Unit 9 Do you like bananas?(精选3篇)
Unit 9 Do you like bananas? 篇1
一、teaching goals
● to learn to use present tense to like, yes/no questions and short answers, affirmative and negative statements
● to learn to talk about what we like and don't like
● to learn names of some food
1. 教学内容
present tense to like, yes/no questions and short answers, affirmative and negative statements
target language:
do you like hamburgers? yes, i do. / no, i don’t. i like french fries. i don’t like tomatoes.
hamburgers, tomatoes, broccoli, french fries, oranges, ice cream, salad, bananas, strawberries, apples, pears,
2. 教学重点
使学生熟练掌握运用 do you like...? 问句询问他人的喜好并能对他人的询问做出准确回答,使学生学会运用 i like.... i don't like....句型谈论自己对食物的喜好,而且能进行实际交际。为了突出重点,每一个环节都要以教学重点为依托,围绕着谈论对食物的喜好展开丰富的训练,并采用实物和多媒体等教学手段,运用大量的动画设计,使学生在一种生动活泼逼真的氛围中获得信息掌握知识。
3. 教学难点
(1)重点句型的掌握。为了突破这一难点,首先运用实物,设置真实场景自然引入新句型,然后在课件中以醒目的字体和鲜艳的颜色标出重点句型, 再通过多种形式的活动反复操练,最终达到学生熟练掌握。
(2)本课的另一难点为生词量比较大,同时要掌握十种食物名称。为了突破这一难点,首先运用实物、图片让学生感知,并在学生了解词义的同时,出示英文提示词, 然后用诵读法熟悉读音和词意,最后结合句型在活动中反复操练,使学生逐渐熟悉。
teaching procedures
1. enjoying music课前 5 分钟开始播放少儿英语歌曲,创设英语氛围,激发学生热情。
2. greeting
—nice to meet you!
—what's this in english?
(show volleyball, soccer ball)
—do you have a volleyball?
—do you have a soccer ball?
呈现封页: 学校,姓名,配有宁静的背景和悠扬的轻音乐。3. warming up by discussing the things that i have.
—i have many things in my bag. can you guess what they are?
—do you know their english names?
(take out apple, orange, tomato…from the bag)
—today we'll take up the sixth unit“do you like bananas?”
t: what are these in english? /what can you see?
让学生尽量表现。呈现标题和丰富的食品画面: 各种水果和西方食品hamburger, salad 等。4. learning food words.
(1) 运用实物和卡片,介绍水果名称。banana, orange, pear, strawberry tomato.
—look, listen and say.
(2) 运用卡片,熟悉生词
—look and say. (先全班说,再抽查个别,个别提问有利于集中学生的注意力。)
(3) 呈现西餐馆场景。
t: where is it? what can you eat here? what are they? 。
(4) 运用实物和卡片,介绍西餐食品名称。
hamburger, french fries, ice cream, salad, broccoli.(对 hamburger, salad 作介绍。把介绍内容制作成卡片,选两个学生向全班同学介绍, 同学说出的东西比老师说的更能吸引同学们的兴趣,同时又创设了学生表现的机会。)
(5) 运用比赛,强化记忆单词。
—now let's have a match to find out who can remember the most words
—first, remember the words for two minutes.
呈现 hamburger 等的图片
memory game
5. learning function structures.
(1) 创设情景,引出句型. (i like.... i don't like....)
t 作尝 french fries 动作,然后微笑,点头。
t: i like french fries. (hamburgers) do you like them?
t 作尝 tomato 动作,然后摇头,作痛苦状。
t: i don't like tomatoes. (salad)
(2) 师生互动,学习探讨
呈现单词 like 和句子并配有图片。
look, listen and repeat.
(3) 合作交流,巩固提高。
—pair work:
tell your partner what you like and what you don't like and fill the form.
—i like oranges. i like hamburgers.
—i don't like tomatoes. i don't like salad.
(4) 欣赏表演,巩固句型,活跃气氛。
由两个学生扮成孙悟空和猪八戒, 表演挑选食物的场景,猪八戒什么都要,边挑边说:i like pears. i like hamburgers, too...孙悟空边挑边扔,说:i don't like salad. i don't like strawberries.... 最后发现香蕉,作兴奋状大声说: i like bananas.
(two pairs. 给积极表演的学生发奖品)
呈现 like 及图片和句型。
like 喜欢
i like (图片)bananas
i like (图片)hamburgers
i don't like tomatoes.
i don't like salad.
6. learning function structure.
(1) 设置任务,创设疑问,引出句型.(do you like...?)
how to ask?
how to answer?
