英语口语大全 篇1
what are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么?)
don't be silly.(别胡闹了。)
how strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度?)
just because.(没有别的原因。)
it isn't the way i hoped it would be.(这不是我所盼望的。)
you will never guess.(你永远猜不到。)
no one could do anything about it.(众人对此束手无措。)
i saw something deeply disturbing.(深感事情不妙。)
money is a good servant but a bad master.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。)
i am not available.(我正忙着)
wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中的知识比手中的金钱更重要)
never say die.it's a piece of cake.别泄气,那只是小菜一碟。
don't worry.you'll get use to it soon.别担心,很快你就会习惯的。
i konw how you feel.我明白你的感受。
you win some.you lose some.胜败乃兵家常事。
don't bury your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。
i didn't expect you to such a good job.我没想到你干得这么好。
you are coming alone well.你做得挺顺利。
she is well-build.她的身材真棒。
you look neat and fresh.你看起来很清纯。
you have a beautiful personality.你的气质很好。
you flatter me immensely.你过奖啦。
you should be slow to judge others.你不应该随意评论别人。
i hope you will excuse me if i make any mistake.如有任何错误,请你原谅
it was most careless ofme.我太粗心了。
it was quite by accident.真是始料不及。
i wish i had all the time i'd ever wasted,so i could waste it all over again.我希望所有被我浪费的时间重新回来,让我再浪费一遍。
i like you the way you were.我喜欢你以前的样子。
you two go ahead to the movie without me,i don't want to be a third wheel.你们两个自己去看电影吧,我不想当电灯泡。
do you have anyone in mind?你有心上人吗?
how long have you known her?你认识她多久了?
it was love at frist sight.一见钟情
i'd bettle hit the books.我要复习功课啦。
a piece of one's mind .直言不讳
he gave me a piece of mind,"don't shift responsibility onto others."他责备道:“不要把责任推卸到别人身上。”
a cat and dog life 水火不容的生活
the husband and his wife are always quarrelling,and they are leading a cat and dog life.这对夫妇老是吵架,相互之间水火不容。
a dog's life 潦倒的生活
the man lived a dog's life.这个人生活潦倒。
a to z 从头至尾
i know that from a to z. 我很了解这件事。
above somebody 深奥
well,this sort of talk is above me.我不懂你们在讲什么。
all ears 全神贯注地倾听着
when you tell mary some gossip,she is all ears.跟mary讲一些小道消息,她会听地仔仔细细。
all the more 更加,益发
you'll be all the better for a holiday.度一次假,对你会更有好处。
all dressed up 打扮得整整齐齐
she is all dressed up and nowhere to go.她打扮得整整齐却无处炫耀。
all in all 总的说来;最心爱的东西
the daughter is all in all to him.女儿是他的无价宝。
all out 竭尽全力
they went all out.他们鼓足了干劲。
all over 全部结束;浑身,到处
glad,it is all over.这事全部结束了,好得很。
i'm wet all over.我浑身都湿了。
all set 准备就绪
he is all set for an early morning start.他已做好清晨出发的一切准备。
all you have to do 需要做得是
all you have to do is to calm yourself down and wait for the good news.你需要做得是静下心来等好消息。
as easy as falling of a log /as easy as snapping your fingers /as easy as abc 容易得很
to me,a good story teller,it would be as easy as falling of a log.
as busy as a bee 非常忙
mum is always as busy as a bee in the moring.妈妈每天早上都忙得不可开交。
at one's fingertips 了如指掌
how to get at that little island is at his fingertips.他知道怎么去那个小岛。
at one's wit's end 智穷
don't ask him.it is also at his wit's end.不要问他了,他也不知道。
big shot 大人物,大亨
he is a big shot in our little town.
black sheep 败家子,害群之马
every family has a black sheep.家家有本难念的经。
black and blue 遍体鳞伤
the thief was caught of red-handed and beaten black and blue.那个小偷当场被抓住并被打得青一块紫一块的。
black and white 白纸黑字
the proof is in black and white and the murderer has no any excuses.证据确凿,凶手再也无话可说。
blind alley 死胡同
you are heading into a blind alley.你正在钻牛角尖。
blow hot and cold 摇摆不定
this guy seemed to have no own idea.he always blew hot and cold.这家伙好象没什么主张,总是摇摆不定。
blow one's own trumpet 自吹自擂
don't blow your own tumpet.let us see what on earth you can do.不要自吹自擂了,让我们看看你到底能做什么。
born with a silver in one's mouth 出生在富贵人家
he is born with a silver in one's mouth.他是含着金钥匙出生的。
bland new 崭新的
a bland new coat 新衣服
break the ice 打破沉默
the couple hadn't spoken to each other for a week.they were both waiting for the other one to break the ice.这对夫妇已经一个星期没说过话了。两人都在等另一方先开口。
by a blow 无意中的一击
he is beaten to the ground by a blow.他被击到在地。
can't stand it any longer 不能再忍受了
i can't stand it any longer,i quit.我再也忍受不了了,我走。
carry something too far 过火了
you are carrying your joke too far.你玩笑开得太过分了。
castle in the sky 海市蜃楼
you plan is nearly a castle in the sky.你的计划简直就是空想。
cats got one's tongue 哑口无言
chain smoker 老烟枪
come up with 产生,想出
let me come up with some ideas.让我想一想。
come easily 容易
languages come easily to some people.有些人能够很容易地掌握语言。
cup of tea 喜欢
movies are not my cup of tea.我不喜欢看电影。
cut it out 停止,住嘴
cut it out!i can't stand you any longer.
call it a day 不再做下去,停止(某种活动)
let us call it a day,stop.这一天工作够了,停工吧! dark horse 黑马
nobody considered that john would win the game.he was a dark horse in the final.
dear john letter 绝交信
jack received a dear john letter from his girlfriend because he had broken her heart.
do somone good 对某人有好处
having some moring exercises does you good.
