
8A Unit3-4重点词组、句型及语法复习提纲

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8A Unit3-4重点词组、句型及语法复习提纲(通用3篇)

8A Unit3-4重点词组、句型及语法复习提纲 篇1

  8a unit1 重点词组,句型及语法复习一.词组和短语序号chineseenglish1一个诚实的男孩an honest boy2一个八年级的学生a grade 8 student3一次写作比赛a writing competition4一则……的广告an advertisement for5保密keep secrets6使我开心make me happy7分享我的快乐share my joy8遇到麻烦be in trouble9和我一样苗条as slim as me10一个我最好的朋友one of my best friends11对……慷慨be generous to 12乐意做某事be willing/ ready to do 13给需要的人让座give seats to people in need14环游世界travel around the world15使他看起来聪明make him look smart16感到无聊feel bored17讲滑稽的笑话tell funny jokes18走过课桌walk past the desk19撞翻我的书knock over my books20想起我的好朋友think of my good friends21看一则广告read an advertisement22一位忠实的朋友an honest friend23及肩的头发shoulder-length hair24做大量的电脑工作do much computer work25投票赞成某人vote for sb.26帮助有需要的人help people in need27课外活动after-school activities28尽力帮助他们try to help them29一名社会工作者a social worker30未来计划future plans31看起来爱好运动look sporty32搬迁到北京move to beijng33过来come over34想念我的老同学miss my old classmates35与……交朋友make friends with 36给我一些忠告give my some advice37住在隔壁live next door38邀请某人做某事invite sb to do 39她微笑的眼睛her smiling eyes40面带微笑wear a smile on one’s face41再来一些饮料some more drinks42一些喝的something to drink43任何时间at any time44在将来in the future45对……很了解know sth. very well46一个人坐着sit alone47认识某人get to know sb.48不如not as… as 49在做某事上有困难have problems doing sth.50在某事上有困难have problems with sth.51适合某事be suitable for 52和某人分享某物share sth with sb53对某人友好be friendly to sb54十年前ten years ago 55解出数学题solve the maths problem56写信给某人write to sb 57说某人的坏话say a bad word about sb58相信他说的话believe what he said/ his words59倾听人们的难题listen to people’s problems60帮助人们解决难题help people solve their problems61因为……而出名be famous for 62作为……而出名be famous as63有一个像艾伦那样的朋友have a friend like alan64在午餐期间during lunch time65同意做某事agree to do 66同意某人的意见agree with sb67在左边的那个男孩the boy on the left68跑步最快的人the fastest runner69a和b都both a and b二.重点句子及句型1冰箱里没有别的东西。 there is nothing else in the fridge. 2我不知道如何和我的同学交谈。 i don’t know how to talk to my classmates. 3你相信他所说的话吗? do you believe what he said? 4当他和我在一起的时候,我不感到无聊。 i never feel bored when he is with me. 5她为人善良,从不说任何人的坏话。 she is kind and never says a bad word about anyone. 6我的电脑没有他的电脑贵。 my computer is not as expensive as his computer. =my computer is cheaper than his computer. =his computer is more expensive than my computer. 7我认为游泳没有远足有趣。 i don’t think swimming is as interesting as hiking. 8她愿意倾听人们的问题并且帮助人们解决问题。 she is willing to listen to people’s problems and help them solve the problems. 9我在我的新学校有麻烦。 i have problems with my new school. 10凯特既是我最好的朋友也是我的邻居。 kitty is both my best friend and my neighbour. 三.语法1. 形容词的用法 2. 形容词的原级,比较级和最高级的用法。

