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Water 篇1

  unit 6 科目:七年级英语                           授课教师:            

  课  题

  unit 6. water -----reading a

  课  时


  教学目标1.       通过多种形式的阅读活动与任务,帮助学生理解课文。让学生了解什么是水,从而激发他们获取知识的激情。2.       让学生阅读一篇关于水的短文,了解水的循环过程。3.       学习由一系列动作或活动构成的流程的表述方法。教材分析重点指导学生进行有目的的阅读,以及对课文中有关知识进行有目的的猜测。难点学习由一系列动作或活动构成的流程的表述方法。










  程step 1. pre-reading1).look at the two pictures in the page 82. then do the exercise a1.2).ask students to do a brainstoring. ask them where we can find water.3)we can find water in the lake/ in the rivers/ in the see/ in the stream/ in the ponds/ in the air…step 2.while-reading1)  tell the students that they are going to read a dialogue between daisy and a drop of water. tell to stukedents not to read the passage. they should guess the answers and then confirm  the correctness of their guess during their later readings of passage. the answer should be checked with students after they complete.2)  ask the students to read the whole dialogue carefully. pay attention to the coloured words in the passage and guess their meanings. tell the students that they can read the words around each coloured word to find our its meaning. it’s not necessary to use a dictionary at first.3)  tell students to look at the picture and reread the passage to complete the diagram a3 and exercise a4. students can find the answers from the passage. 4)  ask the students to complete the following sentences.a) at first, the drop of water was            comfortably in a           in yunnan.b) next the cloud           it into a            and it           down the mountain into the zhujian river.c) then the river           it to a          . it         there for a few says.d) after that, it got a           cleaning in a water       words. and people           a few            to it.e) finally, it travelled in the           under the streets.the aswer is a)      floating, cloudb)      dropped, stream, spedc)       thorough, treatment, added, chemicalsd)      pipesstep 3.post-readingask students to write a summary about water cycle.step 4.homework(optional)  copy the new words.


  科目: 七年级英语                            授课教师:

  课  题

  unit 6. water -----reading b

  课  时


  教学目标1、让学生读一篇关于水资源和生活用水的数据的短文。2、学习使用诸如50 liters of、 a glass of 等量词来量化诸如water这样的不可数名词。教材分析重点学习使用量词来量化不可数名词。难点如何快速的理解有关文章的大概意思。











  step 1.revisionask the students to read a2 and then answer the following question. then check the answers orally.a) why was the voice imptortant?b) why did daisy nod her head?c) why did the water go to a treatment works?d) why did the watersay,“i will go back into the sea again.”e) why did daisy’s brother say, “sometimes you’re really strange, daisy.”step 2.pre-reading  1) ask students to do exercise b1 and check the answe orally.  2) ask the students how to save water in our daily life.step 3.while-reading  1) ask the students to read the passage, try to match the words and their meaning.        i                           ii a  drinkable             1) can be drunkb  leaky                 2) taste like satyc  broken               3) damagedd  litre                  4) drippinge  over                  5) 1,000 millilitresf   salty                 6) more than    2) ask the students to read the passage again. then complete the sentences after passage.  3) ask students to read the passage for the third time and answer the following quwtions.     a)how does ocean water taste?     b)how much water will be wasted each time if you brush your teeth under a running tap?     c)how long does a shower usually take?     d) why should you fix a dripping tap?     e)is there enough drinkable water on the earth?     f)is water precious or not?  4) play the recording. students listen and repeat aloud.step 4.post-reading    1) ask the students what they can do to save sater?    2) ask students to discuss with their classmates and draw a poster “save water”.step 5.homework(optional)1) copy the new words.2) write a composition about “how to save water”


  科目: 七年级英语                           授课教师:

  课  题

  unit 6. water-----listening a & b

  课  时


  教学目标1、  让学生听一枚硬币的自述为图片排序,学习通过关键动词和时间副词来识别有先后顺序的一系列动作。2、  让学生听一段关于海水试验的录音,提高判断信息正误的能力,了解简单科学试验的步骤。教材分析重点培养学生通过关键动词和时间副词来识别有先后顺序的一系列动作的能力。难点培养学生通过关键动词和时间副词来识别有先后顺序的一系列动作的能力。











  step 1. ordering the pictures1、  explain the fantasy situation, and tell students that the coin is speaking directly to the girl. if necessary, play the first item, stop the recording, and help students find the right picture. students must use clues and references in the text to select the pictures in the right order.2、  after you have finished and checked students’ work, you can use pictures as the basis for an oral task. ask students to work in pairs and tell the story to each other, in english, in their own words.3、  ask students to do exercise a2. answers: a1:  a-4,  b-7,  c-1,  d-5,  e-8,  f-2,  g-6,  h-3a2: 1  one-yuan, lovely, other coins2         bank … a few days3         gave … customer … his shop4         cake … cake shop … her change5         pure6         road … happy7         food … pocket money8         washed … cleanstep 2.ocean watersuzy is reading a passage to her friend about ocean water. listen to her and write t or f, or dk if the information is not in the passage. answers:1-      f  2- f  3-f  4-t  5-dkstep 3.language points:1. add...to  把......加到she added sugar to her tea.2. break up 分散the meeting broke up at eleven o’clock.3. be made of 由......组成 the group is made up of seven members.2.       homework(optional) do the related exercises of book b.


  科目: 七年级英语                           授课教师:

  课  题

  unit6. water -----language

  课  时


  教学目标让学生学习如何询问数量,了解经常用来表示可数和不可数名词数量的词汇、短语(包括精确的数量liter, gram和大概的数量a lot of , too much)。教材分析重点可数和不可数名词数量词汇、短语及其区别。难点可数和不可数名词数量词汇、短语及其区别。











  step 1.leading-in1) tell students that we use a lot of, a little, much, no, a few and many to talk about amounts.step 2.explaining the language1) explain to students that a substance can be uncountable (e.g., slices of bread, cups of tea, pieces of chalk ). ideas and feelings can be either countable or uncountable (e.g., she has much love in her heart means she is a loveing person, but she has many loves means she loves many things / people. ).2) tell students that a lot and no can be used with both countable and uncountalbe nouns. when the noun is uncountable, there is is uses with no (e.g., there is no water.). however, when the noun is countable, there are is used with no and the noun must be changed into its plural form (e.g., there are no swimmers.).step 3.exercise1) ask students to do exercise aanswers: 1  there is no water in the pool. 2  there is a lot of water/ much water in the pool. 3  there are a lot of/ many swimmers in the pool. 4  there are a few/ not many swimmers in the pool.2) explain to students that we use the word too when we are not satisfied with the quantity of something. then ask students to so exercise b1 and b2.answers:b1: 2 she has enough   3 she has too many   4 she has too few   5 she has too much   6 she has too much   7 she has too little   8 she has enoughb2 : …step 4.language points: 1) countable: a few, few, many, a number of  2) uncountable: a little, little much, an amout of  3) countable or uncountable: some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, no 4) how many for countable nouns, and how much for uncountable nounsstep 5.homework(optional)    do the exercises in book b.

