牛津小学英语4B Unit4 Buying fruit(通用2篇)
牛津小学英语4B Unit4 Buying fruit 篇1
本单元的核心教学内容是“认物”,主要学习句子what are these/ those? they’re… book 4a中已经出现what’s this/ that? it’s…句型。教学中教师可以采用以旧带新的方法,从单数句式引出复数句式,还可以通过单复数形式比较找出它们之间的区别。本单元出现了八个水果类单词,除了grapes是第一次出现以外,其余七种均在book 3a第三单元中出现过。本单元出现的是这些单词的复数形式,涉及到词形、读音的变化,是教学中的难点。教师可以对名词复数的词形和读音进行归类。教师在设计情境的时候,将book 3b里学过的在商店里购物的常用语can i help you? what would you like? how much is it/ are they? 与本单元how many kilos? these or those? 等紧密结合,让学生更熟练充分地操练对话,使学生有话可说。
1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词buy, apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, pears, some.
2. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语can i help you? these or those?
3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型what are these/ those? they’re … how many kilos? …kilos, please.
4. 会诵读歌谣<i like fruit>
1. 学生能在生活中用本单元句型英语正确地认物。
2. 初步掌握名词复数的词形和读音的变化。
3. 了解辅音字母组合th在单词中的两种不同读音。
第一课时:教学b部分八个单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, pineapples, watermelons, pears. 利用水果实物图片,由单数句型what’s this/ that? it’s…引出句型what are these/those? they’re….
第二课时:复习巩固b. c,创设购物的情境,学习d部分新句型how many kilos? …kilo(s), please.
第三课时:创设情境,巩固c. d部分对话,学习a部分对话,综合运用句型,引出e部分的内容:these or those? the red/ big/small/…ones, please.
第四课时:熟练掌握a. e对话内容,巩固本单元全部句型,完成f. g的游戏、诵读教学。教师要尽可能创设让学生感兴趣的情境,让学生通过各种感官“认物”,逐步培养学生的说话能力。在<i like fruit>小诗中,能让学生自己换词创诗歌,激发学生探究学习的兴趣。
1. 单词教学:本课的单词除了grapes以外,都是book 3a中学过的,并且也是以复数的形式出现,因此教师在free talk中用句型i like apples. what do you like? 复习导入。教师可以利用水果图片先复习apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, pineapples, watermelons, pears.然后教教grape:[great, tape], 造词组:big grapes, small grapes, many grapes, some grapes, how many grapes,渗透拓展purple grapes.教师必须将b部分八个单词全部板书,并且单复数用不同颜色的粉笔区分,让学生初步发现名词复数的变化规则以及发音,在学生自主发现的基础上,教师简要介绍名词复数形式的构成规则。由于本单元学习的水果单词较多,教师可以采用smell and touch, taste and guess, 我单你复,我复你单等游戏教学。结合g部分的rhyme,让学生利用所学的单词编成新的小诗,巩固单词发音的同时,能让学生更好的认识水果颜色、味道等方面的特征。
2. 句型教学:
a: what are these/ those? they’re…教师可以从book 4a中学过的句子what’s this/ that? it’s…入手,通过单复数比较自然过渡到复数句子。教师要注意this/ these, that/ those中th的正确发音。为了清楚地区分these和those,教师在教的时候要注意物品摆放的远近。问what are these?时,物品要放近处,问what are those时,物品要放远处。为了激发学生的兴趣,教师可以整合g部分1、2,通过感官来学习句型,还可以主语变换are they…? yes, they are. /no, they aren’t.让学生摸一摸,猜一猜,直到猜对为止。在巩固what are these/ those句型时,教师不必局限于水果类单词,还可以食品、饮料类的,尽可能让学生发挥运用语言的能力。
b:how many kilos?... kilo(s), please.课前布置学生带好各种水果,上课时让他们放在课桌上。教师带一个天平秤,创设买卖水果的情境。教师可以当一个农民的形象,告诉学生今天将摆一个水果市场,举行“买水果”的活动,教学buying fruit。扩展组词buy books/ apples/ drinks…
教师应简单说明fruit是“水果”的总称。教师示范先当农民,引出how many kilos?的句型,鼓励学生用以前学过的句型及用语来表演。
e.g. t: can i help you?
s: i’d like some apples.
t: how many kilos?
s: two kilos, please.
t: here you are.
s: thank you. how much are they?
t: they’re ten yuan.
c: these or those? the red ones, please.教师事先准备好多种同类但大小、颜色不一的水果。在can i help you? i’d like some…的对话中引出these or those?并教师要手势或动作指示,引导学生用one的复数ones来回答。尽可能发挥the red/ green/ big/small ones.
e.g (i)
a: what about some pears?
b: yes, please.
a: how many kilos?
b: three kilos, please.
a: ok, here you are.
b: thank you.
a: not at all.
a: can i help you?
b: i’d like some…
a: these or those?
b: the big ones, please.
a: how many kilos?
b: one kilo, please. how much are they?
a: six yuan, please.
语音教学在学生会读的基础上还要让学生自己探究举例。在讲解th的发音时,教师应板书这四个单词,让学生自己读,找出th的不同发音,举例:thank, bathroom, mouth, theatre, fourth, fifth, thing, something; their, these, the, that, this, father, mother, they, with
教师还可以改编成:pears, bananas, pineapples.
oranges, peaches, watermelons.
these are grapes, those are grapes,
they’re very nice.