do you get me? 你明白我的意思吗?
doesn't count 这次不算
it doesn't count this time,try again.
doesn't make sense 不懂;没有任何意义
the sentence you made doesn't make any sense to me.
down and out 穷困潦倒
being down and out,he couldn't support his family.
drive at 用意,意欲
what's he driving at?他用意何在?
drop in 偶然拜访
i dropped him in on my way to the hospital.
drop me a line 写信给我
on arriving the university,please drop me a line.
early bird 早起的人
an early bird catchs worms。捷足先登
easy come easy go 来得快去得也快
eat my words 收回前言,认错道歉
i said something bad to my mum.although i want to eat my words back, it didn't work,for i had hurt my mum's feeling.
face the music 直面困难
he knew he'd never get away with it so he decided to face the music and give himself up to the police.他知道自己不可能逃脱,因此决定一人做事一人当——向警察自首。
face up to 勇敢地面对某事
you must learn to face up to your responsibilities.
fed up 厌倦
i am rather fed up with your complaints.
feel free to do something 不要拘束
please feel free to make suggestions.
few and far between 很少,稀少
human beings are few and far between in this zone.
french leave 不辞而别
give me a headache 让人头痛
the naughty boy gave me a headache.
give me a hand 帮我一下
go dutch aa制
god bless you 上帝保佑你
god bless you with your examinations.
god knows 天知道
got it? 明白了吗?
green thumbs /fingers 园艺技能
hands are full 非常忙
have a ball 勇敢
have had it 受够了
i have had it with all your excuses.我受够了你的借口。
hold water 站得住脚
non of his arguements seem to hold water.
in every sense of word 在某种意义上说
it's a lie in every sense of word.这是不折不扣的谎言。
keep an eye on 提高警惕
kill time打发时间
lazy bones 懒骨头
get up lazy bones!
leave it to me 让我来吧
leave me alone 别管我
like father like son 有其父必有其子
like it or not 不管你喜不喜欢
make a fool of oneself 愚弄某人
make a big money 赚大钱
make both ends need 收支平衡
we have to cut our expenses to make both ends need.
make waves 引起轰动;兴风作浪
his achievement made waves in his country.
make yourself at home 别拘束
no good 没有好结果
bad mam comes to no good.
no kidding 不要开玩笑
none of your bussiness 不关你的事
not really 也不是……
old hand 老手
he is an old hand at stealing.
old story 老一套
i am tired of it,same old story.
on one's word of honor 以某人的人格担保
on occasion 间或
of one's own accord 自愿地
packed like sardins 拥挤
during the holidays,people in the trains are packed like sardins.
pass away 去世
pay the price 付出代价
you are playing with the fire and you must pay the poice one day.
put up with 忍受
i cann't put up with your rudeness any more;leave my room.
red-letter day 重要的或值得纪念的日子
red tape 繁文缛节
red carpet 红地毯
run into 偶遇
i ran into an old friend in the shop yesterday.
run out of 用尽,缺少
quick,quick,we are running out of time.
show up 炫耀
small potatos 小人物
so what? 那怎么样呢?
stand up for 忍受
suit one's taste 对某人的胃口
sunday dress 最好的衣服
sure thing 十有把握的事
take one's time 尽情玩
take your time and enjoy it.
take the words out of one's mouth 说出某人想说得话
that's it 就是
that is really something 太好了
there is nothing i can do 我什么都不能做
there you go 这边请
there is nothing wrong with me 我没事
under the table 死底下,秘密地
under the weather 身体不适
what's going on 怎么了
what a man 多勇敢的人啊
walking dictionary 活字典
what is up 近来可好
hi,i haven't seen you for a long time,what's up?
world class 一流的
英语口语大全 篇2
参照alderson&wall的反拔作用假说 ,综合我校口语考试的实际,我们预测:a 口语测试促使老师改善教学方法,提高教学质量。b 改变学生学习态度,激发学生对口语学习的热情。c 从多方面评价学生的英语水平。d 语言测试的反拔作用正面影响大于负面。
英语口语大全 篇3
“听、说、读、写、译”是英语学习中的五要素,位于五要素之二的“说”——口语却是大多数英语学习者学习的薄弱环节。“哑巴英语”成了过去多数人无法挣脱的现象:初中毕业生无法回答简单的“what’s your name?”、“How old are you?”;大学生在请求帮助的外国友人面前无言以对;通过英语六级考试的大学毕业生到国外留学无法与外国人沟通等等。这些现象不同的角度说明了提高英语的口语水平已经到了迫在眉睫地步。
二、激发兴趣,使学生积极参与课堂教学。我发现,学生的口语与课堂教学是密切相关的。一些平时在课堂上积极配合老师并能做出相应反应的学生,其口语表达能力会强一些;而另一些较为腼腆的学生或成绩较差的学生往往会在课堂上保持沉默,表现出很不自信,其口语自然就差一些。因此,我在教学中便常常投入情感教学,真诚地与学生交谈,了解学生学习、生活情况,缩小师生间的心理距离,以激发他们学习英语的兴趣。并鼓励他们克服困难,大胆开口,不要害怕出错。不但在课堂上要大胆说,而且在课后也要随时运用日常用语。我在教学中还适当运用了“Thank you / Please / Well done / Never mind.”等有助于激励学生的词,使学生很受鼓舞。每个班已有百分之八十以上的学生都在课堂上跃跃欲试。
英语口语大全 篇4
英语的唯一法宝。” 这是中国台湾大学教授颜员叔学习英语的体会。读中学时,他就养成每天早起高声朗读的习惯,每天坚持一个小时。他有一本“英文精读文选”,其中《林肯的盖茨堡演讲》曾被他一遍又一遍地从头念到尾,有些段落甚至都能背出来。
郑板桥在《自叙》中说:“人咸谓板桥读书善记,不知非善记,乃善诵耳。板桥每读一书,必千万遍。舟中、马上、被底,或当食忘似著,或对客不听其语,并自望其所以,皆记书默诵也。书有弗记者乎?” 一代宗师尚且如此,何况我辈凡人,更何况当时他背的应该不是外语。
英语口语大全 篇5
Lesson 27
二、教学内容分析:本课是新授课,要求学生能听说两个句型&127;"I have got..."和“You have got...”。&127;由于学生在前几课已掌握本课的八组词组,&127;因此要求学生能够运用这八组词组和学过的知识在这两个句型中进行替换,并初步运用于情景交际中。
四、教学目标 :
1、能听懂会说本课句型“I have got...”和“You have got...”。
(二)、情感领域的教学目标 :
(三)、智力发展教学目标 :
重点:掌握本课句型“I have got...”和“You have got...”。
七、教学过程 :
1、唱歌 "I Have Two Hands"。
I Have Two Hands
1=F 2/4
1 2 3 1 ┃ 1 2 3 1 ┃
──── ──── ──── ────
I have two hands, I have two hands.
