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2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第76天 篇1

  i. 重点单词

  1.splendid   adj.壮丽的,辉煌的

  2. statue  n.塑像,雕像   

  3. submit  v.(使)服从,(使屈服)

  4. surrounding  adj.周围的,附近的 n.(surroundings)环境     

  5. suspect  n.嫌疑犯/v. 怀疑 

  6. swallow v.吞下,抑制 n.燕子       

  7. switch  v.转换,转变  n.开关,电闸    

  8.technical adj.技术的 

  9.temporary  adj.暂时的,临时的

  10. thorough  adj.完全的,彻底的

  ii. 重点短语

  1. 辉煌的胜利 a splendid victory       

  2. 压出,挤出squeeze out of

  3.….人的塑像a statue of / to sb         

  4.屈服与/ 把….递交  submit …..to  

  5. 被…所环绕 be surrounded by/ with    

  6. 怀疑某人…. suspect sb of         

  7. 吞噬, 吞没swallow up             

  8. 打扫,横扫    sweep up      

  9. 关上(电灯,电视),断掉电源  switch off      开(电灯,收音机)  switch on                          

  10. 代替 take the place of     吸收,欺骗 take in      雇佣,承担take on 

  腾飞,起飞,成功take off      开始从事,战去take up

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. 另外三个人屈服了,但不愿这么做,她拒绝了.

  the other three submitted but rosa was unwilling to do so and she refused.

  2. 请在截止日期前将报告交给我

  please submit your reports to me before the deadline.

  3. (谚)一燕不成夏.

  one swallow does not make a summer.

  4. 文字比武器更为有力.

  the pen is more powerful than the sword.


  after he retired from office, rogers took up painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

  6.无论做什么工作都要干净利落.you should always try to be thorough in whatever you do.


  1. cotton is          (纺成) into thread.

  2. what a        (壮观) sight!

  3. he is the prime          (嫌疑犯)in the case .

  4.obama          (提交) a plan to the congress last week.

  5.the fire            (吞没) up the house.

  v. 短语练习(单项选择)

  1.it was at his point that her acting career really       .

  a. took up   b. took off   c. took in         d. took down

  2.mr.li is ill, so i wonder who can       of him?

  a. take place   b. in place     c. take the place   d. replace

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第76天 篇2

  i. 重点词汇

  fascinate vt.迷住                   

  fashion n.最新款式

  fashionable adj.流行式样的          

  feature n.面貌;相貌

  federal adj.中央的                

  fit in/into安插;安排时间见某人;相处融洽 

  fluency n.流利;流畅              

  fluent adj.流利的

  foresee vt.预见;预知             

  fortnight n.两星期

  fragrant adj.香的                  

  fruity adj.果味的   

  garment n.衣服                   

  generate vt.产生;发生

  generation n.一代人               

  goods n.货物 

  gradual adj.逐渐的                

  gymnastics n.体操

  hardship n.困苦 heritage n.遗产     

  highway公路 homeland n.祖国;家园

  horizon n.地平线 

  ii. 重点短语

  1. fall behind the fashion过时

  2. follow the fashion赶时髦

  3. have nice features有好的面貌

  4. give out分发;发出;耗尽

  5. have no use for厌恶;对。。。不耐烦    

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. the beauty of the city fascinates him.

  2. chinese student fitting in well.

  3. a lot of practice helped the spokesman become a more fluent speaker.

  4. gradually, a picture came into view.

  iv. 词汇练习

  1. he speaks english with great        (流利)

  2. it seems that the private lives of movie stars never fail to      (着迷)

  3.the       (时尚)at the time was for teaching mainly the written language.

  4.her eyes are her best         (面貌)

  5.the child’s growth into an adult is       (逐渐)

  6. this     (服装)should be washed carefully.

