
高二英语Unit19 The Merchant of Venice知识点总复习教案-

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高二英语Unit19 The Merchant of Venice知识点总复习教案-(通用2篇)

高二英语Unit19 The Merchant of Venice知识点总复习教案- 篇1

  高二英语unit19 the merchant of venice知识点总复习教案

  section i  课前准备、听力、口语

  1. deny your father, and refuse your name… 否认你的父亲,拒绝你的名字。(p.65 warming up )

  ▲ deny (denied,denying)

  (1) vt. 否认,不承认can you deny the truth of his statement? 你能否认他的声明的真实性吗? he denied telling me/that he had told me. 他否认告诉过我。


  (2) vt. 不给;不准 i was denied the chance of going to college. 不给我上大学的机会。

  (3) vt. (正式)抛弃;背弃he has denied his country and his principles! 他背弃了他的国家和他的原则1

  ▲ refuse (refused,refusing)

  (1) vt. 拒绝;不接受;不肯he asked her to marry him, but she refused (to marry him). 他向她求婚,但是她拒绝了。she refused his offer. 她不接受他的求婚。

  (2) refuse还可跟动词不定式构成refuse +to do;也可用于被动结构。she refused to go home. 她不回家。they were refused admittance. 他们被拒绝入内。

  (3) vi. 拒绝 he can't refuse if you ask politely. 你如果礼貌地请求,他是不会拒绝的。

  注意:refuse只接不定式,不接动名词,不接不定式的复合宾语结构,也不接宾语从句,如:不说,he refused me to go (going) there. 而应说:he didn't allow me to go there 或 he refused to let me go. 他不让我去那儿。


  refuse和reject都有“拒绝”的意思,有时可以通用,有时用法又不同。refuse强调坚定地拒绝,后可接动词不定式。reject强调当前拒绝对方的请求、提议的情况,一般后面不接动词不定式。如:he refused to speak at the meeting. 他拒绝在会上发言。he rejected my request. 他当面拒绝了我的要求。

高二英语Unit19 The Merchant of Venice知识点总复习教案- 篇2

  高二英语unit19 the merchant of venice知识点总复习教案

  section iii  词汇语法、综合技能

  20. antonio lost all his ship at sea … antonio在茫茫大海上丢了所有的船 (p. 69 language study ex.2)

  ▲ at sea及其他

  (1) at sea表示“在茫茫大海上”,意指“离海岸很远”。如:   ① now his ships were all at sea. 现在他的船都出海了。② the ship hit an iceberg and buried at sea.这船撞上了冰山,葬身海底。③ several ships were lost at sea owing to the hurricane. 由于飓风,好几艘船在海上失踪。

  (2) at sea前面加上all或completely时,引申为“茫然不知所措”之意。如:  ① i'm all at sea. i can't understand that problem.我简直是一片茫然,我无法理解这个问题。② he was all at sea when he began his new job. 他开始新工作时,茫然不知所措。 ③ would you please explain it again? i'm all at sea.你能否再解释一下?我一点儿也不懂。④ the girl was completely at sea when her mother scolded her. 当母亲责怪她时,女孩茫然不知所措。

  ▲ 请注意by sea与by the sea的区别,前者表示“经海路”,后者表示 “在海边”。如: ① "how did you go there? by train?" "no, we went there by sea." “你们怎么到那里去的?乘火车?”“不,我们乘船去的那里。” ② the turners lived by the sea. 特纳一家住在海边。

  ▲注意go to the sea与go to sea的区别,前者意为“去海滨”(度假或野餐),后者表示“去当水手”。如: ① last sunday, the students in class two went to the sea.上星期天,二班的学生去海边玩。② "i want to go to sea when i grow up." said the boy to his mother. 这小男孩对母亲说:“我长大了要去当水手。”

  21. shylock advances towards antonio and prepares to use his knife. 夏洛克朝安东尼奥走去,准备割肉。(p. 71 integrating skills 第一行)  ▲ 动词advance及其用法