  8a unit2 词组,句型及语法复习一.词组或短语序号chineseenglish1一所男女混合学校a mixed school2做针线活do some sewing3打棒球play baseball4全世界的学校schools all over the world5在今年的读书周期间in this year’s reading week6带来书和杂志bring books and magazines7上驾驶课have driving lessons8开车送我去上学drive me to school9一位亲密的朋友a close friend10在午饭时间during lunch time11在16岁的时候at the age of 1612暑假的长度the length of the summer holiday13做早操do morning exercises14有能力做某事be able to do 15进行学校旅行go on a school trip16扎领带wear a tie17在学校的另一边on the other side of the school18家政课home economics19在16岁的时候at 16/the age 1620体育课p.e.lessons21我们理想的学校our ideal school22做健康而又可口的饭cook healthy and tasty meals23每节课快结束的时候near the end of each class24和我的同学谈我们的书talk about our books with my classmates25一周两次twice a week26业余时间free time27在回家途中on one’s way home28校服school uniform29做某事很快乐have fun (in)doing30休假两周have two weeks off31在八年级in grade 832听流行音乐listen to pop music33半小时的作业half an hour of homework34有时间做某事have time to do二.重点句子及句型1夏季,中国学生比英国学生多休息几个星期。 chinese students have more weeks off in the summertime than british students. 2吴先生今晚将上电视。 mr. wu is going to be on tv tonight. 3我们将有很多时间参加课外活动。 we will have a lot of time to take part in after-school activities. 4我的校服和约翰的不一样。 my uniform is the same as simon’s. 5我的校服和西蒙的一样。新课标第一网 my uniform is different from john’s. 6米莉的铅笔盒与埃米的一样大小。 millie’s pencilbox is the same size as amy’s. 7我喜欢学会怎样做饭和缝纫。 i like learning how to cook and sew. 8南希加入的俱乐部比约翰多,但丹尼尔加入得最多。 nancy joins more clubs than john,but daniel joins the most. 9我来这所学校之前,我不知道如何为我自己做事情。 i did not know how to do things for myself before i came to this school. 10“hero”这个单词是什么意思? what does the word ‘hero’ mean? =what’s the meaning of the word ‘hero’? 三.语法1用形容词的比较级和最高级来比较事物的多少。2用the same as 和be different from来进行比较。

8A Unit3-4重点词组、句型及语法复习提纲 篇2

  8a unit 5词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组或短语




  1去观鸟go birdwatching

  2在市场at the market

  3在入口处at the entrance

  4一个自然保护区a nature reserve

  5在中国东北in north-east china = in the north-east of china

  6世界上最重要的湿地之一one of the world’s most important wetlands = one of the most important wetlands in the world

  7一年到头;终年all (the) year round = the whole year

  8提供某物给某人provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth.

  9一个生活区a living area

  10为某人/某物让出空间make  space/room  for  sb./sth.

  11去那儿作短暂的逗留go there for a short stay= stay there for a short time

  12数鸟do a bird count=count birds

  13一年一次once a year

  14研究不同种类的鸟study the different kinds of birds

  15它们在数量上的变化the changes in their numbers

  16湿地的重要性the importance of wetlands

  17濒临灭绝的(处于危险状态的)in a dangerous state = endangered

  18一个受到保护的地区/地方a protected area

  19走很长的路walk a long way

  20采取措施做某事take action to do sth.

  21让某人做某事(使役动词用法)make sb. do sth.

  22返回come/go back = return回到学校come/go back to school = return to school

  23许多(后接复数名词)a (large)  number of = many……的数目(单数)the number of……

  24一个申请表an application form

  25以……方式向某人打招呼greet sb. with……

  26把某物忘/留在某地leave sth. sw.把垃圾留在那儿leave litter there

  27乱扔垃圾drop litter carelessly

  28有……..的面积have an area of …….

  29阻止某人做某事prevent/stop  sb. (from) doing sth.=keep sb. from doing sth.

  30记笔记take notes

  31加入观鸟俱乐部的申请application to join the birdwatching club

  32成为…的一个成员/加入become/be  a member of = join

  33对做某事感兴趣be interested in doing sth.

  34迫不及待地做某事can’t wait to do sth. = can’t wait for sth.

  35来参加俱乐部活动come to club activities

  36尖尖的翅膀pointed wings

  37在观看(鸟)期间during the watch

  38例如for example = e.g.

  39有空be free

  40兴趣和爱好interests and hobbies

  41防止洪水(防洪)prevent flood二、重点句子及句型:1. i am going birdwatching at the market.2. which bird do you like best?3. the area is a great place for wildlife because it provides food and shelter for them..4. it is one of the world's most important wetlands.5. more and more birds are in danger because they do not have enough space.6. some people want to change the wetlands to make space for farms and buildings.7.this means there will be less and less space for the wildlife.8. he told us not to make any noise and not to run.9. swallow flies to northern countries in summer.10. many birds live in zhalong nature reserve all year round and some go there for a short stay.11. zhalong is one of the nature reserves for these endangered birds.12. this year members of our birdwatching club are studying the different kinds of birds in zhanlong and the changes in their numbers.13.we do a bird count once a year.14.we hope this information will help them understand and make them take action to protect wildlife.15. studying zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife.16. she speaks fluent french. = she speaks french fluently.17.we talked loudly until mr wu told us to be quiet.18.it has an area of more than 210,000 hectares. = it is over 210,000 hectares in area.19.zhalong is the home of a lot of plants and animals, including different kinds of birds. 20.providing food and shelter for endangered birds is not the only reason for us to protect wetlands.21.i think it is important for me to do something to protect birds.22. you can call me on 010-5558 6390 or e-mail me at . they simply can’t wait for the party next week.三、语法: 1.识别五种基本句型结构。 2.掌握副词的构成方法及在句子中的应 8a unit 6词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组或短语