  7. you can     (预见)what will happen.

  v. 短语练习

  1. the news of the mayor’s coming to our school for a visit was      on the radio yesterday.

  a. turned     b. found out   c. given out   d. carried out

  2. this dress     you very well but it is      me.

  a. fits for; not fit for              b. fits; not fit for 

  c. fits; not fit                    d. fits for; not fit for

  3. what a shame that no one has     this old building     

  a. put; to use  b. make; use of   c. take; to use  d. place; to use

  4.          into use in april , the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.

  a. put  b. putting  c. having put  d. being put 

  iv. 1. fluency 2. fascinate 3. fashion 4. feature 5. gradual 6. garment 7.foresee

  v. 1.c 2.b 3.a. 4. a

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第76天 篇3

  i. 重点词汇

  immoral adj.不道德的              

  incident n. 事件

  inform vt.告诉;通知              

  invitation n.请柬; 邀请 

  irrigation n.灌溉                 

  jaw n.下巴     

  juggle vt.耍把戏                 

  lane n.小路

  latitude n.维度                   

  laughter n.笑声 

  lawyer n.法学家                 

  limb n.分支 

  log n.木材                      

  lower adj.较低的

  magnetic n.磁的                 

  mature adj. 成熟的

  meditation n.冥想               

  mercy n.宽恕

  migrant n.移民              

  minimum n.最低限度

  misleading adj.易误解的      

  monument n.纪念碑

  motivation n.动力            

  murder vt.谋杀

  murderer n. 杀人犯           

  musty adj.发霉的

  ii. 重点短语

  1. in reality实际上

  2. be well informed about sth.对某事/消息灵通

  3. bust into laughter放声大笑

  4. roar with laughter哄堂大笑

  5. at the mercy of完全受。。。支配

  6. have mercy on/ upon对。。。表示同情

  7. reduce sth. to minimum把某事减少到最小限度      

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. she informed them of his arrival.

  2. the hostess had the invitations delivered a week before the party.

  3. the police appealed to the public for any information about the murder.   

  iv. 词汇练习

  1.i have been reliably    (告诉)that the couple will marry next year.

  2. you are a     (成熟的)man now; you are no longer a boy.

  3. they want to spend a     (最少的)of both time and money.

  4. the police were trying to find out who had     (谋杀)the mayor.

  v. 短语练习

  1.i think that the    behind the decision is the desire to improve our customer service.

  a. inspiration  b. enthusiasm  c. impression  d. motivation

  2.we thought they had come to repair the phone, but in     , they were burglars.

  a. reality   b. addition   c. future  d. vain

  3.on arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the      that occurred in his school this morning.

  a. subjects   b. matters    c. incidents   d.issues

  4.the animal with the biggest head    its body is the ant.

  a. in relation to          b. in connection to 

  c. in terms of            d. in the course of

  iv. 1. informed 2. mature 3. minimum 4. murdered

  v. 1. d 2. a 3. c 4. a

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第76天 篇4

  i 重点词汇

  1.storage [c] 贮藏;蓄积                  

  2.stout  adj.  肥壮的;强壮的;坚固的  

  3strengthen vt. 加强;巩固                

  4.swear  vt. 诅咒,咒骂;宣誓,发誓

  5.suffering [u] 疼痛;痛苦 pl.苦难;疾苦   

  6. suspect  n. 嫌疑犯 v. 疑有,怀疑 

  7.symphony  n.  交响乐,交响曲         

  8.tactful adj. 机智的;圆滑的;言行得体的

  9.tend  vi.伺候;招待;关心;易于;往往  

  10.tendency  [c]  倾向;趋势;意向

  11.submit  vt./vi.(使)服从;(使)顺从;(使)屈服;提出,提交;建议,认为

  12.supreme adj. 无比的,极度的;最高的;决定性的

  ii 重点短语

  1.stand out  杰出; 坚决反对;坚持到底

  2.stand by   站在旁边;袖手旁观;支持;援助

  3.stand for  表示;象征              

  4.strengthen unity 加强团结y   

  5.struggle against  与 斗争           

  6.struggle for  为......而斗争

  7.cold storage   冷藏                

  8.submit oneself to  甘受服从

  9.submit willingly  信悦诚服         

  10.supreme courage  最大的勇气

  11.supreme good  至善              

  12 the supreme moment  决定性的时刻        

  13.swear at sb.  咒骂某人            

  14.tend to do...   倾向做.......;倾向去做某事


  1.we want to strengthen our ties with them.

  2.iwill stand by you whatever happened.

  3. he was too proud to submit to such treatment

  4. your ability to stand out in a crowd will bring you the recognition you desire.

  5. a person may be a time of adversity, tend to do better。

  6.this would create an "historic opportunity" for china to strengthen its position.

  7.he was content to stand by as an impassive spectator.

  8.if my student is a honeybee, i submit willingly pick the honey the flowers.

  iv 词汇练习

  1.he has a __________ (强壮的) makeup.

