
Lesson 43-

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Lesson 43-(精选16篇)

Lesson 43- 篇1

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise the dialogue and picture in SB page 23, Part 2.

  2 Revise the dialogue in Lesson 23, Step 2 and add a further suggestion using Why not…?

  A: Shall we go to the zoo?

  B: No, let's go to Zhongshan .Park!

  A: OK! Why not ask the twins too?

  B: Good idea!

  Step 2 Word families

  SB page 24, Part 1. Speech Cassette .

  Ss listen and repeat. Remember that, for each group, the pronunciation is the same but the spelling varies: toilet, boy. Practise the individual sounds and the words with flashcards in the usual way.

  Wb , Ex. 1. The answers are: meal, twin, toilet, from.

  Step 3 Stress and intonation

  SB page 24, Part 2. Speech Cassette .

  Ss listen and repeat. Get them to use gestures to show the stress and intonation as they speak.

  Step 4 Reading

  Ask What animals live in a zoo? Make a list of the Ss' answers on the Bb.

  SB page 24, Part 3. Ask Which animals do Lin Tao and Jim see? Get the Ss to read the dialogue quickly to find the answer. Then the Ss do Wb , Ex . 2 in pairs . Check the answers with the whole class .

  Speech Cassette . Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat.

  Step 5 Acting

  Ss practise the dialogue in pairs in the usual way. Get some pairs to act it out dramatically (using books for reference only ) .

  Step 6 Checkpoint 6

  Go through Checkpoint 6 and explain any problems arising.

  Practise telling the time.

  Step 7 Test

  1 Dictate the following words and expressions:

  a quarter past nine, half past eleven, ten minutes to four, a little earlier.

  2 Write the following on the Bb:

  1 A: ______?

  B: No, thank you .

  2 A: ______?

  B: I would love to.

  3 A: ______?

  B: All right .

  Get the Ss to complete the above dialogues.

  Step 8 Workbook

  Do Wb , Ex . 3, if time permits .

  Do Ex . 3 in writing first, then the Ss practise the dialogues in pairs .

  The answers are:

  1 Would/Could; Yes/Certainly; Shall;

  Good idea .

  2 is going; great/good; Shall; Let's; All right/OK/Great .


  Learn the contents of Checkpoint 6.

  Revise the language items in this unit .

Lesson 43- 篇2

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Check the homework: get several pairs of Ss to do Ex. 1 in Wb Lesson 14.

  2 Practise the dialogue in SB Page 14, Part 1, using other vocabulary(e. g. items of clothing).

  Step 2 Reading

  SB page 15, Part 1. Tell the Ss that Li Lei's class are going to work on a farm. Ask How are they going to the farm? Let the Ss read the dialogue silently to find the answer.

  Let the Ss work in pairs to answer the questions in SB page 15, Part 2. Go through the answers and get the Ss to guess the meaning of pick apples and on the road. Explain that Only some school work is short for I'm only going to do some school work and that It's much better than having classes means that Jim is very happy because he is not going to go to school next week!

  Difficult phrases and sentences can be translated into Chinese.

  Step 3 Acting

  Speech Cassette . Play the tape. Listen and repeat, then practise the dialogue in pairs. Teach the Ss how to read dramatic dialogue. They look at the book before they speak each line, but look at their partner as they speak. In this way they can use facial expressions and gestures more effectively. Get some pairs to act out the dialogue.

  Step 4 Listening

  Wb , Ex. 1. Listening Cassette , Part 3. As usual, play the tape at least three times before asking the students to complete the sentences in the Wb.

  Listening text:

  WEI HUA:Hi, Lucy! Are you going to come with us tomorrow?

  LUCY: Where to?

  WEI HUA:We're going to work on a farm.

  LUCY: Really? Great! I'd love to come. What are we going to do?

  WEI HUA:We're going to help the farmers to pick pears.

  LUCY: Pears! Great! I love pears!

  WEI HUA:We're going to pick them, not eat them!

  LUCY: How are we getting there?

  WEI HUA:By bus. We're going to meet outside the school gate.

  LUCY: OK! When are we going to meet?

  WEI HUA:We're going to meet at 7:20. OK? Oh, put on your oldest clothes!

  LUCY: 7:20 in my oldest clothes. OK! See you! Bye!

  WEI HUA:Bye!

  The answers are:1 farm, 2 pears, 3 bus,4 the school gate, 7:20, 5 their oldest clothes.

  Step 5 Workbook

  Wb , E. 2 and 3.

  Do Ex. 2 orally first, then get the Ss to write in the answers.

  The answers are: are/is, going, help, with, pick, much, is, early, outside, not, by ,old, work.

  Ask them to work in pairs to prepare six questions on the passage, using the questions in SB page 15, Part 2 as a model.

  Ex. 3 can also be done in pairs, like this:

  A:I am going to help Mother wash clothes on Sunday. I am not going to see my friend.

  B:Are you going to see your friend on Sunday?

  A:No, I'm not.

  B:Are you going to help Mother wash clothes?

  A:Yes, I am.


  Revise the dialogue in SB page 15, Part 1.

  Revise the be going to structure and the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.

  Do Wb Ex. 3 as written homework.

