
The Internet and Telecommunications教案

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The Internet and Telecommunications教案(通用4篇)

The Internet and Telecommunications教案 篇1

  the internet and telecommunications教案

  module 6 the internet and telecommunications


  电脑网络是我们日常生活中的重要工具,如果没有了它,这个世 界不知会变得如何?电脑网络能处理的事情太多了,衣、食、住、行、吃、喝、玩、乐、电子采购、电子公文交换、电子支付、电子保健、电子监理等等,都和电脑脱不了关系,它还能把事情整理得井井有条。在以后的岁月中,不懂电脑网络的人很可能寸步难行!



  the first computer

  世界上第一台电子数字式计算机于1946年2月15日在美国宾夕法尼亚大学正式投入运 行,它的名称叫eniac(埃尼阿克),是电子数值积分计算机(the electronic numberical integrator and computer)的缩写。它使用了17468个真空电子管,耗电174千瓦,占地170平方米,重达30吨,每秒钟可进行5000次加法运算。虽然它的功能还比不上今天最普通的一台微型计算机,但在当时它已是运算速度的绝对冠军,并且其运算的精确度和准确度也是史无前例的。

  computer network

  将地理位置分散的计算机通过专用的电缆或通信线路互相连接,就组成了计算机网络。网络可以使分散的各种资源得到共享,使计算机的实际效用提高了很多。计算机联网不再是可有可无的事,而是计算机应用中一个很重要的部分。人们常说的因特网(internet,也译为国际互联网)就是一个通过通信线路连接、覆盖全球的计算机网络。通过因特网,人们足不出户就可获取大量的信息,与世界各地的亲友快捷通信, 进行网上贸易等等。


  tim berners-lee and the internet

  tim berners-lee is the man  who wrote the software(软件) programme that led to the foundation of the world wide web.britain played an important part in developing the first generation(第一代) of computers.the parents of tim berners-lee both worked on on e of the earliest commercial(商业的) computers and talked about their work at home.as a child he would build models of computers from packaging material.after graduating from oxford university he went on to the real thing.in the 1980’s,scientists were already using a primitive version(原始版本) of e-mail.while working at a laboratory in swi tzerland tim berners-lee wrote a programme which let him store these messages.in 1990 he wrote the http(服务程序所用的协议) and html(超文本链接标示语言) programmes which formed the basis o f the world wide web.

  the next year his programmes were placed on to the internet.everyone was welcome to use them and improve them if they could.programmers used his codes(编码) to work with different operating systems (系统).new things like web browsers(浏览器) and search engines were developed.between 1991  and 1994 the number of web pages rose from 10 to 100 000.

  in 1994 tim berners-lee formed the newly-formed world wide web co nsortium(协会) or w3c.more than 200 leading companies and laboratories are represented(代表) by w3c.t ogether they make sure that everyone can participate(参加) equally on the web.

  1.the main idea of this passage is ______.

  a.when the internet appeared

  b.why computers develop so rapidly

  c.how the world wide web started

  c.how tim berners-lee formed w3c 

  2.scientists began to use e-mails______.

  a.in the 1960’s

  b.before 1990

  c.after the 1980’s

  d.in 1980’s

  3.which of the following is not true ?

  a.the world wide web will have an effect on social development.

  b.the number of web pages rose very rapidly in the 1990’s.[.com]

  c.tim berners-lee made a great contribution to the compu ter science.

  d.tim’s programmes were placed on to the internet  in 1990.

  答案:1.c 2.d 3.d

The Internet and Telecommunications教案 篇2

  the internet and telecommunications教案


  1.in 1969,darpa,a us defence organisation, developed a way for all their com puters to“talk”to each other through the telephon e.


  【巧解句构】 该句中for all their computer to“tal k”to each other through  the telephone作way的定语。darpa是advanced research projects a gency的缩写,意指(美国国防部)高级研究计划署。

  2.it then became possible for universities to use the system as well.


  【巧解句构】 as well as与as well同义,但常用来连接两具并列成分,可译为“除……之外;和”。强调第一个成分,连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数和第一个主语一致。如:

  you as well as i are right.我是对的,你也是对的。

  3.the world wide web(the web)is a computer network th at allows computer users to access information from millions of websites via the in ternet.


  【巧解句构】  该句中含有一个that引导的定语从句,先行词为computer network。不定式短语to access information fro m millions of websites via the internet作computer users的宾语补足语。

  4.at the moment, about 80 percent of web traffic is in english, but this percentage is going down.当时,80%的网络信息是用英文传输的,但这个比率正在下降。

  【巧解句构】 percentage \百分数;百分率。percentage前不与数字连用,如:不直接说:three percentage,而改为three percent或a percentage of three。of后的名词若为不可数名词,动词为单数;若为复数名词,动词为复数。

  5.berners-lee built his first computer while he was at university using an old television!读大学时,伯纳斯•李利用一台旧电视机制成了他的第一台电脑。

  【巧解句构】 本句中分词短语using an old television充当方式状语,修饰主句动词built。

  6.berners-lee made it possible for everyone to use the internet, not just u niversities and the army.


