
八年级英语Online travel教案

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八年级英语Online travel教案(精选2篇)

八年级英语Online travel教案 篇1

  八年级英语online travel教案

  unit 3

  period 1

  comic strip & welcome to the unit

  teaching aims:

  复习remote control, turn on和channel,要求学生读卡通漫画;




  teaching procedures:

  step 1

  1. review ‘remote control’, ‘turn on’ and ‘channel’. then ask the students to read the comic strip.

  2. ask some questions

  do you like playing computer games?

  what kind of computer games do you like to play? can you give some examples?

  why do you like it?

  do you think these games are good or bad for you?

  step 2

  tell the students that they are going to learn about the uses of computers. ask them to think about what they use the computers for.

  ask students to look at the pictures in part a. ask if they have used computers for these purposes.

  tell students to label the pictures using the words from the box. check answers as a class.

  ask students to list as many other uses as they can.

  for example: playing cds, vcds or dvds; chatting with or get to know friends; learning on the internet; mathematical calculation,etc.

  step 3

  tell students that they are going to talk about the uses of computers in part b.

  play the tape for the students to find the answer to the question:

  why does simon use computer to search for information?

  in pairs, students talk about different uses of computers. they can use daniel and simon’s conversation as a model and replace the underlined words with their own information. they can also create their own conversations about different uses of computers.

  ask a few pairs to present their conversations to the class.

  period 2


  teaching aims:




  完成part b中的练习

  teaching procedures:

  step 1

  arouse students’ interest by telling them that they are going to read about a new educational cd-rom. explain that the game is set in different countries and involves a tour around the world.

  step 2

  tell students that the first paragraph of the reading passage explains the background to the game. ask some questions to check understanding, e.g.,

  what’s the name of the new educational cd-rom?

  what can it help you to do?

  who is the designer?

  tell students that the second paragraph of the reading passage introduces the main character of the game. ask some questions to check understanding, e.g.,

  who is the main character of the game?

  how old is he?

  what does he like doing?

  what was he doing when he felt asleep?

  tell students that the third and fourth paragraphs of the reading passage explain how the game is played. ask them to read the rest of the reading passage and answer the following questions:

  how can you earn a point?

  what will happen if you have earned enough points?

  how long does it take you to finish the game?

  what do the questions test?

  what will you see on the screen when you reach a new place?

  what can you learn about when you reach london?

  what will you see when you pass a level?

  what happened to the places you have visited?

  step 3

  part b  ask students to do this task on their own. encourage students to find the words in the reading passage and match with the correct definitions.

  step 4


  period 3


  teaching aims:




  teaching procedures:

  step 1

  revise the reading passage by asking some questions:

  what’s the name of the game?

  who is the main character?

  how do you play the game?

  step 2

  part c1  divide the class into pairs and set a time limit of five minutes. ask the students to correct the false statements. check answers as a class.

  part c2  explain the context and ask the students to read the conversation on their own. have them find the correct words from the reading passage and complete the conversation.

  invite some pairs to read the conversation to the class. ask the rest of the class to check their answers.

  step 3

  play the tape for the students to read.

  step 4


  period 4


  teaching aims:





  teaching procedures:

  step 1 identify the different parts of a computer. we can show some pictures to students.

  a. what are they?

  b. what do you usually use your computer for?

  c. how often do you use it?

  step 2 ask the students to tell us the functions of different parts of a computer.

  what’s a mouse used for?

  what’s a printer used for?

  where can we see words and pictures?

  where do people store information?

  what can people use to type information into computer?

  what do programmers design to control computer?

  step 3 add some new words.

  monitor (主机)  window(窗口)   mouse (鼠标)

  mouse pad (鼠标垫)   modem (调制解调器)  flash stick(优盘)

  step 4 exercise

  do part a1 and a2

  period 5


  teaching aims:




  teaching procedures:

  step 1 lead-in

  1. explain that we use the passive voice when we are interested in

  the thing which was done rather than the person who did it.