I have two ears, I have two ears.
&127;I have two eyes, I have two eyes.
3 4 5 ┃ 3 4 5 ┃
───── ─────
My left hand, my right hand.
My left ear, my right ear.
My left eye, my right eye. &127;
5 6 5 4 3 1 ┃5 6 5 4 3 1 ┃
─────── ─── ─────── ───
Do you see my two hands? Do you see my two hands?
Do you see my two ears? Do you see my two ears?
Do you see my two eyes? Do you see my two eyes?
1 5 1 ┃1 5 1 :┃
───── ─────
One and two, one and two.
(说明:上课前唱首英语歌曲是为了调整一下学生的情绪,创造课堂气氛。这首歌曲的主题“I have two hands&127;”与这节课所要学的新句型“I have got...”有一定的联系,我根据原歌词作了修改,使学生对“have”句型有初步的感性认识。)
1、宣读教学目标 :
2、教学Lesson 27。让学生从1数到26,然后引导学生根据20至26推出数词27的英语读法。带读Lesson 27。 &127;
3、用电脑呈现新句型“I have got...”。&127;荧幕上出现课本中的人物Mike。Mike向全班学生打招呼:"Hello,I'm Mike."&127;这时一头绵羊走近Mike,Mike指着绵羊说:"This is my sheep.I have got a sheep.I have got a sheep."接着在较远处又出现一头山羊,Mike指着山羊说:"That's my goat.I have got a goat.I have got a goat."电脑呈现后,教师手拿玩具,用手势配合说:"I have got a &127;toy &127;sheep.&127;I have got a toy mule."引导学生理解句型"I have got..."。
(说明:通过电脑和教师自己呈现新句型“I have got...&127;”形成对比,让学生通 过看、听、辨 &127;来发现这个新句型并猜出其中文意思,培养学生的思维和总结能力. 如果按一般的教学方法是教师自己拿着物品来呈现这个新句型,&127;而这里通过电脑创设了另一个新的情景来使学生感知这个句型。)
4、教师手拿实物,用手势引导学生拿相同的物品跟读句型“I &127;havegot...”。
5、同桌操练。同座的同学用句型“I have got...”介绍自己的东西,然后进行检查。
6、让个别的学生拿自己的实物说本课句型“I have got...&127;”每个学生说完,教师紧接着说:“Yes,you have got...&127;”初步呈现句型“You have got...”
7、电脑呈现句型:“You have got...”接着以上的情景,&127;荧幕上出现另一个人物Lily,Lily与Mike对话:“Hello,Mike.”“Hello,Liky.”Mike手指绵羊和山羊说:“Look,I have got a sheep.I have got agoat.”Lily说:“Yes, you have got a sheep.You have &127;got &127;agoat.”Lily举起手中抱着的小狗说:“I have got a dog.”Mike接着说:“Oh,you have got a dog.”根据电脑中的情景,&127;教师引导学生理解句型“You have got...”。
(说明:在检查学生对“I have got...”的掌握时,教师已初步呈现了“You have got...”这个句型,学生可能已注意到了教师所说的“You have got...”这个句型,但还不是十分理解它所表达的意思。因此这里再通过电脑中Mike和Lily的对话进一步呈现“You have got...”这个句型,并通过教师的引导,理解这个句型。在传统的教法中,由于缺少配合,教师比较难呈现这个句型,而这里运用电脑中Mikek和Lily的对话创设了一个真实生动的情景,使学生更容易理解。)
8、让个别学生拿自己的实物,让全班同学指着他/&127;她跟读句型“&127;You have got...”
9、同桌操练。用句型“I have got...You have got...”互相说自己和对方的东西,然后进行检查。
1、唱歌。“I Have Got A White Goose”。歌词如下:
I Have Got A White Goose
1=c 2/4
3 2 1 2 ┃ 3 3 ┃ 2 2 ┃
──── ────
I have got a white goose, white goose,
I have got a white sheep, white sheep,
I have got a white goat, white goat,
I have got a white horse, white horse,
3 5 5 ┃ 3 2 1 2 ┃3 3 ┃
──── ──── ────
white goose, I have got a white goose.
white sheep, I have got a white sheep.
white goat, I have got a white goat.
white horse, I have got a white horse.
2 2 3 2 ┃ 1. 0 :┃
──── ────
It is white as snow.