  2.difficulties ____________ (增强) the mind ,as labor does the body.

  3.the ___________ (斗争)for freedom was long and hard.

  4.he died without much __________(痛苦).

  5.i ___________ (发誓) i won’t tell anyone your secret.

  6.i ___________ (服从) to your superior judgement.

  7. we ___________ (怀疑)that it was a trick to get our money.


  1. to make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _____ and weakness.

  a. strengths  b. benefits   c. techniques    d. values 

  2.i can’t stand _____ with jane in the same office.

  a. working; stopping b. to work ; stopping  c. working ; to stop  d. to work; to stop

  3.modern plastics can ______ very high and very low temperature.

  a. stand      b. hold     c. carry      d. support

  4.competition, they believe, ____ the national character rather than corrupt.

  a. strengthen  b. strong    c. strength     d. force 

  5.jachson _______ rumors in the town and was arrested by the police.

  a. suspected to spread         b. was suspected of spreading  

  c. was suspected to spread     d. was suspected spreading

  6.the engineers _____ the project to the board for approval.

  a. admitted   b. permitted   c. submitted     d. committed

  7.their is a growing ______ for people to work at home instead of in offices

  a. temptation    b. tendency    c. tradition    d. fashion

  1. stout  2. strengthen  3. struggle   4. suffering  5. swear    6.submit  7. suspected

  1-7  acaab cb

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第76天 篇5

  i. 重点词汇

  1 compromise  vi vt n

  2 condemn vt

  3 conservative n

  4 convenient adj

  5 criterion n

  6 current  adj 

  7 curtsy  vi n

  8 delete vt 

  ii. 重点短语1

  1  be condemned to death   被处死

  2  make a conservative guess at  对  作保守估计

  3  suit /agree with sb's constitution  适合某人的体质

  4  be convenient to /for  对    方便

  5  appear in court  出庭

  6  go to court  起诉

  7  take sb. to court 把某人告上法庭

  8  current money 流通的货币 

  9  go through the customs 通过海关 

  10  cut up 切碎

  11 date back to/from  追溯

  12 the decoration of a room 房间的装潢

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1  i refuse to compromise my principles .


  2  she knew that society will condemn her for leaving her children .


  3  old people are usually more conservative than young people .


  4  most of the great wall dates from the ming dynasty .


  iv. 词汇练习

  1  encourage your children to reach a(n) ___ between what he wants and what you want .

  a  achievement  b appointment  c compromise   d adaptation

  2  terrible ! i can't imagine how you can ___ that noise .

  a  tolerate   b remove  c pass   d compromise

  3  teaching and learning are two entirely different processes . they ___ in kind and function .

  a differ  b change  c compare  d work 

  v. 短语练习

  1 these meals can be prepared in advance , and served ____ .

  a  for  convenience  b if you are convenient 

  c  to your convenience  d at your convenience

  2  the traditional friendship between our two peoples ___ ancient times .

  a  is dated back to  b  dates at  c dates back  to d is dated from

  3  the carrot should be __ into small pieces before you put them into the boiling water .

  a  cut down  b cut off  c cut in  d cut up


  iv. 词汇练习  caa 

  v. 短语练习  dcd  

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第76天 篇6

  i. 重点单词

  1.exchange   v/n交换,交流          

  2. exhibition  n. 展览会,展览品

  3. exist    v. 存在  n. existence        

  4. faith   n.信任,信念

  5.faithful   adj.忠实的,忠诚的        

  6. figure  n. 数字,符号,体形

  7. flood  n..洪水,水灾               

  8. fountain  n.喷泉

  9. fragile  adj. 脆的,易碎的          

  10.fragrant  adj.香的,令人愉快的

  11.famine  n.饥荒                   

  12.gallery n.美术陈列室,画廊        

  13.geology  n.地质学                

  14.female  n.女性  

  15. flexible adj.易弯曲的,灵活的        

  16.fuel  n. 燃料

  ii. 重点短语

  1交换意见exchange views/ideas     

  2.以…换….exchange …..for….

  3. 作为….的交换in exchange for     

  4.开始存在,产生come into existence 

  5.对…失去信心lose faith in  

  6. 想要做…./摸起来像..一样feel like (doing) sth   

  7. 关键人物 a key figure             

  8.血肉之躯  flesh and blood 

  9. 进入,染上,陷入  get into          

  10.乍看之下,一看就 at a / the first glance

  11. 匆匆瞥一眼glance at       盯着看 stare at       怒目而视glare at

  iii. 佳句赏析


  some of the children’s paintings are now on exhibition at the school.