Lesson 43- 篇3

  Step 1 Revision

  Give the Ss some more puzzles for the map on colour page iv . Get some Ss to make up puzzles as well.

  Step 2 Word families

  SB page 36, Part 1. Speech Cassette . Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Practise the individual sounds, then show flashcards randomly and get the Ss to pronounce the words written on them.

  Do Wb , Ex. 1. This exercise contains unknown words . Ss must work out their pronunciation with the spelling rules they know.

  Step 3 Practice

  Revise briefly the dialogues in SB page 33, Part 2. Ss work in pairs, asking and answering about places on the map.

  SB page 36, Part 2. Speech Cassette . Books closed! Play the tape: Ss try to draw a map as they hear the first dialogue.

  Play the tape again. Ss listen and repeat. Practise the dialogues with the class . Then Ss work in pairs: those giving directions should draw a simple diagram as they speak.

  Ask some pairs to act out their dialogue. The student giving directions could draw the map on the Bb.

  When the Ss practise the second dialogue, they can substitute post office and policeman with other words.

  Step 4 Checkpoint 9

  Go through Checkpoint 9 in the usual way.

  Discuss any problems that the Ss may raise.

  Step 5 Presentation

  Present these dialogues, using appropriate gesturcs:

  1 A: I'm hungry. I need to buy some food.

  B: You'd better find a fruit/ food shop.

  2 A: I'm a student. I need to buy some books.

  B: You'd better find a bookshop.

  Say these dialogues again. Get the Ss to listen and repeat. Get the Ss to give suitable responses to:

  T: My shoes are broken. I need to buy some new ones.

  I am going to Beijing/ Shanghai. I need to catch a train.

  I am going shopping. I need to catch a bus.

  Ask some Ss to make up similar sentences for the class to give suitable responses.

  Step 6 Test

  Dictate the following dialogue:

  A: Excuse me. * Where's * the nearest * fruit shop, * please?

  B: Take* the second turning* on the right. * It's next to* the post office.

  A: Thanks very much .

  B: You're welcome.

  Step 7 Workbook

  Wb , E. 2 and 3 are oral exercises, to be done in pairs . Ex. 3 is optional. Discuss. the answers with the whole class and tracs the routes on the map. There are about five ways to the school.


  Write down two of the dialogues for Wb Ex. 2.

  Learn the contents of Checkpoint 8.

Lesson 43- 篇4

  Note: The aim of Part 1 -Word families is to revise spelling rules as well as English sounds and transcriptions .

  Step 1 Revision

  Revise the Present Continuous Tense by miming an action. Get the Ss to guess what you are doing: You're flying a kite! You're riding a bike! etc.

  Ask some Ss to come and mime other actions for the class to guess .

  Step 2 Word families

  Write on the board: Lesson Four, the fourth lesson.

  SB page 4, Part 1. Speech Cassette . Ss listen and repeat. Note that the letters at the top of each list show the different spellings that are used for each sound. Practise these sounds individually before practising the whole words.

  Show the Ss a flashcard and ask them to pronounce the word written on it.

  Do Wb Ex. 1. The answers are: short, thank, young, love.

  Step 3 Presentation

  Get the class to count quickly from 1 to 100, pointing to individual Ss at random and asking them to give the next number in sequence.

  Ask questions about the class: How many girls/boys are there in this class? How many Young Pioneers are there? How many students like basketball/ swimming/flying kites? etc.

  Step 4 Practice

  SB page 4, Part 2. Read through the table with the Ss and ask some questions about it. Then Ss ask and answer in pairs, making up their own questions.

  Step 5 Checkpoint 1

  Discuss the Grammar section in Checkpoint 1 with the Ss, drilling, giving examples and explaining difficult points when necessary.

  Practise the pronunciation of the “useful expressions” and give examples of their use.

  Step 6 Test

  Give the Ss a short dictation test:

  At school, * all the students* are working hard* today. *Lucy and Lily* are cleaning the classroom. *Jim is carrying* some books* in a big box. *Li Lei is putting* his ruler and eraser* in his pencil-box. *What about Polly? * Oh, *Polly is sleeping!

  Write the English names: Lucy, Lily, Jim, Polly on the Bb if your Ss find it hard to spell them.

  Step 7 Workbook

  Wb , E. 2-4.

  Ex. 2 may be done orally first, and then in writing. Check the answers.

  For Ex. 3, get the Ss to fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

  Ex. 4 is optional. Read through the dialogue with the Ss. The Ss practise it in pairs. Get some pairs to act it out.


  Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  Get Ss to do Ex. 2 in their exercise books.

Lesson 43- 篇5

  lesson 43class opening1.      greeting.2.      duty report.3.      play “what day is it?” to review the days of the week, the months of the year and ordinal numbers.4.      ask some volunteers to act out the dialogue in lesson 42.5.      play “spell it” to review gift. ask a volunteer to draw a gift on the blackboard after the class has successful spelled the word.christmas , spring festival, holiday. festival, special.step1: presentationshow some pictures or slides of christmas, easter, spring festival, sun dance, talk about them.step2: practice1.      play the audiotape as the students follow along in their books.2.      present. ask for volunteers to read in front of the class.3.      make up a new dialogue.divide the class into small groups. ask each group to make up a dialogue about their favourtie holiday.4.      discuss.5.      do you invite friends to your house on christmas day?do they bring gifts?what do you do during christmas day?what else do you know about christmas?5 play “go fish” or “memory card” to practice the key vocabulary in this lesson.class closing1.      finish off the activity book.2.      practice the dialogue in this lesson.3.      preview lesson 44.