牛津小学英语4B Unit4 Buying fruit 篇2
一、教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型what are these/those? they’re ….how many kilos? …kilos, please.2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写单词grapes.二、教具准备1、课前在教室四周贴上水果图片,将全班分成6个小组。2、超市小货架,营业员佩带的胸卡、单词、句型卡片、喇叭、帽子、各种水果实物。三、设计思路围绕“听说读写能力的培养”这一主题,通过深入浅出的句型操练,让学生在掌握句型的基础上主动参与购物、自主训练,最终达到把所学知识转化为实际应用能力的目的。三、教学过程step 1 say a rhyme《they are all play》 pears, bananas and pineapple. oranges, peaches and apples. big fruit and small fruit, they are all very good.(设计意图:通过复习三年级学过的一首小诗,充分调动学生的情感因素,变被动为主动,激发学生的学习兴趣。巩固再认各种水果,为呈现任务做好准备。)step 2 presentation(一)teach: what are these/those? they’re ….1. t: boys and girls, now i’ll play a game with you “touch and guess”. look, here’s a big bag. who can come here and touch? (一生上前来摸一下)t: what’s this?s: it’s an apple.t(面向全班):yes, it’s an apple.t: go on .(s继续摸)t:what’s this?s: it’s an apple, too.t: it’s an apple, it’s an apple, too. they’re apples.t 出示卡片they’re ….ss read together.(设计意图:从触摸游戏入手,激起学生的好奇心和积极参与的欲望,同时将学生的注意力集中到水果复数上,引出句型they’re …,同时达到句型what are these?早渗透、勤反复的目的。)2.(出示单词图片)t:what are these? 引导学生回答they’re ….(apples、oranges、pears、bananas、peaches) t 最后出示grapes, 学习葡萄,学生拼读练习。 (拿着葡萄问学生)t:what are these? s: they’re grapes. practice in chains. (学生进行连锁操练what are these? they’re grapes.) t出示句型卡片:what are these? 拼读单词these, 读整个句子。 s拿出自己带的水果进行同桌操练。 check: s1: hello, , what are these? s2: they’re …. s3: hello, , what are these? s4: they’re …. ……(设计意图:用已经学过的水果图片操练句型what are these? they’re…,引出本课新单词葡萄。这样既复习水果单词,又可以让生词、句型结合起来学习。)3. t: now, let’s play a guessing game. i put some fruit over there. can you guess what are those?(手指墙角桌上用布盖好的水果) s: they’re …. 若学生回答不出来,继续问2遍后揭示答案。 t 手指教室四周墙上的水果图片问:what are those? ss answer t 出示句型卡片:what are those? ss 拼读单词those, 读句子。 pair work: what are those? they’re …. check(设计意图:以猜的游戏入手,抓住学生的兴奋点,引出句型 what are those?)4.t: now, let’s play. boys and girls, stand up, please. follw me.t: this, that, these, those.(边说边做手势)ss 站起来跟着做。t:now, listen and do.老师说单词,学生做手势。t: let’s say a rhyme: this this this,that that that,these these these,those those those.5. t: what are these/those? ss: they’re…. t: they are fruit. do you like fruit? ss: yes, i do.(设计意图:在学完两组句型之后,学生应该得到一点放松,因此接着设计一个简单的rhyme,既复习巩固了知识,又活跃了气氛,使学生全身心放松,缓和了紧张的学习气氛。)(二)teach: how many kilos?…kilos, please.1. t: now, let’s go to the supermarket. ok? close your eyes.老师戴上帽子,将贷架摆上桌,戴上售货员的牌子,拿出一只喇叭,扮演水果店老板叫卖:apples, apples, three yuan a kilo; bananas, bananas, four yuan a kilo。(设计意图:创设购物情境,教师将平时的水果店缩小了放进课堂,扮演水果店老板叫卖,同时将卡片3元/公斤three yuan a kilo、4元/公斤four yuan a kilo出示,使学生对kilo有一个初步的印象,为进一步教学kilo打下基础。)2.t 出示卡片:1公斤:one kilo 学生练说1公斤、2公斤、3公斤、4公斤 t(出示1公斤、2公斤):one kilo and two kilos, how many kilos? ss answer. 反复练习几次。(设计意图:用简单的数学加法引出how many kilos?…kilos.学生容易理解接受。)3.t出示句型卡片how many kilos?…kilos ss 读这一句子。 t 出示5公斤、6公斤、8公斤,进行学生之间的ask and answer。 t 拿出小型水果筐(装上水电,贴上重量。)进行小组与小组之间的ask and answer.4.t: now ,boys and girls, you can come here and do some shopping. can i help you?s1 come to the front: i’d like some …,please.t: how many kilos?s1: … kilos, please.t: here you are. (老师与学生之间练习两次。i’d like some …,please.三年级已经学过,若学生一时忘了怎么说将这一句型出示一下。)t: now , who will be a saler?s3: i try.s3: can i help you?t: i’d like some …, please.s3: how many kilos?t: four kilos, please.学生与师对话两次。5. t: now you can buy some fruit from your saler. let’s have a competition.(将学生分成6组,每组一个售货员,其他同学扮演顾客向售货员买水果。每个售货员手里有十几张水果的图片,获知所购重量后,直接写在图片上,卖给顾客。最后比较哪一组的售货员卖出的水果多。)6.t: let me see. group 1 , group 2, group 3, group 4, group 5, group 6.评出优
上一篇:4A Unit 8 教学方案