  2. ask the students to read the three examples of the passive voice

  and to circle the verb in each one. translate the sentences and

  explain the concept of the passive voice.(当主语和谓语动词构成



  step 2 presentation

  ask the students to find all the passive voice sentences in the reading passage on pages 40 and 41.

  go through the tables on page 45 and get them to know what the passive voice is like.

  explain the context of the exercise on page 46. before they start to do it, review the use of past participles in unit 1. ask the students to read through the conversation for general meaning first. tell the students that they should use both the simple present tense and the simple past tense of the verb ‘to be’ to complete the conversation.

  give them enough time to complete it. if they can’t work it out correctly, they can work in pairs.

  ask students to read their answers one by one to see if most students have understood the structure.

  step 3 practice


  period 6


  teaching aims:





  teaching procedures:

  step 1 revision

  get the students to review the structure of the passive voice, including the simple present tense and the simple past tense.

  ask the students to make up their own sentences using the passive voice.

  step 2 presentation

  explain that we can also use the passive voice when we want to mention the doer or agent who does something. introduce the concept of ‘by’ which enables us to say the name of the doer. we can use ‘by’ to say who or what does the action.

  read through the sample sentences on page 47 and make them understand how to use ‘by’.

  tell the students to complete ‘work out the rule!’ on their own. ask a volunteer to read out the rule.

  step 3 practice

  1. part b1 is a fun activity as students get involved in writing a story for an educational cd-rom. explain the context and ask the students to study the pictures carefully and the words below each one.

  2. ask the students to write out the sentences on their own. then ask seven students to read out one sentence each.

  3. part b2 is a conversation about a computer game. read the information about the cd-rom and the conversation for general understanding. complete the conversation on their own and paying attention to the use of the past or present form of the passive voice.

  4. check the answers.

  step 4 additional language points

  1. in our book, we only learn the use of the past and present form of the passive voice, but there are some other forms of the passive voice we should know.


  一般现在时 am(is/are)given  

  一般过去时  was(were)given  

  一般将来时 shall(will)be given        

  现在进行时am(is/are)being given   

  过去进行时was(were)being given

  现在完成时has(have)been given  

  2. 感官动词和使役动词在主动结构中,后面接不带‘to’的不定式,但如果改为被动句,则需要把省略的‘to’加上,这类动词有hear, watch, make, help, let, see, have等等。如:

  a. the boss made us work twelve hours a day. 改为

  we were made to work twelve hours a day.

  b. they often hear the girl sing in the room. 改为

  the girl is often heard to sing in the room.

  step 5 exercise

  period 7

  integrated skills

  teaching aims:








  teaching procedures:

  step 1 lead-in

  what cd-rom programs do you have at home?

  how often do you use them?

  who else in your family uses them?

  why do you like them?

  when do you use them?

  step 2 presentation

  1.do you know any educational programs?

  (games; sports; treasure; hunts; detective games; educational etc.)

  2. today we are going to talk about an educational program which teaches english through traveling around in australia and new zealand.

  3. what do you want to know about this educational program?

  (ask the students to answer freely)

  e.g. who is the program designed for?

  who is the main character in the program?

  what is it about?

  how do you progress through the program?

  4. play the tape for the students to listen, try to find the answer to the questions.

  5. play the tape again, and finish the exercise in part a1.

  6. check the answer together.

  step 3 listening

  part a2

  1. look at the pictures and answer these questions

  how many icons are there? do you know?

  what do they use for?

  2. play the tape and try to find out which answer is right, and which one is right.

  3. part a3   finish the exercise according to the information of part a1 and a2

  4. check the answer and read the short passage.

  step 4 speaking

  explain the content of the conversation.

  work in pairs and read the conversation.

  ask the students to make up their own conversations using the one on the book as a model.

  choose some pairs to present their dialogues in the class.

  step 5 exercise

  period 8

  main task

  teaching aims:





  teaching procedures

  talk to students about the communicative purpose of writing reports and articles.

  explain the context of part a. daniel is writing about his favourite educational computer game for a writing competition. ask ss to read the profile in part a.

  tell ss to read the questions in part b and answer them using the information in the profile in part a.

  read the questions in part b one at a time and ask ss to volunteer answers.

  ask ss to complete the article in part c using the information on page 53.

  ask three volunteers to read out one paragraph each .tell ss to check their own answers.

  explain the context of part d .ss are going to join the writing competition too. ask them to choose their favourite one and write some information about it using the profile in part a as a model.

  ask ss to write about their games using daniel’s article in part c as a model.

  tell ss to read their articles to their partners .ask a few more able ss to present their articles to the class.

  period 9

  study skills & checkout

  teaching aims:





  teaching procedures:

  ask ss to look at the words in the word box in part a .explain that the words can be divided into three categories. ask ss to put the words from the box under the correct headings in part a.

  ask more able ss to add extra words each category.

  ask ss to look at the headings in part b .tell them to re-order the words from part a .ask more able ss to put the extra words they added in part a under the correct headings in part b.

  ask ss to complete part c on their own .check answers as a class.


  explain the context of parts a and b .ss have entered a competition to test their knowledge of computers.

  ask ss to work on their own to complete part a. remind them that they will have to use the passive voice.

  ask four ss to read out one sentence each. tell ss to check their answers and write their scores in the paw.

  tell ss to look at the picture in part b and label the parts of the computer .ask ss to try to label all the parts from memory.

  ask a volunteer to write the answers to part b on the board.

