新目标八年级上 Unit5 教案示例(精选4篇)
新目标八年级上 Unit5 教案示例 篇1
unit 5 can you come to my party教案示例 aims: 1. giving instructions of writing replies to invitation 2. improving the students’ ability of writing by practicing teaching procedures: step i. lead in read two letters of invitation. acceptance: refusal: (rsvp means: if it pleases you, please reply. 希望对方答复) step ii. writing tips 在接到某人的邀请信以后,我们可以回信来表示接受或拒绝对方的邀请。 在回信表示接受对方的邀请时,我们要首先表达出对于对方邀请的感谢,并表示自己愿意接受这一邀请,最后表达一下自己参加这次聚会或其他活动的迫切心情。因此接受对方邀请的信包括以下三部分: —— thanks —— acceptance —— expression of feeling 在回信表示拒绝对方的邀请时,我们要先表达出自己对于对方邀请的感谢以及自己愿意参加该项活动的愿望,然后表示自己很抱歉,婉转地拒绝并写出拒绝的原因,最后还可以表达出自己对此项活动成功的希望和祝愿。拒绝对方邀请的信包括以下三部分: —— thanks —— apology + reason —— wish 在拒绝对方的邀请时,要使用婉转、客气的拒绝用语,同时要写出可以被人接受的拒绝理由。 step iii. useful expressions when you have to refuse an invitation it is usual to use a “softening” phrase followed by a reason for refusing. here are four different ways to refuse the invitation politely. i’d love to come, but i can’t, because…. i’m very sorry i cannot come to your 21st birthday party next week. i’m going…. i’m afraid i will not be able to…. because…. i’m really sorry to say / tell you that …. because…. step iv. practice study the list below and decide with a partner which reasons are acceptable and which are unacceptable. put a tick or a cross beside each reason.(讨论下列拒绝邀请的理由,在认为是正当的理由旁划√,在认为是不正当的理由旁划x) going to the theatre that evening ( ) cooking supper that evening ( ) attending a lecture that evening ( ) visiting a friend in hospital that evening ( ) watching television that evening ( ) taking an exam the next day ( ) taking the dog for a walk that evening ( ) work in pairs and tell each other how you will refuse the following invitation politely. your teacher has asked you to go to his house for dinner next sunday. your classmate has asked you to go to a movie with her tomorrow evening. your uncle and aunt asked you to their housewarming party on sunday morning. your friend has asked you to her 21st birthday party next friday. your cousin has asked you to her wedding this saturday. your former classmate has invited you to a christmas party on christmas day. step v writing tasks read the following invitation letter and find out why claudia and sonia are having a party. jenny, paul and anna all received the invitation to claudia and sonia’s party on 20th march. which of them can go to the party? look at the pages from their diaries and then complete the box below. (jenny, paul and anna 都接到了参加3月20日claudia and sonia 举行的聚会的邀请。看一下他们这一周的安排,在下面的表中标出他们是否能参加) jenny paul anna group work: divide the students into 3 groups. work with a partner and write paul’s letter correctly. put it in the correct order, punctuate the letter properly, put the verbs into the correct tense and write the address in the correct position. (把信中的句子按顺序安排好,加上标点,使用动词的适当时态,并把地址写在正确的位置上。) his address is: flat 6, cadogan house, milton keynes, bucks see you soon paul i hope everything (be) wonderful and everybody (have) a good time dear claudia and sonia i (be) very sorry, i cannot (come) to your party next month as i (go) on holiday on tuesday for a fortnight thank you for the invitation (2) work with a partner to complete anna’s letter. use the information in her diary to help you. (借助anna一周的时间安排表来完成她给claudia and sonia的回信) suppose you are marina, write a polite refusal of the invitation. at the moment you are living at 22, morgan house, montague street, london cw 2. you have just received the following invitation for a good friend, but you cannot accept it because you will be flying to berlin on 4th november.