  2.忠实朋友实难求.        a faithful friend is hard to find.

  3.精诚所至,金石为开.     faith can move mountains.

  4.人总有一死.             all flesh must die.

  5. 没有人知道这个世界是怎样形成的.

  no one knows how this world came into being.


  1.we still haven’t      (猜想) out how to do it.

  2.he is more handsome in the             (肌肉) than in the photos.

  3.the working time of the teachers is        (有弹性的) . they are allowed to stay away from school when they don’t have any class.

  v. 短语练习(单项选择)

  1.the present situation is very complex, so i think it will take me some time to      its reality..

  a. make up   b. figure out    c. look through    d. put off

  2.it is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money       favors to them.

  a. in preference to    b. in place of    c. in agreement with   d. in exchange for

  3.after a quick       at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance.

  a. glance     b. glimpse   c. gaze     d. stare

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第76天 篇7

  i. 重点词汇

  1. co-operative adj.  合作的

  2. creative adj.

  3. credit n.

  4. crime n.

  5. crinimal n. 有创造力的, 创造性的

  6. cure v.  治疗,治愈

  7. damp adj. 潮湿的

  8. deadline n. 最后期限

  9. deadly adj. 致命的

  10. delight n. /  v. 快乐,高兴 ,使高兴

  11. demand v. 要求

  12. deny v. 否认,拒绝

  13. depend v.  依靠,依赖

  14. description n.  描述

  15. delimma n. 困境,窘境

  16. dispose v. 布置,安排

  17. disposal n. 清除,处理

  18. dustbin n. 垃圾箱

  19. eager adj. 渴望的

  20. editor n. 编辑

  ii. 重点短语

  1. take delight in 乐于。。。

  2. to one’s delight 令人高兴的是

  3. depend on 依靠,

  4. draw a conclusion 得出结论

  5. be eager to do / for 渴望。。。

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. crinimal protest right is a kind of right for procuratorate department to request court to rehearing the case that maybe is a miscarriage of justice.


  2. although it's not a right time and i face delimma, i still feel happy.


  3. previously, if i had been really interested in a book, i would race from page to page, eager to know what came next.


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. she says she can c          me, but i still doubt her.

  2. the d            for the new cosmetics packaging design is next monday.

  3. this simple example is a pretty good            (描述) of how evolution works.

  v. 短语练习

  1.                 to have a picnic here!

  a  what great delight    b  how great delight 

  c  what a great delight   d how a great delight

  2. they demanded that the books        to the school library at once .

  a return                   b  should return

  c  be returned             d  would be returned


  cure/ deadline/ description


2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第76天 篇8

  i 重点词汇

  1.decline vt. 使下降;谢绝,拒绝vi. 下倾,下降 [c u] 下倾,下降; 衰退;衰落  

  2.demand vt.要求,需求;询问,查问 [c]要求;要求物 [u c] 需求, 要求 

  3.discount [c u] 折扣vt. 打去(若干)折扣;看轻

  4. discourage vt. 使泄气;使丧失

  5.discrimination [u] 歧视;辨别;识别率       

  6.disrespectful  adj. 失礼的,无理的

  7. distribute vt. 分发,分配 ;分散,分布      

  8.dominate vt. /vi.  支配;占优势

  9.dynamic adj. (动)力的;动态的; 有生气的

  10.drunk adj. 醉的 

  11.educator  n.教育工作者, 教育家          

  12. efficient adj.  效率高的,有效率的

  13.endurance n. 忍耐; 持久                 

  14.en/inquire vt. 询问

  15.enquiry n. 询问;打听;调查              

  16.equlity  [u] 相等;相同;平等

  17.evident adj. 明显的;清楚的;明白的       

  18.explicit adj.清楚的;明确的;详细的

  ii 重点短语

  1.delay doing sth.耽搁做某事           

  2.without delay立刻,马上

  3.meet one’s demands 满足......需要      

  4.at 15% discount 打八五折

  5.discourage sb. from doing 阻止某人做…..

  6.do everything in one’s power to竭尽全力做…..

  7. racial equality 种族平等             

  8.it’s evident that…(很)明显……

  9.hold an enquiry into a case 对一桩案子进行调查 

  10.make enquiries of sb. about sth.向某人询问某事

  11demand sth. of/from sb.向某人要求东西 


  1.i offer to give them a lift but they decline.