  反思   科目: 七年级英语                          授课教师:

  课  题

  unit 6. water -----speaking

  课  时


  教学目标1、让学生学习含有辅音/ l /和/ r /的辅音群的发音方法。2、让学生进行角色扮演,根据提供的句型和关键词阐述各个行业对水的需求,尝试对有限的水资源进行统筹分配。教材分析重点掌握辅音辅音/ l /和/ r /的发音方法。难点掌握辅音/ l /和/ r /的辅音群的发音方法。











  step 1. a tall time/bl/  /kl/  /gl/  /fl/  /br/  /kr/  /gr/  /fr/1 exaggerate your mouth movement and ask students to look at your mouth when you read the words with these phonetic symbols. then have students read them aloud with the recording.2 read the sentences in exercise a1 and ask the class torepeat them chorally. then call on a few students to read them individually to the class.3 have students listen to the dialogue in exercise a2 and circle the sounds that they have learnt above. choose a few students to read the dialogue.step 2. speak up1 start by askng students to think of the various uses of water in these four places, and write some of the uses on the board.  home;   drinking, washing, clothes, cooking food, bathing, washing hands and faces, cleaning dishes and the floor, watering plants, toilets…  restaurant: cooking, cleaning dishes/kitchen/floor, sercing to customers, toilet…  hospital:   cleaning equipment/floors/bedding, cooking food for the patients, bathing patients, toilet…  factories:  manufacturing and industry (e.g., dyeing industry ), cleaning machinery and floors, toilets2 now arrange students into groups of five, and tell them whichset of people they must represent. do exercise b2.3 continue with exercise b3. s1, after listening to the explanations from the other four in the group, must decide how many minutes or hours of water each type of people can have. (this can still be done within the froups, and other group members can give their comments on s1’s decision.) there is no ‘right’ answer, and the froups will vary in their decisions.4  finally, if time permits, fo exercise b4. ask some of the students who were in the role of s1 to report their decisions to the whole class, and compare the results of different froups. step 3.homework(optional) do the related exercises of book b.


  科目: 七年级英语                           授课教师:

  课  题

  unit6. water ----- writing

  课  时









  step 1. flow charts are used to show the sequence or order of things so that we know how things are done step by step. ask students to do exercise a and b. students may need to refer to the order of the water’s journey. step 2. remind students to find a title for their flow charts. they do not need to write start and end on the flow charts.step 3. do exercise c. students only need to record the more important theings in their life from their birth up to their 30th birthday. students can decide how many steps they want, but you may like to give them guidelines.step 4 homework (optional)write a passage about ‘water’.


  7b教案设计科目: 七年级英语                           授课教师:

  课  题

  unit6. water-----

  more practice & project

  课  时









  step 1. more practice ask students to complete these exercises, which briefly revise some key items from the unit.step 2. using english 1. before starting to do exercise a, draw students’ attention to the words on the line graph. they should look at the tittle first, and then look at the vertical and horizontal axes to see what they represent.2. ask students to use a ruler to help them complete the graph in exercese b. the line fraph is used to show us trends and to help us compare things.step 3.homework make a line gragh to show the rainfall in students’ hometown.


Water 篇2

  module 3 the natural elements

  unit 3 sea water and rain water

  topic: oxford english for grade seven--- “ sea water and rain water ”

  period : the third period

  name: chenran

  i. teaching aims:

  1. knowledge objectives:

  vocabulary build-up: a dripping tap , a running tap , a shower , fix , mug   

  sentence patterns: how can we save water ?

  we can save water by ____ing…

  we can save water by not ____ing …

  introduction of different ways of saving water

  2. ability objectives:

  to develop the students’ communication skills by learning useful structures  and vocabulary.

  to improve the students’ competence of working in pairs and groups.

  3. emotion objectives:

  to enable the students to understand that water is important for us.

  to tell students how to save water in daily life.

  ii. teaching methods:

  task-based teaching method

  situational language teaching

  multi-media method

  communicative language teaching

  iii. studying methods

  encourage the students to study language through “ observation¬¬---imitation---practice ”.

  iv. teaching procedure:

  pre-task preparation:

  1. a competition to review the uses of water

  divide ss into six groups . ss take turns to say how to use water by using the sentence pattern : we use water for ___ing. to see which group say the most.

  ss think about the question : do you waste water when you use it?

  while-task procedure:

  1. introduce new words.

  ss listen to three different sounds and guess where it is from.then introduce new words by pictures: a dripping tap , a running tap , a shower

  2. show ss some pictures of people wasting water.

  picture one : what is the boy doing ? ( he is brushing his teeth )

  he is brushing his teeth under a running tap.

  what should we say to him? ( don’t brush your teeth under a running tap.)

  picture two: what is the woman doing ? ( she is washing dishes and vegetables under a running tap.)

  what should we say to her ? ( don’t wash dishes or vegetables under a running tap. )

  picture three: what is this ? ( a dripping tap )

  what should we do when we see a dripping tap ? ( we should fix it / we should turn the dripping tap off )

  picture four : taking a shower and having a bath , which is a waste of water ?( having a bath )

  what should we do ? ( we should take a shower rather than have a bath)

  picture five : what is the child doing ? ( he is playing with water )

  what should we say to him ? ( don’t waste water for playing games )

  ss think about : how can we save water ?

  introduce : we can save water by ___ing…

  we can save water by not ___ing …

  show ss different pictures. in pairs , ss talk about how to save water .

  eg. s1: how can we save water?

  s2: we can save water by fixing dripping taps.

  s1: how can we save water?

  s2: we can save water by not brushing our teeth under a running tap.

  encourage ss to think about more ways to save water

  eg. we can save water by not washing our face under a running tap.

  post-task activity

  1. ss make a conclusion : where do people usually waste water ?

  at home  at school  in the factory

  2. in groups , ss choose a place and make a dialogue or a short play about saving water.

  3. in groups , ss make a poster about saving water.

  assignment : oral: read and recite the dialogue on p .44

  written : write a report about different ways of saving water



  第一,引入主题.好的开始是成功的一半.为了在第一时间抓住学生的注意力,并调动学生的积极性,我设计了一个竞赛:学生分组,用之前学过的句型 “ we use water for ___ing” 列举水的用途,最后评出优胜组.这种方式,既能很好的复习已学的知识,为今天的学习做好铺垫,也极大地调动了学生的积极性,使他们不知不觉地进入我设计的氛围中.

  第二,切入正题.学生通过竞赛的热身,已经很有说的欲望了.这时,我用一个问题正式切如主题: do you waste water when you use it ? 在学生开始思考的同时,我给他们听几种声音,包括滴水声,流水声等,在不同的水声中,学生恍然大悟,原来水就是在这样的声音中无声无息地流走了.这样, 通过逼真的声音和生动的图片,新词的讲解也就顺理成章.接着,我利用书上的图片,分别展示各种各样的浪费水的行为,引入问题学生思考: how can we save water.进一步接近主题.

  第三,学习句型.向学生介绍新的句型: we can save water by___ing; we can save water by not ___ing.之后,通过多媒体展示各种节约水的方式,学生很自然地就进入了节水的情景之中.通过学生两两对话的形式,目标句型得到了很好的操练.然后,鼓励学生思考其他的节水的方法,这既是一个思维的拓展,又能进一步巩固新学的句型.