Lesson 43- 篇6

  Step 1 Revision

  Revise the forms of the Simple Past Tense learnt so far(did, went, had) by asking individual Ss What time did you have breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday? What time did you go to school/ home/to bed? Help the Ss to answer. Note these answers on the Bb and ask about them: What time did he/she…?

  Practise the question forms, then get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs.

  Step 2 Presentation

  Show a picture of someone swimming and say What did LiLei do yesterday? He went swimming. Repeat for Jim(did his homework)and Wei Hua(went shopping). Ask randomly What did Li Lei/Jim/Wei Hua do yesterday? Help the Ss to answer.

  Present Did Li Lei play football yesterday? No, he didn't. Did he go fishing? Yes, he did. Ask similar questions to elicit No, he/she didn't. Yes, he/she did. Pay attention to the pronunciation of didn't/'didn't/.

  Ask individual Ss Did you play basketball(etc)yesterday? to practise No, I didn't. Yes, I did. Note that for all persons the past form of the action verb remains the same.

  Step 3 Practice

  Ask a student to come to the front. The class must ask as many questions as possible to find out what the student did yesterday.

  Give some examples: Did you eat bread yesterday? Did you buy any fruit yesterday? Help the student to answer Yes, I did. No, I didn't. Say I can't remember! if necessary.

  Then Ss ask and answer in pairs about themselves.

  Step4 Presentation

  Use pictures to teach or revise rice, dumpling, noodles, porridge, fish, meat, vegetables, fruit, chicken, eggs, bread. For each one ask Ss Did you/he/she/they eat rice/…yesterday? Helpthem to answer Yes/No, I/he/She/they did/ didn't as appropriate.

  SB page 47, Part1. Read through the vocabulary with the Ss. Practise the pronunciation carefully. Revise the spelling rules: u/)/, oo/u:/, o/&/, etc.

  Step 5 Read, ask and answer

  SB page 47, Part 2. Let the Ss look at the table for a moment.

  Make sure they understand what they are required to do. Ask Did…? questions, such as Did Jim have eggs for breakfast yesterday? Then get individual Ss to make up Did…?

  questions in the same way. Finally, get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs.

  Step 6 Ask and answer

  SB page 47, Part 3. Ask the What…?

  questions, then get individual Ss to make up some more. Let the Ss ask and answer in pairs.

  Step 7 Workbook

  Wb , E. 1-3.

  Do Ex. 1 orally in pairs and write the answers in the form.

  For Ex. 2 get a pair of Ss to read the dialogue and make sure the Ss understand it. Ask some Ss How many lessons did you have yesterday morning/afternoon? What lessons did you have? What did your Chinese teacher say about the homework? If possible, you may tell the Ss the English for some other subjects, e. g. maths, P.E., etc. Then get the Ss to practise the dialogue in pairs.

  Do Ex. 3 orally in class. The Ss are encouraged to think of more sentences using the past forms of verb to be.


  Write eight sentences for Wb , Ex3. Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  Revise the new vocabulary and language points in this unit.

Lesson 43- 篇7

  Period: The Second Period


  Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures.

  Teaching Objectives:

  1. Understand the text.

  2. Revise different verb tenses.

  Language Focus:

  1. The useful expressions: so far, with one’s help, thanks to.

  2. The Present Perfect Tense.

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing the teaching aims

  II. Revision

  Revise the dialogue in Lesson 45.

  III. Leading in

  Show some pictures that introduce the sun, the moon, the earth, space, spaceship, satellite, universe, etc.

  Ask the students to look at the pictures and say: Look, this is a satellite. Today we are going to read about it. The title of the passage is “The Universe and Man - made satellite”. Watch the video about satellite and speak out what a satellite is.

  After watching, let the students discuss the questions for a while. Get them to give the explanations in English.

  For instance: A satellite goes round the earth. The moon is a satellite of the earth. There are many man-made satellites in the space too. Then explain that man-made is an adjective meaning made by people. “Man” in this text means “the human race”.

  IV. Reading

  Get the students to look at the questions below:

  1. What do we mean when we talk about the universe?

  2. Why can’t many stars be seen?

  3. How far is the moon away from the earth?

  4. Has the moon been visited by man already?

  5. Have any man-made machines travelled farther than the moon? What are they?

  6. What do you know about the universe?

  7. Why do we say the world itself is becoming smaller and smaller?

  8. Read the passage carefully and discuss the answers in pairs. Finally check the answers with the whole class.

  Give the students some more background information about spaceships without people: Some spaceships have been sent to visit different planets, such as Mars, Venus and Jupiter.

  Ask the students to write down the answers in the exercise books. The suggested answer to the last question is: With the help of the man-made satellites, it is easy for different countries to send and receive messages. We can also use satellites to help us make telephone calls to foreign countries.

  V. Practice

  Play Speech Cassette or video for the students to listen or watch. For the second time, let the students repeat after it, at last, the students can read the passage at the same time while playing the sounds.

