
教学步骤 (Teaching steps)

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教学步骤 (Teaching steps)(精选3篇)

教学步骤 (Teaching steps) 篇1

  教学步骤 (Teaching steps)

  Lesson 1

  Note:As this is the first lesson, spend up to two class periods on it. Steps 1-4 could occupy the first lesson. This will give you more time to get to know the class and for them to get to know you. It will also give you time to build up a good relationship with the students .

  Step 1 Introduction

  Greet the Ss by saying Good morning, class! Welcome back to school! If you know the Ss, go round and greet some individually:

  Good morning, (Name)! How are you? And repeat Welcome back to school with gestures. If you do not know the Ss, say My name is…Then say to some Ss Good morning! What's your name? How are you?

  Get the Ss to greet those around them.

  Step 2 Presentation

  Say Good morning, class. Welcome back to school. Show the meaning of Welcome back with a gesture. Teach this dialogue:

  T:Welcome back to school!

  Ss:Thank you, sir!

  Practise with individual Ss.

  Step 3 Practice

  SB page 1, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 1. Write on the board: Lesson One, the first lesson. Say Open your books at page 1, the first lesson. Explain first.

  Play the first dialogue. Ss listen and repeat, then practise in pairs, using their own names instead of class and sir. Get some pairs to act out the dialogue.

  Step 4 Presentation

  Hold up a piece of paper with the names of the Ss on it. Say This is a piece of paper. These are your names. Let me call your names .Say ‘I'm here’. OK? Read the names and help the Ss to say I'm here! (or Not here! for an absentee).

  Play the second dialogue in SB page 1, Part 1, then practise it with the Ss . Note the directions calling and standing up. Tell the Ss that these are instructions. Demonstrate their meanings.

  Briefly remind the Ss of the Present Continuous Tense (What am 1 doing? I'm standing up. Now I'm sitting down, etc).

  Step 5 Presentation

  Revise the names of classroom objects: book, pencil, pen, etc.

  Teach paper, a piece of paper and May I borrow… please? Ask individual Ss. Help them to answer Certainly! Here you are!

  Collect the items on your desk. Discuss each item with the class: What colour is it? Is it heavy?

  Whose is it? etc.

  Revise broken. Pick up a broken object and say I'm sorry, it's broken. Help them to answer It doesn't matter. I can mend it.

  SB page 1, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 1. Play the tape and read through the dialogue with the Ss. Explain that But come to school earlier next time is a warning following It doesn't matter. Give some more examples: I'm sorry.

  Your pen is broken. -It doesn't matter. But use your own pen next time.

  Step 6 Practice

  Ss practise the dialogue in pairs. Get some Ss to act it out.

  Step 7 Workbook

  Wb Lesson 1, E. 1-4. Ex.1 helps Ss to learn how to pronounce the new words in the last column by revising the old words. Meanwhile, they can revise the vowels /e/, /&:/, /$/, /+:/and /ei/. E. 2 and 3 help consolidate the dialogues in this lesson. For Ex. 4, do an example with the Ss, using I'm sorry,… -It doesn't matter. Let me… Then get the Ss to work in pairs.

  Check the answers.


  Do Wb Lesson 1, E. 3 and 4 in the exercise books.

  教学步骤 (Teaching steps)

教学步骤 (Teaching steps) 篇2

  教学步骤 (Teaching steps)

  Lesson 13

  Step 1 Revision

  Ask the Ss What do you usually do on Sunday?

  List the answers on the Bb. Collect as many activities as possible, by asking What other things do people do on Sunday? Help Ss with pictures and gestures if necessary.

  Step 2 Presentation

  On the Bb, make a column, headed Sunday, October____(fill in next Sunday's date). Down the left-hand side write the names of some of the characters in the book: Jim, Li Lei, Lucy, Lily, etc.

  Present this dialogue:

  A:What are you going to do next Sunday, Jim?

  B:Oh, I'm going to fly my kite. Next to Jim's name on the Bb write fly my kite.

  Repeat for the others (do some shopping, watch TV, have a swim). Give the Ss a model: What's Jim going to do next Sunday? He's going to fly his kite.

  Then ask What's Jim/ Li Lei/Lucy/Lily going to do next Sunday? Help the Ss to answer using He's/She's going to….

  Explain that be going to is a way of talking about future plans.

  Step 3 Drill

  Go round the class asking randomly:

  What are you going to do next Sunday? What's he/she going to do next Sunday? What's Li Lei going to do next Sunday? etc.

  Step 4 Read and act

  SB page 13, Part 1. Ask What are Lin Tao and Sam going to do tomorrow? Ss read the dialogue silently to find the answer. Go through the dialogue briefly. Explain that Nothing much means I am free and Why? means What do you suggest?

  Note that Sure1 =Certainly! and Jim's coming(=Jim's going to come) refers to the future(as the Present Continuous Tense sometimes does).

  Speech Cassette Lesson 13. Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat.