  第四,活动安排.在学生能正确运用所学句型后,我又给他们提出一个问题: where do people usually waste water ? 学生会陆续说出几个主要场合.这是一个很好的过渡.因为接下来,我设计了一个活动,即让学生选择一个场合,小组编对话,表现节约用水的主题.这个环节也就是第三步句型学习的拓展.学生因此更能自如地表达了.最后,我安排小组根据他们的对话,做一张节约用水的海报.这也是本课时情感教育的切入点,学生通过制作海报,既能将新学的句型落实到笔头上,达到进一步的巩固和加深,又能切实地体会到,节约用水无处不在,应该时刻注意节约每一滴水!

  总之,本课时是一个 “理论结合实践”的课.通过指导学生学习新词新句,表演对话和制作海报,教学目标达到,教学任务较好的完成.

Water 篇3


  1、 复习单词

  ① 在教室外放一幅图画,引导幼儿看图片说单词,幼儿互相说

  ② 进入教室,参观水果商店,请小朋友们看看桌上有哪些你能用英文说出的水果单词。配班老师做售货员。

  ③ 买水果(请小朋友们向售货员阿姨买自己喜欢的水果,用i like﹍说)

  ④ 幼儿买到水果后,把水果放到篮子里,回到自己的座位上。

  >2、 教新单词(请配班老师一起学单词)grape watermelon

  ( 1 ) 教单词grape 全班说,分组说,女孩子说,男孩子说。

  ( 2 ) 把刚学的这个单词用英语说一句话。

  (3)教单词watermelon 全班说,分组说,女孩子说,男孩子说。

  ( 4 ) 把刚学的这个单词用英语说一句话。


  (1)出示单词卡片:grape watermelon

  (2) 请幼儿品尝刚学过的两种水果,品尝的过程中引导幼儿说单词。

  4、 动手操作,一一对应

  (1)让幼儿找出桌上的单词,和图画一一对应(grape watermelon orange apple)


  5、 分组活动(6个小朋友一组,分四组)

  a) 用颜料图蜡纸显单词

  b) 用皱纹纸贴单词

  c) 用珍珠板填单词

  d) 用彩色铅笔填单词


  6、 展示作品。把幼儿的作品展示在墙上。




  2、熟练使用i like…

  3、学会grape (葡萄) watermelon (西瓜)两个单词




  水果的实物,grape和watermelon的两张单词卡片,小围裙,两个真西瓜、和一串真的葡萄,一个小布偶,珍珠板、图钉、用蜡写上单词的纸、颜料(红、黄、蓝)、刷子、油画棒、有单词的白纸(watermelon grape apple orange)、毛笔、胶水、皱纹纸、有单词的白纸(watermelon grape apple orange lemon)、水果单词(grape watermelon orange apple)、水果图片 (葡萄、西瓜、橘子、苹果)、单词(grape watermelon orange apple pear lemon banana pineapple mango)、四个小纸篓、搽手的毛巾、盘子14个、3个纸杯、两个篮子

Water 篇4

  module 1 the natural

  unit 3 sea water and rain water

  一、分析(unit analysis)

  (一)地位(unit position)

  1 6b 中已出现了use water to do sth.,本单元介绍了此句型的另为一种表达方式:use water for doing sth., 教师可以从 use…to do..  引出 use … for doing用法。教师让学生用身边的例子和生活经验,导入此句型。,鼓励用此句型进行操练。

  2 本单元出现了 if… will… 的复合句,要加强操练。学生对复合句的用法不很熟练,应设计各种情景,强化此句型的操练,以达到熟练运用。

  3 作为情感态度发展的目标,教师要对学生进行节约能源的教育。

  (二)重点(unit points)

  1 关键词:

  without, teeth, shower, wash, dish, nothing, nowhere

  2  功能:

  熟练掌握use sth. for doing sth. / we use water for showering. / we use water for cooking.

  if… will…复合句的掌握,结合阅读的材料进行操练。


  3 语法点:

  ⑴  if 引导的状语从句主句的谓语动词是一般将来时态,从句的谓语动词是一般现在时态。

  ⑵  use for doing sth. we can save water by doing sth. for,by 介词后跟动名词。

  二、教学设计(teaching designs)


  这部分讲水的用途,在6b中已经讲解过此部分的内容,在本单元中用了新的句型讲水的用途,教师可以以旧带新,可以先就水的重要性展开话题,然后阅读课文,操练句型:if…will…,最后做class project: the use of water. 应用句型:we use water for doing sth.

  把学生学习英语的成果用小报或是别的形式予以展示,可以很好的调动学生学习英语的兴趣,使他们学习英语有了成就感。班级里要留出一定的空间把小组的class project 展示出来。 1.教师可由关于水的重要性的问题引入:where does water come from? why do animals and plants need water? how long can we live without water?


  3.播放录音,阅读文章。向学生介绍句型: if there is no rain, what will happen? 学生回答:if there is no rain, there will be no water to drink. if表示可能性和条件。

  4.学生分成小组讨论如果没有水的情况,用句型:if… will…讨论结束后,小组派代表讲述小组的讨论结果。

  5.继续讨论水的用途,介绍新句型:we use water for doing sth. 学生回答:we use water for brushing our teeth. we use water for showering. 并操练此句型的用法。

  6.小组活动。完成p17页上的表格; 然后小组讨论关于水的用途的更多的信息,可分成:at home, at school, at work 三部分进行讨论;小组最后请代表汇报讨论的结果。对于学生讨论的结果,小组可以做成小报,在班级里予以展示。

Water 篇5

  牛津英语(深圳版)8a chapter 1 water教案

  chapter 1 water   period one

  知识目标:(1)学生了解水的来源。(2)学生了解水的有关知识。(3)学生学习新词汇。(4) 了解一般过去时和过去进行时的用法。



  1. 通过粗略地看课文,学生了解水的来源。

  2. 通过课文,掌握一般过去时。




  pre-task preparation

  1.ask students how much they know about water. ask them to finish exercise a on page 2.

  keys: a c a c c

  2. ask the students to finish exercise b1 on page 2.

  3. ask the students to tell something about water. (free talk)

  suggested topic

  where does the water at home come from?

  what can we use water to do?

  the importance of water

  while-task procedure

  1. new words and expressions


  froze---stopped moving because of surprise

  wasting---using more of something than you should

  obeyed---did according to instructions

  cleaned up---made something clean

  in the first place---in the beginning

  valuable---of great value

  2. other phrases and sentence

  pour into   look around   drop…into   carry…to   water treatment works   sewage plant   pump…into   remember not to do sth.   shake one’s head

  it is + adj. for sb. to do sth.

  3. ask the students to finish exercise b1 on page 2 and think about exercise b2 on the same page.

  4. 一般过去时


  句式 结构 举例

  肯定式 主语+动词过去式+其它 they had a good time yesterday.

  否定式 主语+did not(didn’t)+动词原形+其它 they didn’t watch tv last night.

  一般疑问句 did+主语+动词原形+其它?

  肯定回答:yes,主语+did. 否定回答:no, 主语+didn’t. did they have a meeting two days ago?

  yes, they did. / no, they didn’t.