  Give the students some free time to practice reading aloud. Then ask some of them to read in class. Check their reading. Explain:

  so far: We have learned 2000 words so far.

  With one’s help: With the teachers help, he caught up with the other students.

  Knowledge: Our knowledge of the USA is not so good.

  Thanks to: Thanks to Tom’s help, we finished the work on time.

  VI. Do Exercise below:

  The universe means the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, and the space ______ them. Many of the stars are so ______ away that we ______ see them.

  The moon, our ______, travelled ______ the earth. It has been visited _____ man in spaceships.

  Man-made ______ have been sent up ______ space by many countries. They go ______ the earth. They are used for helping us to learn more ______ the earth, the weather and other things. They are also used for sending and ______ messages. It makes people ______ different countries understand each other better. So people say the world itself is becoming a much ______ place. People call the small place “the global village”.

  The answers: between, far, can not, satellite, round, by, satellites, into, round, about, receiving, from, smaller

  VII. Consolidation

  Read the passage again, ask the students to find sentences what replace those in text.

  1) Text —Many of the stars cannot be seen because they are too far away.

  Exercise —Many of the stars are so far away that we cannot see them.

  2) Text —The moon travels round the earth. It is our satellite. Exercise —The moon, our satellite, travels round the earth.

  VIII. Homework

  1.Fill in the blanks。

  Man-made s ________ have been s ________ up into space by many countries. They can be used for sending and r ________ messages. For example, w ________ their help, China can send its TV and radio p ________ to the other side of the w ________. We can also use them to help us m ________ telephone, calls to f ________ countries. T ________ to them, the world itself is becoming a much s ________ place and people from different countries. Now u ________ each other better.

  2. Let the students retell the text.

  3. Make six sentences using the Present Perfect Tense.

Lesson 43- 篇8






  教学过程 :

  Step 1 Revision

  (1)写出下列单词的过去式:live, move, find, come, want

  (2)Role play:组织学生表演第33课read and act .

  Step 2 Leading- in


  (1)What kind of machine is memory Robot?

  (2)Who invent memory Robot?

  (3)Why did she invent memory Robot?

  今天我们看一看Mr. Mott是如何采访Ann的.

  Step 3 Presentation

  (1)Draw a time line across the Bb and say some key words.

  Let me tell you about Ann. She lives in China now. In 1996, she lived in France. In 1995, she lived in England. Now she is enjoying living in China.


  (3)Listen to Mott and Ann. “When was Ann born? When did she move to France?”

  (4)Ask the Ss about Ann, and use their answers to draw a time line on the Bb.

  When was Ann born? When did he move to France/China?

  Where did he live in 1996? Where does he live now? etc.

  (5)Let the Ss practise reading and acting out the whole dialogue.

  Step 4 Drills


  情景:Zhao Lan is a Chinese girl. She is studying English in American now. The reporter of CNN is going to take a review with her.

  教师用投影仪出示采访提纲:Where were you born?

  When were you born?

  How long did you live there?

  When did you come to American?

  Why did you come to American?

  Do you enjoy living here?

  Do you like English?

  How is your English?


  Step 5 Exercise in class

  I live, be, move, come, find, work

  Ann____ born in England on May 18, 1987. She ____ there for about nine years and then ____ to France with her parents, because her father ____ work there. Two years ago, they ____ to China because her parents wanted to ____ in China . They enjoy ____ in China very much.

  Key: was, lived, moved, found, came, work, living

  Step 6 Homework

  (1)Copy the new words and the phrases.

  (2)Ex.2 on Page 43

  (3)Make dialogues.

  Step 7 The design of the blackboard

Lesson 43- 篇9

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Check the homework .

  2 Practise the dialogue in SB page 22, Part 1.

  Step 2 Revision

  Revise the different responses to suggestions: Good idea! OK! All right! Practise, by saying Let's go shopping! or Shall we go to the zoo? to Ss and getting them to respond.

  Then get the Ss to make a counter-proposal: No, let's go to Zhongshan Park .

  Pairwork: get the Ss to make up dialogues in this pattern:

  A: Shall we go to the zoo?

  B: No, let's go to Zhongshan Park!

  A: OK! .

  Get some pair to perform their dialogues .

  Step 3 Reading

  SB page 23, Part 1. Do the first as an example, then let the Ss complete the exercise alone. They check the answers in pairs, then with the whole class. Note that at a quarter to is short for at a quarter to ten.

  For some questions there may be alternative answers, e.g. Shall we have supper at six?.

  The answer could be Good idea! or No, let's make it half past.

  Step 4 Read and act

  SB page 23, Part 2. Speech Cassette .

  Ask What can you, see in the picture? Teach This boat looks like a duck. This one looks like a chicken, pointing to the appropriate boats. Ask Do they go in a boat? Let the Ss read the dialogue quickly to find the answer.

  Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat.

  Ask comprehension questions, such as Are English people good at boating? What do the boats look like? Then ask some Ss Are you good at boating? What are you good at?

  Let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs in the usual way, and then ask some pairs to act it out dramatically.

  Step 5 Workbook

  Wb , Ex. 1. Ss ask and answer in pairs . Check the answers with the whole class .

  Step 6 Listening

  Wb , Ex. 2. Listening Cassette , Part 3. Look at the form before playing the tape. Play the tape as many times as necessary.

