Unit 5 Music(通用4篇)
Unit 5 Music 篇1
unit 5 music
using language
to read the story about freddy and then enjoy and understand beatles’ songs.
to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writing.
i. warming up by listening and writing
turn to page 37 and read these sentences before listening to the tape. then listen to the tape and decide true or false.
ii. guided reading
1. reading and translating
read more about freddy’s life and translate it into chinese paragraph by paragraph.
2. reading and underlining
next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. copy them to your notebook after class as homework.
collocations from freddy’s life
become famous, visit britain on a tour, wait for hours to get tickets for the concerts, be confident, enjoy singing and all the congratulations, the most exciting experience, sing in a tv program called “top of the pops, wear an expensive suit, give a performance to a tv camera, go wrong, not go out without being followed everywhere, wear sunglasses, hide in railway stations, one’s personal life, become too painful for sb., pack one’s bags
3. doing exercises
now you are going to do exercises no. 3, 4 and 5 on page 38 following the article.
ex3: here are the incorrect sentences which should be crossed out.
1. freddy and his band always loved being pop stars.
2. his favorite program was “top of the pops”.
3. things went wrong because freddy and his band hid themselves.
4. they realized they had to go because they were painful.
exercise 4 answer these questions:
1. this is an open question by which students are asked about their opinions.
answers may vary.
2. answers may vary but there is information in the reading passage that may include:
--- becoming rich;
--- doing a job you want to do;
--- having many fans;
--- people enjoying your music.
3. answers may vary but information may include:
--- peaceful and quiet;
--- a private life away from crowds;
--- a personal life which others do not discuss.
exercise 5: the main idea is no. 3. this is a story about a band that became famous and did not like it. only no. 3 best summarizes the main idea, while all the others reflect just part of the main idea. at first, freddy and his band wanted to be famous, but when he became famous, they were always being followed wherever they went, which they found painful.
iii. guided writing
1.writing a letter for advice
please turn to page 38 writing. let’s read the instructions.
you and your friends want to start your own band. however, you have never played in a band before. you write an e-mail to freddy for his advice. the e-mail is started for you, but you have to finish it.
you’d better do some brainstorming in small groups before writing your letters. you should follow the procedure for brainstorming and outlining introduced in module 1 unit 2.
writing tips:
1. in groups discuss some questions you would like to ask freddy.
2. make a list of them and choose the best questions.
3. share your ideas with another pair; discuss all questions and then decide which ones you want to ask freddy.
4. use each question to start a new paragraph.
5. write your question first; then add extra information to show freddy why you need help.
6. finish the letter politely and thank freddy for his help.
2.reading freddy’s reply
let’s read freddy’s reply and answer the questions:
--- how was freddy’s band formed?
--- what advice does freddy give?
3.writing a note and a paragraph
please turn to page 74. now in pairs you are going to decide on the best way to tell a foreign friend about one kind of chinese folk music. what do you think they need to know before they can enjoy it? why do you like it? who are your favorite singers? discuss it with your partner and write notes to remind you of your most important ideas. then write a paragraph telling your foreign friend about the type of chinese folk music you have chosen. use a dictionary and other reference books to help you.
iv. further applying
finding information
go to the library to read or get online to search in order to find more information on music and musicians. take notes of your findings and report them to your group mates next monday morning.
v. closing down by filling a form
make use of the text and others to fill in the form below.
how do people form a band
closing down by describing a band
to end this period, i am going to have two of you to describe to the class a band whom you appreciates. who’d like to speak first?
Unit 5 Music 篇2
unit 5 music
period 1 (reading)
teaching aims:
students will be able to:
sum up the main idea of each paragraph.
understand the details about the passage.
step 1 warming-up
1. before the class begins, let the ss enjoy “i’m a believer” played by “the beatles”.
2. let the ss enjoy some different kinds of music on the tape and ask them to match the music with the right picture.
step 2 pre-reading
talk about the famous bands in the world. (p33 pre-reading)
1. ask the ss: have you heard about any of the famous bands in the world? list some if you have.
then the teacher will show the ss some pictures of some famous bands like “the beatles”, “backstreet boys”, “west life” and “zero o’clock” on the screen and ask the ss to name the bands and tell the teacher where they come from.
2. ask the ss: which one do you like best? why?
3. ask the ss: dou you know anything about “the monkees”?
then the teacher will show the ss two pictures of “the monkees” and say: if you want to know more about “the monkees”, please turn to page33 and let’s come to reading “the band that wasn’t”.
step 3 while-reading
first reading: read the passage again then answer the following questions:
1. why do most musicians like to be in a band with others?