  特殊疑问句 特殊疑问句+did+主语+动词原形+其它? what time did you finish your homework?

  5. 一般过去时的用法:

  表示过去某个特定时间发生的动作或存在的状态 he suddenly felt ill yesterday.

  表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态 i wrote home once a week at college.

  表示过去连续发生的一系列动作 the students went up early in the morning, did morning exercises and then read english aloud in the open air.


  review new words and expressions

  chapter 1 water   period two



  1. 通过精读课文,学生掌握词汇和句型。

  2. 通过课文,掌握一般过去时。

  3. 学生讨论水的重要性以及如何节约用水




  pre-task preparation

  1. review words and expressions.

  2. ask the student to match the words with expressions.

  nodded---moved one’s head up and down

  traveled---went from one place to another

  until---up to the point in time

  pump---push water, air, etc. by machine

  pollute---make air, water, etc. dirty

  3. 比较remember to do sth.和remember doing sth.以及其它的词组搭配

  remember to do sth.

  记得要做某事(还没做过) remember doing sth.


  forget to do sth.

  忘记做某事(还没做过) forget doing sth.


  stop to do sth.

  停下来做某事 stop doing sth.


  while-task procedure

  1. ask the students to finish exercise d on page 5.

  2. ask the students to answer the questions in exercise e and then make a dialogue.

  why did daisy freeze?

  why was the voice angry?

  why did daisy nod her head?

  why did the water go to a treatment works?

  why did the water say, ‘ i’ll go back into the sea again.’?

  why did the water say, ‘…like liquid gold.’?

  why did daisy’s brother say, ‘sometimes you’re really strange, daisy.’?

  3. ask students to discuss the importance of water and how to save water.

  suggested sentences

  we can save water by doing sth.

  we can save water by not doing sth.

  post-task activities



  additional exercises


  ask students to tell where water comes from.

  chapter 1 water   period three




  1. 通过听力练习,学生掌握图片排序的技巧。

  2. 在听力过程中,学生做好适当的笔记。

  3. 根据文字内容,给图片排序。




  pre-task preparation

  1. ask students to pay attention to the following things before listening to the tape.

  to put the pictures in the right order, you need to

  look at the pictures before you listen, and think about their content.

  pay attention to the details in the pictures, and try to listen for these details.

  listen for key words such as verbs and adjectives, and write them down.

  2. ask students to look at the pictures and try to guess the meaning of each picture.

  while-task procedure

  ask students to listen to the tape for the first time and try to take down some

Water 篇6

  XX高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳unit13 the water planet



  a. 单词

  1.块;立方形           (n.)_______________

  2.运输;运送           (n.) _______________

  3.特性;性质;财产          (n.) _______________

  4.原子            (n.) _______________

  5.氧气;氧           (n.) _______________

  6.体积;容量           (n.) _______________

  7.物质;主旨           (n.) _______________

  8.容量;容纳;性能          (n.) _______________

  9.运动;移动           (n.) _______________

  10.保育院;育儿室          (n.) _______________

  11.侵蚀;腐蚀           (n.) _______________

  12.娱乐;消遣           (n.) _______________

  13.惟一的;独特的          (adj.) _______________

  14.相对的;比较而言         (adj.) _______________

  15.固体的;密实的;坚固的        (adj.) _______________

  16.敏感的;灵敏的          (adj.) _______________

  17.平稳的;牢固的          (adj.) _______________

  18.摄氏温度计          (adj.) _______________

  19.给……下定义;解释         (v.) _______________

  20.使溶解;除去;消除         (v.) _______________

  21.漂浮            (v.) _______________

  22.变小;减少           (v.) _______________

  答案:1.cube 2.transport 3.property 4.atom 5.oxygen 6.volume 7.substance  8.capacity 9.motion 10.nursery 11.erosion 12.recreation 13.unique 14.relative  15.solid 16.sensitive 17.steady 18.centigrade 19.define 20.dissolve 21.float  22.decrease

  b. 短语

  23.种类繁多的 _______ ________ ________

  24.使杯子上下颠倒_______ the glass ________ ________

  25.想出 _______ ________ ________

  26.对……反应敏感 ________ ________ ________

  27.范围从……一直到_______ _______ ... _______ ________ ________ 

  28.对……可以得到,可以利用 _______ _______ _______

  29.散发 _______ _______

  答案:23.a variety of 24.turn,upside down 25.come up with 26.be sensitive to 27.range  from all the way to 28.be/become available to 29.give off

  c. 句型


  room a is_______ _______ _______ _______ room b. 

  room a is _______ _______ _______ _______ room b.

  答案:30. twice as wide as; twice the width of

  d. 语法

  31.—could i come to see you tomorrow?

  —yes, you ______. /no _______.

  32.—must we hand in our exercise books today?

  —yes, you ______. /no, you______ ./no, you ________.

  答案:31. can; i’m afraid not.32.must;don’t have to; needn’t



  要点1 benefit

  【例题】doing morning exercises_______ our health and we_______ it.

  a. benefits to; benefit     b. benefits; benefit from

  c. benefits from; benefit   d. benefits; are benefited by

  解析:benefit使……受益;benefit from从……受益。



  (1)v. benefit 使……受益;benefit from从……受益

  the plants benefited from the rain.植物得益于这场雨。

  we benefit from daily exercises.


  (2)n. 利益,恩惠,退休金,津贴,救济金

  it is said yogo is of great benefit to human health.


  be of benefit to the people 对人民有好处

  disability benefits 残废抚恤金

  要点2 absorb

  【例题】 in cold climates, houses need to have walls that will _______ heat.

  a. absorb   b. float   c. use   d. contribute





  absorb heat from the air从空中吸收热量

  absorb the full meaning of a remark 理解一句话的全部意义

  a clever child absorbs knowledge easily.


  we will not absorb these charges.


  (2)be absorbed in  全神贯注在……,一心从事,热衷于


  要点1 all the way

  【例题】 there was something wrong with our car, so we had to go______ on foot to the village.

  a. all the way     b. at all times

  c. all the places    d. all the roads

  解析:all the way“一路上”;at all times“一直”;根据句意“……我们一路走回家”,选a。



  by the way 顺便说,附带说说

  by way of 经由,经过

  push/shoulder one’s way挤(出去),冲(出去)

  give way (to) 让步;退让;让位于

  in a way 在某种意义上;在某种程度上

  in a bad way 病情严重;情况不好

  in this way 这样,以这种方式

  just the other way恰恰相反

  lose one’s way 迷路,迷失方向;误入歧途

  no way无论如何也不,决不

  要点2 take advantage of

  【例题】 (上海,36)more and more people are signing up for yoga classes nowadays, ______advantage of the health and relaxation benefits.

  a. taking     b. taken

  c. having taken   d. having been taken

  解析:take advantage of “利用”,和句子主语more and more people构成主动关系,且和句子谓语sign up for(报名参加)同时发生,所以选择a。



  take advantage of=make use of充分利用;(不正当地)利用

  she took advantage of the hotel’s facilities.


  she took advantage of my generosity.


  要点3 range from...to...