  Divide the class into two groups, then in pairs to practise the dialogue. Get some pairs to act it out.

  Make up a new dialogue using be going to have a swim. Practise it with the class. Then let the Ss work in pairs, making up new dialogues using the words in the box on the right. Ask some pairs to act theirs out.

  Do Wb Lesson 13, Ex.1.(You may ask them questions orally yourself if time is short.)

  Step 5 Presentation

  Get the Ss to call out the days of the week. Write them on the Bb. Get the Ss to give you these English phrases morning, afternoon, evening night.

  Model different questions(Ss listen and repeat): What are you going to do on Thursday afternoon/ Tuesday evening? etc. Note the use of the preposition on.

  Step 6 Drill

  Point to a day of the week and a period of the day as a drill cue:

  T:(pointing to Friday and morning)

  Ss:What are you going to do on Friday morning?

  T:(pointing to Sunday and afternoon)

  Ss:What are you going to do on Sunday afternoon?

  T:(pointing to Wednesday and evening) She

  Ss:What is she going to do on Wednesday evening? etc.

  Step 7 Practice

  SB page 13, Part 2. Ss ask and answer in pairs.

  Get some Ss to give an example. Note that this and next can be used with afternoon, Sunday, week, month and year to form future expressions.

  Step 8 Workbook

  Wb Lesson 13, E. 2, 3 and 4. Do these exercises orally. For Ex. 4, give a hint to the Ss: tell them that Ma Lili's class is going to work in the school factory this afternoon. The answers are: are going to; are we going to; We are going to; all right/ OK; Bye.


  Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  Revise the new language items in Lesson 13.

  教学步骤 (Teaching steps)

教学步骤 (Teaching steps) 篇3

  教学步骤 (Teaching steps)

  Lesson 13

  Step 1 Revision

  Ask the Ss What do you usually do on Sunday?

  List the answers on the Bb. Collect as many activities as possible, by asking What other things do people do on Sunday? Help Ss with pictures and gestures if necessary.

  Step 2 Presentation

  On the Bb, make a column, headed Sunday, October____(fill in next Sunday's date). Down the left-hand side write the names of some of the characters in the book: Jim, Li Lei, Lucy, Lily, etc.

  Present this dialogue:

  A:What are you going to do next Sunday, Jim?

  B:Oh, I'm going to fly my kite. Next to Jim's name on the Bb write fly my kite.

  Repeat for the others (do some shopping, watch TV, have a swim). Give the Ss a model: What's Jim going to do next Sunday? He's going to fly his kite.

  Then ask What's Jim/ Li Lei/Lucy/Lily going to do next Sunday? Help the Ss to answer using He's/She's going to….

  Explain that be going to is a way of talking about future plans.

  Step 3 Drill

  Go round the class asking randomly:

  What are you going to do next Sunday? What's he/she going to do next Sunday? What's Li Lei going to do next Sunday? etc.

  Step 4 Read and act

  SB page 13, Part 1. Ask What are Lin Tao and Sam going to do tomorrow? Ss read the dialogue silently to find the answer. Go through the dialogue briefly. Explain that Nothing much means I am free and Why? means What do you suggest?

  Note that Sure1 =Certainly! and Jim's coming(=Jim's going to come) refers to the future(as the Present Continuous Tense sometimes does).

  Speech Cassette Lesson 13. Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat.

  Divide the class into two groups, then in pairs to practise the dialogue. Get some pairs to act it out.

  Make up a new dialogue using be going to have a swim. Practise it with the class. Then let the Ss work in pairs, making up new dialogues using the words in the box on the right. Ask some pairs to act theirs out.

  Do Wb Lesson 13, Ex.1.(You may ask them questions orally yourself if time is short.)

  Step 5 Presentation

  Get the Ss to call out the days of the week. Write them on the Bb. Get the Ss to give you these English phrases morning, afternoon, evening night.

  Model different questions(Ss listen and repeat): What are you going to do on Thursday afternoon/ Tuesday evening? etc. Note the use of the preposition on.

  Step 6 Drill

  Point to a day of the week and a period of the day as a drill cue:

  T:(pointing to Friday and morning)

  Ss:What are you going to do on Friday morning?

  T:(pointing to Sunday and afternoon)

  Ss:What are you going to do on Sunday afternoon?

  T:(pointing to Wednesday and evening) She

  Ss:What is she going to do on Wednesday evening? etc.

  Step 7 Practice

  SB page 13, Part 2. Ss ask and answer in pairs.

  Get some Ss to give an example. Note that this and next can be used with afternoon, Sunday, week, month and year to form future expressions.

  Step 8 Workbook

  Wb Lesson 13, E. 2, 3 and 4. Do these exercises orally. For Ex. 4, give a hint to the Ss: tell them that Ma Lili's class is going to work in the school factory this afternoon. The answers are: are going to; are we going to; We are going to; all right/ OK; Bye.


  Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  Revise the new language items in Lesson 13.

  教学步骤 (Teaching steps)