八年级英语Online travel教案 篇2

  unit 3 online travel

  一. 教学内容:

  unit 3 online travel

  words, phrases and sentences

  二. 教学目标:

  掌握unit 3的词汇及词性变化和课文中的重点词组、句型的结构和用法

  8b unit 3 online travel


  1. 联网的,在线的 online

  2. 电视     television

  3. 打开     turn on

  4. 程序     program

  5. 教育的   educational

  6. 只读光盘存储器 cd-rom

  7. 出版,发行,发表 come out

  8. 旅行者    traveller

  9. 睡着的    asleep

  10. 分数     point

  11. 正确地   correctly

  12. 角色     role

  13. 等级     level

  14. 知识     knowledge

  15. 语法     grammar

  16. 到达     reach;arrive in/at;get to

  17. 屏幕     screen

  18. 通过     pass

  19. 作标记   mark

  20. 紫色     purple

  21. 键盘     key

  22. 菜单     menu

  23. 鼠标,老鼠 mouse

  24. 打印     print

  25. 广泛地   widely

  26. 电子词典 e-dictionary

  27. 重新启动  restart

  28. 连接     connect

  29. 英尺     foot

  30. 错误地   incorrectly

  31. 总数     total

  32. 自由的   free

  33. 火星     mars

  34. (常用于被动)为……设置背景 setting

  35. 每日的   daily

  36. 课程     course

  37. 电话     call

  38. 旅行     travel

  39. 收音机   radio

  40. 涉及, 包括 include

  41. 订购     order

  42. 简单的   simple

  43. 制造者, 制造商  producer

  44. 制造     produce

  45. 公司     co. (company)

  46. 创造     create

  47. 保存     store

  48. 控制     control

  49. 遥控器   remote control



  1. the channel is ______ , let’s change the channel. (bored)

  2. the computer is used for _______ (draw) the pictures.

  3. nancy is the _____ of virtual traveller. (design)

  4. he was _____ on the grass and looking at the blue sky. (lie)

  5. you earn a point every time you answer a question _____(correct).

  6. he has bought many _____ cd-roms before and none of them is good. (education)


  1. boring   2. drawing   3. designer  4. lying  5. correctly   6. educational


  1. look the computer is turned ________ now.

  2. i don’t think the computer looks ________ a television.

  3. they’re doing a project ________ computer.

  4. my father was busy searching _________ information.

  5. _________ the world in eight hour’s has just come out.

  6. can you do your homework and listen to the music______ the same time?

  7. this tall building was designed _______ tom smith.

  8. you can see lots of cards _______ questions ________ them.


  1. on   2. like  3. on   4. for   5. around 6. at  7. by   8. with, on


  1. i think this book is the most_________(education) one.

  2. look ! our headmaster is speaking on _________(电视).

  3. give me the _______ (遥控器)please, i want to change the channel, this channel is boring.

  4. which c__________ do you like best, millie?

  5. can anyone d_________ a better timetable?

  6. do you know who d_____ the building? do you know who is the d_____?

  7. you will ______(受到) a warm welcome when you come to england.

  8. he lives in a town _______ (call) sunshine .

  9. many young people like _____ (lie) on the grass and counting stars in the sky.

  10. he was very tired and soon fell _____ (sleep)

  11. he is very smart. he always has _____(use) ideas.

  12. you ________(sure) remember the wonderful trip to the world park.

  13. my cousin wants to become a d________ of dresses in the future.

  14. he has o_______ a radio online.

  15. they can’t decide who will play the main r_________ of the new film.


  1. educational    2. television  3. remote control   4. course    5. design

  6. designed, designer  7. receive   8. called      9. lying     10. asleep

  11. useful        12. surely    13. designer    14. ordered      15. role


  1. 我不知道 i have no idea. = i don’t know.

