
Chapter2. Penang-Reading

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Chapter2. Penang-Reading(精选2篇)

Chapter2. Penang-Reading 篇1

  chapter2. penang-reading

  一、 章节分析(reading section )




  1 学生通过对课文的学习,掌握一些核心词汇,例如:bet, promote, enclose, facility, excursion等。

  2 对课文进行整体阅读,使学生对课文有清楚的了解,并且能以自己的语言来复述karen在penang的旅游经历,锻炼学生的口头表达能力。


  1 知识目标


  2 能力目标

  进一步培养学生skimming, scanning技巧,及复述能力。

  3 情感目标





  1 词汇学习

  1) 核心词汇











  2) 拓展词汇





  3) 词组和短语

  take up

  have a go

  put up with

  stand up for

  put off

  take off

  get on with

  4) 句型学习

  1. i bet you didn’t know we are in penang now.

  2. do look after yourself, won’t you?

  3. i wanted to put it off until another day.

  教学设计(teaching designs)

  教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源参考

  pre-reading  要学好本课,建议老师在这个阶段完成以下两个任务:

   以free talk的形式,谈论学生的旅游经历,激起学生的兴趣。

   要求学生课前预习介绍penang的课外阅读资料,.为进入课文学习作好铺垫.


  《牛津英语教学参考》page 19

  while-reading  这是本课的重点部分.将课文中出现的词汇贯穿其中,使学生在比较自然的情景中习得课文中的词汇,并且能深入了解课文内容。

   通过图片和补充阅读资料使学生对penang有更感性的认识。

   scanning部分的完成使学生对课文内容有初步的了解。

   重点讲解课文中的重要单词及词组,扫清学生语言学习上的障碍。

   接下来的环节是对课文的全面了解。通过一系列的问题,使学生明确karen的行踪。

  post-reading   根据关键词复述课文,既检查了学生对课文的理解程度,又检验了他们能否正确使用所学的单词、词组。

   注意提醒学生注意英语的书信格式。 




  supplementary reading:

  introduction to penang

  penang is a nature-lover’s haven. it is home to one of the oldest and unique tropical rainforests in the world right in the vicinity of the island. it is home to many interesting species of plants and animals, some of which may not be found elsewhere in the country.

  penang is unique in malaysia because, for all intents and purposes, penang has it all. tioman island may have beaches and forests, but it has no shopping or historical sights to speak of. and although malacca has historical sights and museums, it hasn't a grain of decent sand. penang has all of it: fun beaches, beautiful resorts, rich history, diverse culture, and delicious food. if you only have a short time to visit malaysia but want to take in as wide an experience as you can, penang is a good choice.

  penang is located on the north-west coast of peninsular malaysia. this state comprises the penang island and main land which known as seberang perai. penang island covering an area about 285 sq km and mainland will take about 760 sq km. these two places are separated by a channel about 3 km wide at the closest point. penang bridge and ferry services take a major responsibility to link up penang island and mainland. there is more than 1 million population which mix three major races found in malaysia with the malays making up 33%, the chinese 60% and the indians 6% in penang. penang island also name as pearl of the orient, is the second largest state in malaysia.

  penang is the oldest of the british strats settlements in malaysia, predating both singapore and melaka. penang had been, prior to the english, known as a harbour for pirates. in 1786, the sultan of kedah ceded(割让)the state of penang (pulau pinang), also known as betelnut island to captain francis light of the east india company. captain francis light, on behalf of the east india company, acquired possession of the island from the local sultan(苏丹)in return for protection against enemies. he set foot on the uninhabited island in 1786 and established a free port for trading. soon after, the small town of georgetown, named after the prince of wales, was established. by 1800 francis light managed to negotiate a strip of the mainland adjacent to the island and was called province wellesly.

  today, penang attracts the most tourists with its impressive temples like kek lok si temple, kuan yin temple, dharmikarama burmese temple & snake temple. georgetown with a lot of old chinese shops and houses, colonical architecture and mosques also become a strong point to attracts tourists. the famous tourism spot is georgetown like fort cornwallis, clock tower, komtar, khoo kongsi & kapitan kling mosque. other attractions include the beaches of the northern coast like tanjong bungah beach and batu ferringhi beach, penang hill, penang butterfly farm, tropical fruit farm, tropical spice garden, botanical garden, the aquarium of the fisheries research institute, bukit jambul orchid and hibiscus garden, pulau jerejak and etc..........