  Listening text:

  The Greens and the Kings live in the same road.

  The Kings usually get up at about a quarter to seven, and have breakfast at about a quarter past seven. They have lunch at a quarter past twelve, and usually have supper quite early----at about a quarter to six . They go to bed at about ten o'clock at night. The Greens usually have breakfast a little later----at about half past seven. They have their lunch at about half past twelve. They usually have supper quite late----at about a quarter to seven. At night they go to bed at about a quarter to eleven.

  The answers are: The Kings----12:15, 5:45, 10:00; The Greens----7:30, 12:30, 6:45, 10:45.

  Step 7 Workbook

  Wb , Ex. 3 (orally). Do the first one of each section as a model, then Ss work in pairs. The answers to What does that look like are: 1 a tiger, 2 a dog, 3 a monkey, 4 a panda, 5 the moon, 6 a chicken, 7 a duck, 8 a house. The answers to Are you good at…?

  1 running, 2 playing football, 3 flying a kite, 4 jumping.


  Finish off the Workbook exercises .

  Revise the language items in Lessons 21-23.

  Write down the questions and answers in Wb Ex. 1 in the exercise books.

Lesson 43- 篇10

  教学目标 :

  1.使同学掌握本课表示频率的重点单词:Never, sometimes, usually, often, always, how often,和部分特殊疑问句。


  教具:Picture and recorder

  教学过程 :

  Step 1 Revision

  1. Revise the dialogue.


  A: What time did you get up yesterday?

  B: I got up at six.

  A: When did you go to school?

  B: I went to school at ten past eight.

  A: How did you go to school?

  B: I went to school by bus.

  A: What time did you get to school?

  B: …

  2. 复习一般过去时态和一般现在时.


  Eat, get, go, swim, fly, slept, run, begin, catch, have.

  Step 2 Presentation

  1. 教师引入

  This term will be over, we want to know something about you. Now, look at the survey, work in pairs and ask the following question.






  Like watching TV

  Twenty nine students

  Like eating fruit

  Ten students

  Get to school late

  Only three students sometimes

  Away from school


  Often be ill



  Step 3 Writing



  Tom was never away from school last year. He sometimes was ill. He always got to school early. He wet to bed before 9:30.

  He watched TV quite often. Every day he did sport less than five hours. He ate a lot of fruit and vegetables.

  Step 4 Summary


  Step 5 Exercise in class


  1. 他们经常访问英国。

  2. 我们有时外出就餐。

  3. 她晚上总是在家。

  4. 我从来不能在家做事。

  5. 我有时整个周末都在睡觉。


  1. They often visit Britain.

  2. We sometimes eat out.

  3. She is always at home in the evening.

  4. I can never work at home.

  5. Sometimes I sleep all weekend./I sleep all weekend sometimes.

  Step 6 Homework

  (1) Copy the new words and phrase.

  (2) Do the exercise 1 in page 150 of your text book .

  Step 7 The design of the blackboard

  How long…? Less/ More than a week.

  How often…? Never/ Always / Sometimes.

  How many…? Six hours or more.

Lesson 43- 篇11


  1.掌握单词 compute mouse keyboard cup desk bed bag

  2.掌握句型:What’s this?Is this a cup?No,it isn’t.Is this a map?Yes,it is.







  2.学生学法:和同桌一起做个游戏。在纸上画画,让另一个同学用英语问:Is this a/an…?猜画的内容。猜对了,你就说:Yes,it is.猜错了,你就说No.it isn’t.再互扮角色,直到猜对为止。猜的时候注意正确的语音,语调。




  Step 1 Revision (8 mins)

  1.Duty report and have a free talk.(让同桌或前后桌,根据以前学的句型自由会话3分钟)


  Step 2 Presentation (10 mins)

  1.教师指着教室的桌子问:What’s this in English?学生答:It’s a desk.指着学生书包 问:What’s this in English? 让学生答:It’s a bag.接着指着班级的微机问:And what’s this in English? 帮助学生答:It’s a computer.学习单词computer。用同样的方法学习单词 mouse keyboard cup and map.

  2.用微机做出动画,呈现My room画面,老师让学生看图问答:What’s this in English? 墙上的钟表闪烁两下.学生回答:It’s a clock.接着再闪。computer/map/desk/ mouse/ bag/ bed等词.让学生用同样的句型回答。

  3.教师问:Is this a cup?让学生答Yes,it is.或No it isn’t.

  Step 3 Drill(7 mins)

  1.两人一组看图对My room画面对话。



  Step 4 Practice(3 mins)


  如:A:What’s this in English?

  B:Is this a computer?

  A:No, it isn’t.

  B:Is this a desk?

  A:Yes, it is.

  Step 5 Consolidation (12 mins)



  What’s this in English? Is this a bag?

  No, it isn’t. Is this a map? Yes,it is.


  Step 6 Workbook




  Step 7 Summary(3 mins)

  让学生总结出本课所学单词,句型。(单词五个。句型:What’s this in English? Is this a book? Yes, it is)。

  Step 8 Homework (2 mins)


  2.描述自己的房间,并编对话.Do Ex.4in the Workbook.



  What’s this in English? computer.

