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2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇1

  i. 重点词汇

  1. inspect      vt. 检查;视察

  2. intelligence   n. 智力;聪明;智能    intelligent   adj. 智能的;聪明的

  3. logically     adv. 逻辑上;合逻辑地;有理性地

  4. maid        n.少女;女仆

  5. medal       n. 奖章;勋章;纪念章

  6. metal       n. 金属

  7. mascot      n. 吉祥物

  8. mercy       n. [u]怜悯;宽恕;仁慈

  9. mobile      adj. 移动式的,流动的;易变的,多变的

  10. mop       n. 拖把 vt. 用拖把拖;擦

  11. motto      n. 座右铭;格言;警句

  ii. 重点短语

  1. invite sb. to do sth.   邀请某人做某事

  2. burst into laughter    放声大笑

  3. less than    少于

  4. even less    更不用说,更谈不上

  5. no less …than  正如

  6. at a loss     感到迷惑;不知所措

  7. at the mercy of     完全受……支配;任凭……摆布

  8. have mercy on/upon   对……表示怜悯

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. the little ship was at the mercy of the storm.


  2. specialism is the means for advancement in our mobile social structure;


  3. we should not be at a loss in the face of such a simple question.


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. the customs officer ________ (检查)my passport suspiciously.

  2. john showed high _________(天赋)from an early age.

  3. he was awarded a m______ for bravery.

  4. she appealed to the judge to have_______(宽恕)on her husband.

  5. the olympic ________(格言)is “swifter, higher, stronger”.

  v. 短语练习

  1. he was at a ________ what to say to the teacher’s question- obviously he was ________ in thought just now.

  a. loss; losing   b. loss; lost   c. losing; lost   d. lost; loss

  2. she is a kind- hearted woman and often has _______ mercy ________ people who are in trouble.

  a. a; on    b. 不填; on    c. a; to    d. 不填; to

  3. when i told the joke everyone burst into _________.

  a. laughter   b. laugh   c. laughing   d. laughters



  1. checked   2. talent/ gift  3. medal  4. mercy  5. motto


  1. b   2. b   3. a

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇2

  i. 重点词汇

  1.witness n.  目击者vt   目击

  2.yell vi, vt  大喊

  3. abrupt adj  突然的, 鲁莽的

  4.accumulate   v  积累, 积聚

  5.  acquaintance n. 相识,熟人

  6. acute  adj   灵敏的, 严重的

  7. alternative  adj. 供选择的  n.取舍

  8.amaze vt  使 吃惊

  9.apparent adj 明显的

  10.  antique    n 文物,古董 adj  古时的

  11. ample adj  充分的, 富裕的

  ii. 重点短语

  1. a good many   许多 很多

  2. accelerate the fall of a government  促使一个政府倒台

  3. make the acquaintance of sb   结识某人

  4. acute eyesight   敏锐的目光

  5. have no alternative but to do    别无选择

  6. carry out comprehensive analysis of   对   作综合分析

  7. a dead angle   死角

  8. apparent cause  表面原因

  9. iii. 佳句赏析

  1 . there are abrupt weather changes .


  2. never will they sell their antique furniture .


  3. he quickly accumulated a large fortune .


  4. these facts are a witness to his ignorance .


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. these days the government has issued several economic policies that will ____ prosperity of manufacturing industry .

  a accumulate   b  accomplish  c access  d accelerate 

  2. you have the __ of working hard and being successful or of not working hard and being unsuccessful.

  a  selection  b choice  c  alternative    d option

  3. we were __ the most important scientific development of the century .

  a  seeing  b watching  c   looking  d witnessing

  v. 短语练习

  1. to be frank, i'd rather you ___ in the case .

  a will not be involved  b  not involved  c  have not been involved  d were not involved

  2. ---- what did he come here for ?

  ----- he came here especially to ____ your acquaintance .

  a take    b  get  c make   d produce


  iv. 词汇1-3 dcd

  v. 短语练习  dc  

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇3

  i. 重点词汇

  1. capsule n. 太空舱,胶囊

  2. carriage n.  运输工具,四轮马车,客车

  3. case n. 情况,病例,案例, 箱子,盒子

  4. ceremony n. 典礼,仪式

  5. challenge n /  v  挑战

  6. challenging adj.  具有挑战性的

  7. characteristic adj.特有的,典型的        n. 特点,特征

  8. chart n.  图表

  9. chief adj. 主要的,首席的      n. 首领,长官

  10. choke v.  噎住,窒息

  11. citizen n.  公民,市民

  12. clarify v.  阐明

  13. clue n.  线索

  14. colleague n.  同事

  15. combination n.  结合,组合

  16. communism n. 共产主义

  17. concentrate v. 集中,专心

  18. conclude v.  得出结论,结束

  19. consist v.  有。。。组成

  20 consistent adj. 一致的

  21. constant adj.  连续的,不断的,经常的

  22. construction n. 建筑,建筑物

  23. contribute v  贡献,捐助,投稿

  ii. 重点短语

  1. in case 以防万一

  2. in any case  无论如何

  3. in no case 决不

  4. in that case  在那种情况下

  5. meet the challenge of 迎接。。。的挑战

  6. challenge sb to do  挑战。。。做。。。

  7. to conclude 总之

  8. contribute to  对。。做出贡献, 促成,投稿

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. the award ceremony will start soon.


