It must belong to Carla(通用2篇)
It must belong to Carla 篇1
unit 5 it must belong to carla
section b
ⅰ.teaching aims and demands(教学目标)
1.knowledge objects(知识目标)
(1) key vocabulary(重点词汇)
chase, creature,land, sky,helicopter
(2) target language(目标语言)
why do you think the man is running?
he could be running for exercise.
no, he's wearing a suit. he might be running to catch a bus.
2.ability objects(能力目标)
(1) train students' listening skill.(培养学生听的技能)
(2) train students' writing skill.(培养学生写的技能)
(3).train students' speaking skill.(培养学生说的技能)
3.moral object(情感目标)
the ufo and alien are both unreal. as students, we must work hard. to explore the universe in the future.(激发学生对宇宙空间的探索)
ⅱ.teaching key points(教学重点)
1.listening practice
2.writing practice
3. 情态动词的用法。
ⅲ.teaching difficult points(教学难点)
1.write a sentence about each picture.
2.write two or three sentences to finish the story.
3.listen and complete the sentences.
ⅳ.teaching methods(教学方法)
1.listening method
2.writing method
ⅴ.teaching aids(教学设备)
1.a tape recorder
2.a projector
ⅵ.teaching procedures(教学程序)
step ⅰ greeting (第一步,问候)
1. t: how are you today?
s: fine, thank you! and you?
t: very well! thank you!
2. 学生做“英语值日”报告。
3. 将学生分成三个小组,team a, team b, team c,让小组成员之间相互合作,组与组之间相互竞争,看看谁是本堂课的赢家。听音乐,激发学生去挑战自我。
step ii revision(第二步,复习)
展示给学生一些很熟悉的明星和知名人物,通过视觉和猜的方式复习句型“it might/could/must be…….”
step iii lead-in(第三步, 导入)
this activity provides writing practice using the target language.
read the instructions to the class. read the words in the box and have students repeat several times. invite different students to explain the meaning of each word in their own words.
get students to look at the three pictures carefully. say, you are to use the words from the box to write a sentence about each picture. point out where to write the sentences. ask a student to say the sample answer to the class. get students to complete the activity individually. as students work, walk around the classroom offering language support as needed.
check the answers on the blackboard.
a. the ufo is landing.
b. the alien is chasing the man.
c. the man is running.
step iv 2a listening(第四步, 听)
this activity gives students practice understanding and writing the target language in spoken conversation.
read the instructions to the class. point to the three pictures in activity 1. say, you will hear a conversation about these pictures. as you listen, write a number in the box in the left corner of each picture to show the order of the events.
point out the sample answer in the box of the third picture. say, you will hear the man is running first.
play the recording the first time. students only listen. play the recording again. this time students listen and number the pictures.
check the answers.
the pictures should be numbered in this order:
man: hey, look at the man running down the street. i wonder what's happening.
woman: he could be running for exercise.
man: but he's wearing a suit.
woman: well, he might be late for work.
man: he looks kind of scared.
woman: oh, no! what's that?
man: where?
woman: there's something in the sky.
man: it could be a helicopter.
woman: no, it can't be a helicopter. it's too big. it must be a ufo.
man: a ufo? what's going on?
woman: look, now the ufo is landing …
man: and there's a strange creature getting out. it must be an alien.
woman: and the alien is chasing the man! i must be dreaming.
man: maybe we should call the police. (pause) hey, wait a minute. what's that?
woman: where?
man: over there.
woman: it's a woman with a camera.
man: she could be from the tv news.
woman: no, look at all those other people. they are actors. oh! they must be making a movie.
encourage students to write two or three sentences to finish the story.
answers will vary. write a sample version on the blackboard. ask students to use it as a model.
a sample version
man: that's right. it must be interesting. why not go and see how they are making a movie?
woman: good idea!
step v 2b(第五步,说)
this activity provides oral practice using the target language.
point out the sample conversation in the box. invite a pair of students to read it to the class.
sa: why do you think the man is running?
sb: he could be running for exercise.
sa: no, he's wearing a suit. he might be running to catch a bus.
write it on the blackboard.
say, now work with a partner. start by reading the conversation in the box with your partner. then role play conversations using information in activity 2b. get students to work in pairs. as the pairs work together, walk around the classroom listening in on various pairs and offering help as needed. ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.
step vi. listening(第六步)
听力练习(listening practice),要求学生快速阅读2a,2b,帮助学生明确听力语言目标的要求。接着,听力练习,学生根据录音内容完成2a and 2b。
教学操练目标语言(practice target language),2c pair work根据掌握的对话内容,扮演在场的人,模仿2c部分的对话,利用2b的内容进行操练。
step vii summary(第七步,总结)
1.say, in this class, we've mainly done much listening and writing practice using the target language.
step viii practice(第八步,练习)
step viiii homework(第九步,作业)
ask students to collect pictures of different kinds and then talk about them using must, could, might and can't.
blackboard design(板书设计)
unit 5 it must belong to carla.
section b
1.answers to activity 1:
a. the ufo is landing.
b. the alien is chasing the man.
c. the man is running.
2.a sample version to activity 2a:
man: that's right. it must be interesting. why not go and see how they are making a movie?
woman: good idea. language:
a: why do you think the man is running?
b: he could be running for exercise.
a: no, he's wearing a suit. he might be running to catch a bus.
It must belong to Carla 篇2
猜单词,用一些常见 的实物让学生表达下列单词,先给一学生看,让其描述,其他学生猜。
tennisball,hairband, apairofglasses,anenglishbook,acd
s : yes,iamsure.
thekeymustbethetea cher’s.
clothing:hat,jacket,t-shirt;funthings:volleyball,cd,toycar,magazine,book;kitchenthings: plate,cups
listenandmatchonpage34eachpersonwithathi nganda reason..
payat tentiontotheuseo fmu stinthesentences.
playthetapesa gain,andle tthestudentsreadafterthat.