
Sandstorms in Asia

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Sandstorms in Asia(精选3篇)

Sandstorms in Asia 篇1

  module 4

  1. 沙尘暴经常如此浓厚以至于看不见太阳,并且有时候强烈的大风足能移动沙丘。

  2. 遭遇沙尘暴是一件可怕的事情。

  3. 在沙尘暴种汽车真吓人。

  4. 因“荒漠化”越发严重,中国近年来发生沙尘暴的次数明显增加了。

  5. 为了防止沙漠靠近,政府在植树种林。

  6. 什么也干不了了。

  7. 树木吸收二氧化碳放出氧气。

  8. 把垃圾装入不同的带子,然后把垃圾带走,如有可能循环利用。

  9. 对此事我们什么也没做只是谈论了一下。

  10. 我只感到担心。

  11. 我禁不住想知道要发生什么。

  12. 我非常同意你的看法。情况糟透了。

  浏览           对------有坏影响

  module 5

  1. 己所不欲勿施于人。








  总之        第一次

  module 6

  1. 毛泽东写过一首词,词中他表达了 “更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖”.

  2. 如今,他的理想变成了现实。

  3. 中国四分之三的能量是通过燃烧煤获得的。

  4. 1993年,中国燃烧了十二亿吨煤用于供热和发电。

  5. 现在他们在不同的地区过上了幸福的生活。

  6. 大约有八百处历史遗迹已被淹没,有些正被搬走,有些正被放入博物馆。

  7. 在一个大雾天,一架飞机撞上了这座大楼。

  起源于             有意义,有道理             结束,终止

Sandstorms in Asia 篇2

  module 4 sandstorms in asia

  learning paper 3 extensive reading

  learning aims: to practice learning skills and revise words and expressions in this module.

  activity1 read the passage on page 39.

  1.t or f

  (1)germans put their garbage into different bags.  (   )

  (2)people can burn too much coal.              (   )

  (3)in the 1970s, the “green” movement began.    (   )

  (4)the “green ” movement tries to be against the government. (   )

  2.answer the questions:

  (1)how do countries in europe try to improve the environment?

  (2)when and why did the “green ”movement begin ?

  (3)what does the “green” movement try to do?

  activity2  read the passage on page 87

  1.the dust bowl lasted nearly ten years in america.     (   ).

  2.people were forced to leave the southern plains.       (   )

  3.the lack of rainfall caused the dust bowl disaster.     (   )

  4.the chinese government is fighting desertification by moving people to the cities.  (   )

  5.the most serious situation is africa.   (   )

  6.the climate is largely responsible for desertification in africa.

  7.it is important to save the forests to stop the desert advancing.    (   )

  2.answer the questions:

  (1)what was the worst agricultural disaster in the history of the united states?

  (2)what caused the disaster ?`

  (3)what is the chinese government doing to fight desertification?

  (4)in which continent are dust and sandstorms worse than anywhere else?







Sandstorms in Asia 篇3

  module 4 sandstorms in asia

  learning paper2 intensive reading

  learning aims:1.to practice the reading skill

  2.to learn some important words ,phrases and sentences of the text

  3.to know the cause of sandstorms and how to prevent sandstorms

  1.t or f

  (1)a government campaign has been started to help solve the sandstorms problem.  (    )

  (2)the winds in a sandstorm can sometimes prevent you from seeing the sun.   (    )

  (3)northwest china is the sandstorms centre in central asia.

  (    )

  (4)sandstorms begin in desert areas   (    )

  (5)sandstorms in china appear to have increased in recent years as a result of “desertification”   (    )

  (6)to prevent sandstorms coming nearer, the government is planting trees.      (    )

  2.answer the questions:

  (1)what are sandstorms?

  (2)where are major sandstorms in the world?

  (3)to be cycling in a sandstorm is frightening. why?

  what should we wear if we go out ?

  (4)what do you think is the cause of sandstorms?

  (5)how can we prevent sandstorms?

  3. translation

  (1)sandstorms have been a major disaster for asian countries for centuries.                                             

  major (adj.)         (n.)         (v.)       

  (2)it was the most frightening and the most dangerous situation i’ve ever been in.                                               

  . (i’ve ever been in 为定语从句,修饰situation)

  (3)sandstorms in china appear to have increased in recent years as a result of “desertification”                                      

  as a result of =              

  (4)citizens wake up to an orange sky and strong winds that cover the city in a thick, brown-yellow dust.                               

  wake up:          wake up to sth:                    

  eg: 他意识到他错了                                       

  (5)to prevent it coming nearer, the government is planting trees.     

  prevent sb/sth (from) doing sth :                          

  4.complete the sentences:


  is not an easy thing.


  was a terrible experience.


  people                      and                     .

  (4) sam      his father       stop       (建议他父亲戒烟)

  (5)some countries are              others        looking after the environment.(更善于)

  (6) people in countries            (例如)germany

  their garbage       different bags.(把……放入)

  5. choose the correct answer.

  (1) when jason failed to pay his bill, the network company        his internet connection.

  a. cut off    b. cut back   c. cut short   d. cut down

  (2)i was just talking to margaret when jackson        .

  a. cut in   b. cut down  c. cut out   d. cut up

  (3) i moved to a small town and changed my job years ago. i don’t make  


  a. money as much so i used to b. money as much as i was used to

  c. as much money as i used to d. as much money as i was used to

  (4)     this cake, you’ll need 2 eggs,175g sugar and 175 g flour.

  a. having made   b. make   c. to make   d. making

  (5)this school was the first       textbooks as well as reading materials.

  a. publishing   b. to publish  c. having published d. published

  (6) we should protect the trees from        .

  a. destroy   b. destroying c. being destroyed   d. be destroyed

  7.smith looked       the students’ test paper before he went out to dinner.

  a. out            b. through          c. at           d. on

  8.paul doesn’t have to be made       . he always works hard.

  a learn    b. to learn    c. learned   d. learning