2、运用电脑进行猜物游戏。电脑荧幕上出现一个小男孩李明和六个盒子,要求学生扮演李明任选其中一个盒子,&127;猜一猜盒子里面装有什么东西,并用句型"I have got..."说出答案。例如,学生选择第一个盒子,教师用鼠标指向第一个盒子,&127;则荧幕上的李明走过去拿起第一个盒子,这时在荧幕下方出现四种物品:橡皮擦,铅笔,尺子,铅笔盒。正确的答案是尺子。如果学生选择其它三种物品,如铅笔,&127;当教师用鼠标指向铅笔时,则在铅笔这幅图上出现一个红色的“×”,&127;同时李明手中的盒子里冒出一个怪物,并配有表示失望的音乐。&127;如果学生选择了正确的答案尺子,当教师用鼠标指向尺子时,李明手中的盒子变成了尺子,同时李明会说:"Yes, I have got a ruler."&127;学生选了正确的答案后,换另一个学生选择另一个盒子,游戏继续进行。&127;附电脑画面简图:
3、看影子猜物品游戏。教师把剪好的各种物品的剪影放在投影灯下,让学生看着影子猜出是什么物品,并用“You have got...”这个句型说出答案。 &127;
P1: Good morning.
p2: Good morning.
P1: Is this your box?
P2: Yes,it is. Open it,please.
P1: Oh,you have got a pear.
录像2:录像中出现两个学生正在做作业 ,其中一个学生向另一个学生借钢笔。
P1: I have got a pen.
p2: May I use it?
P1: Sure,here you are.
P2: Thank you.
p1: How are you?
p2:I'm fine,thank your .And you?
P1: I'm fine, too.Thanks.
P2: I have got a big ball.
P1: I have got a small ball.
(说明:录像中运用了学生所学过的句子编成对话。通过学生自身的表演展现了真实情景。学生通过表演与对比,&127;培养了他们综合运用新旧知识的能力。通过小组讨论 ,同学之间互相帮助,互相提高,互相促进,培养了学生互助精神。这个环节也为下一环节打下基础。)
3、唱歌。让学生把自己的物品的英语名称换进"I Have Got A White Goose "的歌曲里。教师先作示范,然后请学生来表演。 &127;
3. 2 1 2 ┃ 3 3 ┃ 2 2 ┃
I have got a blue ball, blue ball,
3 5 5 ┃ 3. 2 1 2 ┃3 3 ┃
blue ball, I have got a blue ball,
2 2 3. 2 ┃ 1. 0 :┃
It is blue and small.
这节课我们学习了第27课,学了两个新句型:“I have got...”表示“我有什么东西”,“You have got...”表示“你有什么东西”。而且初步学会了运用这两个句型进行日常的交际。
准备阶段(5') 呈现和操练阶段(15') 巩固发展阶段(20')
开始 宣讲目标 电 唱歌I Have Got
脑 A White Goose
电 呈现句型
录 唱歌: 脑 I have got... 电 猜物游戏
音 I Have TwoHands 脑
实 跟读句型
实 表演第26课 物 I have got... 投 看影子,
物 影 猜物品.
实 同桌操练 小结 结束
物 录 看录像,
像 编对话.
实物 呈现句型
电脑 You have got... 实&127;用学过的
物 句型编对话
实 操练句型
物 You have got... 实 替换歌词
物 练习
实 同桌操练
录 整体呈现课文
音 学生跟读课文
英语口语大全 篇6
英语口语大全 篇7
1.听懂、会说并能在日常生活中运用We have...这一句型。
2听懂、会说表建议的句子"Let's go and see."
学习句子We have a new classroom.;Let's go and see.学习用near表示方位。
学生对our 和my 的表达要比理解稍难些。our 一词的发音对学生来说读准不太容易。
1.复习已学句型:This is… I have… 教师手拿一个毛绒玩具,说:I have a dog , this is my new dog.
3.当学生能够说出句子时,教师可提问:Where is it? 启发学生用学过的知识回答:It's on/in/under/the …
4.在学生回答Where is it?时,教师可以适当的加入near 一词,It's near the… 让学生在实际的情景中理解near 的含义并运用。
1.教师出示Amy和Mike的面具,问:Who's he? Who's she?学生回答出Amy和Mike后,教师补充:Amy and Mike are classmates. 让学生猜classmate 的含义。教读classmate
2.教师介绍新人物并展示情景对话:出示面具This is Zhang Peng, he is Amy and Mike's new classmate. They have a new classroom. Do you want to see? Ok, Let's go and see.(间接引出新句子) 教师出示一张教室图并把它贴到黑板上:This is a new classroom.提问:What's in the classroom? (让学生先熟悉一下对话情景。)
3.让学生带着问题观看本部分的教学课件。[Unit 1 Let's talk/A]
How many lights in the classroom?
Is the new classroom big?
Where is ZhangPeng's seat?
5.学生跟读并模仿Let's talk部分的内容。(使用教材相配套的教学录音带)
6.请学生解释We have a new classroom. 让学生结合实际情况用We have…说句子。请学生解释Let's go and see. 本句可用动作来表示。教师告诉学生Let's go and see.是建议去看远处的东西。
7.教师可让学生互相问一问在教室中所坐的位置。Where's your seat? It's…
9.让学生三人一组,分角色表演对话。评选表演奖。教师要注意学生使用my, our两词的准确性。让学生在说话时把这两个词的动作表演出来,以免混淆。
10.听Let's chant部分的录音。(使用教材相配套的教学录音带)
1、listen to the tape.
2、sing the song:学唱歌曲《Apple Song》
We have a new classroom. 我们有一个新教室。
Let's go and see. 一起去看看。
英语口语大全 篇8
unit 1
1、.hello! / hi!
2、 goodbye
3、hello, i’m wu yifan.
4、this is john.
5、what’s your name?
6、happy teacher’ day!
unit 2
1、nice to meet you.
3、good morning.
4、good afternoon!
5、let’s go to school.
6、where is your mouth?
7、happy halloween!
unit 3
1、how are you?.
2、i like blue and pink.
3、 let’s paint.!
1、who are you ?
unit 4
1、 may i have a look?
2、where is your nose?
3、can i have some chicken?
4、sure, here you are.
5、thank you.
unit 5
1、have some french fries.
2、what do you like?
3、have some coke?
4、can i have some chicken?
unit 6
1、how many candles/cakes/gifts?