  2. this is our real challenge, is to educate the entire child.


  3. one of the characteristic features of this technique is its replicability.


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. it is true of every c             .

  2. this group is the special case of the first group, so we           (集中)  on the first group in this section.

  3. it is not who you are but what you can               (贡献)    .

  4. they face a               (连续的)battle to protect pockets of high profits and have few chances to grow.

  v. 短语练习

  1. to be honest my carelessness         to my failure.

  a contributed      b donated  c provided        d offered

  2. would it be      for you to pick me up at 4 o’clock and take me to the airport.

  a  free               b  vacant 

  c  handy             d  convenient


  case / concentrate / contribute / constant


2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇4

  i. 重点词汇

  1.talent    n. 才能,人才

  2.target    n. 目标,

  3.   vt把   作为目标

  4.tasty     adj.美味的, 可口的

  5. theoretical     adj. 理论上的 , 假设的

  6. toast  n.  为  干杯   vt.烤

  7.  transfusion    n.   输血

  8. tutor   n.导师  vt. 辅导

  9. vivid   adj. 鲜明的  生动的

  10. voluntary  adj.  自愿的,主动的

  10. volunteer    n. 志愿者  vt.自愿

  ii. 重点短语

  1.at the tailor's       在裁缝店

  2. test out    考验

  3.the other day前几天

  4. do one's own thinking     独立思考

  5. propose a toast to the health of the guests       提议为来宾的健康干杯

  6. upside down    上下翻转

  7.  turn around   转向,回转

  8.  target audience 目标观众

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. i toast your health .


  2 . he has a talent of language .


  3. he urged me to join their company .


  4. if you reach a target , treat yourself .


  5. man is a thinking animal .


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. she is a ______ worker at the hospital .

  2. one's _________ directs one's actions .

  v. 短语练习

  1 . ____ the house were knocked down in the earthquake .

  a  a  great many    b the number of  

  c   a great many of   d  a great deal of

  2. they urged the library ____ open during the vacation .

  a must be kept  b is kept  c  would be kept   d be kept

  3 . ---- when did the accident happen ?

  ----- ______ when i was walking in the street .

  a the  other  day    b some day   c another  d other day

  4. ---- i am afraid i can't return the book to you before friday .


  a  don't be afraid  b be careful  c not at all  d take your time


  iv. 词汇练习    1.voluntary  2. thinking

  v. 短语练习    1-4 cdad

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇5

  i. 重点词汇

  boom n.繁荣;隆隆声             

  booming adj.发隆隆声 

  boundary n.界限;边界            

  boycott vt/vi.抵制

  breathlessly adv.呼吸急促的        

  brewery n.酿酒厂 

  bride n.新娘                     

  bridegroom n.新郎 

  brief adj.简短的                  

  brotherhood n.兄弟般的关系 

  bungalow n. 平房                

  burden n. 担子;精神负担 

  burglar n.夜贼                   

  cab n. 出租汽车; 

  caption n.(文章)标题           

  cash n. 现款 

  cassette n.盒子                   

  caution n.谨慎;小心 

  centigrade adj.摄氏               

  chain n.链子  

  changeable adj. 多变化的          

  chaos n.混乱 

  cheerfully adv.高兴的              

  chef n.厨师 

  ii. 重点短语

  1. breathless from effort因用力而气喘吁吁

  2. in brief 总而言之

  3. be burdened with tasks负担很多工种

  4. care for照顾;喜欢;关心

  5. buy sth. for cash 用现金买某物

  6. run out of cash 现金缺陷

  7. for caution’s sake 为慎重起见

  8. give sb. a caution 告诫某人

  9. in chains 戴着镣铐;在囚禁中

  10. shake off chains 摆脱枷锁 

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. music born in hong kong is booming.

  2. the burden of government sits heavily on my shoulders.

  3. i received a caution from the doctor about fat in my diet.   

  iv. 词汇练习

  1. the river is the           (边界)between the two countries.

  2.the          (酿酒厂)in oldtown makes better beer than the one in our town.