  【巧解句构】本句中it为形式宾语,for everyone to use the internet为真正的宾语,possible作宾语补足语。如:

  we found it possible for him to do the task. 我们发现他可能做那工作。

  7 .talking  on a mobile phone is expensive, so a lot of mobile phone communication are text messages.用移动电话谈话费用很高,所以使用移动电话进行的很多交流都是采用发送文本短讯的方式。

  【巧解句构】 该句是由so连接的并列句,前一句中动名词短语talking on a mobile phone作主语。so意思是“因此,所以”,为并列连词。therefore亦为“因此,所以”之意,为副词。

  8.you can make it even cheaper by shortening the words that you use.



  9.you can also avoid using punctuation like inverted commas.还可以避免使用像引号这样的标点符号。

  【巧解句构】该句中,avoid后接动名词短语作宾语。inverted commas(=quotation mark)为“引号”之意。you意为“人,任何人”,在汉语中往往省略不译。

  10.he designed t he first“web browser”, which allowed comp uter users to access documents from other computers.


  【巧解句构】 这是一个由which引 导的非限制性定语从句。短语allow sb. to do sth.意思是“允许某人做某事”

  拓展延伸 注意此处空半格比较as, which引导的非限制性定语从句:两者都可引导定语从句,但在句子意思和在句中的位置上有所差异:as有时含有“如同”的意思,而which则不具备这个意思。as引导的定语从句,可以放在句首、句中或者句末,而which引导 的定语从句则不能放到句首。

The Internet and Telecommunications教案 篇3

  the sixth period

  the general idea of this period

  in this period we’re going to improve the students’ speaking and reading abilities by answering questions and reading a passage. we will review percentages and numbers, words and expressions for shopping.

  teaching aim

  to improve the students’ abilities of speaking, reading and writing.

  teaching important point

  how to improve the students’ ability of speaking english.

  teaching difficult point

  how to finish the task of writing.

  teaching methods

  asking and answering method, reading method and revision method. 

  teaching aids

  1. a projector

  2. the blackboard

  3. some colored chalk

  teaching procedures

  step 1 greetings 

  greet the whole class as usual.

  step 2 revision and lead-in

  t: in this module we studied the grammar: compound words. do you still remember some compound nouns and compoud adjectives?

  s: yes, we do.

  t: as you know, compound words are very active in english. there are lots of compound nouns in english. they can be used as subject, object, etc.  in the sentences. could you please give me some examples? any volunters?

  s: for example: sightseeing took up the whole morning.

  t: yes, good.  here the word “sightseeing” is used as subject. can a compound word be used as an object? who knows?

  s: i know. finally we reached a cross-road. 

  t: very good.  it can also be used as a prepositional object. now take this sentence for example: smoking is not allowed during take-off(休息).what is more, we have plenty of compound adjectives. compound adjectives can be used as attribute and predicative. now who can make sentences with “long-term” and “airsick”? any volunteers? ok, li lei, please have a try.

  s: they helped us to map out a long-term plan. are you airsick?

  t: yes. the chinese meaning is “他们帮助我们制订了一个长期计划。你晕机吗?”now look at the screen. can you guess the meanings of the compound words?

  (show the compound words to the students on the screen.)

  1.earthworm 2.earthquake 3.shorthand 4.doubledealer 5.sleepingpills 6.waitingroom 7.breakwater 8.pickpocket 9.sunbathing 10.handwriting 11.gettogether 12.breakthrough 13.downfall 14.outbreak 15.gobetween 16.goodfornothing 17.touchmenot 18.byproduct 19.goodtempered 20.goodlooking21.easygoing 22.hardworking 23.peaceloving 24.stateowned 25.wellknown26.widespread 27.kindhearted 28.selfsatisfied


  1.蚯蚓 2.地震 3.速记 4.言行不一的人,口是心非的人 5.安眠药 

  6.候车室 7.防洪堤 8.扒手 9.日光浴 10.书法,笔迹 

  11.联欢会 12.突围,突破,大发现 13.垮台14.发生,爆发 15.媒人,中间人 

  16.饭桶 17.含羞草 18.副产品 19.好脾气的20.漂亮的 

  21.随和的 22.勤劳的 23.热爱和平的 24.国有的 25.众所周知的

   26.普遍的,分布广的 27.心地善良的 28.自我满足的

  t: now so much for this. now turn to page 57, let’s learn more compound words.

  step 3 presentation

  t: now let’s take up speaking and reading.

  activity 1

  each student guesses the meanings of the compound nouns. try to write the meanings on a piece of paper. then check with your partner. finally the teacher checks the answer.

  suggested answers:


   activity 2

  the students read the passage about mobile phones in china, understand it and learn the content by heart. then close their books, tell each other and give as much information as they can.

  activity 3

  ask the students to do a class survey (调查)according to the questions and write down the result.

  how many? 

  how often? 

  for what? 

  to whom? 

   step 4 discussion 

  t: work in groups of two. discuss the questions in activity 4.then ask one group of students to say the advantages for students to use mobile phones, the other group to say the disadvantages for students to use mobile phones.

  g of positive side: i think mobile phones has many advantages. we can communicate with our friends, teachers and family very easily. we can use our mobile phones to send text messages and take photos. we can use it as a watch, too. so i think mobile phones are very useful in our daily life.

  g of negative side: i think mobile phones have a lot of disadvantages. first, they are harmful to our health because they are radioactive. second, since we are students, we haven’t enough money. we shouldn’t ask for our parents for money frequently. third, we aren’t permitted to use mobile phones in class.

  t: this is a very interesting discussion. so much for it.

  step 5 function-talking about percentage and numbers

  t: now please read aloud the six sentences and read out the numbers. go over the group of percentage and numbers.

