Zoology教案 篇1
the third period
teaching aims:
1.revise the sentence pattern for emphasis.
2.revise the words and phrases learned in the last period.
3.revise the usages of modal verbs.
teaching important points:
1.use the words and phrases learnt freely and correctly.
2.use the modal verbs correctly.
teaching difficult points:
how to use the modal verbs correctly in different situations.
teaching methods:
1.exercises to help students use the learnt words and phrases freely and correctly.
2.comparative and inductive methods to tell students the usages of some modal verbs.
3.exercises to help students use the modal verbs correctly.
teaching aids:
1.a computer
2.a courseware
teaching procedures:
step ⅰ greetings
greet the whole class as usual.
step ⅱ revision
t:in the last period,we learnt a sentence pattern for emphasis.and i also told you to do an exercise.now i’ll check your homework.
(teacher asks some students to give the answers and then checks them with the whole class.)
suggested answers:
1.it is the honey-bee that interests scientists most.
2.it is professor wu that they want to invite.
3.it was on october 1st that new china was founded.
4.it was not until it was deep into the night that he went to bed.
5.was it because he was ill that he asked for leave?
6.where was it that he told you the news?
step ⅲ language practice
t:in the last period we’ve learnt some new words and phrases.now let’s do an exercise to see if you have known their exact meaning.please look at exercise 1.choose the proper word or phrase in the box to take the place of the underlined word in each of the following sentences.
(teacher gives students a while to finish this exercise and then asks the students to give the answers.)
suggested answers:
3.make clear—clarify
6.distinguish—tell apart;small circles—dot
t:now let’s do exercise 2.imagine that you are a scientist who is studying bees.a reporter from the local tv station has asked you some questions about your work.you can use the words in the brackets to answer these questions.you can use the detailed information in the passage to help you.you can also work in pairs to have a discussion.
(teacher gives students enough time to prepare and then asks some of them to give the answers.)
suggested answers:
r:please tell us about your work.what is your theory?what is it that you want to show?
you:i have an assumption that bees can use a kind of “language” to communicate with each other.i want to show that bees convey some information when they are dancing.
r:i see.so you believe that the bees use a dance to communicate.what does the dance look like?
you:the bee moves sideways in the wagging dance:the dancer runs in a straight line,wagging from side to side.then it turned in a semicircle,ran straight again,and turned in another semicircle to the opposite side.
r:you have set up two feeding places here.one is very close to the beehive,one is about three hundred metres away.why have you done that?
you:i assume that bees convey more information than food.in order to find out whether my assumption is correct,i have set up two feeding places.one is very close to the beehive,the other is in a far-away place.
r:the bees all look the same to me.how do you distinguish one bee from another?
you:i mark all the bees that come to the nearby feeding place blue and all the bees that go to the far-away place red.in this way i can tell them apart easily.
r:how were you able to come to a conclusion?
you:i did more experiments in order to ob-tain enough data to provide an adequate account of the bees’ behaviour.
r:it must have been difficult to get enough information.how did you know if the dance told the bees exactly where the feeding place was?
you:by doing a lot of experiments,i knew that the dance coveyed news of food.it was evident that the circle dance told the bees about the location of the food while the wagging dance told the exact distance to the feeding place.
r:what was the most important thing you have learnt about the bees?what became clear as you studied the bees?
you:the most important thing i learnt about bees was that bees can communicate with each other by dancing in different ways.as i studied the bees,it came to light that bees fly a maximum distance of 3.2 kilometres between their hive and a feeding place.
step ⅳ grammar
t:we’ve learnt some modal verbs before.we all know that modal verbs are difficult to master in english.now look at the sentences on the screen.the underlined parts are all modal verbs.please give the chinese for each sentence and explain the use of modal verbs in it.
(teacher shows the following on the screen.)
1.ellen should have kept his promise.i wonder why he changed his mind.
2.you ought not to eat too much junk food.
3.—are you coming for dinner?
—i’m not sure.i might go to my aunt’s instead.
4.there was plenty of time.we needn’t have hurried.
5.nancy dare not go out alone at night.
6.i must finish the report before this weekend.
7.i can read english much faster than before.
8.would she like to borrow my bicycle?
9.she is rehearsing a new play.she must be very busy now.
10.it’s getting late.i’m afraid i have got to go.
(bb:should/ought to;may/might/could;need,dare;must/have (got) to;can/be able to;shall/will)
t:now,who’d like to explain the first sentence?
“should” is used to indicate “obligation” or “duty”.the structure with perfect infinitive is used to talk about things which did not happen,although they were supposed to.
suggested answers:
“shouldn’t/oughtn’t to” is the negative short form of “should/ought to” expressing “advice”.
“may/might/could” is used to talk about “possibility”.
“needn’t” is the negative short form of “need”.
the modal verb “need”,which is used to express “necessity”,is today most commonly used in negative statements.
the modal verb “dare” means “have enough courage”.it is used especially in negative statements and questions.
