fri.thu.fri.sat.sun.motheri板书设计:

  unit 4 what can you do

  are you helpful at home?

  what can you do? you’re helpful.

PEP5 Unit 4 What can you do? 篇3


  1.enable the students to say: are you helpful at home?

  what can you do ?

  you’re helpful!

  2.enable the students to ask and answer the others, manage the sentences has learnt.

  3.cultivate the ss’ sense of pride and the enthusiasm to do the housework.


  1.master the pattern: what can you do?  ——i can --------

  2.enable the ss to say “are you helpful at home?” 并能在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。


  cai  step 1. warm-up1.let’s chant a. chant together b.chant again in different roles. 总结:the dog can run. the panda can eat bamboo. make can draw animals. i can wash my clothes. what can you do? 2.have a racedivide the class into 4 groups. then say sentence likes : i can ---say and do the action , can’t reiteration. find out the winner which group says at most. 3. shows some pictures and say. sarah can … step 2.presentation and practice

  1.free talk t: sarah is helpful at home! are you helpful at home? (board) (s: yes./sure.) t: what can you do? (s: i can -------) t: great! you’re helpful! ( 奖励) 2 make a survey t: now, you’re a little toastmaster. let’s interview the classmate and ask them: what can you do? housework name

  sweep the floor

  cook the meals

  clean the bedroom

  empty the trash

  water the flowers

  wash the windows


  work in group, then report: mary can ------- 3.let’s talk shows the “thanks giving day” t: ok. now, look ! what day is it? (s: it’s thanks giving day ) t: yes. the fourth thursday in november is thanks giving day. now, what can chenjie do on thanks giving day? let’s listen to the tape. 1.just listen and say : what can chen jie do? 2.listen again and read the dialogue in different roles. 3. .make a dialogue a. t and s make the dialogue, s and s make a dialogue b. practice in two, then act out the dialogue stp 3. consolidation and extension1.i am a toastmaster a. just listen a music. then shows the picture of dong hao and say: look! who’s coming? (dong hao.) 师模仿董浩和学生打招呼。 b.practice in group .“ if you are dong hao. go to interview some children..” c. act it. 2.. a little poem  <we are good boys and girls>i am a good boy. i’m helpful at home.i can sweep the floor. i can water the flowers. i am a good girl. i’m helpful too. i can cook the meals. i can clean the bedroom. we are good boys and girls. are you helpful at home? step 4: homework1.将let’s learn & let’s talk 部分读给家长听。 2.记录下每一天妈妈、自己做的家务,体验其艰辛。











  unit 4 what can you do

  are you helpful at home?

  what can you do? you’re helpful.