2. which two musical bands are mentioned in the passage?
3. how do some bands formed by high school students earn extra money?
4. when did the “monkees” break up and when did it reunite
second reading: get the main idea of each paragraph. (finish p35, ex 2)
step 4 post-reading
give the ss the following adjectives “popular, lively, funny, foolish, attractive, brave, crazy, noisy, classical, rich, honest, famous” and ask them to choose the ones that they think best describe “the monkees” and give their reasons. (finish p35 ex 3)
(the teacher will first ask the ss to discuss in pairs and encourage the ss to express their opinions. there is no definite answer.)
step 5 discussion
discuss the following topics in groups of four.
1. what can we learn from “the monkees”?
2. if you are to form your own band, what will you do?
(after discussion, ask the ss to express their own opinion.)
step 6 summary
today we have enjoyed some beautiful music and learn something about some famous bands. remember:
success lies in hard work.
step 7 homework
1. retell the text.
2. collect some information about your favorite music.
Unit 5 Music 篇3
unit 5 music
learning about language
(the attributive clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom).
to help students learn about the attributive clause with a preposition in front.
to help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions.
to help students discover and learn to use some useful structures.
i. warming up
warming up by discovering useful words and expressions
turn to page 35 and do exercises no. 1, 2 and 3 first. check your answers against your classmates’.
ii. learning about grammar
1.reading and thinking
turn to page 34 and read with me the text of the band that wasn’t. as you read on, pay attention to the attributive clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom), that is, the attributive clauses with a preposition ahead of the relative pronoun shown in the sentences.
for reference: the musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as played music. however, after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, “the monkees” started to play their own instruments and write their own songs like a real band.
2.doing exercises no. 1 and 2 on page 35
turn to page 34. look at the two sentences:
the musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as played music.
however, after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, “the monkees” started to play their own instruments and write their own songs like a real band.
pay attention to the structure: preposition + relative pronoun. usually only two relative pronouns --- which and whom--- can be used in the attributive clause, with a preposition put before the clause. that can’t be used. look at the screen. here are more examples on this kind of structure.
1.this is the reason for which he left his hometown. (=why)
2.i’ll never forget the day on which we stayed together. (=when)
3.this is the girl from whom i learned the news.
4.the person to whom i spoke just now is the manager that i told you about.
5.i’ll show you a store in which you may buy all that you need.(=where)
6.i don’t like the way in which you laughed at her.(=that)
now go on to do exercise no. 2 on page 36, that is, to sort out the sentences.
iii. ready used materials for the attributive clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom)
in formal styles we often put a preposition before the relative pronouns which and whom:
•the rate at which a material heats up depends on its chemical composition.
•in the novel by peters, on which the film is based, the main character is a teenager.
•an actor with whom gelson had previously worked contacted him about the role.
•her many friends, among whom i like to be considered, gave her encouragement.
notice that after a preposition you can’t use who in place of whom, and you can’t use that or zero relative pronoun either:
•is it right that politicians should make important decisions without consulting the public to whom they are accountable? (not --- the public to who they are accountable.)
•the valley in which the town lies is heavily polluted. (not --- the valley in that the town...)
•arnold tried to gauge the speed at which they were traveling. (not --- the speed at they were traveling.)
in informal english we usually put the preposition at the end in attributive clauses rather than at the beginning:
•the office which graham led the way to was filled with books.
•jim’s footballing ability, which he was noted for, had been encouraged by his parents.
•the playground wasn’t used by those children who it was built for.
in this case we prefer who rather than whom (although whom is used in formal contexts). in restrictive attributive clauses we can also use that or zero relative pronoun instead of who or which (e.g. ...the children (that) it was built for).
if the verb in attributive clauses is a two-or-three-word verb (e.g. come across, fill in, go through, look after, look up to, put up with, take on) we don’t usually put the preposition at the beginning:
• your essay is one of those (which/that) i’ll go through tomorrow. (rather than...through which i’ll go tomorrow.)
• she is one of the few people (who/that) i look up to. (not ... to whom i look up.)
in formal written english, we often prefer to use of which rather than whose to talk about things:
•a huge amount of oil was spilled, the effects of which are still being felt. (or...whose effects are still being felt.)