  3.he could not carry the        (担子)alone.

  v. 短语练习

  1.mr smith,      of the      speech, started to read a novel.

  a. tired; boring   b. tiring; bored   c. tired; bored   d. tiring; boring

  2.he was a         investor who studied the market before buying.

  a. careless     b. hasty    c. cautions     d. impatient

  3. i will not      you with a lengthy account of what happened.

  a. off    b. give     c. put     d. burden 

  iv. 1. boundary 2. brewery 3. burden

  v. 1. a 2.c 3.d

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇6

  i. 重点词汇

  1.  pension n. 养老金

  2   plough n.犁,vt. 耕田

  3.  privilege n. 特权,优惠  vt 给特权

  4 .  profit n. vt.vi 利益,好处

  5.  psychological   adj心理学的

  6.   qualify  vi 具有资格

  7.  rectangular  n.长方形

  8.  relevant    adj 密切相关的

  9.  revise     vt 复查,修正

  10. ridge n 山脊,屋脊

  ii. 重点短语

  1.make a cause 停顿

  2.pile up 堆积

  3.plough up 用犁把  翻起

  4. in preparation for ,make preparations for为  作准备

  5.make a purchase 买东西

  6. criminal psychology犯罪心理学

  7. be relevant to  与  密切相关

  8.  jump the queue 插队

  9. a routine report 例行报告

  10. resign from a job 辞职

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1.the facts are relevant to the  case.


  2.i hope to profit from your comments .


  3.he has the right qualification for the job.


  4.we want to make science more relevant to high school students .


  iv. 词汇练习

  1.i'm not willing to but i have to_______(费劲的阅读) through that dull textbook .

  2.they are busy making ________ for the wedding .

  3 ladies and gentlemen , i have the  privilege ____ introducing our speaker for tonight .

  a in   b of  c about  d on

  4 usually a child's behaviour is a ___ of his family environment .

  a recognition  b reflection  c return  d record

  v. 短语练习

  1.it's required that the students __ mobile phones in their school ,so seldom ___ them using one .

  a not use  , will you see  b should not use , you will see

  c don't  use , will you see  d not use , you will see .

  2.his son's excellent work _______ his rise in the company, while his daughter's laziness ___ her failure in the entrance exams .

  a led in , resulted from  b led in , resulted in c led in , resulted to   d led for , resulted from

  3.the old man should listen to the doctor 's recommendation that he ___ in bed .

  a stay   b  stays   c  stayed   d staying


  iv. 词汇练习   1. plough  2. preparations  3 b  4. b

  v. 短语练习   a ba

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇7

  i. 重点单词

  1.splendid   adj.壮丽的,辉煌的

  2. statue  n.塑像,雕像   

  3. submit  v.(使)服从,(使屈服)

  4. surrounding  adj.周围的,附近的 n.(surroundings)环境     

  5. suspect  n.嫌疑犯/v. 怀疑 

  6. swallow v.吞下,抑制 n.燕子       

  7. switch  v.转换,转变  n.开关,电闸    

  8.technical adj.技术的 

  9.temporary  adj.暂时的,临时的

  10. thorough  adj.完全的,彻底的

  ii. 重点短语

  1. 辉煌的胜利 a splendid victory       

  2. 压出,挤出squeeze out of

  3.….人的塑像a statue of / to sb         

  4.屈服与/ 把….递交  submit …..to  

  5. 被…所环绕 be surrounded by/ with    

  6. 怀疑某人…. suspect sb of         

  7. 吞噬, 吞没swallow up             

  8. 打扫,横扫    sweep up      

  9. 关上(电灯,电视),断掉电源  switch off      开(电灯,收音机)  switch on                          

  10. 代替 take the place of     吸收,欺骗 take in      雇佣,承担take on 

  腾飞,起飞,成功take off      开始从事,战去take up

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. 另外三个人屈服了,但不愿这么做,她拒绝了.

  the other three submitted but rosa was unwilling to do so and she refused.

  2. 请在截止日期前将报告交给我

  please submit your reports to me before the deadline.

  3. (谚)一燕不成夏.

  one swallow does not make a summer.

  4. 文字比武器更为有力.

  the pen is more powerful than the sword.


  after he retired from office, rogers took up painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

  6.无论做什么工作都要干净利落.you should always try to be thorough in whatever you do.


  1. cotton is          (纺成) into thread.

  2. what a        (壮观) sight!

  3. he is the prime          (嫌疑犯)in the case .

  4.obama          (提交) a plan to the congress last week.