新目标八年级上 Unit5 教案示例 篇2
unit 6 i'm more outgoing than my sister教案示例 教学目标 学会谈论有关人的性格特征 学会比较人们的个性特点的不同 学会形容词比较级的用法 教学向导 目标语言 学习策略与思维技巧 重点词汇 1. is that sam? no, that’s tom. he has shorter hair than sam. 2. he’s calmer than sam. tom is more athletic than sam. 3. liu ying is not as good at sports as her sister. lin ping is a little more outgoing than me/ i am. 分类表述 听取特定信息 taller, shorter, thinner, longer, calmer, wilder, quieter funnier, heavier, more, intellectual, athletic, popular, same, different be good at, like to 语言结构 语言功能 多元智能 形容词的比较级用法 相关修饰副词 谈论人物性格 比较人物特性 逻辑分类与表述 人物个性分析 重点句型 1. is that sam? no, that’s tom. he has shorter hair than sam. 2. he’s calmer than sam. tom is more athletic than sam. 3. liu ying is not as good at sports as her sister. lin ping is a little more outgoing than me/ i am. 4. i am a little taller than her/ she is. 5. my friend is the same as me. we are both quiet. my friend is different from me. 主题词表 主题思维图 教学过程 period 1 task 1. compare different people and different things. before class, ask ss to write down as many adj. about people as possible. check the adj. ss write and we can group them into some pairs, like: [section a 1a] tall --- short; thin --- heavy, long hair --- short hair, calm --- wild… give ss an example by comparing old henry and santa claus. e.g.: santa claus is older than henry. henry is taller than santa claus. henry is younger than santa claus. santa claus is younger than henry. ask ss to compare with their partners and find out the differences. e.g.: she is heavier than me. i am more outgoing than her. ask ss to see the pix about apples and pears to see the differences. then compare some of their things with each other. e.g.: the apples are bigger than the pears. the pears are more delicious than the apples. summarize the comparatives. group competition. a + be(v) + 比较级 + than + b. 一般在词尾后加 er 或est.
tall-taller-tallest hard-harder-hardest soon-sooner-soonest clever-cleverer-cleverest cold-colder-coldest bright-brighter-brightest new-newer-newest low-lower-lowest long-longer-longest young-younger-youngest fast-faster-fastest near-nearer-nearest short-shorter-shortest high-higher-highest slow-slower-slowest
以不发音 的元音“e”结尾的形容词, 加er或est.
close-closer-closest fine-finer-finest wide-wider-widest nice-nicer-nicest strange-stranger-strangest large-larger-largest white-whiter-whitest late-later-latest
angry-angrier-angriest cloudy-cloudier-cloudiest early-earlier-earliest happy-happier-happiest busy-busier-busiest dirty-dirtier-dirtiest easy-easier-easiest heavy-heavier-heaviest
big-bigger-biggest fat-fatter-fattest hot-hotter-hottest thin-thinner-thinnest wet-wetter-wettest red-redder-reddest
三音节以及三音节以上词加more more beautiful more intelligent more handsome… 不规则的变化形式 good --- better --- best bad --- worse --- worst many --- more --- most little --- less --- least far --- farther --- farthest [exercise] write down all the following the comparatives of the following adjs. and have a small competition. strong, early, bright, hot, large, fat, heavy, slow, beautiful, interesting, useful, red, dirty, clever, important listening and practicing. [finish p36 2a, 2b, 2c.] game. “the sameness and differences” ask ss to pick up anyone in the class to compare and contrast with him / her by using porker. [p37 4.] period 2 task 2. my best friend (christmas party) ask ss “what a good friend should be like?” [section b 1a] e.g. i think a good friend makes me laugh for me, a good friend likes to do the same thing as me. yes and a good friend is popular, too. that’s not very important for me. listening. 