•the end of the war, the anniversary of which is on the 16th of november, will be commemorated in cities throughout the country. (or...whose anniversary is on...)
note that we can’t use of which in place of whose in the patterns described in unit 71b:
•dorothy was able to switch between german, polish and russian, all of which she spoke fluently. (not..,all whose she spoke...)
we can sometimes use that...of in place of of which. this is less formal than of which and whose, and is mainly used in spoken english:
•the school that she is head of is closing down. (or the school of which she is head...)
whose can come after a preposition in attributive clauses. however, it is more natural to put the preposition at the end in less formal contexts and in spoken english:
•we were grateful to mr. marks, in whose car we had traveled home. (or...whose car we had traveled home in.)
•i now turn to freud, from whose work the following quotation is taken. (or...whose work the following quotation is taken from.)
iv. closing down by doing exercises:
join the sentence halves using which or whom after an appropriate preposition. (a)
a. i would never have finished the work.
b. it was primarily written.
c. we know nothing.
d. they got a good view.
e. he learned how to play chess.
f. dennis scored three goals in the final.
g. she was born.
h. it was discovered.
1.they climbed up to the top of a large rock.
2. i would like to thank my tutor.
3. she has now moved back to the house on long island.
4. the star is to be named after patrick jenks.
s. this is the ball.
6. he is now able to beat his father.
7. the book is enjoyed by adults as well as children.
8. there are still many things in our solar system.
key for reference:
1.they climbed up to the top of a large rock, from which they got a good view.
2. i would like to thank my tutor, without whom i would never have finished the work.
3. she has now moved back to the house on long island, in which she was born.
4. the star is to be named after patrick jenks, by whom it was discovered.
s. this is the ball. dennis scored three goals in the final.
6. he is now able to beat his father, from whom he learned how to play chess.
7. the book is enjoyed by adults as well as children, about whom it was primarily written.
8. there are still many things in our solar system, about which we know nothing.
are these correct or appropriate? if they are, put a√. if they are not, give a reason, correct them and give alternatives if you can. (a)
i. it's a piece of jewelry across which i came in an antique shop. --- which i came across in an antique shop. (‘came across’ is a two-word verb.)
2. the extra work which she took on was starting to affect her health.
3. my mother, after whom i looked for over 20 years, died last year.
4. the people whom i work with are all very friendly.
5. some of the criticisms with which they had to put up were very unfair.
6. he had many friends with whom he had a regular correspondence.
7. the woman to who he is engaged comes from poland.
8. the forms which i had to fill in were very complicated.
rewrite these sentences so that they are more appropriate for formal written english. use preposition + which or preposition + whose, as appropriate. (b)
i. tom sims, whose car the weapons were found in, has been arrested. torn sims, in whose car the weapons were found, has been arrested.
2. tom ham, whose novel the tv series is based on, will appear in the first episode.
3. dr jackson owns the castle whose grounds the main road passes through.
4. tessa parsons is now managing director of simons, the company that she was once a secretary in.
5. allowing the weapons to be sold is an action that the government should be ashamed of.
6. the dragonfly is an insect that we know very little of.
Unit 5 Music 篇4
unit 5 music
i. language points
1.dream vi.梦到,梦见…
dream of/about sth./doing sth.梦想…
dream of a better future
dream of becoming famous
i dreamed that i was flying like a bird in the sky.
dream n.梦,理想…
have a dream(= dream a dream)做一个梦
realize one’s dream 实现某人的梦想
注意:dream 的用法与think相近,后面一般不用不定式作宾语。dream的过去式,过去分词有两种形式:dreamed,dreamed;dreamt,dreamt。
i’ve long_______ paying a visit to the great wall of china.
a. dreamed up b. dreamed away c. dreamed about d. dreamed out
key: c dream about/of doing sth. “梦想做… …”
2. with+n. +现在分词或过去分词
with winter coming it’s time for us to prepare for our final exam. (伴随的动作)
with the homework done, he went home happily. (已经完成被动的动作)
拓展:with+n./pron. + to do(将要执行的动作)
adj.( )
adv.( )
prep phrases( )
the professor came in with a lot of students following.
with the problem solved, we all feel very happy.
with lily to help us, we can finish the work in an hour.
he likes to sleep with the door open.
with her son away from home, she felt very lonely.
with a bag on her back,the girl went home happily.
3. honest adj. 诚实的
拓展: honestly adv. 诚实地
dishonest adj.不诚实的
honesty n. 忠实,诚实,正直
to be honest 说实话,常用作插入语
be honest with sb 对… …说老实话,对某人以诚相待
(be quite honest about it 老实说,常用作插入语,be frank with you 坦诚相告,坦白说,to tell you the truth 跟你说实话吧 )
i will be honest with you.
if you are honest with the others, they will help you a lot.
to be honest, i don’t like to work for our company.
