
Introduction and Fast教案

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Introduction and Fast教案(通用2篇)

Introduction and Fast教案 篇1

  module 5 great people and great inventions of ancient china

  introduction & fast-reading  (第一课时)

  【使用说明】 首先完成本学案[知识链接]部分,其次根据自主学习提示完成教材第41页的活动,然后阅读教材第43页的文章并完成相关练习,最后完成知识反馈部分的练习。(题目难度由易到难依次为a、b、c级。)

  【学习目标】 知识与能力:1. 掌握以下单词及短语: equal, treat.

  2. 通过多样化练习提高口语表达及快速检索信息的能力。



  【学习重点】 熟练掌握与“中国古代思想家”有关的词汇。

  【学习难点】 用英语说一说三位古代思想家的思想或主张。



  1. equal                2. importance            3. teaching              

  4. philosopher           5. philosophy            6. thinker           

  7. kindness              8. order                9. principle           

  10. stress               11. resign               12. adviser         


  1. be at war with                            2. bring up                   

  3. become interested in         _             4. look after                   

  5. in some ways                             6. be similar to  _____________



  1. 完成教材41页introduction部分的练习1,2, 3。[a级]


  1. equal (1) adj. 相同的,平等的,同等的

  e.g. there is an equal number of boys and girls in the class. 这个班级男女生人数相等。

  all men are born equal. 人人生来平等。

  (2) adj. (能力,力气等)胜任的

  e.g. john is quite equal to the job of running the department. 约翰足以胜任管理这个部门。

  (3) n. 同等之人,相等的人

  e.g. i’m not the equal of mary in beauty. 我不如玛丽漂亮。

  she has no equal in english. 谁的英语也比不上她。

  (4) v. 与......相等,等于

  e.g. none of us can equal her, either in beauty or as a dancer.


  three times three equals nine. 三乘以三等于九。

  〔扩展〕:be equal to sth. 与.....平等,相等;be equal to doing sth. 胜任做某事

  2. treat vt. 对待,看待;请客,招待;治疗

  e.g. don’t treat me as a child any more. 不要再把我当小孩子看了。

  i’ll treat you to a simple lunch. 我要请你吃顿简单的午餐。

  don’t worry. the doctor will treat you soon. 别担心。医生很快就会给你治疗。




  ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,从下面方框中选择合适的单词用其合适的形式填空。[b级]

  stress   principle    influential   equal  important   resign

  1. those facts were          (有影响) in solving the problem.

  2. he        (辞职) his post as headmaster.

  3. his vacation freed him from the s        of his job.

  4. men and women have e       rights in people’s republic of china.

  5. shanghai is an i         industrial base for our country.

  6. we should follow the          (原则) of seeking truth.

  ⅱ. 快速阅读课本43页的文章philosopher of ancient china,完成下列各题。[c级]

  1. what is the main idea of confucius according to the passage? (   )

  a. kindness, duty and order in society are very important.

  b. government is more important than its people.

  c. all men are created equal.      

  d. all men are born good.

  2. what was the possible relationship between confucius and mencius? (   )

  a. teachers and students.

  b. mencius was the follower of confucius’s idea.

  c. they all worked for the same state.

  d. nothing related at all.

  3. in which way was mozi’s idea the same as that of confucius? (   )

  a. men should be kind.  

  b. men were born equal.

  c. government should be more emphasized than its people. 

  d. people were more important than the government. 

  4. in mencius’s opinion, which was the most important, the government, the ruler or the people? (   )

  a. government.            b. ruler.

  c. people.                 d. not mentioned.

  5. what is the similarity of the three philosophers in ancient china according to the passage? (   )

  a. they were all born poor.

  b. they all wrote their own books.

  c. they all traveled from state to state.

  d. their philosophies all influenced china for a long time.


  【课堂小结】通过本节课的学习, 请你总结关于这三位古代先哲的事迹及学说。

Introduction and Fast教案 篇2

  phrases of unit 5

  1. 正是这个人   the very person

  2. 吃午饭/早饭菜  have lunch/ breakfast

  3. 什锦烤排  the mixed grill

  4. 这个故事在我们听起来很有趣. the story sounds interesting to us.

  5. 按月付钱  be paid monthly/ by the month

  6. 影响某人做某事    influence somebody to do

  7. 被(受到)…影响    be influenced by

  8. 对… 有很大/ 没有影响   have ( great/ no ) influence on/ upon sb/sth

  9. 在…的影响下     under the influence of

  10. 某人花时间/ 钱做某事   sb spend time/ money ( in ) doing sth  / on sth

  • sb pay money ( for  sth)  /  sth cost sb … money  / it takes sb … time to do sth

  11. 充满,挤满   was crowded with

  12. 一大群人   a big crowd

  13. 反而,代替  instead of

  14. 谓语用复数的集合名词    people, cattle, the police

  15. 胃口好/ 不好  have a good/healthy/bad/poor appetite

  16. 刺激某人的食欲   stimulate one’s appetite

  17. 失去…的胃口    lose one’s appetite for sth.

  18. 含有维生素和矿物质   contain vitamins and minerals

  19. 顺便问一下    by the way

  20. 这样养的动物   animals kept ( in ) this way

  21. 改变话题    change the subject

  22. 即不。。。也不。。。   neither … nor…

  23. 有关饮食和健康的文章  the article on diet and health

  24. 能量来源   the source of energy

  25. 多种多样的食物   a variety of food

  26. 以这种方式饲养的动物  animals kept this way

  27. 一个精力充沛的人      a man full of energy /  an energetic person

  28. 你对北京的印象如何   what’s  your opinion of beijing?

  29. 依某人的看法    in one’s opinion/ in the opinion of sb

  30. 对…评价好/高/不好   have a good/ high/low /bad… opinion of sb

  31. 由于种种原因    for various reasons

  32. 国与国文化不同   culture varies from country to country.

  33.   advise sth   建议某事

  34. advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事

  35. advise ( one’s) doing sth 建议做某事

  36. advise that –cl   (should) do sth 建议做某事

  37.  advise sb on sth/想某人提供有关…的建议

  38.  advise sb +疑问词+ to do sth

  39.  advise sb against sth  建议某人不要做某事

  40. 一条建议   a piece of advice

  41. 接受某人的意见;听从某人的劝告 accept / take / follow one's advice

  42. 全麦面包    whole  wheat bread 

  43. 作为整体   as a whole 

  44. 总的来说   on the whole

  45. 告诫某人别做某事   warn  sb  ( not) to do sth  / warn sb  of sth            / warn sb against ( doing) sth       / warn sb that-cl

  46. 非常疲劳   much too tired

  47. 太多的食物  too much food

  48. 随着…的增长     with the increase of

  49. 冒险做某事  run/take the/a risk of doing sth;   risk sth/ doing sth;  at the risk (of sth / doing sth

  50. 满足某人(对…的)需要   fill/satisfy/meet/suit one’s needs( for sth)

  51. (对某人来说)(没)有必要做某事   there is no/ a need ( for sb ) to do sth

  52. 需要。。。    in need of sth  

  53. 就…做出决定,决定要…,  选择…    decide on/ upon sth

  54. 做出决定   make/come to/arrive at/reach a decision

  55. tell a from b   区分/辨别

  56. tell … apart  区分;分清

  57. tell the difference between(… and …) 