2、this is for you.
3、let’s eat the birthday cake!
4、how old are you?
5、happy birthday.
recycle 2
1、happy new year!
2、may i have a look?
3、i have a car!
unit 1
1、good morning!
2、good afternoon!
3、what’s your name?
4、how are you.?
5、here you are.
6、how old are you?
7、watch out!
8、i am sorry!
9、where are you from?
10、this is my friend, john.
11、nice to meet you .
unit 2
1、who’s that/this woman /girl/boy/woman?
2、let’s watch tv!
unit 3
1、look! i have a new kite!
2、who are you ?
3、what’s in your box?
4、how many kites can you see/ do you have?
5、look at my new crayons!
1、do you like oranges?
2、what about pears?
3、can i have an apple?
4、have some fruits!
5、can i have an apple ,please?
6、have some more?
7、lets have some peaches and pears!
1、where is my car?
2、under your desk/ in your toy box/under your chair?
3、can i use your pencil?
4、happy children’s day!
unit 6
1、look at the elephant!
2、it has a long nose and a short tail.
3、the giraffe is tall .
1、i am tall. i can get the apple.
2、let’s count.
1. what’s in the classroom?
2. this is zhang peng, our new classmate.
3.nice to meet you !
4. we have a new classroom.
5、where’s my seat?
6、let’s clean the classroom.
7、look at the picture.
8、this is my classroom. the wall is white. the desk is green….
what colour is the floor?
1. what’s in your schoolbag?
2.how many books do you have?
3、how many english books can you see?
4.i have a new schoolbag.
really? what colour is it?
5、may i have a look?
6、my schoolbag is heavy. what’s in it?
7、how much is it?
1、who’s your best friend?
2、what’s your friend like ?
3、who’s he? / who’s she?
4、i have a new friend.
guess, boy or girl?
5、what’s his / her name?
8、my friend likes music. he likes sports. she likes painting.
let’s make friends.
9、let me help you.
10、i hope you’ll like it.
1、what’s 10 plus 10?(…+…?)
1、this is my home. you can see a bedroom, a living room, a study, a kitchen and a bathroom.
2、there is a sofa, a tv, a phone and a table in the living room.
3、where’s the pen?
4、is it in the pencil-case?
5、where are the keys?
6、are they on the table/near the phone?
7、is this your bedroom?
8、is she in the living room?
9、what can you see in my room?
1、what would you like? / what would you like for dinner?
2、can i have some noodles, please?
3、what’s for dinner?
4、can i help you?
5、help yourself.
7 、i can use the chopsticks. let me try.
8 、i like chinese food. what about you ?
9 、see you tomorrow.
10、can i have some noodles ,please?
1、how many people are there in your family?
2、who are they ?
3、what’s your father?
4、is this your aunt?
5、do you like sports?
6、is she a dancer?
1、merry christmas!
2、what would you like ?
3、where are they ?
1、is this/that a teacher’s desk?
2、how many students are there in your class?
3、where is the canteen?
4、do you have a library ?
5、your school is beautiful!
1、what time is it?
2、is it time for math class?
3、it’s seven o’clock ,let’s go to school.
4、it’s ten –thirty .it’s time for english /math/music/chinese/p.e/class.
5、it’s 6:30.it’s time to get up/go to bed/ go to school.
6、is it time to have dinner?
1、is this your t-shirt?
2、is the computer on the teacher’s desk?
3、what colour is it?
4、whose cap is it
5、whose is it?
6、where are my socks?
7、what are they?
8、these are my shoes .those are your shorts.
9、what colour are the shorts?
10、are these your pants?
11、how much is it\ are they?
unit 4
1、can i wear my t-shirt?
2、it’s cool , is it cold?
3、what’s the weather like in beijing ?
4、it’s warm today .let’s play football.
5、can i help you ?
6、what’s the matter?
7、what are you doing ?
unit 5
1、how much are they/is it/ is this dress/are those big shoes?
2、that’s expensive!/it’s too expensive!
3、this shirt is beautiful but it’s too big!
4、what are those/they ?
5、look at that dress .it’s pretty .
6、can i help you ?
7、i want a pair of shoes.
8、how about this pair?
unit 6
1、how many cows do you have?
2、are those/they cows?
3、how many horses are there?
4、what’s in your schoolbag?
5、are they ducks?
1、tomorrow will be warm and sunny. what do you want to bring ?
2、what do you have?
unit 1
1. do you have new teachers?
2. who’s your art teacher?
3. what’s your chinese teacher like?
4. who is that young lady?
5. is she strict /active?
unit 2
1. what do you have on wednesday?
2. what day is tomorrow?
3. what do you do on saturdays?
4. what do you do on sundays?
5. what about you?
unit 3
1. what would you like for lunch on mondays ?
2. what do you have for lunch today?
3. what’s your favourite food?
recycle 1
1. would you like some potatoes?
2. can i interview you for the school newspaper?
3. who is your favourite teacher?
4. do you like grapes? why?
unit 4
1. are you helpful at home?
2. what can you do?
3. you are helpful!
4. can you do housework?
5. can you cook the meals?
unit 5
1. what can you see in your room?
2. is this your bedroom?
3. what’s in your room?
4. where is the trash bin?
unit 6
1. is there a river in the park?
2. do you like this park?
3. are there any bridges in your village?
recycle 2
1. is there a mountain?
2. are there any rivers in your village?
unit 1
1. when do you get up?
2. when do you do morning exercises?
3. when do you eat breakfast?
4. when do you eat dinner?
5. what do you do on the weekend?
6. thank you for telling me about your day.
7. let’s go hiking together next sunday.
unit 2
1. what’s your favourite season?
2. which season do you like best?
3. why do you like spring?
4. what would you like to do?
5. what’s the weather like in fall in bei jing?
6. i wear my sweater. it’s windy. which season is it?
unit 3
1. when is your birthday?