  2. 更换频道 change the channel

  3. 查找/搜索信息 search for information

  4. 文字处理(技能) word processing (skills)

  5. 编写电脑程序 write computer programs

  6. 绘画和设计 draw and design

  7. 发送和接收电子邮件 send and receive e-mails

  8. 面世、出来、(花)开放 come out

  9. 最受孩子们欢迎的游戏 children’s favourite game

  10. 同时 at the same time

  11. 打开/关闭(电器) turn on/off

  调高/调低(音量) turn up/down

  12. 主要人物(主角) main character

  13. 躺在草地上 lie on the grass

  14. 入睡(无意识) fall asleep

  入睡(有意识) go/get to sleep

  15. 做了个奇怪的梦 have a strange dream

  16. 获得足够的点数 earn enough points

  17. 将……带到某地去 carry … off  to  sp.

  18. 扮演……角色 play the role of…

  19. 花费某人时间做某事 take sb. some time to do sth.

  20. 测试英语知识              test the knowledge of english

  21. 在市场 on/at the market

  22. 卖完/被卖完 sell out /be sold out

  23. 与某事/某人有关联 be related to sth. /sb

  24. 一套光盘 a set of cd-roms

  25. 存储信息 store information

  26. 用……来做某事 use …for doing sth. = use… to do sth.

  27. ……被用来做某事 …be used to do sth. =…be used for doing sth.

  习惯于做某事 be used to doing sth.

  (过去)曾经做某事 used to do sth.

  28. 把……保存在硬盘上 keep … on the hard disk

  29. 出现在屏幕上 appear on the screen

  30. 将a连接到b上 connect a to b

  将a与b连接起来 connect a with b

  31. 需要很多记忆(存储)空间 need a lot of memory

  32. 重新启动电脑 restart the computer

  33. 总共10个问题 a total of ten questions

  34. 对……有好处;适合于…… be good for…

  35. 向(某人)求助 ask (sb. ) for help

  36. 做一些练习题 do some exercises

  37. 在北极 in the arctic

  38. 点击图标 click on the icon

  双击自动运行图标 double click (on) the “auto-run” icon

  39. 听到某人做某事 listen to sb. do sth.

  听到某人正在做某事 listen to sb. doing sth.

  40. 在屏幕上 on the screen

  41. 举行一次作文比赛 hold a writing competition

  42. 计算机的不同用途 different uses of computers

  43. 八小时内环球(旅行) around the world in eight hours

  44. 听起来很有趣 sound interesting

  45. 一张世界地图 a map of the world = a world map

  46. 以……为开始 start with… = begin with…

  47. 在思想里(在脑海里) in the mind

  48. 做某事更好 it’s better to do sth

  做某事最好 it’s best to do sth.

  49. (游戏等)背景被设定在地球上 be set on earth

  50. 反对/介意(某人)做某事 mind (one’s) doing sth.

  51. 在收音机上 on the radio

  52. ……的设计者 the designer of….



  1. sandy bought some __________(纪念品) for me during her visit to japan.

  2. young people like shopping o__________, this saves time.

  3. the main c___________ of the game is itchy feet.

  4. the programme is boring, please change the __________(频道).

  5. we can use a remote c_________ to turn on the tv.


  1. souvenirs   2. online  3. character   4. channel   5. control

  二、 用所给的词的适当形式填空:

  foot, shine, bad, twenty, end 

  1. tomorrow will be her ___________ birthday.

  2. this street is ten __________ wide.

  3. the old woman seems to have ___________ words to say.

  4. the old man felt even _________ than yesterday.

  5. millie wears a ________ dress today. she looks pretty.


  1. twentieth/20th   2. feet    3. endless  4. worse   5. shiny


  1. 这听起来很有趣,不是吗?

  it _______ ________, _________ _________ ?

  2. 这张光盘能帮助你学英语同时也能学习地理。

  this cd-rom can help you _______ english and geography _______  the ______ _______.

  3. 让我给你看一幅世界地图。

  let me _______ you a ______ of the _______  .

  4. 当你已经挣到足够的点数时,一朵云带你到你以前从未到过的地方。

  when you _____ ______ ______ points, a cloud will ______ you ______ a place you _____ _____ ______ before.

  5. 如果你够聪明,你能在8小时内周游世界。

  if you ____ _______, you can _______ ______ the world _______ eight hours.

