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考英语学法指导与语法难点 篇1

  高三英语学法指导与语法难点 (一)

  一 高考英语试题的主要特点





  现在的高考主要考查语言运用,即在实际生活中听说读写的能力。 换句话说,如果你的听力好,阅读强,写作也不错那在英语高考中就能拿一个高分。如果你只知道一些语法知识的细枝末节,而听、读、写都没怎么练,那你在高考中肯定是英雄无用武之地,分数上不去。








  高考作为一种选拔性的考试,虽然有难题,但主要考的仍是基础知识和基本技能。基础的东西掌握好了,才可能把试卷中的中低档的题做对,也才有可能攻克由诸项基础知识综合而成的难题。 高考成绩的高低,主要取决于基础知识和基本技能的掌握。那种在总复习中一味追求难题、怪题,而忽视基础知识的落实与基本技能训练的作法,实在是与高考命题主导思想背道而弛。

  二 语法知识易错点


  1. 名词变复数的特殊形式

  child---children, foot---feet, man---men, mouse---mice,

  stomach---stomachs, tooth---teeth, woman---women, sheep---sheep,

  deer---deer, chinese---chinese, a man doctor---men doctors,

  a woman doctor---women doctors, looker-on---lookers-on,


  误:there are many woman teachers in my school.

  正:there are many women teachers in my school.

  2. 常考不可数名词

  advice, baggage, equipment, information, luggage, furniture, fun, weather, knowledge, jewelry, progress

  误:what a fine weather it is!

  正:what fine weather it is!

  3. 可数不可数均可,但意思不同

  experience 经历(可数);经验(不可数)

  room 房间(可数);空间(不可数)

  exercise 练习(可数);锻炼、运动(不可数)

  误:visiting the great wall is unforgettable experience to me.

  正:visiting the great wall is an unforgettable experience to me.

  4. 只能修饰可数名词的有:

  few, a few, many, a great/good many, a large number of…

  误:there is a large number of water in the hole.

  正:there is a great deal of water in the hole.

  5. 只能修饰不可数名词的有:

  little, a little, much, a large amount of, a great/good deal of…

  误:there are a great deal of people living there.

  正:there are a good many people living there.

  6. 可数不可数都可修饰的有:

  a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large quantity of, large quantities of, 如:

  there are plenty of trees along the river.

  there is a large quantity of snow on the top of the mountain.

  7. 只有复数形式的名词有:

  trousers, clothes, socks, shorts, goods, thanks, congratulations, belongings…

  误:a pair of trousers are hanging over there.

  正:a pair of trousers is hanging over there.

  8. 复数形式,单数意思的有:

  plastics, news, politics, physics, mathematics…

  误:the news are exciting.

  正:the news is exciting.

  9. 复合名词的复数形式。

  girl friends, boy students, women teachers, men workers, passers-by, go-betweens, grown-ups

  误:there're many boys students in my class.

  正:there're many boy students in my class.

  10. 名词做主语,谓语动词用复数

  police, cattle, clothes, goods

  误:cattle sells well at that market.

  正:cattle sell well at that market.

  11. 几个应该特殊注意的名词。

  people (民族,人); village (村庄,村民);man(男人,人类),youth (年轻人,青年男子,青春)

  误:the chinese are peace-loving people.

  正:the chinese are a peace-loving people.

  12. 名词所有格

  1) 形式 's, of tom's living room, teachers' office, teachers' room, a friend of mine, john and mary's school, john's and mary's schools

  2) 's适用范围


  误:this is the mountain's picture.

  正:this is a picture of the mountain.

  误:john and mary's schools are beautiful.

  正:john's and mary's schools are beautiful.

  3) 不能被's所替换的所有格形式:

  the city of beijing, at the age of 20, the experience of the old, the struggle of the poor…

  13. 必须加the的有以下几种情况。

  1) 特指某(些)人或某(些)物;

  i have a pen. the pen is lost.

  2) 谈话双方所共知的共指的物体;

  look at the blackboard.

  3) 序数词,形容词最高级前;

  she is the best student in my class.

  4) 世界上独一无二的物体;

  the earth moves around the sun.

  5) 表方位的名词前;

  the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

  6) 形容词前表一类人;

  the rich are not always happy.

  7) 乐器

  he is playing the piano now.

  8) 山脉、河流、海洋、群岛;

  china is on the east of the pacific ocean.

  9) same, only, very前;

  it's the very book i'm looking for.

  10) by the +计量单位;by the dozen, by the day, by the pound

  the workers are paid by the hour.

  误:birds fly to south in winter.

  正:birds fly to the south in winter. birds fly south in winter.

  14. 不用冠词的情况有以下几种。

  1) 表泛指的名词前;如:do you like music?

  2) 三餐前;如:have breakfast, lunch, supper, dinner…

  3) 棋类、球类运动前;

  almost all the boys in my class love playing football.

  4) 表官衔、职位的名词前;

  he was made monitor of the class.

  5) child as he is中的child名词前。

  student as he is, he never obeys the teacher.