(2) 师生互动,学习探讨
—listening sb page31 1b,
listen—check the answers—repeat.
—let me guess
t 询问个别学生,当学生回答 yes 时,就给他/她相应的食物。最后拿出玩具蛇,恐龙,创设否定回答并激发学生兴趣。
—guess: what's my favorite food?
(3) 合作交流,巩固提高。
—chain work
—free talk in pairs:
a survey about other things.
(4)(选用)欣赏表演,熟悉句型,激发兴趣。欣赏表演:( 老虎向小白兔)购物
guess: my favorite food.
i like ice cream.
do you like ice cream?
yes, i do. /no, i don't.
i like+pictures. 配笑脸。
i like pears.
do you like pears?
7. grammar.(语法小结)
(1) 扼要总结,注意问答一致及 do 的借用。
(2) 巩固练习
i/we/you/they like...
i/we/you/they don't like...
—do you/they like...?
—yes, we/they do.
—no, we/they don't.
check yourself:8. homework.
(1) a survey about your friends favorite food.
(2) copy the words and sentences. 9. (选用)enjoying music
apple songs.播放音乐。10. thanks
do you like bananas?
i /we/you/they like...
i/we/you/they don't like...
—do you/they like...?
—yes, we/they do.
—no, we/they don't.
Unit 9 Do you like bananas? 篇2
授课内容 unit 9 do you like bananas? 课型r审阅备课日期上课日期主备人授课人教学目标(包括知识、情感、能力目标)1. 知识目标:grasp the words in this lesson. grasp the sentences: do you like bananas? yes, i do. do you like bananas? no, i don’t. do they like salad? yes, they do.i don’t like broccoli. let’s have some ice cream.2.能力目标: 能谈论喜欢和不喜欢的食物。3.情感目标 通过谈论各种食物,达到熟练运用所学句型的目的,增强与他人的会话交流和情感交流。教学重点the sentences and the grammar.教学难点能谈论喜欢和不喜欢的食物。教学过程
教学内容设计二次备 课step i warming up (5’) get the students to practice their conversations and give them marks. the students can correct their mistakes by themselves. french fries ice cream let's eat well running star lots of healthy food for dessert make a list of the same as句型:do you like bananas? yes, i do. do you like bananas? no, i don’t. do they like salad? yes, they do.i don’t like broccoli. let’s have some ice cream.一.用括号中所给词的正确形式填空1.there are some ________(tomato)in the basket. 2.do you like french ________(fry)? 3.she ________(have)ice cream for dessert. 4.________(health)food is important. 5.she ________(do not)play sports. 6.________ your mother ________(watch)tv every day? 7.the little girl likes ________(strawberry)a lot. 8.lots of children like ________(play)football. 9.chicken ________(be)very delicious. 10.my daughter ________(go)to school from monday to friday. 二、写出下列单词的复数形式.1. egg___________ 2. banana ___________ 3. carrot _____________ 4. apple ___________5. salad___________ 6. ice cream _________________ 7. tomato ____________ 8. broccoli___________三、改错.在有错的地方找上横线,把正确的写在后面横线上.1. do you like banana? 2. do you likes salad? 3. does they like oranges? ______________ 4. do tom like carrots? 5.she does likes ice cream. _____________ 6. they likes eggs. 7. i don’t like strawberrys ______________ 8. he don’t french fries.
1. what do you have for b_____________?
2. i like salad for l___________.
3. where is my ice c____________?
4. this is an e________ and that's an apple.
5. we must eat v________________.
1. _____clark _____french fries? a.do like b. does like
c. does like
2. i often have chicken and fruit ______dinner. a. of b. for c. at 3. my brother ____very much. a. like banana b. likes bananas
c. like bananas
4. --does she like broccoli? --____. a. yes, she does b. no, she does.
c. no, he does.
5. mary ____vegetables. a. don't like b. doesn't like
c. doesn't likes
6. bill and bob ______ like bananas. a. doesn’t b. don't c.do_______________________ 板书设计unit 9 do you like bananas? section a (1a—2c)i like to have some orange.please give me three bottles of orange.i like salad and my mother likes tomatoes. i like playing basketball.i don’t like to play football.
作业(1) survey学生回家调查父母所喜欢及不喜欢的早、中、晚餐食物(2)a composition用i like…,i don’t like…写1篇小文章。教学反思
Unit 9 Do you like bananas? 篇3
unit 6 do you like bananas?