Chapter2. Penang-Reading 篇2

  chapter2. penang-reading

  一、 章节分析(reading section )




  1 学生通过对课文的学习,掌握一些核心词汇,例如:bet, promote, enclose, facility, excursion等。

  2 对课文进行整体阅读,使学生对课文有清楚的了解,并且能以自己的语言来复述karen在penang的旅游经历,锻炼学生的口头表达能力。


  1 知识目标


  2 能力目标

  进一步培养学生skimming, scanning技巧,及复述能力。

  3 情感目标





  1 词汇学习

  1) 核心词汇











  2) 拓展词汇





  3) 词组和短语

  take up

  have a go

  put up with

  stand up for

  put off

  take off

  get on with

  4) 句型学习

  1. i bet you didn’t know we are in penang now.

  2. do look after yourself, won’t you?

  3. i wanted to put it off until another day.

  教学设计(teaching designs)

  教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源参考

  pre-reading  要学好本课,建议老师在这个阶段完成以下两个任务:

   以free talk的形式,谈论学生的旅游经历,激起学生的兴趣。

   要求学生课前预习介绍penang的课外阅读资料,.为进入课文学习作好铺垫.


  《牛津英语教学参考》page 19

  while-reading  这是本课的重点部分.将课文中出现的词汇贯穿其中,使学生在比较自然的情景中习得课文中的词汇,并且能深入了解课文内容。

   通过图片和补充阅读资料使学生对penang有更感性的认识。

   scanning部分的完成使学生对课文内容有初步的了解。

   重点讲解课文中的重要单词及词组,扫清学生语言学习上的障碍。

   接下来的环节是对课文的全面了解。通过一系列的问题,使学生明确karen的行踪。

  post-reading   根据关键词复述课文,既检查了学生对课文的理解程度,又检验了他们能否正确使用所学的单词、词组。

   注意提醒学生注意英语的书信格式。 




  supplementary reading:

  introduction to penang

  penang is a nature-lover’s haven. it is home to one of the oldest and unique tropical rainforests in the world right in the vicinity of the island. it is home to many interesting species of plants and animals, some of which may not be found elsewhere in the country.

  penang is unique in malaysia because, for all intents and purposes, penang has it all. tioman island may have beaches and forests, but it has no shopping or historical sights to speak of. and although malacca has historical sights and museums, it hasn't a grain of decent sand. penang has all of it: fun beaches, beautiful resorts, rich history, diverse culture, and delicious food. if you only have a short time to visit malaysia but want to take in as wide an experience as you can, penang is a good choice.

  penang is located on the north-west coast of peninsular malaysia. this state comprises the penang island and main land which known as seberang perai. penang island covering an area about 285 sq km and mainland will take about 760 sq km. these two places are separated by a channel about 3 km wide at the closest point. penang bridge and ferry services take a major responsibility to link up penang island and mainland. there is more than 1 million population which mix three major races found in malaysia with the malays making up 33%, the chinese 60% and the indians 6% in penang. penang island also name as pearl of the orient, is the second largest state in malaysia.

  penang is the oldest of the british strats settlements in malaysia, predating both singapore and melaka. penang had been, prior to the english, known as a harbour for pirates. in 1786, the sultan of kedah ceded(割让)the state of penang (pulau pinang), also known as betelnut island to captain francis light of the east india company. captain francis light, on behalf of the east india company, acquired possession of the island from the local sultan(苏丹)in return for protection against enemies. he set foot on the uninhabited island in 1786 and established a free port for trading. soon after, the small town of georgetown, named after the prince of wales, was established. by 1800 francis light managed to negotiate a strip of the mainland adjacent to the island and was called province wellesly.

  today, penang attracts the most tourists with its impressive temples like kek lok si temple, kuan yin temple, dharmikarama burmese temple & snake temple. georgetown with a lot of old chinese shops and houses, colonical architecture and mosques also become a strong point to attracts tourists. the famous tourism spot is georgetown like fort cornwallis, clock tower, komtar, khoo kongsi & kapitan kling mosque. other attractions include the beaches of the northern coast like tanjong bungah beach and batu ferringhi beach, penang hill, penang butterfly farm, tropical fruit farm, tropical spice garden, botanical garden, the aquarium of the fisheries research institute, bukit jambul orchid and hibiscus garden, pulau jerejak and etc..........