  2.at first, in spite of disliking him, she did not discount his affection, and was sensitive to the pain she was going to cause him when she declined his offer of marriage

  3.he demanded that the task be finished in time.

  4.but there will also be a rise in the demand for health care professionals.

  5.we discourage you from smoking except in specific area.

  6.thank you for your enquiry(enquiries) about my health.

  iv 词汇练习

  1.he was ____________(明显的)about an affair.

  2.the hardship she faced _____________(使 泄气) her.

  3. the old man ____________ (分发)sweets to children.

  4.we had a ________________ (充满活力的) english teacher.

  5. she divided the cake into four ____________(平均)parts.

  6. she politely _____________ (拒绝) their invitation.

  7.there is no time to ____________ (拖延).

  8.she politely _________(拒绝)their invitation.


  1.john was late for the business meeting because his flight had been______ by a heavy storm.

  a. kept      b. stopped      c. showed       d. delayed

  2.the opposition have demanded that all the facts _______ make public.

  a. make        b. are made   c. be made     d. should make

  3.since last year, the crime in chicago has sharply ________.

  a. declined    b. lessened   c. descended   d. slipped.

  4.the students _________ the teacher, but he couldn’t remember the exact exam results of everyone.

  a. enquired at   b. enquired after   c. enquired into    d. enquired for

  5.the secret of his success is that he does everything_______.

  a. efficiently  b. curiously    c. anxiously     d. sufficiently

  6. if we can          our present difficulties, then everything should be all right?

  a.come across b.get over     c.come over d.get off


  1. explicit 2.discouraged 3.distributed 4.dynamic  5.equal 6. declined

  1-5 dcaaab

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第76天 篇9

  i. 重点单词

  1. specific adj.具体的,特有的      

  2. sponsor n.发起人    

  3. stengthen vt.加强,巩固

  4. subscribe v.捐助,订购,同意    

  5. steady adj.稳定的      

  6. suitable adj.适当的

  7. stress n.压力         

  8. sweat n. 汗水       

  9. survival adj.幸存  

  10. tease vt.嘲笑               

  11. trend n.趋势          

  12. transform v.改变  

  13. tough adj.粗暴的,严格的     

  14.tremble v.发抖

  ii. 重点短语

  1. in a poor state of health身体不好     

  2. be specific to sth.是...特有的

  3. strengths and weaknesses优缺点      

  4. subscribe to sth.订购;同意   

  5. be suited to 对...是合适的         

  6. take it easy 别在意

  7. at all risks 不管冒多大危险              

  8. thunder blows on sb. 给...以重击

  9. transform into 变成  

  iii. 佳句赏析  

  1. we mustn't risk getting caught in a storm.

  2. women tend to live longer than men.

  3. i subscribe to you idea absolutely.

  4. we haven't fixed a specific date for our meeting  

  5. survival is our first imperative.

  iv. 词汇练习   

  1. s________ your name and address, please!

  2. he s________ the importance of kindness, duty and order in society.

  3. the rise in carbon dioxide is causing a _________ increase in global warming.

  4. dr yuan's kind of rice is the most s___________ for china's farmland.

  5. the old man is a s________ of the second world war.

  6. the king of yue, goujian would taste a bitter gall-bladder(苦胆)to s__________ his determination.

  7. use a s_________ table cloth; this one tears too easily.

  8. the exhibition was s__________ by the society of culture.

  v. 短语练习

  1.match/ suit/ fit 

  ① it doesn't ________ you to have your hair cut short.  ② carpets should _______ the curtains

  ③ does the coat ________ you?        ④ military training ________ men for long marches.

  2. we can’t ______ our fate. instead, we should take a positive attitude to the present situation.

  a. submit to    b. correspond to    c. subscribe to     d. compromise to

  3. it is better to ask someone for advice rather than ___________something.

  a. risk doing       b. risk to do        c. to risk doing        d. to risk to do

  4. ---we're afraid we can't finish the task within this month.