4. extra (1.) adj. 额外的,特别的
he is strong enough to carry the cargo,i don’t think he needs some extra help.
(2.)adv. 额外,另外,外加;特别,分外
they charge extra for wine. 他们另收酒钱。
i bought the picture at an extra high price. 我以特别高的价格买下了这幅画。
late evening extra! 深夜号外!
5. play jokes on sb.
he is a serious man, don’t play jokes on him.
though old, they often play jokes on each other.
play tricks on 捉弄某人
we should never play tricks on the others.
for a joke 只是为了开玩笑 in joke 闹着玩地
joke about 拿… …开玩笑
have a joke with sb 和某人一起讲笑话
make a joke of 以… …为笑柄
laugh at 嘲笑… … make fun of 取笑… …
play tricks on(= play a trick on)捉弄某人
6. base on / upon基于…, 以…为根据
his argument is based on facts.
the writer based his book on a true story.
from the basis of 构成… …的主要成分 according to 根据
base 根基,基础(指具体) basis 要素,基础(指抽象)
max made london the base for his work.
________on a true story, the film is well worth______.
a. based; seeing b. based; seeing c.to base d. being based; being seen
7. at first
at first, she was afraid of water, but she soon learned to swim.
8. attractive adj. 有吸引力的,有魅力的
attract vt. 吸引,引起
attraction n. 吸引力
attract one’s attention/interest 吸引某人的注意力/兴趣
the girl is very attractive. 那个女孩很有魅力。
like attracts like. 物以类聚。
the advertisement attracted his attention. 那则广告吸引了他的注意力。
9. even +比较级
it’s even colder than yesterday.
they became even more popular than “the beatle”in the usa and sold even more records.
even/much/a lot/far+比较级
the garden is much more beautiful than that one.
10. be confident + 从句 对……有信心
be confident of (about, in ) 对……有信心
confidence n. 信心
confidently adv.有信心地,确信地
confidential adj.机密的,隐秘的
he is quite confident that he’ll pass the driving text.
don’t be too confident in your own opinion.
tom is confident of his ability to overcome the difficulty.
the managing director told the journalists he was_______ of success.
a. confident b.optimistic c.happy d.reliable
11. performance n. 表演
performer n. 表演者
perform v. 表演,履行,执行,表现,性能
they put on a performance last night.
what play will be performed tomorrow?
perform your promise.
the car performs well on hills.
one should perform one’s duties.
12. go wrong ……出了毛病
= something is wrong with…
= there is something wrong with…
my watch went wrong yesterday.
what’s wrong with you?
he was done wrong. 他受了冤枉。
13.pretend v.假装,佯装;(在游戏中)装扮,扮作,模拟;(与to连用)自称,自诩
he does not pretent to be a physicist.
短语:pretend to do sth 假装做某事。
14. attach vt.& vi.
do you attach any importance to what he said?
she attached a stamp to the envelope.
注意: attach… to 中的to 为介词,后接名词词组或动名词。
(1.)v. 形成,组成,制作
i can’t form any idea or opinion about it.
(2.)v. 养成,培养
one should form good habits when young.
(3.)n. 样子,外表,形式
it is said that a greek sea-god could appear in the form of any creature he wished.
(4.)n. 表格
please fill this form in ink.
formal adj. 正式的,正规的,形式上的
formally adv. 正式地
formless adj.无形的
former adj. 前者的,以前的
in the form of 以… …的形式 in form 形式上,情况良好
form into 组成
fill in the form 填表格
form the habit of 养成… …的习惯
the children were_______small groups, going feom door to collect old clothes.
a.formed from b.formed into
c.made into d.made from
16.as well as 与not only… but also
两者都可以表示“不但… …而且… …”,可以互换,但as well as 侧重点在前,引导主语时谓语动词的数同前面名词的数一致。not only… …but also… …侧重点在后,引导主语时谓语动词的数同后面名词的数一致。
the child is lovely as well as healthy.
english, as well as maths, is of great importance.
not only the teacher, as well as the students wish for a holiday.
the teacher, as well as the students wishes for a holiday.
不能用a,b as well as c结构, 但可用a as well as b and c或a and b as well as c结构。 as well as 与动词连用时,通常用v.-ing形式
as well as breaking his leg, he hurt his arm.
he speaks spanish and english as well as french.