  【例题】 mark has a lot of books, the contents of which ______ science ______ culture.

  a. range from; to    b. arrange from; to

  c. change from; to    d. are different from; to

  解析:range from...to...从……到……;在一定范围/程度内变化。



  range from...to.../range between...and. ..从……到……不等;在一定范围/程度内变化

  temperatures here range from 10℃ to 30℃.


  price ranged from/between 5 to/and 10 dollars.


  the fronties ranges from the northern hills to the southern coast.


   必背句型 

  要点1 ...times+...as...as...“倍数”句型

  【例题】 (经典回放)after the new reform, the output of the paper mill is now ______as it was in .

  a. three times as high    b. twice as big

  c. as twice      d. four times as large






  our school is three times as big as theirs.



  our school is three times bigger than theirs.

  =our school is four times as big as theirs.


  (3)...times + the size/length/height/width/weight...+of

  our school is three times the size of theirs.


Water 篇7

  module 1 the natural

  unit 3 sea water and rain water

  一、分析(unit analysis)

  (一)地位(unit position)

  have you ever seen…? 的句型在6a,6b中都已出现,但作为知识难点,教师在学习过程中还要再复现与强调。


  (二)重点(unit points)

  1 关键词:

  关于海洋生物的介绍:a coral reef, seaweed, dolphin, shark, intelligent.

  2  功能:


  3 语法点:

  use for doing sth. we can save water by doing sth. for,by 介词后跟动名词。二、教学设计(teaching designs)




  1   从杂志,网络上收集海洋生物的照片。问学生海洋生物的名字,可以用brain-storm


  2   播放录音,让学生阅读文章。也可以在巩固海洋生物的基础上把p14-p15的阅读语


  3   教师就文章内容设计提出一些问题,或是复述课文等活动,巩固复习阅读内容。

  where do we find water? what can we find in the ocean? how can we get drinking water from sea water?

  4  小组竞赛, 可以提高学生学习英语的兴趣,问题见:p15。 也可以收集其他多个问题与材料,进行全班检测与反馈。

Water 篇8

  lesson 1 the weather-lesson 2 water


  一. 教学内容:

  unit 5 the world around us lesson 1—2




  (四)学会用first, next, then, finally表示时间顺序


  二. 知识总结与归纳


  1. world

  2. weather

  3. sunny

  4. rainy

  5. cloudy

  6. windy

  7. warm

  8. grow

  9. bird

  10. spring

  11. cool

  12. dry

  13. country

  14. fly

  15. kite

  16. autumn

  17. very

  18. hot

  19. children

  20. beach

  21. umbrella

  22. summer

  23. wear

  24. scarf

  25. winter

  26. report

  27. friday

  28. fourteen

  29. temperature

  30. date

  31. lying

  32. blow

  33. land

  34. sea

  35. city

  36. every

  37. use

  38. river

  39. most


  1. come from

  2. a lot of

  3. at work


  1. what’s the weather like today?

  __________ the weather today?

  2. it is sunny / windy / cold…

  3. we use water to clean the flat.

  what do we use water to do?

  4. the children wear warm clothes.

  what do the children wear?

  5. water comes from the sea.

  water is from the sea.

  6. most of the water we use comes from other cities.

  most of: 大多数的 most of them are going to go to beijing next week.

  other: 其余的 other people

  7. a special factory makes the water clean.


  1) make+宾语+动词原形

  i couldn’t make my car start this morning.

  2) make+宾语+形容词

  we must study hard to make our country more beautiful.

  3) make+宾语+名词

  they made me the monitor.

  (四)学会用first, next, then, finally表示时间顺序

  first, it comes through very long, wide pipes. next, it goes into reservoirs in our city. then, a special factory makes the water clean. finally, it goes through smaller pipes to our homes.


  名词            形容词

  sun              sunny

  wind             windy

  cloud            cloudy

  snow            snowy

  it’s windy.

  there is a strong wind.

  it is rainy.

  there is a heavy rain.

  it is sunny.

  the sun is bright.

Water 篇9



  old words: apple pear banana

  new words: watermelon

  sentences: what’s this ? it’s ……


  1.    to speak. what’s this? it’s ……

  2.    to listen and say the new wordls

  3.   to improve the abitity of observing.

  ⅲaids: some fruit cards.



  t: hello,boys and girls? good morning! how are you today? one,two,three,look at me! now let’s sing the “good moning” song.good morning good morning to you to you and to you .(两只老虎的歌的调子)good morning good morning to you and to you.(重复两遍)


  t: stand up and follow me!

  walking walking walking walking. hop hop, hop hop hop.running running running running running running. now let’s stop!(重复两遍)

  3.introducing new


  t: today. there are two fruits come to play with children.do you like to est fruits?

  c: yes! i do.

  t:第一种水果宝宝说:你们在夏天的时候才看见我,我长得圆圆胖胖的,when you see .i’m green.when you eat to me ,里面的肉是red(红色的,吐出来是黑以的种子。第一种水果宝宝出来了,i’m coming,oh!yes, watermelon watermelon watermelon(不同声调).say hello to her. hello watermelon,hello watermelon……(让小朋友跟卡片打招呼)

  t: watermelon say: do you like to eat watermelon

  c:yes.i do.


  t:第二种水果宝宝已经等不及了,它是这样介绍自己的外皮是orange.肉is orange.it smell is good. thd children,like to eat it very much.hello,i’m coming.当!当!当!oh.you are mango mango mango mango(不同声调,出示时一闪而过)

  小朋友:我们一起来跟mango打招呼,hello mango……

  (3)watermelon and mango

  t: who’s mango?hello,mango.(请个别上来指出)

  t:who’s missing?


  t: watermelon,watermelon com here. i love you.

  t: ok,today,two fruits are coming.you can see watermelon and mango.

  t: what’s this?(复习问两三遍并让幼儿触卡片)

  c: it’s ……

  4.anding activity.

  (1)t:watermelon and mango要和小朋友玩个游戏,它们两要带好多水果过来,请小朋友来看有些什么水果?

  tc:apple pear……

  t:小朋友看到了某种水果要大声说出来,are you realy?

  c:yes,i’m realy.


  rickety  dickety   look at me   what can you see?(玩四五次)

  t: ok.watermelon and mango go by at home,say good-bye watermelon and mango.

  (1)  sing “good-bye ” song.

  t: let’s sing

  good-bye to you

  good-bye to you

  good-bye to you

  see you again

  see you again

  see you again

  next time.

Water 篇10

  units 13~14 the water planet

  freedom fighters


  1.nuclear science should be developed to ________the people rather than harm them.

  a.benefit  b.contribute  c.protect  d.affect

  解析:benefit sb.“对某人有益”。


  2.for more than 20 years, we’ve been supporting educational programs that ________ from

  kindergartens to colleges.

  a.spread  b.move  c.shift  d.range

  解析:range from...to...“范围从……到……”。


  3.when i opened the door, i found my father sitting in his chair, completely ________ a


  a.absorbing in  b.absorbed in  c.absorbing to  d.absorbed to

  解析:此处absorbed in作伴随状语,意为“专心于”。


  4.the teacher asked a difficult question, but ted, finally, managed to ________ a good answer.

  a.put up with  b.keep up with  c.come up with  d.go through with

  解析:come up with“提出,提供”“想出”。


  5.we regret to inform you that there are no tickets ________ for friday’s performance.

  a.available  b.spare  c.convenient  d.affordable



  6.some plants are very ________to light;they prefer the shade.

  a.sensible  b.sensitive  c.suitable  d.acceptable

  解析:be sensitive to“对……反应敏感”。


  7.—where was it ________ the road accident happened yesterday?