  5.the fire            (吞没) up the house.

  v. 短语练习(单项选择)

  1.it was at his point that her acting career really       .

  a. took up   b. took off   c. took in         d. took down

  2.mr.li is ill, so i wonder who can       of him?

  a. take place   b. in place     c. take the place   d. replace

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇8

  i 重点词汇

  1.faith [u]信任;信仰;信念 [c] 宗教     

  2. faithful adj.忠诚的;尽责的

  3.fault n. 缺点;毛病                   

  4.flatter  vt. 奉承;恭维( flattery n.)

  5.forecast vt.  预报;;预示 [c] 天气预告  

  6.freezing  adj. 冻结的;寒冷的

  7.frequently adv.  频繁的;经常的        

  8.friction [u] 摩擦力;摩擦[c/u] 冲突;不和

  9.frontier n. 国界;边境                 

  10. fundamental adj.基本的;根本的;基础的

  11.generous adj.  大方的;慷慨的;丰富的

  12 grasp vt. 抓住;抓紧;理解

  13.gratitude  n.  感激;感恩            

  14.greedy adj.  贪婪的;贪吃的

  15.growth   生长;成长;发育;增长;种植;栽培

  ii 重点短语

  1.lose faith in 对  信心                

  2.have faith in  信任

  3.a faithful worker兢兢业业的工人       

  4.find fault with 挑剔;对   不满

  5. be fond of 爱好;喜欢               

  6. freezing cold 寒冷        

  7.frozen food 冷冻食品                

  8.freezing point 冰点

  9.family friction  家庭不和             

  10. sth. be fundamental to 对 是根本 的

  11.a generous harvest 丰收             

  12.get around  

  13.give away 送掉;分发; 放弃(机会)泄露秘密;出卖                     

  14.give back   归还; 使返还;恢复   

  15.give off发出(光、热、气味)

  16.have a thorough grasp of  彻底了解   

  17.beyond/ within a person’s grasp 为某人不能了解能理解的                         18.the growth of our production生产的发展

  19.get round 回避(法律、规章等);说服


  1.a faithful friend is hard to find.

  2.my memory was at fault.

  3.the chinese central weather station can forecast a sandstorm some weeks before it arrives in beijing.

  4.in most of the world, pop music is a sing of friction between generations.

  5.fresh air is fundamental to good health..

  6.in chinese culture, dragons are generous and wise, although they can be unpredictable.

  7.those who got round this ban were: jane austin, the three bronte sisters……

  8.people give away much more by their gestures than by their words.

  iv 词汇练习

  1.everybody has some______________.( 错误)

  2.can you _____________ (预测 )what the outcome of the election will be?

  3.rains are ______________ ( 频繁)here in spring.

  4.matches are lighted by ____________ ( 摩擦).

  5.the company had become too__________ (贪婪)for profit.

  6.he is __________ (大方的) with his money.


  1.i used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we _______fine.

  a. look out      b. stay up        c. carry out       d. get along

  2.at the bad news that he failed in the exam, his joy _______ depression.

  a. give in   b. gave way to    c. gave away to     d. gave up

  3.i don’t think it’s my ______ that the tv blew up. i just turned it on, that’s all.

  a. error     b. mistake   c. fault     d. duty

  4.she could always ______ her father, who would give her whatever she asked for.

  a. get across       b. get down      c. get down        d. get over

  5.drunk driving, which was once a _______ occurrence, is under control.

  a. general     b. frequent      c. normal       d. particular


  1. fault   2.forecast   3.frequent   4.friction    5.greedy    6. generous  1-5dbccb

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇9

  i. 重点词汇

  1. efficiency n. 效率,功率

  2. efficient adj. 效率高的

  3. enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的,有乐趣的

  4. enormous adj. 巨大的,庞大的

  5. enquiry n. 询问

  6. enthusiastic adj. 热情的,热心的

  7. essential adj.  最重要的,不可缺少的, 本质的

  8. exhausted adj.  筋疲力尽的

  9. expertise n. 专家意见,专家知识

  10. expose v. 暴露,揭发

  11. fasten v.  扎牢,扣住

  12. firmly adv.  坚定地,坚决的

  13. flash v.  闪光,闪现

  14. flashback n. 闪回,倒叙

  15. fold v. 折叠,包围

  16. foresee v.  预知

  17. furnished adj. 配备好装备的

  18. germ n. 微生物,细菌

  19. grifted adj. 有天赋的

  20. greedy adj. 贪婪的

  ii. 重点短语

  1. expose… to 把。。。暴露于。。。下

  2. fall ill 生病

  3. first aid  急救

  4. have a gift for   在。。。方面有天赋

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. but economists were hardly naive believers in market efficiency.


  2. but the idea that the british, among the most enthusiastic borrowers in the world, are put off by debt is laughable.


  3. many are exhausted by israel's continuing siege, but fear they would be inviting attack inside and out if they laid down their arms.


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. is this the meaning of            (教育) ?

