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第三册Lesson 篇1

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise Lesson 19, Part 1, as in Step 3 of the TB.

  2 Get the Ss to retell the story in SB page 19, Part 2.

  Step 2 Word families

  SB page 20, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 20.

  Play the tape: Ss listen and repeat. Practise the individual sounds, then words by showing flashcards randomly and asking Ss to pronounce the words written on them.

  Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 1. The answers are: half, sock, work, month.

  Step 3 Puzzle

  SB page 20, Part 2. Let the Ss work on the puzzle alone or with a partner.

  Check the answers with the whole class .

  Note that in puzzle clues full stops are not usually required .

  The answers are:

  DOWN: 1 September, 2 dangerous

  ACROSS:1 stand, 2 parent, 3 eleven,

  4 borrow, 5 trucks

  Step 4 Checkpoint 5

  Go through Checkpoint 5 in the usual way.

  Practise the s0i useful expressions s0i .

  Discuss any problems raised by the Ss .

  Step 5 Workbook

  Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 2. It is a good idea if you have the information available in case the Ss do not know the answers .

  The Ss ask and answer in pairs . Then collect the results on the Bb and ask questions about them:

  Does Class 4 have fewer boys than Class 3?

  Step 6 Test

  Give a short dictation .

  Look! * Li Lei is climbing* up the ladder.*

  Now he's picking* the apples . * He's putting them* in a basket. * Li Lei's basket* is full. * It is heavier* than Jim's basket. * Li Lei has more apples* than Jim, * but Polly has* the fewest of all ! *

  Step 7 Song

  Teach the song in Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 3 if there is time.

  Note:The song is on the Speech Cassette. Play the whole song on cassette to the students .Then play the first verse and get the students to join in. Do the other verses in the same way.

  Divide the class into three groups and one group sings one verse. Repeat.

  If you like, have a competiton between the groups .


  Revise the language items in Unit 5.

  Learn the contents of Checkpoint 5.

  Learn the words of the song.

第三册Lesson 篇2

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise Lesson 19, Part 1, as in Step 3 of the TB.

  2 Get the Ss to retell the story in SB page 19, Part 2.

  Step 2 Word families

  SB page 20, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 20.

  Play the tape: Ss listen and repeat. Practise the individual sounds, then words by showing flashcards randomly and asking Ss to pronounce the words written on them.

  Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 1. The answers are: half, sock, work, month.

  Step 3 Puzzle

  SB page 20, Part 2. Let the Ss work on the puzzle alone or with a partner.

  Check the answers with the whole class .

  Note that in puzzle clues full stops are not usually required .

  The answers are:

  DOWN: 1 September, 2 dangerous

  ACROSS:1 stand, 2 parent, 3 eleven,

  4 borrow, 5 trucks

  Step 4 Checkpoint 5

  Go through Checkpoint 5 in the usual way.

  Practise the s0i useful expressions s0i .

  Discuss any problems raised by the Ss .

  Step 5 Workbook

  Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 2. It is a good idea if you have the information available in case the Ss do not know the answers .

  The Ss ask and answer in pairs . Then collect the results on the Bb and ask questions about them:

  Does Class 4 have fewer boys than Class 3?

  Step 6 Test

  Give a short dictation .

  Look! * Li Lei is climbing* up the ladder.*

  Now he's picking* the apples . * He's putting them* in a basket. * Li Lei's basket* is full. * It is heavier* than Jim's basket. * Li Lei has more apples* than Jim, * but Polly has* the fewest of all ! *

  Step 7 Song

  Teach the song in Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 3 if there is time.

  Note:The song is on the Speech Cassette. Play the whole song on cassette to the students .Then play the first verse and get the students to join in. Do the other verses in the same way.

  Divide the class into three groups and one group sings one verse. Repeat.

  If you like, have a competiton between the groups .


  Revise the language items in Unit 5.

  Learn the contents of Checkpoint 5.

  Learn the words of the song.

第三册Lesson 篇3

  一.课题:In the Zoo

  二.教学目标 :











  1.提建议的句型:Shall we /I do…?Good idea!/All right./OK NO, let’s…

  Let’s do…

  2.有关动物的生词:animal, tiger, elephant, panda, monkey

  .教学难点 :






  在教学过程 中,电脑的软件融汇了多种传统电教媒体——录音机、投影仪、录像机及电视机的功能,精简了教学工具的使用,操作简便,使课堂学习气氛浓厚,学习氛围宽松。首先通过电脑,以文字的形式静态地展示对话范例,为学生树立明确的语言模仿对象;在学生初步操练后,仍以文字形式归纳呈现典型句型,促进学生对重点知识的把握;接着引人录音媒体,检测学生对该句型的初步理解及掌握程度,为下一步的对话练习奠定基础,通过借助媒体,句型教学做到由易到难,由感性到理性的过渡,更易于被学生理解和掌握。之后以参观动物园为主要情景,推出动静结合,声像俱佳并配以适当文字说明及短句练习的音像材料,为学生的进一步交际创设出生动的语言运用环境,激发学生的学习兴趣和交际冲动,提高语言交际的真实性、生动性。通过媒体的介入,成功地把词汇教学融汇到句型教学之中,使语言知识的音、形、意全面完整,形象逼真地展现在学生面前,在有限的时间内增大了知识容量,提高了学生的识记效率。同时在知识的反馈上,因为媒体的适时介入,使得反馈与调整更及时更准确,从而减轻了老师和学生的负担,达到了及时巩固的效果。

  * * 媒体组合使用表



  分层推进,由机械模仿     仿照课文范例自编对话    在创设的情景中自然对话。


  A) A) 填空

  B) 选择填空:(选项以动物图像来代替单词)

  C) 趣味练习: (词汇)

  1. 1. 听声音,猜动物,学单词。

  2. 2. 短时记忆练习


  Teaching Plan (Lesson 22 Junior 2)

  .Teaching aims:

  1. 1. Learning the ways of making suggestions

  2. 2. Learning the names of some animals

  3. 3. Strengthening the sense of environment protection

  Ⅱ.Teaching key points and difficult points:

  1. 1. Making suggestions:

  Shall we/I do…?    Good idea!

  No, let’s…!

  Let’s do…!

  Ⅲ. Teaching aids:

  1.a projector

  2.a computer

  Ⅳ.Teaching steps:

  1. 1. Duty report

  2. 2. Reviewing the present future tense by asking questions

  3. 3. Presenting a short dialogue of making suggestions

  4. 4. (Ss) Doing a drill following the teacher’s dialogue

  5. 5. Presenting the ways of making suggestions

  6. 6. (Ss) Reading the example and using the given phrases to make new dialogues in groups

  7. 7. (Ss) Listening to the sound recording of Lesson 22 and answering some questions.

  8. 8. Explaining the key phrases in the text.

  9. 9. (Ss) Visiting the zoo

  1) 1) .Making suggestions about in the text.

  2) 2) .Learning something about the following animals: tiger, panda, elephant,monkey

  3) 3) .Guessing the English names of the animals by sound

  10.(Ss)Doing the exercises

  1).Multiple choice

  2).Game: (Ss) remember and tell what they have seen

  10. 10. Summary

  1).The ways of making suggestions

  2).Animals are our friends.


