
6A Unit1词组

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6A Unit1词组(精选2篇)

6A Unit1词组 篇1

  6a unit1词组

  1.1.公共标志 public signs

  2.禁止吸烟 no smoking

  3.禁止扔杂物 no littering

  4.禁止停车 no parking

  5.禁止吃喝 no eating or drinking

  6.不要触摸 do not touch

  7.禁止践踏草坪 keep off the grass

  8.保持安静 be quiet

  9.他的表弟 his cousin

  10.ben和他的表弟 ben and his cousin

  11.在公园里 in the park

  12.只有四岁 only four years old

  13.有许多问题 have a lot of questions

  14.问ben一些问题 ask ben some questions


  some questions about them

  16.许多标志 a lot of signs

  17.不同的东西 different things

  18.在墙上 on the wall

  19.进入 go in

  20.远离建筑物 stay away from the building

  21.在草地上 on the grass

  22.在草地上走 walk on the grass

  23.鸟笼 the birds’ cage


  the sign on the birds’ cage

  25.发出噪音 make noise

  26.知道许多 know a lot

  27.知道许多关于… know a lot about …

  28.在家 at home

  29.谈论 talk about

  30.在鸟笼附近 near the bird’s cage

  31.在大楼上的标志 the sign on the building

  32.在英特网上 on the internet

  33.看图片 look at the pictures

  34.学习标志 learn the signs

  35.在金陵动物园 at jinling zoo

  36.在动物园 in the zoo

  37.从动物园回家 be back home from the zoo

  38.问问题 ask the questions

  39.回答问题 answer the questions

  40.读一个故事 read a story

  41.帮助ben help ben

  42.散步 take a walk

  43.一张十元的钞票 a ten-yuan note

  44.向四周看 look around

  45.没有人 no one

  46.走向钞票 walk to the note

  47.捡起它 pick it up

  48.一个公园看守人 a park keeper

  49.走向他 come up to him

  50.指标志 point to a sign

  51.和mr smith说 say to mr smith

  52.给我十元 give me ten yuan

  53.和你的朋友们 with your friends


  the boy in the green sweater

  早饭的面包 bread for breakfast

6A Unit1词组 篇2

  1.十月16日 the 16th of october

  2.在十月18日 on the 18th of october

  3.在八月6日 on the 6th of august

  4.在一月1日 on the first of january

  5.ben的生日 ben’s birthday

  6.一个新学生 a new student

  7.在ben的班里 in ben’s class

  8.住在ben的附近 live near ben

  9.一起回家 go home together

  10.放学后 after school

  11.拜访jim/他visit jim/ him

  12.在jim的房间里 in jim’s room


  talk about ben’s birthday

  14.什么日期 what date

  15.我的生日 my birthday

  16.想要would like to + 动原

  would like + 名词

  17.马上到了 come soon


  come to my birthday party

  19.你的生日 your birthday

  20.举行一个生日聚会 have a birthday party

  21.作为一个生日礼物 as a birthday present

  22.日本卡通 japanese cartoons


  a vcd of japanese cartoons

  24.喜欢他们 like them

  25.观看“阿拉丁” watch “aladdin”

  26.让我们等下看看。. let’s wait and see.

  27.他的爷爷 his grandpa

  28.全家的生日 the family’s birthdays

  29.妈妈的生日 mum’s birthday

  30.他的朋友们 his friends

  31.他们的生日 their birthday

  32.和他的家人谈话 talk to his family

  33.他的生日聚会 his birthday party

  34.听… listen to

  35.一个大蛋糕 a big cake

  36.生日快乐。happy birthday.

  37.一些气球 some balloons

  38.一些鱼 some fish


  a cake with lots of grapes

  40.一个蓝色的 a blue one

  41.一个黄色的 a yellow one

  42.为ron买一个 buy one for ron


  at ben’s birthday party

  44.ben的兄弟 ben’s brother

  45.joe叔叔 uncle joe

  46.在电话里 on the phone


  a big birthday cake

  48.在桌子上 one the table

  49.开门 open the door

  50.脱下 take off(反义词组) put on 穿上

  51.脱下他的戏服 take off his costume

  52.唱歌 sing the song

  53.吹灭(蜡烛)blow out (the candles)


  it’s time to +动原= it’s time for +名词

  55.做一张生日卡片make a birthday card


  make a birthday card for…

  57.想要做…want to = would like to 

  58.一张纸 a piece of paper

  59.把它对折fold it in half


  draw a picture on the card

  61.中国新年 chinese new year

  62.今天早上 this morning

  63.让我们去游泳let’s go and swim

  64.让我们去玩 let’s go and play