  --- _________.

  a. don't be afraid       b. that's right   c. take your time   d.  not at all


  iv. 1 state  2 stressed 3 steady  4 suitable  5 survival  6 strengthen  7 steady  8 sponsored

  v.  1 match 、suit 、fit、 fits    2 a   3 a   4 c

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第76天 篇10

  i. 重点单词

  1.guarantee  v/n保证,担保          

  2. humanistic  adj.人道主义的

  3. hurricane   n.飓风,风暴          

  4. illegal   adj.不合法的,违法的

  5.immune   adj.有免疫力的        

  6. imperative  n.祈使语气,命令

  7. impressionism  n..印象主义       impressionist   n.印象派作家           

  8. individual  n.个人的,独特的  

  9. judgement  n.判断力,见识          

  10.librarian  n.图书管理员

  11.growth  n..增长,生长              

  12.greenhouse  n.温室       

  13.helmet  n.头盔                    

  14.load  v/n负担,装载

  ii. 重点短语

  1口香糖chewing gum                  

  2.不管,不顾.in spite of .

  3.对…作出评价make a judgement on      

  4.依我来看in my judgement

  5.继续keep on                         

  6. 放出,泄露let out   

  7. 不管,不打搅,不干涉 let…… alone / be   

  8.使失望,辜负  let down

  9. 很多  loads of                       

  10.向某人担保某事 guarantee sth to sb

  11. 不能保重there is no guarantee         

  12. 担保guarantee of / that….

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1.万众一心,众志成城.     together, individuals can make a difference..

  2.尽管我很努力,但还是失败了.      in spite of all my efforts i failed.

  3.目前还不知道是谁泄露了这个秘密.  it remains unknown who let out the secret.

  4.面对沉重的学业负担,她压力很大.  she is under great pressure from heavy study loads.

  5.在澳大利亚有很多值得看的好地方. there are loads of great places to see in australia.


  1.in order to leave a deep          (印象) on the interviewer, she got well dressed to look her best..

  2.your composition was             (装载) with grammatical and spelling mistakes.

  3. no soldier or officer has        (泄露) the secret.

  4. they gave me an          (注射) to help me sleep.

  v. 短语练习(单项选择)

  1.       a moment and i will go to your rescue.

  a. go on        b. hold on      c. move on      d. carry on

  2.he always did well at school       having to do parttime jobs every now and then.

  a. in spite of     b. regardless of   c. on account of   d. in case of

  3.it is all agreed that a good education doesn’t      a good job.

  a. guarantee      b. result        c. depend       d. swear

  4.be careful when        that piano into the truck!

  a. loading    b. taking     c. bring     d. unloading

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第76天 篇11

  i 重点词汇

  1.check/cheque n. 支票  

  2. circumstance [c]情况;环境 经济情况  [ u]命运;客观情况

  3.civil  adj. 国内的;市民的;文职的          

  4.coincidence [c.n.] 巧合;一致;符合

  5.collision n. 碰撞;冲突       

  6.commit  v.干(错事),犯(罪);监禁;使承担义务

  7.commitment [c/u]  承诺,保证 ;责任,义务

  8.competent adj.  有能力的;能胜任的

  9.competence [c/u] 能力;技能;权限  

  10.component [c n] 组成部分;成分;组建

  11.concession n. 让步;妥协      

  12.confirm vt证实,确定;批准,使生效;坚持认为  

  13.consensus [c,u] 一致;(意见等的)一致      

  14.consult v. 商量;商业;考虑;参考

  15.contradict vt.  反驳;与......矛盾  

  16.contradictory adj. 矛盾的 ,相反的

  17.corrupt adj.腐败的;贪污的  使腐化堕落;vt. 贿赂  腐化堕落; vi.腐坏  

  18.critic [c] 批评家;评论家                

  19. critical  adj.  关键性的,批评的  

  20.criticism [c. u.]批评;批判;评论          

  21. criticize  vt./vi 批判;批判;指责

  22. cosy  adj.  暖和而舒服的               

  23. creed n. 信条  

  24.cunning adj,  狡猾的                    

  25. currency n.  货币;通货

  26.crush vt. 压碎;压坏;碾碎              

  27.deceitful  adj. 欺诈的;不诚实的

  28.concret   adj.     具体的;实在的

  ii 重点短语

  1.under ordinary circumstances在一般情况下 

  2.under no circumstances在任何情况下都不 

  3.in/ under present circumstances 在目前情况 

  4.commit murder 犯凶杀案

  5. commit sb/ oneself to sth./ to doing sth.承诺,保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等)

  6.come into collision with 和…发生碰撞   

  7.  a consensus of opinion 意见的一致

  8. reach a consensus on sth.在某事上达成一致的意见 

  9.be critical about对…挑剔

  10. at critical moment关键时刻             

  11.contradict one’s views 反驳某人的观点

  12. be competent at 能胜任某事


  1. eggs crash easily.