  1自然灾害natural disasters

  2全身湿透be/get all wet



  5输掉比赛lose the game

  6好几千人(成千上万的人)thousands of people

  7猛烈地撞到…上crash into…

  8引起一场大的火灾start/cause a big fire

  9惊恐地(处于恐惧之中)in fear

  10地下的炸弹bombs below/under the ground

  11从….上掉下来/摔下来fall off = fall (down) from =drop from倒下、掉下fall down跌倒、绊倒fall over倒下come down = fall

  12朝四面八方跑去run in all directions=run in every direction

  13跑出…../跑进….run out of … / run into…

  14尽某人最大努力做某事try one’s best to do sth.

  15镇定下来、平静下来calm down

  16最后finally = at last = in the end

  17结束be over = end

  18被困住be trapped

  19自言自语say to oneself

  20片刻的恐惧a moment of fear

  21(大声)求救shout/call/scream for help

  22到处everywhere = here and there

  23没有任何吃的东西have nothing to eat

  24兴奋的叫声excited shouts

  25急匆匆地去干某事be in a (great) hurry to do sth.

  26降一点点drop a little降到零下5度drop to -5℃

  27大约7度(be) around 7℃

  28变得更坏become/get worse

  29找借口make excuses / make an excuse

  30叫某人(不要)做某事tell/ask sb. (not) to do sth.建议某人(不要)做某事advise sb. (not) to do sth.警告某人(不要)做某事warn sb. (not) to do sth.命令某人(不要)做某事order sb. (not) to do sth.

  31把….搬走(代词放中间)move …away

  32精神紧张be nervous

  33经历地震后而存活下来survive the earthquake

  34听起来像…sound like….

  35天气预报weather forecast

  36锁门lock the door

  37跑下楼run down the stairs

  38将(电器)打开/关闭turn …on/off将(电器音量)调高/调低turn …up/down

  39走出教室walk out of the classroom

  40一个接一个one by one = one after another

  41一个事故报告an accident report

  42打电话给110热线call the 110 hotline

  43到达时间the time of arrival

  44(严重)受伤(系表结构)be (badly/seriously) hurt

  45着火catch fire = be on fire

  46警方(集体名词)the police

  47在风中in the wind

  48朝….外看/朝….里看look out of…. / look into…

  49继续做(同一件)事continue to do sth. = continue doing sth. =go on doing sth. = go on with sth.

  50用….将….盖起来cover…with…..….被…..覆盖起来…..be covered with …二、重点句子及句型:1.my house is all wet.2.who’s going to mop it up if you don’t come with me?3.a young boy fell from a tree and hurt his legs.4.a coach crashed into a tree last night.5.at first, i felt a slight shaking through my body. 6.people looked at each other in fear.7.people ran in all directions. they didn’t know where to go.8.some people ran out of the shopping centre. i tried my best to run out to the street, too.9.people ran wildly as pieces of glass and bricks fell down. then the walls began to come down too.10.i did not even know where i was(宾从).11. “i’m trapped,” i said to myself.              12.a moment of fear went through my mind but i told myself to calm down since i was still alive.13.people were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones.14.he survived the earthquake in 1999.15.it sounded like bombs under the ground.16.it rained heavily last night.= there was a heavy rain last night.  it will be snowy tomorrow. = it will snow tomorrow.= there will be snow tomorrow.17.it took me longer to get to school.18.everybody had to hurry since there would be no buses in two hours.19.mr wu told us to go home. / mr wu asked simon to close the windows. simon advised daniel to wear a raincoat./ mr wu warned us not to run. he told us to walk out of the classroom one by one. / mr wu ordered simon to close the windows.20.the snow covers the whole place. = the whole place is covered with the snow.21.a man named su ning called the 110 hotline at 7:40p.m. using his mobile phone.22.mr su felt cold and frightened but he was not hurt. 23.i know that bad weather can be dangerous.   bad weather sometimes causes natural disasters.24.there was a heavy storm with thunder and lightning.25.her school caught fire because lightning hit it.26.snow continued to fall around us.27.we lost our umbrella in the wind and i nearly fell over.28.we could do nothing but walk slowly in the storm.29.i looked out of the window and saw that people were in a hurry to remove the snow.三、语法:1.because, as , since 引导原因状语从句。2.用动词不定式来报告某人的命令、请求和建议。warn/tell/ask/order/advise sb. (not) to do sth.