  —in front of the market.

  a.when  b.that  c.which  d.how

  解析:此处用了it was...that...强调句型。


  8.this is your last chance.you may as well ________ full advantage of it.

  a.make  b.get  c.take  d.have

  解析:take advantage of “利用,使用”。


  9.before the operation, the doctor ________ the nurse to be careful.

  a.kept  b.demanded  c.required  d.hoped



  10.—what do you think of this piece of wood?

  —i’m sure it ________ a very good shelf.

  a.will make  b.is making  c.is made  d.can be made




  human relations

  ——by marion williams

  a boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage.they were a loving couple and you can imagine how excited they were.certainly the boy was __1__ as the apple of their eyes.

  one morning,the husband saw a medicine bottle __2__.as he was late for work,he asked his wife to cap the bottle and __3__.the mother,who was busy in the kitchen,__4__ the matter.the boy playfully went to the medicine bottle,was __5__ with its color,and drank it all.it __6__ to be a poisonous medicine __7__ adults in small dosages.when the child showed signs of poisoning,the mother took him to the hospital,__8__ he died.the mother was stunned(使昏迷).she was too __9__ to face her husband.when the __10__ father came to the hospital and saw the dead child,he __11__ his wife and uttered just four words.

  the husband just said “__12__”

  the husband was indeed __13__ in human relationships.the child was dead.he could __14__ be brought back to life.there was no __15__ in finding fault with the mother.__16__,if only he had taken time to keep the bottle in the cupboard or other place,this would not have happened.no one is __17__.she had also lost her only child.what she needed at that moment was consolation(安慰,慰藉) and __18__ from the husband.that was what he gave her.

  if everyone can look at life with this kind of perspective(观点),there would be much fewer problems in the world.sometimes we spend time in asking who is __19__ or who is to blame,whether in a relationship,in a job or with the people we know.by this way we __20__ some warmth in human relationships.

  1.a.treated  b.thought  c.ignored  d.abandoned


  2.a.shut  b.close  c.bare  d.open


  3.a.put it aside  b.set it aside  c.put it away  d.leave it alone


  4.a.completely forgetting      b.wholly terrified

  c.totally forgot            d.absolutely remembered


  5.a.satisfied  b.fascinated  c.puzzled  d.calmed


  6.a.happened  b.seemed  c.appeared  d.uttered


  7.a.stood for  b.made for  c.meant for  d.called for


  8.a.when  b.then  c.but  d.where


  9.a.ashamed  b.frightened  c.annoyed  d.worried


  10.a.awful  b.angry  c.distraught  d.patient


  11.a.looked at  b.stared at  c.glared at  d.amazed at


  12.a.i hate you,now.           b.how do you do?

  c.how did this happen?      d.i love you,darling.


  13.a.an idiot  b.a genius  c.a success  d.an evil


  14.a.never  b.seldom  c.even  d.once


  15.a.wonder  b.point  c.pleasure  d.worry


  16.a.therefore  b.otherwise  c.besides  d.however


  17.a.to blame  b.to be blamed  c.to be accused  d.to be noticed


  18.a.explanation  b.courage  c.excuse  d.sympathy


  19.a.suitable  b.believable  c.accessible  d.responsible


  20.a.make out  b.look out  c.stand out  d.miss out



  i was six when i joined my father and two brothers at sunrise in the hayfields of eufaula,oklahoma.by the time i was eight i was helping dad fix up low­income rent properties.he gave me a penny for every nail i pulled out of old boards.

  i got my first real job,at jm’s restaurant in town,when i was 12.my main responsibilities were cleaning tables and washing dishes,but sometimes i helped cook.

  every day after school i would head to jm’s and work until ten.on saturdays i worked from two until eleven.at that age it was unlucky going to work and watching my friends run off to swim or play.i didn’t necessarily like work,but i love what working allowed me to have.because of my job i was always the one buying when my friends and i went to the local bar tastee freez.this made me proud.

  word that i was honest and hard­working got around town.a local clothing store offered credit to me although i was only in the seventh grade.i immediately charged a 68 sports coat and a 22 pair of trousers.i was making only 65 cents an hour,and i was already 90 in debt!so i learned early the danger of easy credit.i paid it off as soon as i could.

  my first job taught me discipline,responsibility and brought me a level of personal satisfaction few of my friends had experienced.as my father,who worked three jobs,once told me,“if you understand sacrifice and commitment,there are not many things in life you can’t have.”how right he was!

  1.when the author was a child,he was made to help his father work because ________.

  a.the nestaurant was short for hands

  b.his family belonged to the low­income group

  c.he wanted to earn some money

  d.he was stronger than his two brothers



  2.at the age of 12,the author got a job at a restaurant and often worked till late at night


  a.he liked that work

  b.he didn’t like playing

  c.he was hard­working

  d.he felt rewarded by doing that work



  3.when the author was in the seventh grade,he was in debt because ________.

  a.he did not work any more

  b.he bought clothes on credit

  c.he was charged too much for the sports coat

  d.he made little money at that time



  4.what does the author want to tell the readers by this text?

  a.if you know sacrifice and responsibility,you can have many things in life.

  b.children from poor families usually have a very unhappy childhood.

  c.children could be made to work and earn some money by themselves.

  d.you will learn discipline and responsibility by working early in life.



Water 篇11

  chapter 6 water talk

  part a language

  i. words and expressions

  1. freeze  v. 结冰,僵住    freezing adj. 寒冷的   frozen  adj. 冷冻的

  it’s freezing outside. look! the ground is frozen. 外面寒冷,看地上结冰了。

  danny froze when he heard the news. 当丹尼听到这消息时,他愣住了。

  2. impatient  adj. 不耐烦的   patient  adj. 耐心的    n. 病人

  we mustn’t be impatient with the patients. 对待病人我们不能不耐烦。

  3. chemical  n. & adj. 化学品;化学的 chemistry  n. 化学  chemist  n. 化学家

  in the chemistry lesson, the teacher put some chemicals inside the tubes. 在化学课上,老师把一些化学品放进试管中。

  4. comfortable adj. 舒服的    comfortably  adv. 舒服地

  i like to lie comfortably in that comfortable sofa alone. 我喜欢独自舒服地躺在舒适的沙发上。

  5. complete  adj. 完整的     completely  adv. 完整地    incomplete   adj. 不完整的

  i completely forgot that i had a meeting this morning. 我完全忘记了今天上午有个会。

  your answer is incomplete. please use a complete sentence. 你的回答不完整,请用一句完整的句子。

  6. science  n. 科学   scientific  adj. 科学的    scientist  n. 科学家

  the scientist is doing a scientific experiment now.那位科学家正在做一个科学实验。

  he is interested in science. 他对科学感兴趣。

  7. treatment  n. 处理   treat   v. 对待

  the old man was treated well in that hospital. they gave him a medical treatment immediately. 在医院那位老人受到很好的医治,他们马上给他进行了治疗。