  (1) advance在本课中意为“前进…‘发展…‘往前走”,相当于step forward。如: ① they advanced to meet the guests.    他们走上前迎接客人。② about 80 percent of the graduates advanced to senior middle school. 约有百分之八十的毕业生升入高中。③ we were ordered to advance on the enemy position under cover of darkness.我们得到命令,在黑夜的掩护下向敌人阵地进攻。④ the troops advanced rapidly to the village. 部队迅速前进到那个村庄。

  (2) advance可作及物动词用,意为“提出”。如: ① he was among the first to advance the idea that the earth was round. 他是最早提出地球是圆的这一观点的人中的一个。② the proposal he advanced at the meeting was not accepted.他在会上提出的建议没有被接受。③ he had no chance to advance his opinion.他没有机会提出自己的意见。

  (3) advance还有“增进…‘促进”“提前”“提升”之意。如: ① this will further advance the friendly relations between the two countries.这将进一步增进两国之间的友好关系。② the time of the meeting was advanced by an hour. 会议时间提前了一个小时。③ he was soon advanced to the position of secretary of state.不久他就被提升为国务卿了。④ such books are likely to advance your knowledge of european history.


  (4) advance也可作名词用,意思和动词差不多。如: ① the enemy couldn't make any advance, nor could they go back. 敌人进不得,也退不得。② great advances have been made in medical science. 医疗科学取得巨大的进展。

  【注】in advance意思是“预先”“在前面”,而in advance of意思是“在…前”“超过…”。如: ① the subject of the discussion is announced a week in advance.讨论的题目提前一周公布。② i had asked everyone to raise questions in advance of the meeting. 我要求大家在会议前提出问题。③ he arrived half an hour in advance. 他提前半小时到达。

  【注】in advance of也可引申为“比…先进”。如: our equipments are far in advance of theirs. 我们的设备远比他们的先进。

  22. if you let one drop of his blood fall, you will lose…要是你让他身上的血流下一滴,有就会失去… (p. 71 integrating skills 第三行)     ▲ drop

  (1) n. 滴, 点滴 there were a few drops of rain.下了几滴雨。

  (2) v. 使滴下 the wet leaves dropped water. 湿叶在滴水珠。

  (3) v. 使落下 please drop it into the mail-box. 请把它投到邮箱里。

  辨析:drop 与 fall drop 可作及物动词,而fall不能。表示无意或故意“掉下来”某一物体,或故意“跌倒”时,用drop,不用fall。drop 和 fall 都可作不及物动词,表示“掉下” “落下”。the class 2 runner dropped his stick on the ground. 2班的运动员不小心把接力棒掉在了地上。the glass dropped (或fell) out of her hand. 杯子从她手里掉了下来。he dropped (或fell) to the ground. 他摔倒在地上。

  联想:dropcurtain 吊幕;droplight 吊灯;dropshot 扣球;dropsy 水肿

  拓展:drop asleep 入睡;drop back 退后;drop across 偶然遇到;drop in 顺便走访;drop into 不知不觉地进人某种状态;have a drop in one's eye 有点醉意

  23. you wanted justice, so you shall get justice, more than you wanted. 你要求公正,那么就让你得到公正,比你要求的还要多。(p. 71 integrating skills 第六行)

  ▲ shall作为情态动词的用法


  (1) 表示允诺。如: ① tell her that she shall get the book tomorrow. 告诉她明天就可以拿到那本书了。② i promise you shall see them again before long. 我保证你不久就会见到他们。③ don't worry, you shall get the answer this very afternoon. 别着急,今天下午你就可以得到答复了。④ you shall have higher pay if you work well. 如果你工作得好,你就可以得到较高的工资。⑤ you shall hear everything directly you come. 你一来,就什么都会听到。