8A Unit3-4重点词组、句型及语法复习提纲 篇3

  8a unit3 词组,句型及语法复习一.词组或短语序号chineseenglish1保持健康keep fit/healthy2路过歌剧院go past the opera house3保重take care4一门外国语a foreign language5感到恶心feel sick6一个令人惊喜的日子an amazing day7看日落/日出watch the sunset/sunrise8当心(别)做某事take care (not) to do 9将秘密藏在某人心里keep the secret to oneself10有着大花园的漂亮建筑物a nice building with a big garden 11为……喝彩cheer for12在---开始/结束时at the end/beginning of13上/下长途汽车get on/off the coach14一路乘汽车去……take the bus all the way to15让它成为真正有趣的一天make it a really fun day16尽快做某事do sth as soon as possible17感受公园的美丽feel the beauty of the park18进行一次乘船旅行take a boat trip19在塞纳河畔by the river seine20赢得篮球决赛win the basketball final 21亲自去看go and see for oneself22参加跳舞join in the dancing23需要锻炼以保持健康need practice to keep fit24拍照片take photos25玩捉迷藏play hide-and-seek26为我保守秘密keep secrets for me27举行take place28六平方米six square metres29比真的看起来好多了look muchbetterthan the real one30在城市道路/高速公路上on the city road/highway31由金属制成be made of metal32许多世界名胜a lot of places of interest33自学如何制作主页teach oneself how to make a home page34对---了解许多/一点儿/更多know a lot/a few/more about35去攀岩go climbing on rocks36下决心decide/make up one’s mind37人民英雄纪念碑the monument to the people’s heroes38选择做某事choose to do 39计划做某事plan to do40在你的支持下with your support41转乘公共汽车change to the bus42去骑马go horse riding43在下半场in the second half44乘地铁回到天安门广场take the underground back to tian’anmen square45人民大会堂the people’s great hall46准备做某事prepare to do47同意做某事agree to do48奖杯和奖牌的授予the presentation of cup and medals49算出旅行的费用work out the cost of the trip50互相看了看look at each other二.重点句子及句型1吴老师邀请我参加他们去世界公园的学校旅行。mr. wu invited me to join their school trip to the world park.2从我们学校出发到世界公园的旅行乘长途汽车要花约两个小时。the trip from our school to the world park took about 2 hours by coach.3冬天很冷但滑雪很有趣。it’s very cold in winter but skiing there is great fun.4谢谢你为我保守秘密。thank you for keeping the secret for me.5昨天我坐船游览了著名的港湾大桥,途中经过了歌剧院。yesterday, i took a boat trip under the famous harbour bridge and went past the opera house.6幸运的是,登山者帮助了她。luckily, the climbers helped her.7现在该是你去机场的时候了。it’s time for you to go to the airport now.三.语法1连词and/but/or的使用2动词加to do的用法3反身代词的使用

  8a unit 4词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组或短语




  1看起来味道很美look delicious

  2第一次走出她的家门go outside her home for the first time

  3长成……grow into…

  4一天长达14个小时for up to 14 hours a day

  5没有住的地方have nowhere to live

  6处于危险之中(be) in danger

  7把….拿走take …. away

  8了解很多有关……learn a lot about…

  9踩到一条蛇step on a snake

  10生活在野外live in the wild

  11将某人单独留下leave sb. alone = leave sb. (all) by oneself= leave sb. on one’s own

  12一直做某事keep doing sth让/保持某人一直做某事keep sb. doing sth.坚持做某事(中间可停顿)keep on doing sth.阻止某人做某事keep/stop/prevent  sb. from doing sth.

  13一次海豚表演a dolphin show

  14寻找,搜寻hunt for = look for

  15在中午at noon

  16生活区的丧失(the) loss of living areas

  17用它们的骨头制成药make medicine from their bones(看不出原材料)用纸做成一个箱子make a box out of paper (看出原材料)

  18对某人友好be friendly to/towards sb.