  2. it was the smoke that made the land look hazy, warm and e               .

  3. it is an            (本质的) principle that we must combine theory with practice .

  4. the g           little boy ate all the food at the party.

  5. to be sure, bernanke didn't f            the crisis, but his aggressive response contained the damage.

  v. 短语练习

  1.                 the sun for too much time will do great harm to your skin.

  a  exposed to   b  being exposing to   c exposing to   d to expose to

  2. when i saw the cars crash on the road, a frightened feeling         across my mind.

  a  flashed    b  struck    c hit        d occurred

  3. as we know, women do not        their faces in public in some middle eastern countries.

  a  cover    b keep      c expose    d  protect


  education/ enjoyable/ essential / greedy / foresee


2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇10

  i. 重点单词

  1. typical adj. 典型的       

  2. 2. unconscious adj.未察觉的   

  3.  absence n.缺席,不在       

  4. abundant adj.大量的,充足的

  5. visual adj.看得见的      

  6. warmth n. 温暖,热情

  7. weaken vt.(使)削弱      

  8. widespread adj.分布广的,普遍的

  9. accompany vt.陪伴,陪同     

  10. abandon vt.丢弃,离弃

  11. academic adj.学术性的,学校的    

  12. accessible adj.可接近的     

  ii. 重点短语

  1. try out sth on 在...做试验     

  2. 2. be typical of 是...特有的 

  3. vary between...and...在...变化    

  4. 4. abandon oneself to sth.沉溺于   

  5. get access to n.得到某物       

  6. 6. adapt oneself to n.//doing 适应    

  7. adjust my watch对表      

  8. 8. make accommodations for为...安排食宿  

  9. wave goodbye to sb. 挥手告别   

  10. in the absence of 在缺少...时

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. she enjoyed trying her french out on pierre

  2. should the traveller return, this stone would utter speech.

  3. the old man turned his horse, waved his hand, and smiled.

  4. lightning usually accompanies thunder.

  5. they acknowledge having been defeated.

  iv. 词汇练习  

  1. it's a_________ to believe that the number 13 brings bad luck.

  2. mary sang and i a____________ her on the piano.

  3. the hut was dark inside, so it took time for our eyes to a________.

  4. this idea is only of a__________ interest.

  5. this painting, named poppym, is a t__________ example of chenyifei's style.

  6. he is still u_______ of his mistake.

  7. hiv w__________ a person's immune system.

  8. the results of the experiment v_______ widely.

  9. when the slaves trade was a_____ in 1838, the former slaves took over the carnival(狂欢节)。

  10. the police was delayed by the a_________ of information about the crime.

  v. 短语练习

  try out     abandon oneself to    get access to      be weak in            be typical of             

  vary from  during sb's absence    adapt oneself to   make accomodations for   try on

  1. this idea seems fine, but we need to ______ it ______ for practice.

  2. he ________________ maths, but good at english.

  3. the spy finally _____________ classified information successfully.

  4. drought and little access to rain ____________ this area this spring..

  5. having failed the nmet, the boy ___________________ the world of internet.

  6. helen, if i ask for a leave, you'll be in charge of the project ____________.

  7. when he moved to canada, the children ____________ the change very well.


  iv. 1 absurd       2 accompanied  3 adjust/ adapt   4 accademic   5 typical  

  6 unconscious   7 weakens     8 varied        9 abolished    10 absence

  v. 1 try it out          2 is weak in        3 get access to       4 is typical of   