  Is this cup? mouse

  No, it isn’t. keyboard

  Is this a clock? desk

  Yes, it is. map




  c __ mp __ ter b __ d b __ g c __ p m __ se d __sk

  __ ngl __ sh wh __ t k __ __ b __ ard


  A:What’s this in_____?

  B:Is ____ a _____(微机)?

  A:No, it ____.

  B:Is ______ a ______(杯子)?

  A:______, it ______.

Lesson 43- 篇12

  lesson 15class opening1.      greetingteacher: hello, class. how are you doing today? it’s a lovely day, isn’t it? are you ready for the class?2.      ask this question: who’s on duty? then listen to the student’s report.make sure the next student for “ who’s on duty?” knows who he or she is for next time.from today on, you can arrange a student to give a duty report every day.3.      ask volunteers to act out the dialogue in lesson 44.      sing a song “a plane is fast.”sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday.make a plan.what do you think of it?step1: presentation1.      play “what day is it?’2.      discuss: do you like to make plans for your life?step2: drillt: (holding a book) what do you think of the book?s: it’s ok.t: (holding a pencil case) what do you think of the pencil case?s: it’s nice.t: how about the picture?step3: practice1.      books closed! ask this question: what does li ming change in the plan? play the audiotape.2.      check the answer.3.      play the audiotape as the students follow along in their student books.4.      students listen and repeat.5.      get the students to make up new dialogues in pairs.6.      explain “ write home”. it means write a letter to family members.plan of our tripstep4: presentationshow the students a calendar to review the words: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday.step5: practice1.      play the audiotape as the students follow along in their student books.2.      ask and answer.students a: what do they on monday?student b: they leave shijiazhuang and arrive in beijing.student a: what do they do on tuesday?3.      explain that danny and jenny shop in shijiazhuang means danny and jenny go shopping in shjiazhuang.class closing read the story “li ming goes to the airport” the reader in the activity book and audiotape

Lesson 43- 篇13





  会正确应用:May I speak to..., please?

  Hold on, please.


  Can I take a message?等等。






  建议Lesson 50和Lesson 52一起课讲。


  Step 1 Revision


  A: Hello, this is Kate. Who is it?

  B: This is Hanmei. Kate, would you like to come to my home and do homework with me? I want you to help me with my English.

  A: Ok. I’d love to, when?

  B: What about 3 o’clock?

  A: All right, see you then.

  B: See you.

  注:类似的一组对话可以复习到:This is…, Who is it? Would you like to…等以前的知识。


  It starts at 4:30, doesn’t it?

  It rains every day here, doesn’t it?

  He works very hard, doesn’t he?

  She gets up early every day, doesn’t she?


  Ann studies very hard, ________ she?

  Miss Gao loves us, ________ she?

  Li Lei is a good student, __________ she?

  It’s a fine day, ________ it?

  They all like English very much, _______ they?

  Step 2 Presentation

  Teacher: Do you like giving phone calls to your classmates or friends? If yes, what would you say first?

  1) Hello.

  2) May I speak to?

  3) This is ××speaking!

  4) Who is it? And so on.

  You ask the students to understand what to say, and what the purpose of the phone call is.



  打开书,教师解释:take a message和give the message

  Step 3 Practice


  同学们两两做pairs work, 练习第一段和第二段,直到较熟悉为止。

  Step 4 presentation

  教单词:telephone: phone double: two times

  老师事先和一位同学准备好Lesson 52 对话,双方拿电话机在班上展示。让这位同学在投影片填好电话留言卡,其他同学在老师事先印好的电话留言卡上填写,然后老师在投影仪上订正。提醒学生填写电话留言卡要简单扼要,它的读者只有一个人。如果大都知道Zhang Yujing 是谁,用一句祈使句即可。如:本课的电话卡message内容:

  She called you. Please call her.

  打开书,跟读录音,pair work,直到较熟悉为止。

  Step 5 Practice



  Step 6 Consolidation

  Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.

  1. I’m afraid I may be a little late.

  I’m afraid ______ I ______ ______a little late.

  2. She isn’t here right now.

  She is ______ ______ ______ ______.

  3. Can I take her a message?

  Can I take a message ______ ______?

  4. I’m very sorry, but I can’t come.

  I’m ______ I can’t come.

  5. I’ll get her the message.

  I’ll ______ the message ______ ______.

  Answers: 1. maybe, will be 2. away at the moment 3. for her 4. afraid 5. give, to her

  Step 7 Homework

  将课上两两做的pairs work整理成系统完整的邀请对话,内容不限,可以是邀请聚会,去你家做客,一起去买东西等。此作业 可以让学生2人或3人一组共同做一份。

  Step 8 Blackboard handwriting

  May I speak to …please?

  Hold on, please.

  ... speaking.

  I’d love to.

  Can I take a message?

  Could I speak to …please?

  I’m afraid he / she isn’t here.

  Thank you for doing…

  I’ll give her / him the message.

  I’m sorry, but I cannot…

Lesson 43- 篇14


  1.掌握四会单词一个:find, 三会单词一个:broom.

  2.四会掌握以下句型及短语:I can’t find the …. Can you see it/ them?

  Is it under the teacher’s desk? I know, it’s behind the door.

  3.听懂一会短语:Close your eyes./Open your eyes.