1.banana n.香蕉
【引申】go bananas(美口语)发疯,发狂;banana republic香蕉共和国(指在政治、经济等方面发展缓慢的中美洲小国)。
2.breakfast n.早餐,早点
【考点】at breakfast早餐时,正吃早饭;have breakfast吃早饭:she doesn’t have breakfast.她没有吃早饭。
3.carrot n.胡萝卜
【引申】the stick and the carrot软硬兼施。
4.chicken n.①雏鸡;②鸡肉
5.dinner n.正餐,午饭或晚饭
6.egg n.蛋,卵
【引申】shell蛋壳;white蛋白;yolk蛋黄;egg beater打蛋器;eggcup蛋杯;egg-plant茄子。
7.french n.法语adj.法国的,法国人的
8.fruit n.水果(总称),果实、成果
【考点】①apples, oranges and bananas are fruit.苹果、橘子和香蕉是水果。
②the potato is a vegetable, not a fruit.马铃薯是蔬菜,不是水果。
③the old man enjoyed the fruits of his life,s works. 那老人享受他一生工作的成果。
1.ice cream/’aiskri:m/n.冰淇淋
10.like/laik/ v.①喜欢,喜爱:do you like fish?你喜欢鱼吗?②想要,比较喜欢,选择,希望:i like people to tell the truth. 我喜欢人讲实话。
prep.像【引申】同义词:love, prefer;反义词:detest, dislike.
11.lunch n.午餐,午饭
【考点】at lunch吃中饭:they were at lunch when i called.我打电话的时候,他们正在吃午饭。have lunch 吃便餐:we,ll have lunch after the show.散了电影我们去吃便餐吧。
【引申】同义词:meal。 breakfast早餐;dinner, supper晚餐;afternoon tea 下午茶;luncheon(比lunch正式的用语)午宴;fast lunch快餐。
12.strawberry n. 草莓【记忆法】straw(稻草)+berry(浆果)
13.tomato n. 西红柿,蕃茄
【考点】(pl. )tomatoes。
n. 蔬菜:fresh vegetable新鲜蔬菜
1.katrina eats lots of healthy food. 科莱娜吃许多有营养的食品。
lots of=a lot of修饰不可数名词food。a lot of相当于many或much,既可以修饰可数名词,又可以修饰不可数名词,通常只用在肯定句中。在否定句和疑问句中用many和much。many修饰可数名词复数,much修饰不可数名词。如:
there are a lot of flowers in the park. 公园里有许多花。
there is a lot of milk in the cup. 杯子里有许多牛奶。
how many hours are there in a day? 一天有多少小时?
how much tea do you want? 你要多少茶叶?
2.and for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, frech fries and, for desset, ice cream. 晚餐她吃鸡肉、西红柿和薯条,甜点是冰淇淋。
—what do you have for breakfast? 你们早餐吃什么?
—we have bread and milk. 我们吃面包和牛奶。
(2)have在此句译为“吃”,如:have breakfast/lunch/supper。
(4)and作为并列连词,在此句中连接两个分句,后一分句为使句子简洁省略了前面的she has,即for dessert,she has ice cream。
i like the baby very much. 我非常喜欢这个小孩。
lucy has a new pen. she likes it very much. 露茜有一支新钢笔,她非常喜欢它。
②后接动名词(v. -ing),表示“喜欢做某事”,着重于习惯、爱好。如:
do you like swimming? 你喜欢游泳吗?
tom likes playing football. 汤姆喜欢踢足球。
③后接动词不定式(to do ),表示“偶尔地喜欢做某事”,着重于某次具体的行为。如:
would you like to play basketball this afternoon? 今天下午你想打篮球吗?
i like reading, but i like to watch tv this evening. 我喜欢读书,但我今晚想看电视。
①would like愿意,想要
would like相当于want,但语气比want更为委婉,后可接名词、代词或动词不定式,如:
i would like a cup of tea. 我想喝杯茶。
i’d like to fly a kite. 我想去放风筝。
②like…a lot/very much/a little很/非常/有一点喜欢
在这里a lot/very much/a little是表程度,用来修饰动词like。如:
—does li ping like meat? 李萍喜欢吃肉吗?
—yes, she likes it a little. 她有点喜欢。
—what about fish? 她喜欢吃鱼吗?
—she likes fish very much/a lot. 她很喜欢吃鱼。
①would you like…? “你想要……吗?”“你想……吗?”口语中用来表示客气的邀请、请求、征询意见或建议等,比do you want…?更有礼貌,语气更委婉。肯定回答时常说:yes, please. /yes, i’d like to. 否定回答为:no, thanks. 如:
—would you like a cup of tea? 来杯茶好吗?
—yes, please. 好的
—would you like some apples, too? 你也来几个苹果吗?
—no, thanks. 不,谢谢。
②how do you like…?你觉得……怎么样?
