
Unit7 New Waves of Technology教案

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Unit7 New Waves of Technology教案(精选2篇)

Unit7 New Waves of Technology教案 篇1

  meaning through practicebuild your skillsthese questions can e post –reading activities to be completed in groups in the classroom or for homework.answer key1.<answers may vary. sample answers only.>advances in science : theory of relativity, computer science, quantum mechanics.advances in technology: rocket, computer, technology, bioengineering.2. he was embarrassed. he wanted to escape from the uncomfortable position he had found himself in.3.b 4.c 5.c6. an american who liked to ski first invented the snowboard. he did it by bolting two skis together. he called it a snuffer.7 .personal opinion.b. build your vocabulary.divide the ss into groups of 4.the ss must identify the sentence in the text that uses each different from the text, each group must write a sentence about each expressionanswer key1. appeal to       be attractive and of interest to come up with     think of a plan, idea, solution, etcdeal with        do what is necessary to achieve the desired result.set off          start a journey; cause something to explode.signal to        make a gesture, movement, sound ,or action in order to give a particular message to person who sees or hears.c. build your listening skills instructions for teacherbefore listening to the audiotape, have your students read and study two readings in section4, nasa rover wakes up on mars and  mother sues nestle over lack of gm milk label.these two passages will introduce many of the new words in this listening material.typescripts<omitted>answer keypart 1.1.b 2.b 3.b 4.bd build your speaking skills read the dialogue to the class. have the class repeat sentences as a whole group. then ask for  an individual to repeat a sentence. check for pronunciation help the ss to focus on chunks of word s rather than one –word utterances. for example:can i get her/ to call you/ when she gets backi’m sorry jenny/ he’s not home/ right now.can you get him/ tell him that______called?when do you/ expect her back?can you tell me / when she’ll be back?talk your head off: technically speakingwrite these language patterns on the board. practice these patterns with the class first.asking for opinion                       giving opinionwhat do you think about?                  i think---what’s your opinion on limits to the amount   in my opinionof technology?how do you feel about too much technology in our lives?                            i feel that---in what area should we focus on technology ?medical, sports, communication, gameswhat’s your favorite new technology?e build your writing skills review explanations used in unit 6. ask the ss for an explanation of the use of because  provides the reason, supporting the information for the main sentence. because is used to express expected resultsdiscuss the use of even though and yet these two connectors show something that is the opposite or in contrast to the main sentence. even though is used to express unexpected results.in groups have the ss rewrite the para. the teacher can move from group to group providing help where needed.f. project time: put your skill together.this activity can be individual or group project. the ss follow the instructions given in the text and do the class presentation.

Unit7 New Waves of Technology教案 篇2

  reading to learnthis section includes three articles on technological achievements and on problems arising from technological achievements.nasa rover wakes up on marswithout the books open, write the title of this text on the board. have ss predict what the text is about from the title.questions:what’s the subject in this title? what do you think a nasa rover could be? what is the verb? give other examples that wake up. what is the object? what is mars? how can you travel to mars? would this be a person or thing that would travel to mars? what type of technology will we read about in this text? does anyone is the class know something about mars that they could share with the class?there is a lot of new vocabulary in this text. assign the reading for homework and have the ss categorize the new vocabulary into the following groupsfind all the words or phrases related to the rover <space craft.>find all the words or phrases related to the mars <planet>find all the words or phrases related to nasa <people/scientists>discuss post –reading activities with the classtechnology  for  a  nation again, without the book open discuss the title .have the ss make predictions about the text.questions when did china send a person to space?who was that person that traveled into space?how did china succeed in send a person into space?what is involved in sending a human being into space?when did china begin to develop space technology?what have chinese scientists  achieved over the years?ask the ss  to imagine or predict what will happen in two years from now in space technology. will one of then will travel into space in the future?teaching tip predictions encourage the ss to relay on prior knowledge and interpretations of the title words.<ruddell,martha.>assign the reading for homework.discuss post –reading activities in the following lessoncheck students’ predictions with information in the text.mother sues nestle over lack of gm milk label1.       scmp stand for south china morning post, a major english newspaper based in hongkong 2.       nestle: nestle with headquarters in vevey, switerland was founded in 1866 by henry nestle, a pharmacist, who developed a food for babies who were unable to breastfeed. his first success was a premature infant who could not tolerate his mother’s milk or any of the usual substitutes. people quickly recognized the value of the new product, after nestle’s new formula saved the child’s life ,and soon, farine lactee henri nestle was being sold in much of europe.3.       nestle is today the world’s biggest food and beverage company. the number of it s employees is about 253 000. it has factories or operations in almost every country in the world.4.       before introducing the text have a discuss about labels. bring in several items with labels, for example: a can of bamboo shoots, dried noodles, dried soup, tomato sauce, ketchup, etc. divide the ss into groups and hand out an item to each group. introduce the word “ingredient” .have the students identify the ingredients in each item. this can also be named “labeling” the ingredients. explain that the first ingredient has the highest content. the next ingredient is second in content and so on.5.       introduce the following vocabulary : products and consumers .use the items that you have brought to class to show that in the retail world the name for everything that is bought and sold is product. the people that buy the product are called consumers.6.       again, write the title of the text on the board. discuss the meaning of the words in the title. ask the ss to identify subject, verb and object.questions do you think this mother likes to drink milk that is made from a gm food ?would you drink or eat something with gm foods?do you think she won or lost the case?what other nestle products have you eaten or drank?ask the ss  guess what the text will be about. remember during the discussion it is important to accept students’ all predictions . making no judgments about how correct the predictions are to the title.ask the students to read the text for homework of in groups. discuss post-reading activities. check the students’ predictions with the information in the text.