  课文第一部分的句子:I can’t find the broom.Can you see it?

  Is it under the teacher’s desk?


  句型:I can’t find the …It’s over there, under the desk.


  本课口语训练要注重实际交际活动,可以采取创设实际情景进行教学。教师可事先有意将自己的物品(笔、书、尺等)放到教室某处,最好不引起学生注意。在进行训练时,可以故意表示找不到所需要的物品,然后询问:“Where is my…?”请学生根据实际情况进行回答。也可以根据教室的实际情况进行提问,让学生如实回答。创设这种真实的情景,学生有真实的生活体验,这样才能自由问答,才能达到训练的目的,收到良好的教学效果。




  Step 1 Revision

  1. Duty report.根据值日生报告,提出问题,然后叫其他学生问答,使学生养成集中精力听课的习惯,同时训练学生的听力。

  2.Free talk.叫几组学生根据所学知识自编对话进行表演。(检查作业 完成情况)

  3.利用教室的实物,通过下列对话复习What can you see…?Can you see…?句型和介词in/on/under/ behind的用法。

  教师先叫起一名学生问答,T:What can you see in the classroom?

  :I can see a / some…

  再叫起另一名学生问答, T:Can you see the…?

  :Yes,I can.

  T:Where is it?/ Where are they?

  :It’s / They’re in/ on…


  Step 2 Presentation

  1.教师从桌子下面拿起一把扫帚自问自答:What’s this?It’s a broom.板书broom并领读。把broom放到门后。然后教师说:“Oh, where is my pen?I can’t find my pen!”叫起一名学生问:“Can you see it?”让学生找到笔,然后说:“Yes,it’s here.”接着练习找书、尺等。板书:I can’t find…Can you see it?并领读。


  T:I can’t find the broom. Can you see it?

  S:I’m sorry, I can’t.(帮助学生回答)

  T:Is it under your desk?

  S:No, it isn’t.

  T:Is it under that window?

  S:No,it isn’t.Oh,I know.It’s behind the door.

  T:(向门后看一看,拿出来)Yes,you’re right. It’s behind the door. Thanks.

  板书:I can’t find the broom.

  Can you see it?

  Is it under the window?

  Yes,you’re right. Thanks.并领读。

  Step 3 Read and act

  1.Now listen to the tape carefully. Then answer my questions. 放录音带之前提出问题:Where’s the broom?Who can find it?接着学生听录音,告诉学生注意语音、语调;再放一遍录音,让学生跟读,模仿语音语调,然后叫学生回答所提问题。




  Step 4 Drills and practice


  T:I can’t find my book.Can you see it?

  :Yes,I can.It’s on your desk.

  (让 问 )Where’s the teacher’s pen?Can you see it?

  :Sorry,I can’t.Oh, yes. It’s on the floor.(to ).Can you see the raincoat?

  :Yes,I can.It’s behind the door.(to )I can’t find….Can you see…?




  Step 5 Look, ask and say

  1.打开书,领读第三部分对话,解释Do you know?然后齐读对话。



  Step 6 Consolidation(Exercises for )


  1.一些书包_____________ 2.在墙上_____________

  3.在那窗下面_____________ 4.在门后_____________

  5. On the blackboard_____________ 6.near the window_____________


  1.I can find the broom.(改为否定句)

  2.It’s under the teacher’s desk.(改为一般疑问句)

  3.We can see our football under the table.(改为一般疑问句)

  4.I can see some flowers near the desk.(就画线部分提问)

  5.The books are in the box. (就画线部分提问)

  Step 7 Workbook


  Steps 8 Summary


  Step 9 Homework



  3.笔头作业 ,把Workbook.Ex.3抄写到作业 本上。


  Lesson 39

  New words:

  I can’t find the broom.

  Can you see it?

  broom [brum] n. Is it under the window?

  find [faind] vt. Yes, you’re right! Thanks.

  Do you know?

Lesson 43- 篇15

  Step 1 Revision

  Ask What's the date today? Revise saying the ordinals, months and year. Practise with a calendar. (See Lesson 46, Step 4 of the TB).

  Step 2 Revision

  Talk about a story in the SB(e. g. SB page 19, Part 2). Practise as much vocabulary and as many forms as possible, using Simple Past Tense forms(had, was, went, did): e. g. Where did the children go? Did Li Lei hold the ladder? DidJim have more apples than Li Lei?

  Step 3 Word families

  SB page 48, Part1. Speech Cassette .Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat.

  Practise the individual sounds, then show flash cards randomly and get the Ss to pronounce the words written on them.

  Step 4 Listening

  SB page 48, Part2. Listening Cassette . Play the tape three times if necessary. Wb , Ex. 2. Find out what the student had for breakfast, lunch and supper last Sunday.

  Listening text:

  What did you have for your meals last Sunday?

  A: Did you have fish for lunch last Sunday?

  B: No, we didn't. There wasn't any nice fish in the shop, so we had meat.

  A: Did you have porridge for breakfast?

  B: No, we didn't. There wasn't any rice, so we had bread and milk.

  A: What did you have for supper?

  B: We had chicken and rice.

  The answers are: bread and milk for breakfast, meat for lunch, chicken and rice for supper.