  5 abandoned himself to      6 during my absence       7 adapted to

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇11

  i 重点词汇

  1.check/cheque n. 支票  

  2. circumstance [c]情况;环境 经济情况  [ u]命运;客观情况

  3.civil  adj. 国内的;市民的;文职的          

  4.coincidence [c.n.] 巧合;一致;符合

  5.collision n. 碰撞;冲突       

  6.commit  v.干(错事),犯(罪);监禁;使承担义务

  7.commitment [c/u]  承诺,保证 ;责任,义务

  8.competent adj.  有能力的;能胜任的

  9.competence [c/u] 能力;技能;权限  

  10.component [c n] 组成部分;成分;组建

  11.concession n. 让步;妥协      

  12.confirm vt证实,确定;批准,使生效;坚持认为  

  13.consensus [c,u] 一致;(意见等的)一致      

  14.consult v. 商量;商业;考虑;参考

  15.contradict vt.  反驳;与......矛盾  

  16.contradictory adj. 矛盾的 ,相反的

  17.corrupt adj.腐败的;贪污的  使腐化堕落;vt. 贿赂  腐化堕落; vi.腐坏  

  18.critic [c] 批评家;评论家                

  19. critical  adj.  关键性的,批评的  

  20.criticism [c. u.]批评;批判;评论          

  21. criticize  vt./vi 批判;批判;指责

  22. cosy  adj.  暖和而舒服的               

  23. creed n. 信条  

  24.cunning adj,  狡猾的                    

  25. currency n.  货币;通货

  26.crush vt. 压碎;压坏;碾碎              

  27.deceitful  adj. 欺诈的;不诚实的

  28.concret   adj.     具体的;实在的

  ii 重点短语

  1.under ordinary circumstances在一般情况下 

  2.under no circumstances在任何情况下都不 

  3.in/ under present circumstances 在目前情况 

  4.commit murder 犯凶杀案

  5. commit sb/ oneself to sth./ to doing sth.承诺,保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等)

  6.come into collision with 和…发生碰撞   

  7.  a consensus of opinion 意见的一致

  8. reach a consensus on sth.在某事上达成一致的意见 

  9.be critical about对…挑剔

  10. at critical moment关键时刻             

  11.contradict one’s views 反驳某人的观点

  12. be competent at 能胜任某事


  1. eggs crash easily.

  2. he was corrupted by power and ambition.

  3. if you commit a crime you can never escape being punished.

  4. i’ve taken on too many commitments.

  5. our circumstances are so desperate that it is uncertain whether we will ever return alive.

  6. i must consult my principal on this matter.

  iv 词汇练习

  1. she doesn’t want to make a big emotional _____________(承诺)to steve at the moment.

  2. the experiment ____________(证实) his theory.

  3. and the ________________(一致) of most people is that the music is very good.

  4. friend and kind or ____________(残忍) and unkind?

  5. the police have nothing ______________(具体的) to go on.

  6. can you _____________(查阅) reference books.


  1.we have been told that under no circumstances ________ the office telephone for personal affairs.

  a. may we use  b. we can use  c. we could use  d. did we use

  2.she kept silent, just because she didn’t like to _______ her husband in public.

  a. conflict  b. contradict   c. deny     d. face

  3.it can’t be a(n) ________ that four jewelry stores were robbed in one night.

  a. coincidence  b. accident  c. incident d. chance

  4.if you want to get a book out of the library you should ______ the catalogue first.

  a. consult  b. discuss   c. instruct  d. correct

  5.she was very _____ at her work and as a result of this , she finished the work ahead of time.     a. capable  b. able  c. effective   d. competent


  1. commitment   2.confirmed   3.consensus   4.cruel  5.concret  6.consult


2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇12

  i. 重点词汇

  approval n. 批准;认可               

  arrogant adj. 傲慢的

  assess vt.估计;评估                  

  auditory adj.听的;听觉的

  author n.  作家                      

  ballet n.芭蕾舞

  banjo n.班卓琴                       

  bargain n.交易; 

  battle n.战斗                        

  bedding n.被褥 

  bench n. 坐板                       

  beneath prep.在。。。的下方 

  bent adj.弯曲的                      

  blacken v.(使)变黑 

  blast n.一阵(风)                   

  bless vt.保佑 

  block n.块; 片                     

  bomb n./vt./vi.炸弹;轰炸

  bonus n.红利;奖金                  

  booklet n.小册子      

  ii. 重点短语

  1. at full length/ at length详尽地;全身平伸地/最后;详尽地

  2. make/beat a bargain with 和。。。做交易

  3. settle/close/conduct/strike a bargain 成交;达成协议

  4. make a bad bargain做了一笔不划算的生意

  5. bargain with sb. about/ over the price与某人讲价

  6. bargain a price down 通过讨价还价压低价格

  7. give battle to向。。。挑战

  8. in battle在战斗中 

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. at length, we began to understand what he wanted.

  2. they battle with/ against the winds and waves.

  3. the village was situated beneath a wooded hill.

  4. my glasses are bent because i left them on my bed and then sat on them.

  5. god blessed him with good health.

  6. you may find you have more than one strong learning style, which is a bonus.   

  iv. 词汇练习

  1. they      (估计)the damage at 1,000 dollars.

  2. this painting is a       (便宜货).

  3. the airforce       (轰炸)two towns.

  4. the workers got a christmas        (奖金).

  v. 短语练习

  1. parents are         the first teachers of children.

  a. beyond question    b. in question     c. out of question    d. an open question

  2. accustomed to        the steep mountains, he had no difficulty reaching the top.

  a. climbing   b. climb    c. having climbed    d. have climbed

  3. he failed to supply the facts relevant        the case in question.

  a. for    b. with    c. to   d. of

  4. some people like to do shopping on sunday since they expect to pick up    in the market.

  a. batteries    b. bargains    c. baskets    d. barrels

  iv. 1.assessed 2. bargain 3. bombed 4. bonus

  v. 1.a 2.a 3.c 4.b

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇13

  i. 重点词汇

  1. co-operative adj.  合作的

  2. creative adj.