  6. 快去购买范本,否则就要卖完了。

  get it now ______ all the copies ____ ______ _______.


  1. sounds interesting, doesn’t it   2. learn, at, same time

  3. show, map, world     4. have earned enough, carry, to, have never been

  5. clever enough, travel around, in   6. before, are sold out


  1. the tv is turned on now. 现在电视开着。

  2. i usually use it to search for information. (=i usually use it for searching for information. )


  3. a new educational cd-rom called “around the world in eight hours”has just come out.


  4. it was designed by nancy jackson. 它是由nancy jackson设计的。

  5. he was lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful sky when he fell asleep and had a strange dream. 他躺在草地上并望着美丽的天空,这时他就不知不觉睡着了并做了一个奇怪的梦。

  6. when you have earned enough points , a cloud will come down and carry you off to a place (you have never visited before. )当你积满足够的点数时,一片云彩就会下来,带你去一个你从未去过的地方。

  7. each level will take you about half an hour to finish. 每一级要完成的话,大约得花你半个小时的时间。

  8. this cd-rom helps you learn english by testing your knowledge of english grammar and vocabulary. 这张光盘通过测试你的英语语法和词汇知识来帮助你学习英语。

  9. the places (you have visited) are marked in bright purple. 用亮紫色标上记号

  10. that is for you to find out. 那就留给你去查明吧。

  11. the course covers many topics, including travel and hotels, food and drink,

  shopping and money. 这个课程涵盖许多话题,包括旅游与宾馆、餐饮、购物和货币。

  12. you use this set of keys for typing. = you use this set of keys to type. 你用这组键来打字。

  13. the e-dictionary needs a lot of memory, so it’s better to keep it on the hard disk.


  14. -do you mind telling me how to use this function? ---no, not at all. /certainly not. /of course not.


  15. the game is set in different countries. 这个游戏以不同的国家为背景。

  16. the goal of this game is to travel around the world to learn the history of each place.




  1. 她的舞跳得那么漂亮以至于我们不停地鼓掌。

  2. 每次你到一个新地方,你都要学会交朋友。

  3. 当回答正确一个问题时,公主的头发将增长一英寸。

  4. 你介意告诉我怎样在网上订购食品吗?

  5. 她姐姐在北京已经多久了?


  1. she danced so beautifully that we couldn’t stop clapping our hands.

  2. every time you get to a new place, you must learn to make friends.

  3. the princess’s hair will grow an inch when a question is answered correctly.

  4. do you mind telling me how to order food on the internet?

  5. how long has her sister been in beijing?


  1. i love to learn things by playing.

  i love to learn and play ___ _____ _____ ______.

  2. this game can help you learn geography.

  this game can help you ____ __________ geography.

  3. eddie designed the cd-rom.

  eddie _____ ______ _________ of the cd-rom.

  the cd-rom _____ ________ ____ eddie.

  4. this bridge is 500 metres long.

  this is a _________________ bridge.

  5. there were lots of dogs. they were lying on the ground in the yard.

  there were lots of dogs ________ on the ground in the yard.

  6. he went to sleep after 11p. m. last night.

  he _________ ______ ________ until 11p. m. last night.

  7. it’s 11p. m. now. she fell asleep at 9p. m. .

  she _____ ______ _______ for two hours.

  8. if i come back, i will give you a call.

  i _____ ______ you ____ ______ ____ i _____back.

  9. when i look at the old photos, i will miss my old friends.

  i ______ ______ my old friends _________ ______ i ______ _____ the old photos.

  10. we have sold out the shoes of your size.

  the shoes of your size have ______ ______ out.

  11. will you please color it green?

  will you please  ______ it ____  green?

  12. in the play, i will dress up as monkey king.

  i will _____ ______ ______ of monkey king in the play.

  13. each level takes you about an hour to finish.

  you will ________ about an hour ___ /________ each level

  14. this game tests your knowledge of physics. in this way, it helps you improve physics.

  this game helps you improve physics ____ ______ your knowledge of this subject.

  15. all of them are hardworking. (否定句)

  _______  of them is /are hardworking.


  1. at the same time

  2. to learn

  3. was the designer, was designed by

  4. 500-metre-long

  5. lying

  6. didn’t fall asleep

  7. has been asleep

  8. will call, as soon as, come

  9. will miss  every/each time   look at

  10. been sold

  11. mark, in

  12. play the role

  13. spend  on/passing

  14. by testing

  15. none