  19如些..以致于..(常引导结果状从)…..so/such …..that…….以便;为了(常引导目的状从)……. so that…….

  20砍下…..(代词放中间)cut… down

  21(数量)变得越来越少get smaller and smaller

  22采取行动做某事take actions to do sth.

  238个月前(常用于过去时)eight months ago8个月后(常用于过去时)eight months later

  24做一个关于….的测试give a test on….

  25在四个月的时候at four months

  26对….感兴趣(延续性)be interested in对…产生兴趣(短暂性)become interested in

  27又生了一个婴儿have another baby

  28保持某人安全并远离危险keep sb. safe from danger

  29(有)足够的….来做….enough ……for…..= enough…… to do….

  30生存下去stay alive = survive

  31转身而跑run the other way

  32步行穿过雨林walk through a rainforest

  33喂养动物(的过程)the feeding of animals

  34一次去北京动物园的参观a visit to beijing zoo

  35从水中捉鱼catch fish from the water

  36一份关于野生生物的报告a report on wild animals

  37独自生活live alone=live (all) by oneself =live on one’s own

  38好的视力、听力和嗅觉good eyesight, hearing and smell

  39取乐for fun

  40由动物皮毛制成的衣服clothes made of animal fur


  失去某人的生命(死)lose one’s life = die


  其它人someone else


  占用土地take the land


  开发新的农田make new farmland(s)

  45挣很多钱make a lot of money

  46象牙elephants’ tusks

  47继续做(相同的)事continue to do sth.= continue doing sth.= go on doing sth. = go on with sth.继续做(不同的)事go on to do sth.

  48黑白相间的black and white

  49一次;每次at a time

  50直立行走walk upright

  51回到家return home =come back home归还return …= give…back

  52四处运动move around

  53在白天in the daytime

  54以家庭形式生活live as a family以团队形式一起劳动work as a team(以家族以式)过群居生活live in family groups

  55感到害怕feel frightened = feel afraid二、重点句子及句型:1. if i don’t have food, i die.   if i die, no one will look after you.  2. write a report on an animal in danger for the club newsletter. 3. i first saw the baby panda when she was only 10 days old.   = i saw the baby for the first time at the age of 10 days. 4. when xi wang was born, she weighed just 100 garms.当“希望”出生时,她只有100克。 5.eight mother later,she was not a small baby any more. 6.at the very beginning, xi wang drank her mother’s milk for up to 14 hours a day. 7.when xi wang was 20 months old, she had to look after herself because her mother had another baby.8.sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.9.here are some of the problems( that xi wang may have in the future.) 10.if farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.11.mothers often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own.12.we can take the following actions to protest giant pandas .13. encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves. 鼓励农民离开大熊猫保护区。14. i will see some beautiful birds if i walk through a rainforest. 15. we call her xi wang. it means “hope”.16. she started to go outside her home for the first time.17. if hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for it’s fur.18. if tigers live in the wild, they hunt for their own food. 19.tigers live as a family if they have babies.wolves live in family groups if they are in the wild.狼在旷野中以家庭的形式群居。20.they are in danger because people like their fur and make medicine from their bones. 21.i think you should not buy clothes (made of animal fur). 22.if farmers continue to make new farmland, wild animals won’t get enough food.如果农民继续开辟新的农田,那么野生动物将得不到足够的食物。23.mother giant pandas have only one or two babies at a time.24.their number is getting smaller and smaller because their living areas are becoming farmland.他们的数量越来越少,因为他们的居住地正变成农田。25.they seldom hurt people.它们很少伤害人。26. if we do nothing, soon there will be no giant pandas in the world. 27. we are writing to you about protecting wild animals. 28. they do not kill for fun. 29. they are friendly towards each other and never attack people.30. they look lovely on me. 31. baby giant pandas spend a lot of time drinking their mums’ milk ----up to 14 hours a day.32. what action(s) can the club take ?三、语法:条件状语从句a.在表示假设情况的条件状语从句中中,主句用一般将来时,从句中用一般现在时表示将来,当 从句放在主句之前时,用逗号将从句与主句隔开,但当主句在前从句在后时,则不需要逗号。   if it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go fishing.b.在表示一个客观事实或经常性有规律性的事实的条件状语从句中,主句与从句都用一般现在时。   if you step on a snake, it attacks you.