  Step 5 Checkpoint 12

  Go through the sentences in Checkpoint 12.Drill the question forms like this:

  T: I had fish yesterday.

  Ss: Did you have fish yesterday?

  T: Yes, I did. She had rice for breakfast.

  Ss: Did she have rice for breakfast?

  T: Yes, she did. etc.

  Drill the question forms using other verbs, likethis:

  T: get up at six

  SA: Did you get up at six yesterday?

  SB: Yes, I did. /No, I didn't.

  T: come to school on foot

  SA: Did you come…? etc.

  Discuss any problems that the Ss might raise.

  Step 6 Test

  Dictate the following dates:

  July 1st, 1997; August 25th, 1983; September14th, 1742; February 22nd, 1660; January 30th,1549; December 3rd, 1895.

  Step 7 Workbook

  Wb , E. 1—3.

  The answers to Ex. 1 are: cheap, child, touch, catch; village, June, train, truck; dress, drive, gates, needs; rides, grades, hands, starts.

  The answers to Ex.3 are: Did, have; did; did, have; had; did; had. had; did; did; played; have; did; have; have.

  Step 8 Listen and say

  As the New Year is coming, tell the Ss to say Happy New Year! to friends and relatives on New Year's Day. The reply is usually Happy New Year(to you)! or The same to you!


  Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  Write out the words in Wb , Ex.1 in the exercise books.

Lesson 43- 篇16

  一、教学目的(Teaching aims)

  本课将使学生四会O P Q R S T这些字母,并初步听说否定词not.

  本课重点中还要学生挖掘运用两个词的编写,如 What's.I'm.

  并要掌握简单的介绍 This is…

  二、本课难点(Difficult points)

  l.注意这几个字母的发音 要求学生读准。


  3.指出在肯定回答是,只能用Yes,I am而不能用缩写 Yes,I'm。

  三、教学方法(Teaching methods)


  2.通过问 Are you…?引出否定词not,并大量练习。


  四、教具(Teaching aids)


  五、教学过程 (Teaching procedures)

  Step 1 Revision (10 mins)

  1. Duty report.

  2. Free talk.


  4.复习Good morning to you.这首歌。


  Step 2 Presentation and drill (5 mins)

  T : My name is … What's your name?

  S : My name is …. What's your name?


  T: My name is…. What's your name?

  S: My name is Ma Lili.

  这时教师对全班说:My name is…I'm Mr. Wang.Do you understand?等学生明白后,告诉学生:

  What's your name?与可用 I'm…来回答,如

  A: Hello, what's your name ?

  B: I'm , hello, what's your name ?

  C: I'm


  让学生用 Back chain进行练习,直至会用 I'm…

  Step 3 Presentation (10 mins)


  Am Mr. Wang?Yes,I m.Am Mr. Wang? No,I'm not.

  将I'm not.板书在黑板上。

  2.教师对A学生说:T:Hello!Are you A?

  S:Yes,I am.

  教师对B学生说:T:Hello!Are you A?

  S:No,I'm not.I'm B.



  T:Are you ?

  S:Yes,I am.

  T:Hello,,nice to meet you.

  S:Hello,Mr. .nice to meet you.




  T:Hello!(Zhang Lei)

  S1:Hello!(Mr. Liu)

  T: This is my friend(Fang Xiao Ling)

  S1:(引导说出)Hello,(Fang Xiao Ling)nice to meet you!

  S2:(引导说出)Hello,(Zhang Lei)nice to meet you!


  S1:How are you?

  S2:Fine,thank you.(此处教师引导)And how are you?

  A1:How are you?

  S2:Fine, thank you,(此片教师引导) and how are you?

  S1:I'm fine.

  7.教师对这段对话进行讲解,并说出, And how are you?可简略说成

  And you?回答时可用I'm OK代替 I'm fine.

  8.教师再叫两名同学练上述对话,要求用 And you?和 I'm ok.


  Step 4 Presentation (7 mins)




  Step 5 Practice (4 mins)


  T: Are you ?

  S:Yes,I am./No,I'm not.I am . etc.


  3.Back chain drill.让各行排头回头问,然后继续,直到最后 1人。

  Step 6 Read and say.(3 mins)









  p. m.

  Step 7 Listen and say.(1 min)


  Step 8 Consolidation(2 mins)



  Step 9 Workbook (2 mins)


  Step 10 Summary(min)


  Step 11 Homework

  1.默写字母A-T,写在作业 本上,每个五遍,注意格式。

  2.Ex.1 in the workbook.



  六、板书(The design of the blackboard)

  Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt

  I'm not

  That's all right.

  This is…



  ( ) 1. E A. P B. G C. J D. C

  ( ) 2. S A. H B. F C. N D. L

  ( ) 3. K A. B B. Q C. A D. H

  ( ) 4. T A. Q B. B C. P D. G

  ( ) 5. M A. F B. L C.I D. S


  Teacher: Good morning, class.

  Students: _________, Miss Gao.

  Teacher: _________, please. ________?

  Li Lei: No, _________.

  Teacher: _________, please?

  Li Lei: My name is Li Lei.

  Teacher: _________?

  Li Lei: I'm fine. _________.

  A. How are you B. I'm not C. Good morning D. Thank you

  E. Sit down F. What's your name G. Are you Li Ming