17.passer-by n. 过路人;行人
注意,passer-by 的复数形式为 passers-by.
类似的还有looker-on 旁观者
18.earn vt. 赚钱,获得,博得
earn/make one’s living 谋生
earn/ make money 赚钱
he earns $ 20,000 a year by writing novels.
she earned a rest after all that hard work.
(1.) 依靠,依赖(on/upon)
rely on one’s own efforts. 依靠自己的努力
rely on sb to do sth. 依靠某人做某事
you may rely on me to help you. 你可以依赖我帮助你。
you may rely upon my early arrival. 放心好了,我会早到的。
depend,count,rest 依靠
the people on the island_______ on the supplies that were brought from the mainland.
a. acted b. called c.put d.relied
20.familiar adj.
(1.) (与with 连用) 熟悉的,通晓的
he is familiar with english. 他通晓英语。
(2.)(与to 连用)为… …所熟知的
she looks familiar to me, but i don’t remember her name.
i though of the familiar scences of my childhood.
you seem to be on very familiar terms with your tutor.
sb.+ be familiar with sb/sth 某人与某人交情好、某人通晓某事物
sth + be familiar to + sb. 某物为某人所知
he is very_______with the city, for he has lived here for 20 years.
a.popular b.similar c.familiar d. particular
21.break up vt. & vi.
a word can be broken up into syllable. 单词可以分成音节。
the ship was breaking up on the rocks.船在礁石上撞毁了。
the police came and broke up the crowd. 警察来了,把人群驱散了。
when does your school break up? 你们学校何时放假?
break away 逃脱,甩掉 break down 坏掉,失败
break into pieces 破成碎片 break into 破门而入
break in 插话,打断 break out 突然发生,爆发(疾病,火灾,战争等)
break through 突破 break one’s word/promise 食言
break the law 犯法
to understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it______ into parts.
a. down b. up c. off d. out
22. or so 大约
or so 通常位于数量词之后,表示“大约”。 about, around 与 some 都有“大约… …” 之意,但它们都位于数量词之前。
they stayed in the hotel for two weeks or so(= some/around/about two weeks). 他们在那家旅馆大约住两周。
my parents will move back into town in a year or __________.
a.later b. after c. so d.about
key: c
we left the restaurant at ___________ 10:30.
a. or so b. around c.round d.about
(1.) n.种类;类别
he wanted a job, any sort of a job.
(2.)v. 整理,分类
sort sth. out 整理,挑出,解决(处理)问题
i must sort out my clothes for tomorrow.
24.addition 的用法
addition n. 加,加法;添加物,
add v. 添加,增加
additional adj. 附加的
additive n. 添加物,添加剂
in addition 另外,加之
in addition to 除… …之外(to 为介词)
in addition to your monthly salary after you are employed by our company, you can also receive a large sum of allowance to your post.
these new books are a very welcome_______ to the school library.
a.addition b. arrival c. attitude d. audience
key:a 增加物
25.sensitive adj. 敏感的,易受伤的
children are usually sensitive to blame.
be sensitive to … … 对… …敏感
sense v. 感觉到; n. 感觉 sensible adj. 明智的
sensibility 感受力,敏感的
the elderly need special care in water, as they are_______ to the sudden change of weather.
a. sensitive b. sensible c. flexible d.positive
26.come up with 想出,提出,赶上(主语是人)
he came up with a new suggestion.
come up 被提出(主语是物)
some practical suggestions came up at the meeting.
sb+ come up with + sth. 某人提出/想出某事
sth + come up 某事被提出
the leaders are discussing the problem________ on yesterday’s meeting.
a. come up b. come up with
c.coming up d. coming up with
key: c
27.above all 最重要的是;尤其是
in all 总共,总计 after all 毕竟,终究
all in all 总之 at all 根本,全然
first of all 首先,第一
i’d like to buy a house-modern, comfortable, and________in a quiet neighborhood.
a. in all b.above all c. after all d. at all
ii.useful expression
like dislike
i prefer…
i like … because…
my favourite musician is …
i am fond of …
…is wonderful!
i enjoy listening to …
i love…
…is great! i hate…
i can’t stand…
i don’t like…very much.
…is awful!
…is dreadful!
asking for advice could/ would you…?
what’s your opinion about…?
what do you think…?
express preference i prefer… i enjoy …
i am fond of …
my favourite …is …
i like…best because…
express your appreciation we’ll be grateful for your help.
any advice will be a great help.