“must” is used to express “necessity in future time”.
“can” is used to talk about “the ability to do sth.”.
“would” is used in offers or invitations.
“must” here is used to draw a logical conclusion.
when there seems to be no other choice,“have to” is used.“have got to” is used in spoken english instead of “have to” in written english.
t:can you tell the differences between “can” and “be able to”?
t:“can” and “be able to” both indicate “ability”,but “can” is used only in the present indefinite tense and the past indefinite tense while “be able to” is used in different kinds of tenses.
s3:will you explain the usages of the two modal verbs “shall” and “will”?
t:“shall i.../shall we...” are often used to make suggestions.“will you.../would you...”are often used to indicate requests.i’ll give you two examples.look at the blackboard,please.
(bb:shall we take our swim-suits?
will you post this letter for me,please?)
t:now let’s do an exercise in your textbooks.
please use the proper modal verbs to finish the two dialogues in exercise 3.
(teacher gives students some minutes to prepare and then checks the answers with the whole class.)
suggested answers:
dialogue 1
shall;must;needn’t/don’t have to;can/could;may/might;can/may/had better;would;can’t;must
dialogue 2
will/would;must;can;must;must;would;can;should/ought to;dare
step ⅴ summary and homework
t:today,we’ve reviewed some new words and phrases learnt in the last period.we’ve also reviewed something about the text.besides,we’ve reviewed the usages of some modal verbs and have done some exercises about them.after class,you should do more exercises about modal verbs and preview the reading passage in the “integrating skills”.ok.that’s all for today.class is over.
step ⅵ the design of the writing on the
unit 14 zoology
the third period
modal verbs:
should/ought to;may/might/could;need;dare;must/have(got) to;can/be able to;shall/will
shall we take our swim-suits?
will you post this letter for me,please?
step ⅶ record after teaching
Zoology教案 篇2
unit 14 zoology 单元教学设计
the 1st period warming-up and speaking
teaching goals:
1、get the students to know part of the expressions containing animals.
2、enable the student to know how to make life better for the animals.
3、enable the student to know how to protect the animals.
teaching procedures
step1 lead-in
1、show a group of pictures of animals on the screen. ask the students to speak out the names of the animals. (the pictures flash on the screen at a certain speed to draw the students’ attention.)
2、ask the students to say as many proverbs or sayings containing the name of an animal as possible. it doesn’t matter whether to use the animals on the screen or not.
eg. it rains cats and dogs.
barking dogs do not bite.
to kill two birds with one stone.
task 1 expressions of animals
now, let’s see more expressions of animals. try to fill the blanks with the names of animals, and guess the chinese meaning.
1、to teach a _______ how to swim. (fish, 班门弄斧)
2、a _______in the way. (lion, 拦路虎)
3、one _______ doesn’t make a summer. (swallow, 一燕不成夏)
4、you can’t make a _______ walk straight. (crab, 江山易改,本性难移)
5、a _______ in sheep’s clothing. (wolf, 披着羊皮的狼)
6、don’t count your _______ before they hatch. (chickens, 不要过早打如意算盘)
7、as poor as a church_______. (mouse, 穷的一文不名;一贫如洗)
8、all his geese are _______. (swans, 言过其实)
9、i’m so hungry, i could eat a _______. (horse, 饥肠辘辘)
10、separate the sheep from the _______. (goats, 把好人与坏人分开)
11、as stupid as a _______. (goose, 蠢得像头猪)
step 2 warming-up
as we know, animals play a very important part in our language. now let’s see something more.
ask the students to do the exercises in the books.
check the answers with the students.
should animals be kept in zoos or nature park?
step 3 homework
ask the students to collect as many expressions of the animals as possible.
the 2nd /3rd /4th period reading and language study
teaching goals:
1、enable the students to know the communicating ways of bees.
4、 enable the students to understand how professor karl von frisch’s experiment is done.
5、 enable the students to use model verbs properly.
teaching procedures:
step 1 revision
check the homework..
step 2 pre-reading
how do people communicate? ( mainly in languages and body languages.)
how about animals? do animals have languages as well? if so, what are their languages?
show a few pictures of animals on the screen for the students’ reference.
ask the students to finish the chart.
step 3 scanning
so we think the animals have languages including bees. what’s the language of honey-bees?
what information do they communicate?
who made the greatest achievement among the scientists who studied the communication of honey-bees?
step 4 careful reading
professor karl von frisch is devoted to studying the communication of honey-bees. please read the passage carefully.
task1 how did the professor discover it?
his scientific study can be divided into 4 main steps.
1、read the related paragraph to fill in the chart.