  2. he was corrupted by power and ambition.

  3. if you commit a crime you can never escape being punished.

  4. i’ve taken on too many commitments.

  5. our circumstances are so desperate that it is uncertain whether we will ever return alive.

  6. i must consult my principal on this matter.

  iv 词汇练习

  1. she doesn’t want to make a big emotional _____________(承诺)to steve at the moment.

  2. the experiment ____________(证实) his theory.

  3. and the ________________(一致) of most people is that the music is very good.

  4. friend and kind or ____________(残忍) and unkind?

  5. the police have nothing ______________(具体的) to go on.

  6. can you _____________(查阅) reference books.


  1.we have been told that under no circumstances ________ the office telephone for personal affairs.

  a. may we use  b. we can use  c. we could use  d. did we use

  2.she kept silent, just because she didn’t like to _______ her husband in public.

  a. conflict  b. contradict   c. deny     d. face

  3.it can’t be a(n) ________ that four jewelry stores were robbed in one night.

  a. coincidence  b. accident  c. incident d. chance

  4.if you want to get a book out of the library you should ______ the catalogue first.

  a. consult  b. discuss   c. instruct  d. correct

  5.she was very _____ at her work and as a result of this , she finished the work ahead of time.     a. capable  b. able  c. effective   d. competent


  1. commitment   2.confirmed   3.consensus   4.cruel  5.concret  6.consult


2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第76天 篇12


  1.command  n.&vt. 命令;指挥         

  2.concern  vt. 涉及;关系到 n.关心;关注

  3.congratulation  n.祝贺;庆贺          

  4.conquer  v.征服;战胜

  5.cruelty  n. 残忍;残酷               

  6.cycle  v.&n. 循环;轮转

  7.destroy  vt. 破坏;摧毁              

  8.disadvantage  n. 不利条件;缺点

  9.enrich  vt. 使富裕;充实             

  10.escape  v. 逃避;逃脱

  11.event  n.事件,比赛项目            

  12.damage  v.&n. 损害;毁坏


  1.命令某人做某事  command that sb (should) do sth 

  2.就……而言 as far as…be concerned

  3.为某事向某人祝贺  offer one’s congratulations to sb on sth/congratulate sb on sth

  4.对某人残忍  be cruel to sb                     

  5.对……造成损害  do damage to

  6.决心做某事  be determined to do sth             

  7.献身于;致力于  devote oneself to

  8.发掘出;翻找出  dig out                      

  9.和……不一致  disagree with

  10.与……相等 be equal to        胜任……  be equal to doing sth



  all my hopes were destroyed.


  it is your efforts, not your intelligence, that determine your success.


  every advantage has its disadvantage.


  reading enriches the mind.


  all human beings are equal.


  he had a narrow escape.


  it is easy to be wise after the event.


  his conduct disagrees with his words.


  1.his c_______ to his children makes my blood boil.

  2.you must obey the captain’s c________.

  3.there are _______(不利条件,缺点) to the plan.

  4.—john and i will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.

  —oh, _______!

  a.cheer up       b.well done       c.go ahead        d.congratulations

  5.the island is _____ attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.

  a.partly         b.merely          c.nearly         d.equally


  1.one kilometer ____ ______ ____ (与……相等)1000 meters.

  2.i ____ _______ ____(决心) find out who is responsible for this.

  3.___ ____ ____ ___ _____ _______(就我而言), i’m not against your plan.

  4.if you have a job, ______ yourself to it and finally you’ll succeed.

  a.do devote       b.don’t devote     c.devoting       d.not devoting

  5.teenagers ____ their health because they play computer games too much.