2a. christmas day is coming, you are planning a christmas party and you are sure to invite some of your best friends to join the party, what kind of persons you would like to choose. likes about best friends appearance personality the same as best friend different from best friend extensive words: about appearance: wave hair shiny hair flowing hair oval face heart shape face rosy face round cheeks large forehead sharp chin watery eyes curled-up lips about personality: bright, careless, generous, talkative, sociable(善交际的,友善的), reflective, quiet. sentence structures: what does your best friend look like? what is your best friend’s personality? he is serious/ smart/ intellectual. mary and i are both outgoing. mary and i both have long hair. linda is more outgoing than me/i am. my friend should be…and…than…. you can report like this: i am having a christmas party,… 4. section b 3a, 4. period 3 1. revision: reading & reciting 3a 2. oral practice a game: one s describes his /her best friend; let others guess who he/she is. task 3. how time flies. compare and contrast your personality and appearance between the past and now. past now appearance personality life style study ask ss to find out the two pictures of the past and now of you. e.g.: i am much taller than 5-7 years ago. and i am calmer than before… i am still who i am. i am still very active and energetic and i am a good person. 教学点评及反思: 一.课堂任务设计思路: 本课由三个任务组成,由浅入深,逐层递进,形成完整的任务链教学结构: 第一个任务是对比人物与物品的不同特性。此任务既是对以前所学形容词部分的复习,也是一个任务活动。通过对图片的观察和分析、对比,学生自己发现形容词比较级的一般规律以及特殊规律。并将其熟练应用在班级教室内所见到的任何物品的比较之中。此任务不仅训练了有关人物和物品的比较分析,还涉及到跨学科学习的相关能力训练。 第二个任务听录音示范后,相互询问对方的朋友观,说明什么样的人是自己心目中认为的好朋友。在完成任务前,先要完成一个听力训练,即语言输入的过程。学生先通过反复听他人对好朋友标准的描述,在此基础上掌握相关语言结构,为语言输出,即任务的顺利完成打下基础。接下来的任务通过三步完成:首先学生通过讨论,决定自己好友的性格、外貌、与自己的相同之处、与自己的不同之处,并将其填入表中。然后询问同伴好友的标准,用以确定自己的标准是否全面。第三步四人一组活动,询问新的同伴的好友以及通过他来了解他刚才的同伴(即第三方)的信息。最后进行小组汇报确定在圣诞节宴会上大家邀请的好友都是哪些同学,并说明理由。第三步尤为重要,因为在此突出体现了由信息差造成的交流活动的必要性。 第三个任务是一个接近真实任务,即真实生活中的事情。首先,同学们怀着浓厚的兴趣找寻同伴小时候的照片,此过程中要通过照片传达的外貌特征和性格特点找寻相对应的同学。在找到后,要分别描述自己和同伴小时候和现在的相同与不同,尤其是不同点恰恰体现岁月给成长留下的痕迹。在此活动中所涉及到的最基本的句型结构是关于人物外貌、性格变化所涉及到的形容词比较级的综合运用,但是由于它是接近真实的任务,学生参与性很强。任务的完成会大大超出最初的设想,因为它最大限度的调动了学生的积极性,他们会在完成任务的同时自觉的运用他们在第一和第二个任务中所用到的知识,以及一些超出本课教学内容的语言知识。这对学生自觉学习能力的提高是有很大好处的。同时,通过比较分析,同学们对自己的成长历程又是一次审视和检验,从中看到自己经历与得失。是很好的情感教育机会。 二.课后自评: 对于任务型课程的设计要自始至终体现任务的要求与特点,尤其是如何使得任务从简单重复性的起始任务逐层递进到真实的或接近真实的任务。使得课堂呈现阶梯递进,由简单到复杂的教学结构。 本课在设计上就是从这一点出发,在课堂呈现了三个环环相扣的任务,形成了一个完整的任务链。最终达到完成最后一个复杂的真实任务的目的。在众多老教师的指导下,我在如何设计任务型活动以及如何让这三个任务形成一个自然过渡、环环相扣的任务链上下了一番功夫。最终顺利的完成了所有的任务活动。尤其在最后一个任务完成时出现了许多让老师们惊奇的结果。学生的创造力和想象力被充分调动,纷纷说出、做出许多佳作。这也体现了任务完成过程中的不可预知性。 本课出现的问题是:第一,任务设计较多,尤其是第一个任务,同时要兼顾语法内容的教学,因此显得比较烦琐冗长,建议可以分几个课时完成。第二,由于话题涉及友情和成长的内容,尤其是在完成第二个有关朋友的任务的时候,教师一定要格外注意同学们情绪的变化,要适当引导,尽量避免出现不和谐的课堂气氛。作者:北京清华附中 周喆
新目标八年级上 Unit5 教案示例 篇3
unit 9 when was he born?教案示例(一)period 1教学过程: process students’ activities teachers’ activities before--class do the research searching for the occupations of different walks(行业) and divide them into various walks give some help and provide some resources or website for them choose one kind of way that they can illustrate their results easily and clearly in class list all the occupations give all the occupations they have found invite the students to list the occupation in order to enlarge the vocabulary the great people from different walks of work show the great people from different walks of work and show their experience, personal information and their personalities as well listen and look. ask some questions to the students if necessary choose the best group choose the group who gives the best researching results listen to the tape listen to the tape and write down the birth year of each sports star walk around and check the answers answer the questions check the answers your future job group work: what do you want to be in the future? and then record the answers of the group members give them some advice if they need according to the searching results choose your example suggest them to find a great person as an example so that students can learn from them find out the reason why they become so successful set an example to the students. and lead them to find the reasons from their personalities and educational background. group work: if we want to be as successful as they are, what we should do? ask them to tell us their final decision and the measure they’ll take after--class short passage write a short passage of what they should do to turn the dream into realities tell them to write a short passage 教案点评:在本课时的教学过程中,我感受最强烈的一点是学生在选择自己未来的职业和学习的榜样上表现出了很强的判断能力。