2. what’s the date?
3. when is children’s day?
4. is your birthday in february, too?
5. how many birthdays are there in january?
6. who has a birthday in october?
recycle 1
1. when is your mother’s birthday?
2. how many holidays are there in spring in china?
what are they?
unit 4
1. what are you doing?
2. what is your father doing?
3. can i speak to your mom, please?
4. mom, there’s a call for you.
unit 5
1. what is it doing?
2. what is she doing?
3. what is he doing?
4. what are the elephants doing?
5. can tigers swim?
6. can they climb trees?
unit 6
1. what is mike doing?
2. what is sarah doing?
3. are you eating lunch?
4. where are the elephants?
5. are they eating the honey?
6. is he playing chess?
7. is she counting insects?
recycle 2
1. is she listening to music?
2. are they doing the experiment?
3. what do you usually do in the evening?
unit 1
1. how do you go to school?
2. stop at a red light.
3. wait at a yellow light.
4. go at a green light.
5. how can i get to zhong shan park?
unit 2
1. where is the cinema?
2. is it far from here?
3. is there a post office near here?
4. how can i get to the museum?
5. turn left at the cinema, then go straight. it’s on the left.
unit 3
1. what are you going to do this evening?
2. what are you going to do on the weekend?
3. when are you going?
4. where are you going this afternoon?
5. what are you going to buy?
recycle 1
1. where do they live?
2. what are you going to do there?
unit 4
1. what’s your hobby?
2. he likes collecting stamps, too. can he go with us?
3. does your pen pal live in shang hai?
4. does she teach english?
unit 5
1. what does your father do?
2. where does he work?
3. how does he go to work?
4. what are you going to be?
unit 6
1. where does the rain come from ?
2. how do you do that?
3. what should you do then?
recycle 2
1. who is your pen pal?
2. what’s your favourite colour?
3. what does your mother do?
unit 1
1. how tall are you?
2. how heavy are you?
3. who is taller than you?
4. who is heavier than you?
5. i am 164 cm tall. you’re shorter than me.
6. i am thinner than you, and shorter.
unit 2
1. what’s the matter?
2. how do you feel?
3. how does he feel?
4. how does she feel?
5. how are you? you look so happy/sad .
unit 3
1. what did you do last weekend?
2. what did you do yesterday?
3. what did mike do last weekend?
4. did you read books?
unit 4
1. where did you go on your holiday?
2. what did you do on your holiday?
3. how did you go there ?
recycle 1
1. where are you going on your holiday?
2. who are you going with?
3. what are you going to do there?
4. how are you going?
5. when are you going?
recycle 2
1. what can you do?
2. what’s your hobby?
英语口语大全 篇9
1、语言知识目标:1)认读句子:We’re going to go to Hainantomorrow.I’m going to swim in thesea.I’m going to visit mygrandpa.2)认读单词:children, tomorrow, from,China, swim, sea短语:by plane, getup
2、语言技能目标:1)能听懂并能口头运用We are going to go to Hainan tomorrow.I’m going to swim in the sea.这类语句描述即将做的事情,Module7的教案。2)能识别并能根据提示书写单词from,China。
4、文化意识:通过学习I’m from China.来培养学生爱国意识。
三、教学难点:会用“be goingto”结构讲述讲自己的计划或将要发生的事情以及单词visit的发音。
I.Warm-upDo some actions.Play,play,play basketball.Play,play,play chess.Make, make, make acake.Write, write ,write aletter.Play, play, playbasketball.Swim, swim, swim in thesea.(学习词组并让学生做动作)
II.PresentationT:I like swimming.Do youlike swimming?S:Yse.T:But nowit’s very cold, so I’m going to go a warmer place(课件展示海南的图片以及句子I’m going to go to Hainan.领读跟读)I like sports and I liketravelling too. Look, I’m going to go to…继续出示课件北京、上海等地的图片和I’m going to go to……引导学生说出I’m going to go toBeijing/Shanghai……
一.课件出示中国地图让学生用I’m going to go to…这个句型来描述自己将要去的地方。(小组内说)
二.提问学生起来说,当很多人去一样的地方的时候就可以说We’re going to go to…(板书并领读,生跟读。)
IV.Text learning
一、出示Smart一家的图片T:Who are they?S:They’re Mr Smart, Ms Smart, Sam and Amy.T:Yes, Where are they going to go?Let’s read and complete the sentences.1. The Smart family is goingtogo to ________ tomorrow. (I’m at school today, I’m going to go to Rizhaotomorrow.学习tomorrow,do you know tomorrow?can you guess?What’s the meaning?)S:Hainan.(让学生再听一遍录音,检测一下他们的`答案是否正确)
二、T: Yes!They’re going to go to Hainan, I’m going to go to Hainan, but it’s very far from here,(出示中国地图并标出海南和山东的距离)so I’m going to go by plane (学习词组)课件展示乘火车、乘公共汽车的图片让学生小组内说说自己要去的地方并练习说I’m going to go byplane/train/bus…(提问学生起来说)T: What about theSmarts?How are they going to go?Let’s read and complete the sentences.2. They’re going to go ________.(让学生再听一遍录音,检测一下他们的答案是否正确)
三、课件呈现爷爷的照片学习单词“visit”T: We knowthey’re going to go to Hainan. Do you know where am Igoing to go?Look,this is my grandpa,I love him,but we haven’t seen for a long time,I miss him very much,so I’m going to visit my grandpa tomorrow.(can youguess?What’s the meaning?学习Visit并让每个学生起来说I’m going to go visit my grandpa,教师及时纠正visit和grandpa的发音)T: What aboutyou?What are you going to dotomorrow?(让学生小组内说一下并出示课件游泳、打篮球、踢足球等图片提示学生说出I’m going to …并让学生起来展示)
四、What about Xiaoyong and Sam?What are they going to do? Let’s read and fill in theblanksWhereHowWhat
五、Read the text andtick (√)orcross(×), then correct.1.Sam and Amy are going toget up at 6 o’clock. 2.Xiaoyong is fromEngland.(让学生再听一遍录音,检测一下他们的答案是否正确)学习from,China并让学生练习说I’m from China. Do you love China?We should love China,yes?Because We’re Chinese.