  a.have damaged   b.are damaging     c.damaged      d.will damage



  1.cruelty      2.command      3.disadvantages   4.d       5.d


  1. is equal to   2.am determined to  3.as far as i am concerned     4.a     5.b

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第76天 篇13


  1.exactly  adv. 确切地;完全地;正是    

  2.express  vt.表达,表示  n. 快车

  3.extremely  adv. 极端;极其;非常      

  4.fluent  adj. 流利的;流畅的

  5.frighten  v. 惊恐,惊吓,吓唬         

  6.giant  adj.巨大的;庞大的 n.巨人

  7.gradually  adv. 逐渐地                

  8.guidance  n. 指引;指导

  9.hopeful  adj. 怀有希望的              

  10.forecast  v.&n. 预测;预报

  11.finally  adv. 最后;最终              

  12.flame  n.火焰;光芒  vt.燃烧;闪耀


  1.确切地说  to be exact                  

  2.表达自己的意见  express oneself

  3.面临;面对 be faced with               

  4.涌入  flow into

  5.吓得某人做/不做某事  frighten sb into/out of doing sth

  6.在某事上大方  be generous with sth      

  7.屈服;让步;交上  give in

  8.经历;浏览;翻阅 go through           

  9.通过,完成  get through

  10.毕业于  graduate from                

  11.因为某事感激某人 be grateful to sb for sth

  12.面对面地  face to face                

  13.爱上  fall in love with

  14.无法形容  beyond expression           

  15.怀着……的希望 in the hope of/in hopes of

  16.源于某事物  flow from sth             

  17.分发;耗尽  give out



  that’s exactly what i expected.


  in this way, we express thanks to our parents in return for their love.


  he is generous with his money.


  she was graduated with honors.


  i am grateful to you for your help.


  i became more hopeful about my future.


  1.smiling sometimes can be an e__________ of contempt.

  2.he g________ as md at edinburgh in 1807.

  3.young students exposed to english all day can soon learn to speak english f________.

  4.do e_______ as the teachers say.

  5.he was so f__________ that he couldn’t speak.

  6.do you think shopping online will _______ take the place of shopping in stores.

  a.especially         b.frequently        c.merely        d.finally


  1.he’s in his mid-fifties; well fifty-six ___ _____ ________(确切地说).

  2.many short rivers _____ _____(流入) the pacific ocean.

  3.we _____ ________ _____(感激) our teacher for providing us with such good reference books.

  4.mary _________ ______(毕业于) stanford with a degree in law.

  5.when we _____ ________ ______ a challenge, we usually have two choices.

  6.after a month their food supplies ______ _____(耗尽).

  7.after that, he knew he could _______ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.

  a.get away with       b.get on with      c.get through     d.get across



  1.expression   2.graduated   3.fluently     4.exactly    5.frightened    6.d


  1.to be exact 2.flow into 3.are grateful to 4.graduated from 5.are faced with 6.gave out  7.c

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第76天 篇14

  i. 重点词汇

  1. naughty   adj. 顽皮的;淘气的

  2. network   n. 网络;网状物

  3. overnight  adv. 在晚上;在夜里;(口)很快;一夜之间

  4. perform   vt.&vi. 表演;履行;执行

  5. personal   adj. 私人的;个人的;亲自的

  6. physical   adj. 物理的;身体的

  7. pretend    vt. 假装;假扮

  8. protest    v. 抗议,反对 n. 抗议

  9. rare      adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的

  ii. 重点短语

  1. one another  (两者或多者之间)相互;彼此

  2. or so   大约,放在数词后

  3. take pains  尽力;费苦心;耐心

  4. spare no pains  不遗余力,全力以赴

  5. at pains  尽力;用心;下苦功

  6. in pains  痛苦的

  7. stand to attention  立正

  8. direct/ turn one’s attention to  将注意力转向……

  9. perform an operation on sb.  给某人做手术

  10. perform one’s promise  履行承诺

  11. pretend to do sth.  假装做某事

  iii. 佳句赏析

  1. people are increasingly using the internet to talk to one another.


  2. the general said all means will be used to end the protest.


  iv. 词汇练习

  1. he _________(假装) to be ill when i came to see him.

  2. she ________ an important role in our organization.

  3. she said she didn’t like it, but __________(就个人而言)i thought it was very good.

  4. while we are paying too much attention to our students’ __________(身体健康)health, we often neglect their mental health.

  v. 短语练习

  1. he pretended __________ when his mother stepped into his room.

  a. to study   b. studying   c. to be studying   d. to have studied

  2. – why, jack, you look so tired!

  – well, i _______ the house and i must finish the work tomorrow.

  a. was painting    b. will be painting   c. have painted   d. have been painting

  3. in my opinion, the girl ________ to be a good dancer if she is well trained in an art school.

  a. expects   b. hopes   c. wishes   d. promises



  1. pretended  2. played    3. personally   4. physical


  1. c    2. d   3. d