  (2) 表示威胁、命令。如: ① you shall suffer for this! 你会为这件事吃苦头的! ② as a mall sows, so he shall reap. 善有善报,恶有恶报。③ they shall suffer for this; they shall answer for what they have done.他们将没有好下场,他们要为他们的所作所为付出代价。④ "if you won't do as i tell you, you shan't get your birthday gift." said father to tom. 父亲对汤姆说:“如果你不听话,你就得不到生日礼物。” ⑤ "you shall do everything as i do, so look carefully." said the teacher to the students.老师对学生说:“你们必须照我做的去做,看仔细了。”

  (3) 表示决心。如: ① everything shall be done to save the ship. 必须尽一切力量来营救这艘船。② i shall never do such a thing, never! 这种事我是绝对不干的,绝对不干! ③ you shall not catch me so easily next time. 下次你决不会那么容易赶上我。 ④ the enemy shall be wiped out. 敌人一定会被消灭。

  (4) 用在条约、规则、法令等事件中。如: ① the new regulation shall take effect on june 1st. 新章程六月一日起施行。② the national party congress shall be held every five years. 党的全国代表大会每五年举行一次。

  (5) 用在某些从句中,表示意图,要求,相当于should。如: ① we are anxious that he shall be given a chance to try it out. 我们热切希望能给他机会试一试。 ② my demand is that you shall get it ready before five. 我要求你在五时前把它准备好。③ i wish that you shall stay at home tonight. 我希望今晚你会留在家里。④ i'm anxious that it shall be done in time. 我急于要把这件事及时做好。⑤ my mother is determined that i shall stay on. 妈妈决定让我待下去。

  24. the law of venice says that if anyone tries to kill or murder any citizen of venice, … 威尼斯法律规定,任何杀害或谋杀威尼斯公民的人,…(p. 71 integrating skills 倒数第14行)  ▲ murder

  (1) vt. 谋杀he murdered his rival in cold blood. 他残忍地杀害了他的对手。

  (2) n. 谋杀罪he was accused of committing murder. 他被指控犯了谋杀罪。


  ① murder 指谋杀   ② kill 笼统地表示“杀”的事实

  ③ shoot 表示用枪或箭射杀

  one day, a man was murdered in a small town. 一天,一个人在一小城被谋杀。the polluted air killed the crops. 被污染了的空气使庄稼死亡。he was killed in an accident. 他在一次事故中死去。the prisoner of war shot himself. 那个战犯自杀了。

  联想:(派) murderer 凶手;murderess 女凶手

  拓展:political murder 政治谋杀;a mass murder 大屠杀;get away with murder 逍遥法外;the murder is out 真相大白

  25. his life shall be at the mercy of the duke.他的生命全凭公爵来处理。(p. 71 integrating skills 倒数第11行)

  ▲ at the mercy of  这一短语的意思是“任由……摆布”“在……的掌握(支配)中”,相当于in the power of。如:  ① the ship hit a rock and sank down, the crew were at the mercy of the winds and waves. 船撞上礁石下沉了,船员在风浪中随波飘流。② people at altorf would not like to be at the mercy of gesler, the cruel governor. 阿尔托夫的人们不愿意忍受总督盖斯勒的摆布。③ the dog's life was at the mercy of its master. 狗的生命掌握在它主人手中。④ the mouse caught just now was at the mercy of the cat, his cruel enemy. 刚才被抓住的那只老鼠现在由它的残忍的敌人猫任意摆布。

  26. therefore, go down on your knees and beg the duke for mercy. 因此,快去跪下请求公爵宽恕你吧。(p. 71 integrating skills 倒数第11行)

  ▲ go down on one's knees 跪下、屈膝

  此短语中的go也可以用get替代.即get down on one's knees。如: ① never go down on one's knees before enemy.