六、Follow theCD-ROM,并学习swimsuit出示课文的图片,T:Who’s swimsuit is this? Is this Sam’s or Xiaoyong’s?Ss: Xiaoyong’s.T: Why?S1:Sam和Xiaoyong拿错了包?T: Why?Ss:他们有一样的包T: Yes!They have the same bags. What do you learn fromthis story?S: 要保管好自己的物品……
七、Read the text and actit out then complete.We’re going to go to______tomorrow.We’re going to get upat______o’clock.We’re going to go by______.I’m going tovisit____________.I’m going to_____in thesea.、
V.ExtensionMake a planWhat are you going to dothis weekend?I’m going to go to … thisweekend.I’m going to get up at…o’clock.I’m going to go by…I’m going to…
Read the textfluently.熟读课文。
Do Exercise 3 and Exercise5 on your Exercise Books.做配套练习册第三题和第五题。
Write 3 things you aregoing to do tomorrow.写出三件你明天打算做的事情。I’m goingto…tomorrow.
英语口语大全 篇10
英语口语大全 篇11
Part One Ask and answer
1. What’s your name? My name is ~
2. Which class are you in? I am in Class ~
3. Which grade are you in? I am in grade ~
4. What’s the weather like today? It’s fine/ cloudy/ rainy/ windy ~
5. How many people are there in your family? There are there/ five~
6. What’s your favourite food/sports/subject~? My favorite food/ sports is ~
7. Do you like giant pandas? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
8. Are you good at English? Yes, I am. / No, I am not.
9. Where were you born? I was born in Kunshan.
10.How often do you go home? Once a week.
11.When do you usually have lunch? At eleven.
12.What’s your mother? She is a teacher/ worker/ driver~
13.What are your parents like? They are kind and friendly.
14.What will you do if you want to protect giant pandas?
15.How many seasons are there in a year? There are four.
16.Where do you live? I live in Kunshan.
17.How do you usually go to school? By bike/ bus/ car. / On foot.
18.What will you feel if an earthquake happens? I will feel frightened.
19.How is your father today? He is fine, thank you.
20.How much time do you spend studying everyday? About four hours.
21.What do you do after class? I often play football with my classmates.
22.What will you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a teacher.
23.Who is the best student in your class?
24.Which do you like better, apples or bananas? I like apples better.
25.What’s the Chinese meaning of “ Summer Palace”?
26.Why should we protect wildlife?
27.Do you feel cold today? Yes, I do.
28.What’s subject do you study at school? I study English, math and Chinese.
29.Do you read English everyday? Yes, I do.
30.What does a parrot have? It has colorful feathers.
Part Two Reading
Please read the six reading passages as fluently as you can.
Part Three Topic Speaking
1) 朋友
4.我们经常一起做作业 , 互相帮助。
2) 学校生活
4.我们 学校有很多课外活动,比如篮球,足球,乒乓球。
3) 出游的一天
4) 野生动物
5) 观鸟
6) 自然灾害
英语口语大全 篇12
Part One Ask and answer
1. What’s your name? My name is ~
2. Which class are you in? I am in Class ~
3. Which grade are you in? I am in grade ~
4. What’s the weather like today? It’s fine/ cloudy/ rainy/ windy ~
5. How many people are there in your family? There are there/ five~
6. What’s your favourite food/sports/subject~? My favorite food/ sports is ~
7. Do you like giant pandas? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
8. Are you good at English? Yes, I am. / No, I am not.
9. Where were you born? I was born in Kunshan.
10.How often do you go home? Once a week.
11.When do you usually have lunch? At eleven.
12.What’s your mother? She is a teacher/ worker/ driver~
13.What are your parents like? They are kind and friendly.
14.What will you do if you want to protect giant pandas?
15.How many seasons are there in a year? There are four.
16.Where do you live? I live in Kunshan.
17.How do you usually go to school? By bike/ bus/ car. / On foot.
18.What will you feel if an earthquake happens? I will feel frightened.
19.How is your father today? He is fine, thank you.
20.How much time do you spend studying everyday? About four hours.
21.What do you do after class? I often play football with my classmates.
22.What will you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a teacher.
23.Who is the best student in your class?
24.Which do you like better, apples or bananas? I like apples better.
25.What’s the Chinese meaning of “ Summer Palace”?
26.Why should we protect wildlife?
27.Do you feel cold today? Yes, I do.
28.What’s subject do you study at school? I study English, math and Chinese.
29.Do you read English everyday? Yes, I do.
30.What does a parrot have? It has colorful feathers.
Part Two Reading
Please read the six reading passages as fluently as you can.
Part Three Topic Speaking
1) 朋友
4.我们经常一起做作业 , 互相帮助。
2) 学校生活
4.我们 学校有很多课外活动,比如篮球,足球,乒乓球。
3) 出游的一天
4) 野生动物
5) 观鸟
6) 自然灾害
英语口语大全 篇13
1) How about coming to my place for dinner this Saturday?
2) Have you got any plan for this weekend?
3) I am having some friends around during the weekend. Would you like to join us
4) Let’s get together sometime next week. What date do you suggest?
5) I wonder if we could arrange a meeting.
6) I’d like to invite you over for dinner this Friday.
7) Shall we have lunch together?
8) Why don’t we have lunch together?
在这一阶段教学中,笔者还注意结合所练内容不断给学生补充一些与他们日常生活及学习密切相关的语句, 如:
1) Simon blew Mary a kiss.(西蒙给马丽一个飞吻)
2) I’ll walk (take or see) you home. (我送你回家。)
3) We pooled in money to buy Alice a birthday cake.(我们凑钱给爱丽斯买了个生日蛋糕。).