  3. credit n.

  4. crime n.

  5. crinimal n. 有创造力的, 创造性的

  6. cure v.  治疗,治愈

  7. damp adj. 潮湿的

  8. deadline n. 最后期限

  9. deadly adj. 致命的

  10. delight n. /  v. 快乐,高兴 ,使高兴

  11. demand v. 要求

  12. deny v. 否认,拒绝

  13. depend v.  依靠,依赖

  14. description n.  描述

  15. delimma n. 困境,窘境

  16. dispose v. 布置,安排

  17. disposal n. 清除,处理

  18. dustbin n. 垃圾箱

  19. eager adj. 渴望的

  20. editor n. 编辑

  ii. 重点短语

  1. take delight in 乐于。。。

  2. to one’s delight 令人高兴的是

  3. depend on 依靠,

  4. draw a conclusion 得出结论

  5. be eager to do / for 渴望。。。

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. crinimal protest right is a kind of right for procuratorate department to request court to rehearing the case that maybe is a miscarriage of justice.


  2. although it's not a right time and i face delimma, i still feel happy.


  3. previously, if i had been really interested in a book, i would race from page to page, eager to know what came next.


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. she says she can c          me, but i still doubt her.

  2. the d            for the new cosmetics packaging design is next monday.

  3. this simple example is a pretty good            (描述) of how evolution works.

  v. 短语练习

  1.                 to have a picnic here!

  a  what great delight    b  how great delight 

  c  what a great delight   d how a great delight

  2. they demanded that the books        to the school library at once .

  a return                   b  should return

  c  be returned             d  would be returned


  cure/ deadline/ description


2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇14


  1.command  n.&vt. 命令;指挥         

  2.concern  vt. 涉及;关系到 n.关心;关注

  3.congratulation  n.祝贺;庆贺          

  4.conquer  v.征服;战胜

  5.cruelty  n. 残忍;残酷               

  6.cycle  v.&n. 循环;轮转

  7.destroy  vt. 破坏;摧毁              

  8.disadvantage  n. 不利条件;缺点

  9.enrich  vt. 使富裕;充实             

  10.escape  v. 逃避;逃脱

  11.event  n.事件,比赛项目            

  12.damage  v.&n. 损害;毁坏


  1.命令某人做某事  command that sb (should) do sth 

  2.就……而言 as far as…be concerned

  3.为某事向某人祝贺  offer one’s congratulations to sb on sth/congratulate sb on sth

  4.对某人残忍  be cruel to sb                     

  5.对……造成损害  do damage to

  6.决心做某事  be determined to do sth             

  7.献身于;致力于  devote oneself to

  8.发掘出;翻找出  dig out                      

  9.和……不一致  disagree with

  10.与……相等 be equal to        胜任……  be equal to doing sth



  all my hopes were destroyed.


  it is your efforts, not your intelligence, that determine your success.


  every advantage has its disadvantage.


  reading enriches the mind.


  all human beings are equal.


  he had a narrow escape.


  it is easy to be wise after the event.


  his conduct disagrees with his words.


  1.his c_______ to his children makes my blood boil.

  2.you must obey the captain’s c________.

  3.there are _______(不利条件,缺点) to the plan.

  4.—john and i will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.

  —oh, _______!

  a.cheer up       b.well done       c.go ahead        d.congratulations

  5.the island is _____ attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.

  a.partly         b.merely          c.nearly         d.equally


  1.one kilometer ____ ______ ____ (与……相等)1000 meters.

  2.i ____ _______ ____(决心) find out who is responsible for this.

  3.___ ____ ____ ___ _____ _______(就我而言), i’m not against your plan.

  4.if you have a job, ______ yourself to it and finally you’ll succeed.

  a.do devote       b.don’t devote     c.devoting       d.not devoting

  5.teenagers ____ their health because they play computer games too much.