  在敌人面前决不能屈膝。② he went down on his knees and begged for mercy. 他跪地求饶。 ③ father went down on his hands and knees and let his son ride on his back. 父亲趴在地上让儿子骑在他背上。 ④ the young man went down on his hands and then stood on his bead against the wall. 这年轻人双手着地,然后靠墙倒立。

  【注】 go down on one's knees与get down on one's knees意思相同,但go down和get down意思不同。这一点请同学们务必注意go down作“下落”“减弱”解释,而get down作“放下”“打下”解释。如: ① on the third day, his fever went down. 到了第三天,他的烧退了。② the prices of computers are expected to go further down. 计算机的价格可望进一步下跌。③ the moon has gone down and it is dark around.月亮已经西沉了,四下里黑漆漆的。④ at night the north wind went down and the river froze again.   晚上北风减弱,河里又结了冰。⑤ i couldn't get down what he said. 我没能把他说的话都记录下来。⑥ they got down two enemy aircrafts last night. 昨晚他们打下了两架敌机。⑦ the medicine was so bitter that i couldn't get it down. 这药太苦,我吃不下去。⑧ will you give me a hand to get this trunk down? 你帮我把这皮箱拿下来好吗?

  27. my money and goods are as dear to me as life itself.我的钱财对我就像生命一样宝贵。(p. 71 integrating skills 倒数第5行)       ▲ dear的几种用法

  (1) adj. 亲爱的,可爱的 what a dear little child! 多么可爱的小孩。

  (2) dear此处作“珍贵的”解释。如: ① he lost everything that was dear to him. 他丧失了他所珍视的一切。② fame and power are very dear to him. 名誉和权力对他来说是非常珍贵的。③ to him very dear is the power by which he can control people and get money. 对他来说,权力是非常珍贵的,通过它可以支配人并得到钱财。

  (3)dear可以作“(价格)昂贵的”“索价高的”解释。如: ① it is too dear. 这价钱太贵了。② it you want to make money, you must buy cheap and sell dear. 如果你想赚钱,你必须便宜的买进昂贵的卖出。

  【注】dear与expensive的异同点。dear与expensive都有“价格昂贵” 之意,都不能与price连用。例如我们不能说"the price of the motorcycle is too dear / expensive, 而只能说the motorcycle is too dear / expensive或the price of the motorcycle is too high. 因为修饰price的只能是high或low。以上讲的是dear与expensive这两个词相同的地方。但这两个词也有不同的一面。dear所表示    的价格贵,是超乎常情的贵,讲得通俗一点,是指某个商品价格很贵,但实际不值那么多钱,而expensive所表示的贵,有“物美价高非购买者财力所及”之意,举例来说,如果一辆价值十万元的车卖十万元,就不能说dear,而只能说expensive;但如果一斤桔子通常卖一元,如卖一元五角,就应该说dear。

  ▲ dear还可用作感叹词,相当于汉语的“天啊”“哎呀”,表示伤心、焦急、惊奇、遗憾、同情等。如: ① oh, dear! what shall i do? 噢!天啊!我该怎么办呢? ② "dear me", said the old minister to himself, "am i foolish or unfit for my office?" “天哪”,老大臣心里想,难道我也愚蠢或不称职了? ③ "oh,dear! how call you draw on the wall?" “噢,天啊!你怎么能在墙上乱画?”

  28. they are my only comfort. 他们是我唯一的安慰。(p. 71 integrating skills 倒数第5行)   ▲ comfort

  (1) n. 安慰、慰籍the nurse spoke a few words of comfort to the sick boy. 护士对小病人说了几句安慰的话。

  (2) n. 舒适,安逸the news brought comfort to all of us. 这个消息使我们所有人都感到安慰。

  (3) v. 安慰 he always comforts me when i'm in trouble.每当我处于困境时,他总是来安慰我。

  联想:comfortable adj. 舒适的(反义词) uncomfortable 不舒适的;comfort [u] 舒适(反义词) discomfort 不舒适

  拓展:give comfort to 安慰;live in comfort 生活舒适;offer sb. comfort 给人以安慰