用于询问对方对某人、某事、某物的看法,相当于what do you think of …?如:
— how do you like my new watch? 你觉得我的新手表怎么样?
— it’s great. 棒极了!
③what do you like about? 你喜欢……的什么呢?
—what do you like about china? 你喜欢中国的什么呢?
—the people and the food. (中国的)人民,还有食物。
2. breakfast, lunch和supper
这三个词既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词。一般说来,指抽象概念时,在固定词组中为不可数。如:have breakfast/lunch/supper(吃早餐/中餐/晚餐);指某次具体的饭时,为可数。如:have a quick breakfast(吃一顿简便的早餐),a light lunch(一顿清淡的中餐)等。
we have three meals a day. 我们一天吃三顿饭。
they have their evening meal at about seven o’clock. 他们大约七点吃晚饭。
3. like和love
he is a very clever boy; so everyone likes him. 他是一个非常聪明的男孩,大家都喜欢他。
i like tea better than milk. 我喜欢茶甚于牛奶。
we love our party and our people. 我们热爱党和人民。
he love to hear me sing. 他爱听我唱歌。
句式 结构 例句
肯定句 主语+行为动词原形+其他 we speak chinese.
否定句 主语+don’t+行为动词原形+其他 we don’t speak chinese.
一般疑问句 do+主语+行为动词原形+其他? do you speak chinese?
否定回答 yes,主语+do
no,主语+don’t yes, we do.
no, we don’t.
we have classes from monday to friday. 我们从周一到周五上课。
—do you often write to your friends? 你经常给你的朋友们写信吗?
—yes, i do. /no, i don’t. 是的,我经常写。/不,我不经常写。
she works hard. 她工作努力。
she doesn’t work hard. 她工作不努力。
does she work hard? 她工作努力吗?
yes, she does. 是的,她工作努力。
no, she doesn’t. 不,她工作不努力。
a. 人、动物或植物等,如friend,cat,rose。
b. 有形状的具体事物,如ball,car,book。
c. 度量单位,如hour,kilo,meter。
d. 不可数名词的各个部分,如part,piece。
e. 一些抽象名词,如idea。
a. 固体的物质或原料,如bread,rice。
b. 液体、气体等,如water,tea,air。
c. 语言,如english,chinese。
d. 一些抽象事物,如money,peace。
a cup of tea a glass of milk
a bottle of orange a piece of bread
two cups of tea; three bottles of drink; four pieces of meat
⑹many, much只可以分别修饰可数与不可数名词。how many主要用于对可数名词的数量提问,how much主要用于对不可数名词的数量提问。如:
how many bottles of orange do you want? 你想要多少瓶橘子汁?
how much tea do you want? 你想要多少茶?
⑺a lot of, lots of, some, any即可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。
a lot of, lots of, much, some, any修饰不可数名词,后面的名词不变。
a lot of, lots of, many, some, any修饰可数名词,后面的名词是复数。
i like/love…(very much).我非常喜欢……
i like/love to do something.我喜欢做某事。
i like doing something.我喜欢做某事。
i like…a little. 我有点喜欢……
she likes…a lot. 她很喜欢……
i don’t like (to)… 我不喜欢……
i don’t like…at all. 我一点也不喜欢……
do you like…? 你喜欢……吗?
no. i/we don’t. 不,我/我们不喜欢。
what do you like? 你喜欢什么?如:
i like them very much. 我非常喜欢它们。
children love to play this game. 孩子们通常喜欢玩这种游戏。
he likes working in china very much. 他非常喜欢在中国工作。
i like noodles a little. 我有点喜欢面条。
i don’t like potatoes. 我不喜欢吃土豆。
he doesn’t like rice at all. 他一点也不喜欢吃米饭。
1. he _______ (宾格) 2. tomato _______ (复数) 3. child ________(复数)
4. do _______ (三单) 5. like _______ (三单) 6. family ______ (复数)
7. them _______ (主格) 8. she _______ (物主代词) 9. we _____ (物主代词)
1.桌上有许多苹果。 2.你喜欢足球吗?
_____________________________ _____________________________
4.这些袜子多少钱? 5.给你。
_____________________________ _____________________________
7.你能相信它吗? 8.你想要什么颜色的?
_____________________________ _____________________________
9.她喜欢鸡蛋、香蕉和苹果做早餐。 10.这些是我的朋友。
_____________________________ _____________________________
11.这个男孩是你的弟弟吗? 12.这是吉姆的一张家庭照。
_____________________________ _____________________________
13.我的背包在椅子下。 14.那些书在哪里?
_____________________________ _____________________________
15.让我们吃冰淇淋吧! 16.他们不喜欢西红柿。
_____________________________ ___________________________