4) I was pressed for time.(我时间很紧张。)
5) The cameras whirred and the flashbulbs popped.(照相机飕飕响,闪光灯呼呼叫。
6) The second book was a slim volume.(第二本书很薄.)
7) The teacher was impressed with me.(老师对我印象很深。)
8) She let out the secret by a slip of the tongue.(她说走了嘴。)
9) Exercises dull our appetite.(运动使得我们没了胃口。)
10) Her job at the TV Station didn’t officially start for another two weeks.(她在电台的工作两周以后才正式开始。)
11) One morning I woke up early and flipped on a movie channel.(一天早上我醒来很早,顺手摇开了一家电影屏道。)
12) She was chewing a huge wad of gum, which she fashioned into a bubble with her tongue.(她正在嚼一大块口香糖,然后把它吹成一个泡。)
13) The California sunlight blinded me as I walked back to my motor home.(在我回我旅宿汽车的路上,,加利福尼亚的太阳照得我睁不开眼。)
14) Soon after that I ran a relay race during an important high school track and field meet.(不久,在学校一次重要的田径会上,我参加了接力赛。)
15) She was already half way down the path, pushing her bicycle with a slow, dream like gait.(她已经走到半路了,象在梦中一样地缓慢地推着自行车。)
16) She’d arrived to collect Grace in the normal way.(她像往常一样来接格雷斯)
17) She brought her mother tea in bed and ran a bath for her.(她给她妈妈倒了一杯茶,送到床头,接着又给她放好了洗澡水。)
18) Everyone else wore T-shirts with slogans on them.(人人都穿文化衫。)
19) The Rock music blared from their dormitory.(从他们宿舍中传来了摇滚乐的吼叫声。)
20) They heard television blare.(电视机的声音震耳欲聋。)
21) His English was good but in moments of stress, he dropped words.(它的英语不错,但在关键时刻,他说的丢三拉四。)
22) A flush of alarm prickled her skin.(一阵恐慌使得她浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。)
(1) Tell the class about your holiday. Did you go home or travel? What did you do with your family each day or where did you do/who did you see/visit? Explain.
(2) Discuss the customs of Chinese New Year. What do people do to prepare for the New Year/Spring Festival? Are there some interesting activities that you do in your family or hometown to celebrate? Explain.
(3) This Chinese New Year is the Year of the Dragon. What does that mean and what should happen in a Dragon year? Discuss the 12 years/animals of the new year and what each one is supposed to bring according to which animal.
(4) If you have a different favorite holiday other than Spring Festival, discuss what it is and why it is your favorite holiday.
(3) What is the best place you have ever traveled to? Why did you like that place and what made it special?
B :
(1) What kind of service do you get in stores? Has it gotten better or worse over the years? Do you think more shops are employing a "The customer is always right" attitude and greeting people more often with a smile? Or are stores too aggressive now in promoting sales?
(2) Have you ever been treated by a shop-assistant who was not willing to help you? What happened and were you able to remedy the situation? Are shop-assistants ever punished or fired for being rude to customers?
(4) What kinds of things do stores do to get customers to come in to shop? Do they often offer something for free if you shop there more frequently or by more goods? Have you ever gotten something free or won anything in a store?
(5) Have you ever bought things you don’t need in hopes of winning something? Were you lucky or unlucky? Some people spend a lot of money on things like lottery tickets, hoping to win a lot of money or a big prize. Do you think there is always a chance you might by lucky, or that it is a waste of money?
If shops are to be successful in their sales, what should they do to have good customer relations, encourage shoppers, and promoter their goods?
提高学生口语的思辨能力是口语教学的最高阶段。这一阶段的主要目的是培养学生作长篇论述的能力。目前,大多数中国学生需要口语输出时,讲的多是零星片语,而形不成有序的逻辑主体。其主要原因是缺乏联想与想象这方面的训练,不知道应从多角度多层面进行剖析。针对这一现象,笔者在教学中通过循序渐进的形式积极引导学生对每一个会话题材进行横向和纵向的分析。如在组织讨论 "What is Happiness?" 时,笔者引导学生先做横向讨论,既不同的人有不同的幸福观:中学生的幸福观是什么?大学生的幸福观是什么?单身汉的幸福观是什么?年轻夫妇的幸福观是什么?老年人的幸福观是什么?知识分子的幸福观是什么?这时可引用爱尔兰著名诗人叶的话来总结知识分子的幸福观:我们终生的幸福取决于我们选择困难的难度。再从纵向来讲,即使同一个人在不同的时期也具有不同的幸福观。笔者用自己的例子加以说明,然后鼓励学生从各自不同的成长阶段寻找例子,或从身边其它人不同的成长阶段发掘例子等。第三从逆向讲,幸福不应只注重结果而忽略过程。对幸福的追求中,饱含渴望的过程更为重要。如改革开放初期,许多年轻人涌向深圳寻求机会,梦想着做出一番成就。经过几年奋斗才发现自己可能永远不会成为企业家或老板,有人可能会永远处于社会的底层。这时是退却还是失望?不,应该及时调整自己的心态。即使你不能达到希望的顶层,但你同样可以享受生活,享受现代科学给你带来的乐趣。最后再进一步深化讨论的主体,得出获得幸福的关键是保持心理平衡,并分析、阐释这一观点。通过这样一系列的引导和讨论,不仅活跃了学生的思维、提高了口语的思辨能力,而且陶冶了情操。
英语口语大全 篇14
此外,教师应不时鼓励学生能即学即用,能将课堂上学到的运用到生活中,比如鼓励学生早晨见到老师能主动说:“ Good morning!”下午放学时能主动说:“Goodbye!”,只有这样才能达到学习英语的最终目的。
上一篇:初一 Unit14 Im watching TV.教案