  8. visible  adj. 看得见的    invisible  adj. 看不见的

  air is invisible and water is visible. 空气看不见,水看得见。

  9. a water treatment works 一家水质净化厂

  yesterday we visited a water treatment works in shanghai. 昨天我们参观了上海的一家水质净化厂。

  10. look round= look around 四周环顾

  he looked around but saw nobody. 他往四周看,可是没看见任何人。

  11. shake one’s head 摇头 nod one’s head 点头

  we shake our heads to show disagreement, and nod our heads to show agreement. 我们摇头表示反对,点头表示赞同。

  12. decrease  n.&v. 减少(之量)

  your hunger decreases as you eat. 你吃过东西以后就不饿了。

  ii. language structure

  1. 数量的表达

  不可数名词 可数/不可数名词 可数名词


  too little/ little some a few

  not much  not many

  too much/much a lot of=lots of too many/ many

  a small amount of

  a large amount of

  an amount of plenty of a large number of

  2. how many/ how much +一般疑问句

  3. 用in/at/on表示时间

  in+年份/月份/季节(in , in august, in spring)

  at+ 具体的时间(8:45, at three, at noon, at dawn, at night)

  on+日期(on jan. 1st, 1956; on the morning of jan. 12st; on a cold evening

  4. be going to/will表示将来时的区别

  be going to 结构常用来表示事先经过考虑的意图、打算或准备;或很快就要发生的将来的情况或行动。

  will 可以表示愿意和决心。

  i am going to be 50 next monday.

  i have bought some bricks and i am going go rebuild the house next week.

  there is a knock on the door. i will go to open it.

  if you are going to the cinema tonight, you’d better take your key.

  5. 动词不定式作主语:不定式短语作语时,常用形式主语it来代替,而真正的主语放在句子的谓语后面。

  it’s not easy for me to get there. (对事加以评论)

  it is brave of you to walk in to the forest by yourself. (对人加以评论)

  动词不定式肯定形式(to do)和否定形式(not to do)

  it was time to get cleaned up.

  remember not to waste me or pollute me.

  6. 状语从句


  1) 时间状语从句:when, while, as, as soon as, after, before, until, since

  2) 条件状语从句:if, as long as

  3) 原因状语从句:because, since, as

  4) 让步状语从句:although, though, now that

  5) 结果状语从句:so…that, so that, such… that

  6) 目的状语从句:so that, in order that

  7) 比较/方式状语从句:as…as, not as…as, not so…as, than

  8) 地点状语从句:where, wherever


  iii. notes

  1. here i am. 我在这里(副词提前)。

  2. 统计图表的表达

  bar chart(直条图),line graph(线条图),flow chart(流程图)

  3. 宾语从句要用陈述句来表达

  do you know where i am from?

  i thought i heard voices in there.

  you know where that is.

  4. voice 嗓音/sound声音/noise 噪音

  5. a voice said loudly 相当于(sb.)said in a loud voice 一个声音大声说

Water 篇12

  高二英语unit13 the water planet知识点总复习教案

  section i  课前准备、听力、口语

  1. practise making suggestions and expressing opinions. 练习提出建议并发表观点。(p. 17 goals 2)

  ▲ practise vt. 练习

  practise后面的动词一般要用-ing形式。类似practise这种接动词-ing形式作宾语的动词还有:finish, enjoy, mind, give up, can't help, suggest, keep等。如:① i practise playing the piano every day. 我每天练习弹钢琴。② she had finished writing the letter when i went in. 我进去时她已写完信了。③he enjoys skating very much. 他非常喜欢溜冰。④ do you mind closing the window? 请你把窗

  户关上好吗? ⑤ mary couldn't help laughing at tom's joke. 对于tom的玩笑,mary忍不住笑了。

  拓展:practice n. in practice实际上put sth. into practice将…付诸实施

  2. fill one glass with fresh water and another glass with salt water. 在一个玻璃杯里装满淡水另一个玻璃杯里装满盐水。( p.17 warming up no.4)

  ▲ fill的用法 (1) 使满;填满  he filled the bath with water. 他把浴缸装满水。(2) 占有(地位),任(职位) the position of the principal is not yet filled. 校长的职位还空着。(3) 供应(需求) ① his answer did not fill our need. 他的回答无法满足我们的要求。② fill in your telephone number. 请填写你的电话号码。③ the room was filled with laughter. 房间里充满了笑声。④ i have filled up the bottle. 我把瓶子装满了。

  ▲拓展:fill in填写(事项,表格等) fill...with...把……装满  be filled with = be full of充满  fill up 装满;填写(= fill in)

  3. what can we do to protect the water on our planet? 我们能做些什么来保护我们这个星球上的水呢?(p.17 倒数第1行)

  ▲protect保护,防御 常与介词against (from)连用,译为“保护……免遭”。① he is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight. 他戴着太阳镜以挡强烈的阳光。② the heavy rain kept us from going out.  大雨使我们无法出去。

  ▲注意:stop (prevent)…from doing中from可省去;keep…from doing中from不可省。

  ▲拓展:keep…from...阻止(妨碍)…做…= stop… (from)… = prevent … from ...

  4. who tells the story in the poem?谁讲了这首诗里的故事? ( p.18 part 1 no. 1)


  (1) tell + n.(人) + n. = tell + n. + to + n. (人) did you tell your parents the news? =did you tell the news to your parents? 你把这消息告诉你父母了吗?

  (2) tell + n. (人) + (that)/wh... ① he told me(that)he would be back in an hour.  他告诉我,一个小时内他就回来。② he told her what had happened.  他告诉她发生了什么事。

  (3) tell + n. (人) + of (about)  he told me of (about) his worries.他告诉我他的烦恼。

  ▲ 拓展:

  tell + n. + from + n. 辨别……和……    all told总共

  don't tell me! 不至于吧!   i (can) tell you. 的确,真的

  there is no telling. 不得而知;很难说。

  to tell the truth 老实说

  ① it's sometimes hard to tell one twin from the other.  双胞胎有时很难分辨。② all told, there were 350 people killed in the plane crash.  那次坠机事件中总共有350人丧生。③don't tell me you are going back to your hometown.你不至于要回到你的故乡吧。④it's a wonderful invention, i (can) tell you. 那的确是个了不起的发明。⑤ there is no telling where he is. 无法知道他到底在哪里。

  5. work with your partner and see whether you can come up with a good, scary story… 跟你的同伴一同看看是否能想出一个好的,引起惊慌的故事… (p.18 listening part 2 no. 4)   come up with的用法

  ▲come up with在本单元中作“提出”“想出”解。如: ① the young engineer came up with a new design. 那个年轻工程师提出一种新的设计方案。②the magazine recently came up with some advice on smoking.该杂志最近就吸烟问题提出一些忠告。③ you've come up with a good idea.    你想出的主意好极了。④ scientists will have to come up with new methods of increasing the world's food supply. 科学家们必须找出增加全世界食品供应的新方法。