2、the procedure from part 1 to part 2 stands for the professor discovered the secret of the communication between the honey-bees. in the procedure, part3 plays a very important part. what does it refer to? (do experiments/ improve the equipment/ others). try to collect the related words and phrases.
part1 part2
assumptions of part3 the ways of communication the information
the professor of honey-bees carried by the bees
1) “it seemed that one bee was able to communicate the news of food to other bees in its hive. how was this possible?”
ways of communication. information
1) the circle dance 1)the news of food
2)_______________ 2)______________
3)_______________ 3)_______________
4)_______________ 4)_______________
task2 multi-choice
1. ______ made it possible to research on the language of the honey-bees.
a. the experiments which was designed by professor von frisch
b. discovering honey-bees can communicate in dark hive
c. the development of the modern beehive in 1851
d. professor von frisch’s newest discovery about the honey-bees.
2. professor von frisch did his third experiment to discover ________.
a. whether the wagging dance showed direction
b. how far bees can fly between their hive and a feeding place
c. whether the wagging dance told the bees how far away a feeding place was
d. how the straight part of the wagging dance was different when the sun’s position changed
3. “so another astonishing fact came to light” the underlined part can be replaced by _______.
a. came up b. was discovered
c. remained unknown d. needed to be checked out
4. _______ can show the different positions of the sun..
a. the right part of the wagging dance
b. the left part of the circle dance
c. the straight part of the circle dance
d. the straight part of the wagging dance
5. “after designing more experiments, they were able to clarify the procedure by which bees communicate information that they use to find and fetch food ” which of the following words or phrases has the similar meaning to the underlined part _______.
a. remove b. observe c. work out d. announce
(key: c c b d c)
step5 post-reading
finish ex1/3 in p122
step6 discussion
task: suppose you are present in the awarding ceremony of nobel prize in 1973. now you act as the representative of the judges who is going to award the prize to the professor. try to make a short speech.
instruction: a brief evaluation of his research and you personal opinion should be included.
step7 language study
finish ex1/2 in p123.
step8 grammar
get the students to do ex3 in p124 and check the answers.
summarize the usage of model verbs.
1、 the degree of being certain
he is at home.(事实)
he must be at home.(非常肯定的推断)
he could be at home.(很可能)
he ought to be at home.(很可能)
he may be at home.(仅仅可能而已)
he might be at home.(或许,非常不确定)
he might not be at home.(也许不在家)
he may not be at home.(比might可能)
he couldn’t be at home.(很可能不在家)
he can’t be at home.(一定不在家)
he isn’t at home. (事实)
2、 compare the following sentences:
1. you must be mr. smith—i was told to expect you here.
2. he must have known what we wanted.
3. we may have read the same report.
4. he can’t have slept through all that noise.
5. there’s someone outside—who can it be?
6. what can they be doing?
7. these pills might help to cure your disease.
8. you could be right, i suppose.
3. finish the story with as many modal verbs as possible
it must have been fate that we met together on the raining day three years ago. at that time it was raining heavily and something may have happened to you. you could have been a bit sad. it really touched me a lot. a smile made us understand each other. and…
it starts to rain. trees turn green. where can you be? can you be waiting for me at the same place? can you still miss the rain? no, i’m afraid you can’t. you have been hurt a lot. you have been away.
it’s raining. leaves are wet now. it’s thought that threre might have been some mistakes between you and me. but i know it’s really my own fault. i shouldn’t have always quarreled with you. i shouldn’t have made you so unhappy and hurt you a lot. that’s because of my bad temper. i need have apologized to you. i need have explained to you. but… you might have been with me.
it’s still raining a little. it’s really the same as the rain three years ago. i know i could have done better. it’s too late. one only realizes that it’s so precious until it has been gone.
it has stopped raining . it’s bright. it seems that something ahead is beautiful. it seems that, besides love, so many other things are beautiful. stop regretting. stop waiting. stop missing.
step9 homework
finish off the exercises on the wb.
the 5th period integrating skills
teaching goals:
1、 train the students’ integrating skills, especially reading skills.
2、 enable the students to get a knowledge of the writing of illustration.
teaching procedures
step1 revision and lead-in
check the homework..
we’ve learnt something about animals. we live on the earth together with the animals. some animals are called the close relatives of humans. do you know what they are? (collect the names of animals: monkeys, apes, grillas, chimpanzees, etc)
they belong to a family—primates, and don’t forget an important member—human beings.
step2 reading
read the text and finish the chart.
types characteristics and examples
other animals
higher primates
lower primates
new world primates
answer question 2 on page 126.
step3 finding the meaning
find these words and sentence in the passage. then read the words around them and choose the right meanings.
1. notably
a. successfully b. greatly
2. upright
a. keep a straight position b. keep the body high
3. distinction
a. description b. difference
4. disgusting
a. ugly b. causing a feeling of dislike
5. primitive
a. modern b. ancient
6. “while the societies are different, they all communicate and behave in advanced ways.” choose the sentence with the same meaning as the underlined word.
a. while i admit that there are problems, i don’t agree that they cannot be solved.
b. while i was in madrid there was a carnival(狂欢节).
(keys: a a b b b a )
step4 discussion
ask the students to discuss question3 in p126.
step5 homework
finish the exercises in wb.