  a.have damaged   b.are damaging     c.damaged      d.will damage



  1.cruelty      2.command      3.disadvantages   4.d       5.d


  1. is equal to   2.am determined to  3.as far as i am concerned     4.a     5.b

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇15


  1.dip  vt. 浸;蘸;把……伸入          

  2.disappearance  n. 不见;消失

  3.distant  adj. 远的,遥远的            

  4.doubt  v&n. 怀疑;疑惑

  5.download  v. 下载                   

  6.dynasty  n. 朝代;王朝

  7.earn  vt. 挣得;赢得              earnings  n. 挣得的财物;收入

  8.electronic  adj. 电子的               

  9.employ  vt. 雇佣;使用

  10.endanger  vt. 危害,使受到危险     

  11.ending  n. 结尾,结局;终结

  12.entrance  n. 进入;入学等          

  13.evidence  n.证据;显而易见

  14.excitement  n. 兴奋;刺激          

  15.explode  v. 使爆炸;急速增加


  1.灭绝;消失  die out                    

  2.浏览  dip into 

  3.对某人冷淡  be distant towards sb          离……遥远  be distant from

  4.毫无疑问  there is no doubt that…        

  5.梦想;渴望  dream of/about

  6.做了个……梦  drream a…dream          

  7.谋生  earn one’s living

  8.从事于  be employed in doing sth           被雇佣来做某事  be employed to do sth

  9.很显然  it is quite evident that            

  10.平息,减弱  die down

  11.死于内因  die of                       死于外因  die from

  12.渴望  be dying for/be dying to do         

  13.相继死去  die off

  14.慢慢变弱,逐渐消失 die away           

  15.毫无疑问  beyond doubt

  16.凭空想出  dream up                    

  17.在……入口处  at the entrance to sth



  he took a distant attitude towards me.


  just dreaming for things, however, costs nothing.


  the boss puts more emphasis on personality than on capacity when he employs a staff member.


  a good ending is better than a good beginning.


  the students were heavily loaded with homework before the college entrance exmination.


  doubt is the key of knowledge.


  i have no doubt that you will succeed.


  1.tom put his heart into the wildlife research, and finally, his efforts e_______ him great success and fame.

  2.he d_____ his pen into the ink.

  3.there was a complete silence except for the occasional sound of ______(远处的) traffic.

  4.he used to d_______ information from the internet and made good use of it.

  5.but there was a happy e_____ to the story.

  6.when heated to a high enough degree, the gas in the bottle will e_______.


  1.although the wind has _____ ____(平息), the rain remains steady, so you still need a raincoat.

  2.as a result these endangered animals may even ____ _____(灭绝).

  3.i have always _______ ___(梦想) starting my own company.

  4.at the end of the match the spectators went wild _____ _________(兴奋).



  1.earned  2. dipped  3. distant  4. download  5. ending  6.explode


  1.died down  2. die out  3. dreamed of  4. with excitement  

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第36天 篇16


  1.bite  v. 叮;咬;刺痛                 

  2.broadcast  n&v. 广播;播放

  3.calculate  vt. 计算;估计              

  4.cash  n. 现金,现钞  vt. 把……兑现

  5.character  n. 人物;性格;特征;汉字   

  6.charge  n负责,费用 v.承担;收费;指控

  7.classical  adj. 古典的;传统的          

  8.coach  n&v. 教练

  9.compete  v. 比赛,竞争                

  10.confident adj. 自信的;有信心的

  11.contain  vt. 包含;容纳;克制         

  12.deabte  v&n. 辩论,争论

  13.decorate  vt. 装饰;装修              

  14.decrease  v&n. 减小,减少

  15.deserve  v. 应收惩罚;值得            

  16.devotion  n. 投入;热爱


  1.关系破裂  break up              垮掉;崩溃  break down

  2.简言之  in brief                    

  3.形成;产生  come into being

  4.用现金支付  pay in cash          用支票付款  pay by cheque

  5.确定/确保  make sure/certain      很确定……  it is certain that…

  6.与某人竞争  in competition with sb    

  7.做买卖;处理;论述;涉及  deal with

  8.用……装饰  be decorated with        

  9.在减少中  on the decrease



  many chinese characters tell very interesting stories.


  we are hopefully confident that we can overcome the difficulties.


  what he suggested deserved consideration


  it is certain that you’ll make rapid progress when you have found the correct ways of learning english.


  they do not know how this world came into being.


  we all know that, if not carefully dealt with, the situation will get worse.


  deal with a man as he deals with you.


  1.they are in c________ with each other for the prize.

  2.make c______/sure that you know what time the train leaves.

  3.hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. it may also be good for c_______ building.

  4.this hotel c______ $ 60 for a single room with bath.

  5.would you please keep silent? the weather report _____ and i want to listen.

  a.is broadcast      b.is being broadcast     c.has been broadcast   d.had been broadcast


  1.her poems often ______ ____(涉及) the subject of death.

  2.the poor mother ______ _____(崩溃) and wept when she heard the news that her son had been kidnapped.

  3.i’m surprised to hear that sue and paul have _____ ___(分手).

  4.the hall ___ _______ ___(用……装饰) flowers.

  5.with the world changing fast, we have something new _____ with all by ourselves every day.

  a.deal        b.dealt       c.to deal       d.dealing



  1.competition   2. certain  3. character  4. charges  5. b 


  1. deal with  2. broke down  3. broken up  4. is decorated with  5. c