考英语学法指导与语法难点 篇2


  一 关于英语总复习的几点建议



  坚持实践第一,以使用英语为主。简明扼要地对学过的知识进行归纳总结是必要的,但决不能用很多的时间去钻研语法规则。应该把大部分时间用在阅读、写作和听力的练习上,即应用语言上,尤其要加大和突出阅读的训练。使用英语的能力是在使用英语的实践中产生和提高的,并不是靠老师给讲会的。english is best learnt when always used in meaningful communication.学习英语要坚持模仿为主,理论分析为辅,不要过分钻研为什么。有的同学在学习英语时,采取"君子动口不动手"的态度,一味在那里琢磨理论,而不是抓紧时间动手写写,找出文章赶紧看看或打开录音机听听。这样的同学最终使用英语的能力不会有大的提高。


  无论什么考试,基础的东西都是最重要的。英语高考也不例外。考生应努力做到保证拿到基础题的分,力争难题的分。在复习中,一定要结合实际情况安排练习的难度。如果水平不是很高,就一定要以练习基础题为主,不要嫌容易,不要跟别人攀比。要把基础词汇、基本句型弄扎实,要做到懂、会、熟。越临近高考越要降低难度 。有人以为做多难的练习就能达到多高的水平,其实并不是这样,这也取决于原来的基础。





  二 语法知识易错点

  1. it, that, one, the one, the ones, those

  my pen was lost. i cannot find it. (同一物体)

  my pen was lost. i have to buy a new one. (同类不同一)

  the population of shanghai is much larger than that of tianjin. (不可数名词)

  this pen is not the one i lost yesterday. (特指)

  the pens are not the ones i lost yesterday.

  the pens are not those i lost yesterday.

  误句:the weather in beijing is much colder than the one in shanghai.

  正句:the weather in beijing is much colder than that in shanghai.

  2. each, either, both, neither, every, all

  trees are planted on either/each side of the street.

  trees are planted on both sides of the street.

  trees are planted on every/each side of the square.

  trees are planted on neither side of the street.

  trees are planted on all sides of the square.

  误句:you can tie the horse to every of the two trees.

  正句:you can tie the horse to either of the two trees.

  3. any, either

  i have three books and you can choose any one.

  i have two books and you can choose either one.

  误句:---when would you like to come over to my house, saturday or sunday?

  ---any day is ok with me.

  正句:---when would you like to come over to my house, saturday or sunday?

  ---either day is ok with me.

  4. another, the other, the others, others

  another student came in.

  i have two brothers. one is a teacher. the other is a doctor.

  suppose there are 50 students.

  some students (20) are playing football on the playground. others (20) are doing their homework in the classroom.

  the other students (30) are playing football on the playground.

  the others (30) are playing football on the playground.

  5. none, nothing, nobody, neither

  1) ---how many students are there in the classroom?


  2) ---how much money do you have?


  3) ---is there anybody in the classroom?


  4) ---is there anything in the room?


  5) ---would you please lend me some ink?

  ---sorry, but i have none left myself.

  6) i want neither of the two books.

  i want none of the three books.

  误句:---what do you want?



  1) ---what do you want?


  2) ---of the three things, which do you want?


  6. 反身代词应注意以下几点。

  1) i myself think…

  2) help yourself! 请随便吃吧

  3) make yourself at home!别客气

  4) don't upset yourself.别自寻烦恼

  5) make oneself heard/ understood

  i couldn't make myself heard above the noise.声音被淹没了。

  6) between ourselves, do you think 私下里说

  7) in itself, his illness is nothing to worry about.就疾病本身而言,没什么可担心的。

  8) he is not quite himself today.他感到不舒服

  9) by oneself = alone, without help 单干、无人帮忙

  10) for oneself 为……

  you have the right to decide for yourself.

  11) of oneself 自动地

  the light went out of itself.

  7. 代词的其他注意事项:

  1) this, that

  my plan is like this: first…second…third…

  he was ill. that's why he didn't come.

  2) much, many

  3) some, any

  4) it可以指代分不清性别的小孩

  is it a boy or a girl?

  5) she, he也可以用于月亮、太阳、轮船或动物拟人化。

  china is our motherland and she is the most beautiful country in the world in my opinion.

  6) you, he and i, you and i, ladies and gentlemen

  8. 数词

  1) 大于某数 more than 20 years, over thirty, above twenty degrees

  2) 小于 less than ten days, fewer than 50 people, children under 7

  3) 至少 at least 10 dollars, no less than 100 people

  4) 大约 about three days, around 2 o'clock, two miles or so

  5) 至多 not more than 5 rooms, at most ten days

  6) 仅有 no more than 1 year, only 2 years

  7) 倍数 this ruler is twice/three times longer than that one.

  this ruler is twice/three times as long as that one.

  this ruler is twice/three times the length of that one.

  误:this box is as three times heavier as that one.

  正:this box is three times as heavy as that one.

  9. 数字+形容词+名词

  it's a five-foot-deep hole.

  the hole is five feet deep.

  it's a hole five feet deep.

  误句:it's a three-meters-long table.

  正句:it's a three-meter-long table.

  10. 形容词,副词的比较级和最高级



  important---more important---most important









  11. 形容词需要注意以下几点:

  1) 只能做定语的形容词有:live, main, chief;

  my main purpose is to help you here.

  2) 只能做表语的形容词有:alone, alike, awake, asleep, lit, content

  he is alone, but he doesn't feel lonely.

  3) 多个形容词修饰名词的顺序依次是:冠词(所有格;指示词;数词);品质;大小长短;形状;新旧;颜色;产地;材料;用途;例如:

  a beautiful little round red chinese wooden public reading room

  4) 能修饰形容词比较级的有:much, rather, even , still, far, any, no, a little, a bit, a lot, a great deal, yet等;

  i'm much better now.

  i'm a great deal better now.

  5) 能修饰形容词最高级的有:by far, very, much。

  he is by far the best student in my class.