   (show it on the screen.)

  389;4562;97 832;143 876;

  3 465 000;27 700 000;37%;29%;93%

  ss: read out the numbers and percentage correctly.

  (if the students can’t read them correctly, the teacher instructs them.)

  t: ok. now let’s deal with activity 1.please read the sentences aloud.  now describe the growth of li kang’s hometown. use the expressions for describing percentage and numbers. you can refer to the sentences in activity 1.

  (the students are asked to write a short passage according to the statistics above.)

  one possible version of the writing:

  in li kang’s hometown education has grown rapidly. the total population in 1978 was 2 500 000, but it is increasing. in 25 years, the number of people rose from 2 500 000 to 3 800 000.the number of the school kids has increased by 90%.  

  in 1978,the number of junior students was 420 000,which rose to 790 000 in .as

  for senior students, the number of the students in was 646 000,compared with 380 000 in 1978.

  step 5 practice

  t: ok. now please tell me the useful words and expressions for shopping. who are volunteers? i’d like two of you to practise it.

  ss: let’s have a try.

  s(shop assitant):good morning, madam/sir/young man.

  what can i do for you? / how can i do for you?

  what kind of (mobile phone) would you like?

  s(customer):i would like to buy/i am looking for...(a mobile phone).will you please show me...?in that case, i will take this one.

  t: ok, very good.

  step 6 summary and homework

  t: now in this class we’ve practised speaking, talked about percentage and numbers. we have also gone over the useful expressions for shopping. now your homework: complete activity 2 on page 58.work in pairs. play the roles of a customer and a shop assistant. use as many expressions from everyday english as you can. choose an item to buy. so much for today. goodbye, class!

  s: goodbye, teacher.

  step 7 the design of the writing on the blackboard

   module 6

  the internet and telecommunications

  the sixth period

  useful expressions for shopping

  shop assitant good morning, madam/sir. 

  what can i do for you? /how can i do for you?

  what kind of...would you like?

  customer i would like to buy/i’m looking for (a mobile phone).

  will you please show me...?

  in that case, i will take this one.

   step 8 activity and inquiry

  steps students’acting teacher’s organizing

  1 make dialogues according to the situations

  given by the teacher. design different situations for the

  students to make dialogues between

  the customers and the shop assistants.

  2 work in groups of two, act as a customer

  and a shop assistant. make a conversation

  when you buy a bicycle. the teacher works as an inspector or

  an instructor.

  3 change your role each other to practise it. the teacher works as a listener.

The Internet and Telecommunications教案 篇4

  module 6 cultral corner





  1.guide the students to know about text messages and emoticons and introduce the rules of shortening words by reading comprehension; besides, make sure the students can use what they’ve learnt to communicate with persons by sending text messages;

  2.encourage the students to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the use of these kinds of words and emoticons by comparing the changes of chinese character and english words.


  1.get the students to know something about text messages.

  2.get the students to master the important points in the passage.





  新授课教学基本环节:预习检查 总结疑惑; 情景导入 展示目标;合作探究 精讲点拨;反思总结 当堂检测;发导学案 布置预习。


  1 学生的课前准备:预习课文,初步理解,查阅资料,尝试练习。

  2 教师的教学准备:多媒体课件制作,课前预习学案,课后延伸拓展学案,分好小组。

  七、课时安排 四十分钟


  step 1 review some words, let students be familiar with the words.

  step 2 guess the meaning of these words, then here is a discussion.

  direction: guide the students to work in groups to solve the problems together.

  more examples to show to the students about the special ways of text messages.

  lol ----   laughing out loud

  iow --- in other words

  then tell the students there is another way of communication --- abbreviation with more examples.

  students’ show time – to show their own text message with the ways of shortening the words with emoticons , shorthand, and abbreviation after reading.

  step 3 read the whole passage , and do the following questions to fix up their basic ability and get the details about the passage.

  step 4 point out some important points and sentence patterns.

  step 5 extension

  encourage the students to find out whether the chinese mobile phone users use this similar way of text messages or not, and list some examples in the form of discussion.

  encourage the students to discuss in groups about the advantages and disadvantages of using this kind of way to communicate with others.

  step 8 homework

  write an argumentative composition which should be well organized:

  para 1: put forward the topic of the composition;

  para2: some think ……

  para3: however, others think / disagree … …

  para4: your point of view … …


  1. afk---- away from keyboard      

  2. atb----all the best

  3. bbl----be back later

  4. brb----be right back

  5. ccn----can’t chat now

  6. jam----just a minute

  7. ltns---long time no see

  8. pg  ----preety good