  ▲ come up with有“拿出…” “筹措钱”之意。如:① if waths can come up with $15 million, we'll go to london. 如果瓦茨能够拿出一千五百万美元,我们就去伦敦。② you have no choice but t0 come up with £18, 000.你别无选择,必须拿出一万八千英镑。

  ▲ come up with亦可作“赶上”解。如:① let's hurry up so that we may come up with them. 咱们快些走,以便赶上他们。② we shall have to work hard so as to come up with the other firm. 我们得努力工作才能赶上另一家商行。

  6. who benefits from using water in this way.以这种方法用水谁受益了? (p. 18 speaking 第5 点)

  ▲ benefit的用法

  (1) n. 利益;益处 i get a lot of benefit from learning a foreign language. 从学习外语中我得到许多益处。

  ▲ 注意:以下两个短语:be of benefit to对……有裨益;for the benefit of为了……(的利益)。① that experience was of great benefit to me. 那个经验对我很有益处。②we must make efforts to take exercise for the benefit of our health. 为了健康我们必须努力锻炼身体。

  (2) vi. 有益于① such foolish behaviour will not benefit your ease. 这样愚蠢的行为将无益于你的案子。② i benefited enormously from my father's advice. 我从父亲的忠告中获益良多。

  【注】benefit可作为及物动词用,意为“有益于”。如:①the trade agreement will greatly benefit the developing countries.贸易会谈将大大的有益于发展中国家。②the new railway will benefit the district. 这条新铁路将会给这个地区带来好处。③ the long rest benefited her. 长期休息对她有好处。

  ▲ benefit from/by的用法: benefit from/by意为“从……中得益”“得益于……”。如:① we can all benefit from his knowledge. 我们均可得益于他的知识。② you benefit from what he told you in the letter. 你会从他的信中受益。

Water 篇13

  chapter 6 water talk一 learning aims: 1.本章节通过一滴小水珠和主人的对话,以一种特殊的方式向人们讲述了水的循环利用。让学生懂得水是宝贵的,我们不应该浪费和污染水源。 2.学会运用a lot of, much, a little, many, a few修饰可数名词和不可数名词。 二 new words: increase       v.  增加           decrease   v.   减少           remain     v.  保持 freeze         v.  结冰           liquid     n.   液体           solid      n.  固体 scientific     a.  科学的         symbol     n.   标志 三 main phrases: 1. turn off /   turn on /   turndown /   turn up 2. impatient                                               反义词  impatient 3. thorough                                                副词    thoroughly 4. at the end of 5. in the end= at last = finally                           最后,最终 6. remember to do sth.                                     记着去做 7. remember doing                                          记得曾经做过的事 8. freeing weather                                         极冷的天气 9. frozen food                                             冷冻食品 10.speed up                                                加速 11.weird                                                   奇怪的 (近义词strange) eg. weird clothes                                          奇装异服 weird idea                                                 怪诞的念头 四 phrases: 1.be on                                  开着,放映着 2.pour into                              倒入 3.vanish down the drain                  消失在水管里 4.turn the tap off                       关掉水龙头 5.look round                             环顾 6.sound impatient                        听上去不耐烦的 7.be patient with sb.                    对某人耐心的 8.obey rules/orders                      遵守规则,听从命令 9.enjoy the view                         欣赏景色 10.carry sth to …                           把某物运送到。。。 11.travel a long way                         长途跋涉 12.get cleaned up                            被净化 13.clean up                                  净化 14.sound puzzled                             听上去迷惑的 15.a water treatment works                   水处理工厂 16.give sth a thorough cleaning              把某物进行彻底的打扫 17.add a few chemicals to                    把一些化学物质加入。。。 18.finish with                               完成,结束 19.a sewage plant                            污水处理厂 20.pump water into the river                 用水泵把水抽到河里 21.remember not to waste water               记着不能浪费水 22.liquid gold                               液体黄金 23.shake one’s head                         摇头 24.what do you mean by liquid gold?         你指的液体黄金是什么意思? 五 exercises: i. choose the best answer. 1. please retell the story ________ your own words. a. on              b. in                   c. with                d. by 2. the fire alarm in the hotel suddenly _________ while i was having a rest. a. went over       b. went out             c. went off            d. went on 3. before i ____________the room, i knocked at the door. a. entered         b. entered into         c. enter               d. entering 4. a little smoke got _______the door. it made me cough a lot. a. past            b. passed               c. pass                d. pasted 5. he drank so much that he __________on the floor the whole night. a. lied            b. laid                 c. lain                d. lay   6. her voice __________ birds singing. a. looks like      b. sounds like          c. tastes like         d. smells like 7. john f dancer’s trouble began ________ he walked into garden hotel a. if              b. as soon as           c. because             d. since  8. a: is the man still alive?    b: i’m sorry he’s _______. he _______ a week ago. a. dead… died     b. dying… dead         c. dying … died       d. died… dead 9. kitty doesn’t have ____ exercise; he watches _____ television. a. enough, much    b. many, much           c. enough, many        d. many, many 10.working for a tv station is ______ interesting work. a. a               b. an                   c. the                 d. \ 11. we can do the work with ____ money and ____ people. a. less; few       b. less; fewer          c. little; less        d. fewer; less 17. the boy had ____ sheep to see to. a. a lot of        b. a large amount of    c. a great deal of     d. a great many of ii. rewrite the sentences as required.(按要求改写句子) 1. it took her two hours to do her homework. (保持原句意思)    she ______ two hours ______ her homework. 2. i was in danger. my dog was in danger, too.(合并为一句)    _____ my dog ______ i _____ in danger. 3. we are going to visit green island next week. (划线提问)    ______ _____ you going _____ ______ next week? 4. i’m sorry. we don’t allow pets in this hotel. (改为被动语态)    i’m sorry. ______ ______ ______ in this hotel. 5. we will come and save you in a minute. (划线提问)    ______ ______ _____ ______ come and save us? 6. what’s the weather like in pairs? (保持原句意思)    _____ _____ the weather in pairs? 7. we get wood from trees. we also get rubber from trees.(合并为一句)    we get_____ ______ wood ______ _______ rubber from trees. 8. the tree looks tall and beautiful. (划线提问)    ______ _____ the tree _____ _____ ? 9. mr. smith likes milk better than coffee. (保持原句意思)    mr. smith ______ milk ______ coffee. 10. the trees can protect themselves by producing a chemical. (划线提问)    _____ ______ the trees protect themselves?

Water 篇14

  chapter 5 water talk 



  (一)   综述









  拓展的词汇: banknote, id card

  二、教学设计(teaching designs)



  lead –in

  1.  present this,that,these,those

  2. present countable nouns and uncountable nouns


  1.向学生讲清no 表示数量时的用法后面可以跟不可数名词,如there is no water.,也可以跟可数名词的复数,如there are no swimmers .,在知道说明对象的情况下,no +noun(uc/c)相当于none。

  2.复习归类哪些表示数量的词后只能跟可数名词复数(如a few, many, few, a number of等), 哪些只能跟不可数名词(如much, a little, little, huge amounts of, a great deal of等), 哪些既可以跟可数名词又可以跟不可数名词(如a lot of, lots of, no, enough, plenty of 等),根据学生程度的不同可以适当补充或辨析。


  exercises and homework