由于教学设计贴近学生的生活,在教学过程的开展中真正做到了主动学习和交流。这节课是本单元的导入部分,让学生都够有足够的信息输入是决定着是否能够顺利完成所有任务的至关重要的因素。因此我在这个部分中首先让学生在课下对于本单元相关的单词进行了比较系统的学习,对学生自主学习能够进行有效的指导。除了完成课本上的听力内容外,我还将课本上的内容进行了进一步的拓展。把公众人物与学生的未来发展结合在一起,启发学生从明星身上发现可以学习的优点。从而激发他们不断进步,努力发掘自己的潜力。当然,作为本单元的第一个引入课任务的设计有些难,所以学生在刚刚开始的时候有一些不适应,对于任务中所需要的句型也不够了解。 教案示例(二) 教学过程: process students’ activities teachers’ activities before—class remind of the first time in their childhood think about the first time they did before and how old they were suggest them to think about the first time in their childhood in—class make an interview group work: ask the group member about how old they were when they did something for the first time give the useful expressions on the blackboard how long had they had? give the useful expressions on the blackboard. fill in the blanks ask the questions and fill in the blanks walk around and give some help if necessary make some recommends to the rest of the students according to the results of the survey find the best students ask them to choose the best students the week’s star find the best students as the candidates give some requirements about the week’s star make a speech for their good habits choose the week’s star give them some guide about how to make a speech reading read the text and fill in the blanks give the students two minutes to read it answer the questions check the answers after--class self—introduction the week’s star write a composition give the students homework look at the composition and make some contents 附表: name achievement age more information 课后反思: 作为班主任,在英语教学中我重视将德育教育与文化知识的教育结合在一起。在本节课的教学中我将日常管理中评选每周一星的活动在英语课上进行了评选。结合本单元的主题我将本周的一周一星确定为能持之以恒养成良好习惯的同学。 在教学过程中,为了避免出现混乱的课堂场面,我将评选工作的要求和过程都有条理的写在了黑板上,并且像正式的每周评选一样由班长主持,同时并且有专门的人员统计票数。结合了日常实际的课堂内容很充实,学生在参与的过程中学生充满热情,积极参与并且评选的过程非常激烈。 总的来说,本节课内容符合实际和学生的生活密切相关。在教学的过程中,学生与老师,学生之间有了很好的交流,将老师所讲的内容和学生所学的内容通过实践的方式结合在一起,起到了比较好的效果。
新目标八年级上 Unit5 教案示例 篇4
unit 10 i'm going to be a basketball player教案示例period 1 学习目标 通过本单元的学习,能识别和了解一些新兴行业的英文表达方式。 能谈论未来自己理想的职业及为之做出的一些打算和安排。 能以日记的形式描述自己理想的职业及为之做出的一些打算和安排。 能写一个文段来介绍同伴理想的职业或是父母对将来的计划及为之做出的一些打算和安排。 会制定未来一段时间的决心要做的事情。 二、 学习向导 语言目标 学习策略与思维技巧 重点词汇 what are you going to be when you grow up? i am going to be a computer programmer. how are you going to do that? i am going to study computer science. where are you going to work? i am going to work in paris. what are you going to do this year? i am going to get a part-time job. role playing listening for key words. occupations and adjectives describing jobs 语言结构 语言功能 跨学科学习 simple future tense, be going to where, what, how questions talk about future plans 了解和熟悉主要行业的说法 三.教学步骤: step 1: listen to a song: dreaming my dreams. talk about my dream job: once i wanted to be a lawyer. step 2: look at the slide shows and speak out their jobs. step 3: listen to section a, 3a. answer two questions. what is josefa’s dream job? where is she going to move? step 4: read it again and try to find out how she is going to do that. step 5: listen to section a 2a, fill in the chart. step 6: task1: help your classmates to realize their dreams: how are they going to do that? hand out the students’ dreams jobs paper and each group have one. step 7: discus in groups: what’s his / her dream? how is he / she going to do that? step 8: write down your group’s opinion and report. step 9: task2: we have a dream. beijing is hosting the 2008 olympic games. what can you and your classmates do to help make the olympics a success? make a list with “going to”. 教案点评及反思: 一.环节设计思路: 本课综合听说读写四个方面,以三个环环相扣,循序渐进的任务展开知识学习. 首先以一首优美的歌曲“dreaming my dream”引入,将学生自然带入语言环境,并初步感受到本课的主要话题是谈论自己的理想,由此引出本课第一个任务,学生听一段课本中的短文,了解她是如何构想将来的,并为第二个任务做了铺垫。有了理想之后,更重要的是要为实现理想付出努力。因此,第二个任务接踵而来,学生阅读短文,了解她将如何实现理想,这个任务承上启下,它引出本课的中心任务:即帮助自己的同学实现理想。最后,从个人梦想过渡到民族梦想,我们已经争取到2008奥运会的申办,那么,我们将要怎么做,为奥运会贡献自己的一份力量呢,该任务既是拓展,又是巩固。 二.课后反思: 本课在设计上听说结合,相得益彰。首先给学生创造了一个语言环境,让学生自然融入,然后,缓缓导入阶梯状任务链,循序渐进,难度不断加大,但坡度平缓,铺垫充分且扎实,因此学生在完成最后的中心任务时亦不觉吃力,整堂课学生活动充分,教师的引导点到为止,给学生较大的空间发挥和创造。另外,教师在几个任务之间的点评也很及时到位,给学生非常清晰的范例和指示,利于学生明确任务的方向。